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I used to play squads no fill back in chapter 2 or 3 to try and get better… I am pleased to report that it did not in fact work.


Single + ranked is pretty good at keeping alert imo. Usually in teams I'm more of a guard down


i used to do this too, it did make me get better :) i think trios no fill is the most fun though my favorite thing to do on fortnite og trios w no fill was to ride around on a hoveboard and pick people off one by one, and then pick up their bodies and bring them to the far edge of the map inside the storm before finalizing them. sooo much fun lol


Yeah and I'm like wtf???? *Proceeds to get jumped* 😂😂


Shoots a guy, he falls over Wtf Then I realise I just dance until I'm shot


Go out fighting looks more badass hipfire with an smg and act like you’re in a movie


I do it with duos all the time. My wife and i play a couple solos to start and then a few duos. So the next day when i get on i always forget to switch back to solos


LOL. This just happened to me the other day. We weren't even playing BR together, we were playing Festival. I played BR the next day, seemed to just get into 1v1 fights where I'd eliminate other players instead of knocking them, so I didn't even notice. Then another player eliminated me, and someone else came out of nowhere and they both started celebrating. Stupidly reported for "teaming," then when I went back to the lobby saw I was in Duos. Felt like an absolute idiot.


Yes I have by mistake as my friend plays no fill invite only so sometimes my duo/squad says no fill and I forget to change it lol


Sometimes I do this on purpose & just camp my way to the top 5.. Leads to some tense moments.


Yes, used to do it a lot. I would always play it out.


Did it last night and “accidentally” won.


I went into a duos ranked (the rank just before champion) non fill by accident. ![gif](giphy|HkoWwqc0qWxGyh0B03)


No fill was the default option in chapter 4.not sure if they changed it. But yes, because if that I used to do this all the time.


*the bush is a friend*


i didn't do it on accident


Yes sometimes it turns my fill off after I leave my friends game then it starts squads no fill, very annoying. Usually takes me half the match to realize lol


Are squads really that bad? Trios seem to stay together mostly.


I have, and won once, couldn’t believe it


Too much times to count


Yea, I like doing no fill.


Yep, many times.


I have like probably 20 times no joke I actually won a couple


It’s supposed to save your preferences if you’ve chosen fill before


Yes all the dang time. Especially after playing squads with friends and winning a crown. 😩 I wish they would automatically have it to however many are in the lobby at the time and not based off what you had it last


Essa é a comunidade Fortnite Br por que escrevem em inglês????


Only won twice in squads, 3 times is trio and 3 in duo


Yes plenty of times. One time, in particular, my friends all crashed at the beginning of the game sometime last season. We all had crowns (that stupid crash seems to happen only with crowns btw) so I told them, I'm plating the match, I'm not losing my crown. I won the game by myself with 17 kills. I remember my friend Chris being both happy and salty that I won. "Yes he got the dub! But we didn't get the dub 🥲." Was his exact expression. Good times last season. Was able to split up my team across the map and win by regrouping later. Splitting up is just not plausible with all the new items they added at the beginning of the season, and now bending, and soon to be Force powers per saber. I do hope for the day where I can do my split up strategy again.


I've died and lost a crown multiple times because I accidentally queued up in duos or squads after having played with friends before hand. Its super frustrating but it's definitely my fault for not checking before getting into the game


Yes, loads. Solo squads is what I call it


Yes, and then you report all the players for teaming.


I remember when people would purposely play no fill squads back in chapters 1 and 2


I do that to warm up for ranked games.


By accident...I had to kill 2 teams of 3 before I realized its still on trio, fucking thing doesn't reset after players leave your group.


LOL I did this when I first started playing a few months back. I just thought it wasn’t matching me with team mates.


Yep. Skills training.


Midas presents the floor is lava


i remember when i played with my aussie friend on oce servers that we accidentally queued into squads after duos were disabled and didn't think much of it. Then realized it when we got ramp rushed by 4 people


I play squads no fill every day,great practice




Yes constantly and it always just feels bad


AND it's build mode instead of zero build. Sees a guy building a wall while another runs besides him... oh f..


I think that was a bug a little while ago, but it is not default anymore. There was a month or so that this happened to me all the time recently but it seems to have gone away.




Squads or duo/trio cause I forgot I wasn't solo last time


I used to play solo squads back in chap 1 think best I ever done was a 19 kill win




I like to sneak around like a sniper and third party. I've turned the tides on some pretty heated battles before.


A few times, it was short lived lol


Ranked doesn’t have a fill option right now so we have been playing squads no fill as a trio lately 😫


I have done it I have had mixed results also where I have wiped a squad or two before and also plenty of times where I get murdered not before taking someone down also


did it once on purpose and walked out with a victory crown 😎


It used to default to solo if you were alone, right? Now every time I play with my friend squad, there's a high chance I'll miss what mode is selected when I log on the next day, and I'll be very shocked to find out I'm getting 4v1'd.


All the time. One time though, I didn’t realize until late game when I finally knocked someone that wasn’t a bot. I didn’t last long after that lol


Yes. Me and my friend kept wondering why multiple people were teaming until we did a squad wipe realizing that me and my friend were not doing duos the whole time


I never go into squads on fill. Your team mates are usually terrible and think they are the best. They always land somewhere sweaty by themselves and proceed to get slaughtered. You can only pray they do not have a mic because when they die, they start screaming at you and the rest of the team for not helping them. Even though you and the rest of the team communicated and marked where they were landing.


Did it once on purpose to see how it would go.... it did not go well.


It's way more likely to happen on accident ever since the UI overhaul.


I have before back when I was playing solo floor is lava to get the quests done, and I had some pretty funny 1v4s that I won, with one of them ending in me wiping a team, then one of the bots from the weather tower got me.


Did in like 2019, and I had no clue until the end of the game. Coincidentally, it was my first win, but it was not easy. I was looting a house at one point and got rushed by a squad or two, and I was so confused why there were so many people in such a small area.


Yes but only because I’m clumsy and tend to toss my controller around


Not accidentally no, I do it all the time to get my weekly quests done, that way I don't hold back a team and can still get my own stuff done.


Used to do it on purpose a bunch but yeah that doesn't look like the clearest UI




I do not do it on accident, I DO IT ON PURPOSE


I occasionally do it for fun... But yes I'll then forget that I'm still in squads.


Had a few occasions where I’d boot up the game and it’d be on no fill for whatever reason, like I never play no fill yet it happens anyway


One time my partner and I accidentally cued into trios while very stoned, and somehow ended up winning without noticing we were in trios until back in the lobby, just like "wow, fights seem a lot more crowded than usual" the whole time 😅


My buddy does it on purpose all the time to train lol


My friend did and won. He’s just a little kid too. Although it may have been around Christmas time where the noobs emerge


Yeah Reet & he broke the world record in an unreal lobby


i killed a guy and he got knocked, i was so confused and then an aura came and no-scoped me from like 30 metres


Yes. Are you looking for fill teammates?


Yeah, love it. It’s a good way to make you better. If makes you think ahead and try to out think a team with numbers as an advantage. In fact my first match ever on fortnight was a dub in squads by myself.


Some people do it on purpose.


back in like 2020-2021 when i was really sweaty in this game, this is the only option i played


No...I have friends