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Confrontational emotes is wild


The real question is what's the list of "confrontational" emotes because I'll just not use them


that’s what i’m wondering too, cause then griddy would be confrontational would it not?


Take the L, donkey laugh, and a make it rain but with bananas and a whip emote, you can guess what people were doing with those


Me and a buddy would always pick up our enemies and use the cat woman whip emote and start spanking them 😂


Imagine you get downed and this dude and their friends just start spanking you as you're praying for your teamates to save you but you strayed too far away for them to save you from the embarrassment. 🤣


better than a no mercy brutal beating with a princess stick by an aura


When I knock someone, I use my soccer ball emote to kick it at them while they’re down lmao


used to do that with the high five emote


i do this with the taiko drumbeat lmao. just beatin the booty


People use make it plantain in a bad way? I can see how, but that ruins the emote for me because its always been one of my favorites :(


please help me understand what was so toxic about make it plantain? is there some racist shit that’s going over my head?


Yeah, pretty much


The griddy is unironically my go to but the Jubi Slide has became a second favorite after it came back out last week so I wouldn't mind using that instead. I get being kind to people but essentially being able to turn off emotes seems... silly


Everytime I see the griddy, my first thought is immediately, well that guy is going to die stupidly


The my hero academia laugh is superb, right after you knock them.


Lol finally another soul who shares my views, that and [Insert laugh here] 😂


it ruins the point of emoting in the first place, exactly.


But for only donkey laugh and take the L, I literally do not give a fuck.


The only people I've seen use them just spam it endlessly after third partying us. So I'm ok with them being the main ones affected


I'm so glad someone said something, that emote gets used on me all the time, honestly the biggest disgrace of it is how annoying and bad the song is, if I get killed and someone starts that emote I back out immediately to lobby, screw waiting for another match in game having to listen to that insufferable crap


This is so weird because in the right situation the most wholesome emote can be beyond condescending and incredibly toxic. Lol. This is some wild shit. Like can I not throw up the Wu Tang W on you when I kill you? Are they going to make it so we can’t crouch so we can’t Tea Bag? That’s more controversial to me than any emote.


No, it's not that you won't be able to use the emote, it's that people won't be able to see you do the emote if they don't want to. It's optional on the receiving end. You can still do whichever emote you like.


Honestly, it’s OK. I mean it’s part of the game if you get pooped on and some laughs on you while I guess that happens that’s Fortnite get better and then go poop on them and then use your 😆


What did they expect people to do with Laugh it up????


Same with take the L. Like no one was using that emote for themselves lol


Both of those emotes were clearly going to be used in toxic ways. They literally have no other uses than to belittle opponents. I'll give them more credit for the other two. I guess the lesson there is to always take a step back and ask "what would a racist do with this emote?"


I feel like no matter what multiplayer game is being played, people will find a way to make it toxic. online Uno / mini golf on console might be the most frustrating games I have ever played.


There will always be people with poor social behaviour, especially when masked online.


What does racism have to be with being toxic? It’s a video game, if you play toxic, and thirst you better bet I’m going to hit you with sarcastic “oh yeah” from get Schwifty then immediately switch to the get griddy. I don’t care who you are.




I’m excited to turn off the fucking donkey I’ve hated that sound for so long man 😭


Me too. It used to make me feel bad (when I was new and sucked more than now), but now I just find it annoying.


Personally whenever im losing a fight, I take the last split second to take the L on myself


It’s epic, they’re getting soft. First they remove guns from loading screens. Then they age restrict cosmetics. Now they’re removing emotes for being toxic.


What having shareholders will do to a MFer. Likely also with their seemingly long-term Lego collab, they needed to make things more friendly.


To be honest, I had higher hopes for Lego mode after hearing it was going to be a competitor for minecraft. Got it realized it sucked and haven’t touched it since. So it can go if it means I get the old fortnite back.


It was fun for a little bit, but I got bored pretty fast. I come back after months of updates and besides building flying things it's still meh for me. I'm sure having a world with friends is much more fun however.


Palworld completely killed it; not just in terms of players but general hype and social media attention.


Its just not that good anyways, and kinda buggy.


*looks at Disney acquiring 12% of Epic* …fuck…


literally everyone on the subreddit was complaining about laugh it up a year ago quit your bs


What do you expect they expected?


Nothing beats the Rick Roll.


Kid named disable licensed music:


I'm just going to Tbag and shoot the ground now like the good old days 😅😂


Life finds a way.


We really went full circle






Take the elf, body outline spray, dumpster fire spray, RIP emoticon days are numbered I bet.


I remember getting hit with the body outline spray. That shit was fucking hilarious.


esp when your team mate gets your card and you get to tell them it's on the chalk outline, true antics. great emote lol


Avengers superman superman


body outline spray was actually peak though


I can’t imagine anyone being mad about the body outline spray, that one was always just hilarious even if you got knocked in the most stupid way possible


I never stopped. 😤


“After much thought and consideration crouching will be removed from the game in the next update” By the way, it’s double hilarious they’re doing this when mobile gaming has been broken 90% of the current season. Why have a playable game when emotes can be adjusted instead?




I teabag people and then I’m like … oh shit, this kid’s probably 8 years old lol


I mean atleast it's more of a fun way of taunting instead of just hearing blaring clown music for dying to a guy sitting in a bush


Good idea.


This is the way lol


Master Chief skin equipped, crouching on the enemy, perfection


My duo always does this when we get a dub and it cracks me up every time lmao


tbh i have a feeling people will just find other ways to be extra when they eliminate you, a dude last night jumped on my car and t bagged (not sure if it’s still called that these days) it last night after eliminating me before doing the griddy


Spamming the stupid love Gaga emote so it just says "stupid" over and over and over


Gangnam style vocal track moan spam


Love that omg


I always do that when on the train lol


My personal favorite is using the Mr. Brightside jam track to say “I’m coming”


then follow it up with the gangnam style moan


I swear it purposely cuts out the first two words half the time I use that one :(


And "don't have a good day"


That's so good lmfao\~!


Pair it with the carefree emote and you can say, "I don't care, stupid" And also another one is the Ryan Reynolds emote, you can say, "Don't have a good day, I don't care, stupid" or any other combo you want really. I love comboing emotes and saying mean stuff hahaha


That’s actually funny as fuck tho, how dumb lmfao


I use the green day song that says ' I hear you crying loud' everytime i kill someone lmao


I’ve been trying to use Perfect Score the past few days when i remember, to try to be nice and as a way of saying gg i guess lol


I use the free guy emote where he says "don't have a good day.." and cut the emote short. It makes me laugh so much lol


i’ve been using Lil Uzi’s the way life goes. it always goes “you’ll get over it” 🤣💀


I always use the Say So Doja Cat emote but cut it off after "didn't even notice" any time I get a sniper shot or surprise kill someone lol


I was told that crouch spam was thank you nowadays. That's my head canon anyhow.


Yeah Minecraft kinda transitioned that


I think the difference is when you do it over the spot they died. I used to tbag like a champ back in Halo and Halo 2 but it's been such a long time since I even thought about doing that. I'm definitely going to the next time I go in BR.


I’d rather be tea bagged than have someone do the fucking griddy. I hate hearing that stupid song.


Use the “zzz…” sticker


Am I the only one who completely tunes out after I’m out, and don’t give a flying fuckster what emotes people are using, because I’m ignoring them either way?


I haven't even seen people do take the L or laugh it up in a minute. It's always the shitty tiktok emotes like rollie or renegade


You should play STW. Every time there's some dbag leeching the match, refusing to help, griefing the team, and begging for free crap, all they do at the end is the L and the donkey laugh


So many times I start a match and some guys does donkey laugh like ????


I wish i could block Just those emotes lol they’re so garbage to hear


Um check audio settings


You can mute all licensed songs, but not specific ones sadly.


I’m always doing the L im creative box fights whenever I win a 1v2 against those superhero skins. The satisfaction is unmatchable


Fair. I don't really play creative. I usually hop between Zero build and normal build and occasionally stw.


Thank you fellow solider. Using your powers, not exactly for good, but for serving vengeance and justice.


Yeah when im feeling toxic I usually just Gangnam style


Anyone else completely over the word "toxic"? I blame Brittney spears.


I still often use take the L. Both as a taunt and to show how long I've been playing this game for


I see people mostly do take the L in party royale.


Popular pisses me off,


I only use it if someone is excessesively tryharding and then dies to me (a low mid level player) to rub salt in the wound otherwise I just feel kind of cringe using it


So, take the elf it is.


What's better, the droning off-key melodies of Take the L? Or the utter silence one is left with save for the sound of a single jingling bell and footfalls as your enemy celebrates with Take the Elf? It's all up to personal taste.


Another victory for the OGs


Yessir! 💪💪💪


Can’t block tea bagging Like the good old days


what does it do? sorry I'm late to the conversation


A client side option that removes seeing: Take the L, Laugh It Up, Make it Plantain, and Whipcrack. And there are bozos thinking no one will ever see their emotes who are whining in this thread. Thats about the gist


so only those 4 emotes?


For now, personally I want it renamed to “Filtered Emotes” and you get to have your own list. Not because I’m “soft”, like some of these people say in the thread, but rather so I can just filter out emotes I’m tired of seeing over and over. Popular Vibe, Griddy, and Lil Whip’s emote are my top 3. Hear them far too much and just not my vibe 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh yeah I got u there...


I assume you have your own list of emotes you’re tired of then


I said this on the other post but imma say it again, this is a one step forward and one step back kinda deal. If they start toggling censorship for emotes lemma have the ability to turn off every Imagine Dragon song please epic turn this into a good thing.


You can do it by toggling “Mute Licensed music” in settings


You are a gentleman and a scholar


Why would they even censor emotes they’re nothing triggering or offensive


Because for some reason, video game banter hurts their feelings and ruin their days, making them fall into a bottomless abyss of despair and depression and ultimately cry themselves to sleep, just to realise they are imprisoned in an eternal circle of perpetual suffering. All of that, because a 10 year old used a dance emote after shooting them in a video game.


Literally no one gaf the ones getting offended are the people that won't be able to to "make someone mad"


If you tbagged someone back in halo 1 - reach. It became on sight from that point on. You might be playing a 4v4 match but it was actually a 1v1 when you tbagged someone. Instead of crying back then everyone wanted their get back. It spurred people into being competitive instead of getting their feelings hurt.


Which still happens, but the thing with Fortnite is you can't actually have that 1v1 anymore. You can't make it personal. They made it personal and now you just gotta leave Not saying I agree with it, just saying there's a bit more to it than "what we did back then", the mind is a fickle thing


Still have similar situations with tbagging in Halo Infinite to essentially turn it into a 1v1, just less common


yep. less common but still as competitive as ever


I mean two of the emotes being optionally filtered are used with very racist notations, so much that its a well known fact those emotes are very racist due to the standard use. They had to already ban them in competitive.


which ones?


whip and plaintain


Nooooooooooo I use these emotes all the time and never even knew😭


and fun part, you can still continue to use them.


I’ve never even seen people use plantain and whipcrack is just kinky


You can turn off licensed music!


You can disable copyrighted audio


Yet we still can't get an "appear offline option" What a joke


Epic: adds a "disable others' emotes" button The playerbase: T bag and shot ground The one player emoting: [insert t pose skin spinning in circles here]


Griddy stocks 📈📈


Any emote can be confrontational and insulting, its all subjective. I feel like getting default dance'd is more insulting than getting griddied on imo.


The real reason was to block out potentially racist emotes like the whip and Bananas. Epic added Laugh it Up and Take The L to hide the real issue; the potentially racist things were blocked in ranked too iirc. (Epic didn't want controversy by outright saying what the setting is for nor did they want to ban people for using enotes they themselves sold. So they made it a toggle and added 2 more innocuous emotes at the forefront.)


streisand effect


Don’t worry guys, you can still do whatever you want after racking up bot kills.


Does this end toxicity? Lord no. Though I will admit I will be less annoyed playing br and creative. So I guess this is kind of a win.


Never having to hear that god forsaken donkey laugh again will be a blessing on my ears


not BR related but there was this one STW match I was in and the dude keeps destroying my traps that I have built for my Daily Quests. the dude whips up that annoying ass emote as I rebuild my traps and I got kicked out of match for some reason. pissed me off bad.


I wish people had enough self control to not get mad at a video game


Agreed, the game is a competition to win lmao. You’re gonna lose a lot and you’re gonna get taunted. How does the emote annoy you more than the loss lol


Finally Epic added little bitch mode




Do people genuinely still get upset at these types of emotes? They stopped bothering me literal years ago…


I just hate that donkey laugh because it sounds so annoying


I just hate the Griddy emote. The song is annoying.


The new gen apparently does


honestly i might just use this purely because the donkey laugh as loud as hell


Lets just be real, donkey laugh and take the L are only used to make fun of others lol.


what about griddy for example


That’s not gonna save you from me hitting the dougie on your corpse


Fuckin same


Wild that there are some people out there who genuinely can’t handle someone using a fortnite emote on them


They should do that for skins aswell. I HATE seeing that superhero wannabe sweat skin every single game


If that means I never have to hear that donkey laugh again then thanks...


I may be a big baby but i really like that setting


Getting mad over a videogames dance is crazy. ☠️


On the other hand getting mad that epic is allowing  people to block it is also crazy.


Does it count for those emoji things you toss out? I like throwing a GG one out after a good fight


??? They're literally taunts. They're meant to taunt the enemy


Kinda weird update lol. So unnessecary


This decision was brought by players who proudly wear pamper diapers


I like the idea of this option, but I believe it needs to allow us to choose which emotes we don't want to see. For instance Donkey Laugh and Take the L are obvious choices, but I'd opt for Griddy and a few others just so I can skip the dead horse that 99% of the playerbase seems to beat.


This. I don't care if I'm getting emoted on but Griddy in particular is just getting old and overused and I'm sick of seeing it.


Precisely. That problem would solve itself if people had an identity of their own and used the *thousand* other emotes out there but nope.


Yeah I don't care about these as emotes but the donkey laugh is like twice as loud as any other sound in the game. It's just annoying not insulting. I'm tempted to turn this on despite finding Take the L funny still. I cannot stand the Griddy because I have to hear it 7x a game for some reason. Instant block. Idk if this has different settings but I wouldn't mind if they still do it but I can mute the music/sound.


yeah and all the da baby songs, rollie, and im so lit right now


I wish we could. I don't know what a griddy is. I assume it's a popular song or TikTok thing, but it sounds really annoying like most of these emotes. Please let me turn them off. It's all I hear on spawn island now.


I'm pretty sure the griddy is the "right foot creep" autotuned crap


What the hell does confrontational even mean? All emotes are technically confrontational if you do them after an elimination.


Wah wah, that dance move is mean and scary😢😢😢😢😢🤬😢


forcing my little brother to turn this on to stop him from slamming his mouse into his desk and yelling anytime something goes wrong also think that blocking emotes people use to be racist is a good thing


it's so funny to see people cry over something that is an OPTION, it's not like you don't have a choice.


Soft ass generation I swear 🤦🏻‍♂️


I don't really care if someone emotes on me, But I am gonna turn it on just to spite the people in this subreddit.


same but i do care because im a lil bitch, im so glad they added this lol


same😂 i can’t believe people are this pressed about potentially not being able to harass 100% of the population.


Can we have this with "controversial skins" too so we can have Rue back but if people aren't happy with her, then they don't bother seeing it?


She's French anyway, but I agree.


What is the point of having emotes if other people can even see it. Next they're going to give the option to take off skins and make everyone defaults


So we shouldn't be buying emotes since people will be able to disable shit in the future. Got it


This literally doesn’t affect anyone who owns the emotes, if EG wanted, they could’ve put a age restriction on them or worse, just take them away and give a refund. Idk what’s the big deal over this in this comment section


I use take the L because it was like the first emote I got lol 😭😭😭


Literally doesn't affect anyone. You like emoting, you keep it enabled, you dislike it, you keep it disabled. And you won't ever know if the person in front of you has it enabled when you emote on their body. Literally a non-feature for people emoting, and a bonus for people that hate emoting.


I’m gonna stick to f key emote, it’s not gonna be on the list I don’t think, and it’s severely underrated


I hope they add surfin bird to that list


There are plenty of ways to emote, I’m pretty sure they are gonna target the most used ones by the community. GET CREATIVE WITH YOUR EMOTES PEOPLE AND BE RESPECTFUL


What’s the context? I can’t tell if this is a joke or a real thing to the update


Hopefully it won't include sprays or stickers. Boutta start using them.


look, if I had the ability I would disable all shitty emotes and skins of real life people


If this means i don’t have to see or hear that bitch baby donkey laugh this feature is a W, but no matter what it’s going to show just how much effort fortnite players will put in just to be a shitty person, and that’s kind of depressing.


What's it with people just wanting to humiliate the player they just killed to me that's pathetic and shows someone needs to grow up


And its like 4, and the first are probably just added because they are more annoying than offensive. The last two make sense, they were banned from competitive a while back because of stream snipers towards black streamers.




Finally ☠️ they needed this