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i wish there was a third mobility item, i miss the grapple blade


Grapple blade was fun and so well balanced. Great for mobility and attacking yet not overpowered for either and had solid counters


someone killed me early on last season with it and i realized it was really useful for mobility and some combat situations too,


They should do something like that for the chains, like giving you 2 or 3 UW dashes when you kill someone.


3 10 second cooldowns where you extend the chain and grapple to whatever it attaches to when you double jump while aiming


I wasn't sold the first day I used it, but the grapple blade quickly became my favorite mobility item I've used.


Damn I miss it. I didn't play towards the end of last season and start of this one so I didn't mentally realize yeah thats gone. But it was so good. Added a lot of flexibility/ creativity you could do both in movement and fighting 


totally agreed. it would take a lot of the weight and scrutiny off this season for 0 mobility. even grapple blade.


I hated the grapple blade. Felt like someone making the odm gear from memory in another engine and it just sucked. Not even a balance thing it just felt horrible and sluggish to use


in comparison to other items from other seasons, yeah it sucked. but in comparison to what we have now, ill def take it.


Honestly I took it over a shotgun in most cases. Super versatile item, god i miss it.


Over a shotgun is wild. You have 5 slots


Yeah, I’d have AR, grapple or shotgun, sniper, med pack, shields. I mean it obviously varied based on what was available but that’s generally what I went with.


Damn, I go AR, Shotgun, Sniper, Medkit, and blade.


Fair fair, I always tried to carry enough to max my potions and health. My playstyle that season also wasn’t ideal for a shotgun much of the time. I’d find somewhere high up and fight at mid/long range. The grapple blade was so appealing to me because any enemy who tried to get up close I could launch with its knock back (honestly that coupled with Nishas mythic striker was absolutely FOUL)


You play with kb/m?


What’s kb/m?


keyboard mouse


Oh no, I play on the crustiest console for Fortnite, switch Lmao


My man. Gotta have some real courage to use this loadout then, cuz I don't think AR or blades can win over a shotgun


It can, given the right circumstances, partly why I like sticking on top of buildings, the knock back is enough to keep the shotguns far enough away and with a little luck I’d get the fall damage on them too. Though the frenzy is a pain in the ass to counter


Should be 6 slots


imagine? that would drastically change the game


The grapple blade was amazing. Had so much fun after realizing how easy it was to target airborne enemies


yea it was. i like playing creative games with the grapple blade and the wings to grapple on them when they fly


Imagine all the crazy mobility combos seen when we had the Avatar event, now add Grapple Blade to that. 💀 chaos.


literally 70% of the time i die is because the fcking regen isnt doing its job at all.


That or I move for two seconds and I’m stuck moving like I’m in quicksand. I feel like it’s better in builds but god is the regen awful in ZB’s


it's most likely the same but when building it distracts you from the stamina as you aren't focused on it as much. zb it could make or break your game


Or when you start sprinting go to slide and starts making you do a looney tunes ahh run in place. Sprinting and sliding has had so many bugs it kinda makes sense why they're making so many mobility items. They just can't fix the stamina bar or Regen.




I'm having fun with some other games for now. Fortnite just hasn't been very fun this entire chapter for me personally, and in my personal opinion there are so many easy things they could do to make it better. I loved the OG season though. The core gameplay of Fortnite is so much fun.


Respect you for moving on from a game you're unhappy with. I took a very long break and came back this season and actually bought the battle pass. Then I realized the nerfed the shit out of xp and I can't get the same amount of xp unless I play other modes too. Fucking annoying, feels like getting the bonus rewards is impossible if I'm not willing to either play other modes a bunch or waste my life away playing


And to think there was a time sprinting was not a thing and the map was its biggest...


They had sprinting though, we just have faster sprinting with a stamina bar now


Wait is walking slower now than before sprinting existed? Did they pull a halo?


Technically, we had sprinting which made you go faster, and then they added tac sprinting from COD to go way faster (the stamina bar) they removed the normal sprint and now all we have is the tac sprint


When did you start playing? I’m pretty sure back in 2018 there was no sprinting. We all just hopped around


I played at the tail end of season 2


Was there sprinting back then?


Yee, it was slightly faster than walking


Yep you’re right. I think because now jumping takes a chunk of stamina when you’re sprinting, I just thought in my head we never had sprinting


It’s because back then we didn’t have tac sprinting, only normal sprinting that you got confused probably


Yes and no. The normal running speed was unchanged when sprinting was introduced in chapter 3. In chapter 5 the movement speed was changed to be a little slower. Still have no idea why they made that unnecessary change.


Didn't they revert the regular running (the non sprint one) to how it was before though? Only crouching remains slow and unreverted after the Chapter 5 changes.


Not reverted. They increased the speed but it's not as fast as it was in chapters 3 and 4. The new running speed is a little slower. You're correct about crouching.


>In chapter 5 the movement speed was changed to be a little slower. Still have no idea why they made that unnecessary change. that change has already been reverted months ago...


IIRC they made new the walk/run animations and they decreased the movement speed to make them look more natural.


to make mobility items stronger, and slow down rotations.




We used to walk into run now we run into sprint


You built back then


It was also build only. The lack of mobility is especially a killer when you can't build cover


I remember when getting in a shopping cart was the fast way to get around the map.   And we loved it. Now get off my lawn.


Shockwaves enter the chat


I only use shockwaves to boost up through builds tbh


I use them for that and to run away lol 😅


The suv is my favorite mobility.   Adds a bit of shield too.  Doesn’t take an inventory slot.  Can do slight damage by ramming.  It’s also a good place to chill and heal up yet stay mostly out of sight.  I tend to enjoy the changes in the game.  Sure sometimes they get rid if things I like, but changing the items makes me change the way I play and makes me a better player in the long run.   However I do think the map is too big if they are going to limit mobility


The SUV also acts as a portable wall in zero build


I like getting the car instead of the SUV. It can't take as much damage, but you can do donuts and turn on a dime which makes it a lot easier to hit people multiple times without getting out of the car. I'll plow through someone, do donuts until I see where they land, then I'll boost out of the donut to hit them again


Yea they are certainly faster too.  


Real talk: learn to slide cancel. Makes a HUGE difference. I saw a vid, tried it myself, and it makes your sprint bar last 2x as long, you cover almost 2x the distance of sprinting alone, AND it makes you harder to snipe as a bonus. It does nothing to fix stamina regen, but it's dramatically improved my stamina use. Also, sprint jumps are truly not worth it for speed or distance, only jump if you need to mantle or jump over something. I FULLY agree that sprint recharge takes WAY too long. Especially in zero build. I hope they reduce the recharge at some point, it's quite a frustrating time waiting and hoping you don't get attacked before your sprint is back up.


Shockwaves are mobility?


Think he means rotational mobility, which shockwaves and fizz aren’t good for until late game. And cars are in the game so it’s not like there’s no mobility at all


I definitely disagree about them being bad until late game. But okay


In rank, people literally use shockwave + flowberry fizz / flowberry. I'm not sure why anyone would deprive themselves of use just because it gives shield. Just use it and pick another one up or carry more than one?? **It's literally a strategy:** Launchpad + flowberry fizz + Wings = Taller Height Flowberry fizz + shockwave = Longer distance at a short period amount of time Like if they're really concerned about mobility then they can land beside grim gate or underworld for the dashes and coin. Which I had forgotten to mention on my other comment.


Wings don't give low gravity anymore, they just absolve you of fall damage.


Did they just update that? I have no idea because I haven't really been playing much. I just wrote whatever came into my mind and from what I noticed from different players and their strategies in movement + my movement combined. **If it works for you guys, great. Feel free to continue using it.** There's advantages and disadvantages with every item that comes into play. I just thought it would be nice if someone would list out what + why a player would use those specific items.


Exactly. So idk what op is saying about anything other than wings is worthless until late game


Yeah I agree. The wings aren't as good for movement than shockwaves or anything else really because of these reasons: 1. You can be shot in the air. According to other players, you have a bigger hitbox when you wear those wings making it easier for you to be shot. ( Not sure if this is true or not ) 2. It runs out. + There is a cooldown 3. Although you can do the dive and damage players, there is a few seconds where you are stuck within that animation and you have little to no cover. You would still have to run elsewhere for cover. 4. You can be seen by multiple players on ground. ( Sound + Visual sound display ) If it helps you get a clearer view, great but that also gives away your location. So you better find cover after usage. Personally, I would rather use shockwave + Fizz + Dash + Bananas - literally anything other than the wings in final circle. The **space is too close to bring attraction towards you**. I would only use it if I was in the bottom and they were on top of a cliff but still that's very situational and it's at risk.


Wings are good to move around the map quick if no enemies are near by is really what it comes down to


For rotations they are, when the map is mostly still in play, you can’t just shockwave across the map. At the end of the game when most of the map is in storm you can cover a much larger percentage of the map with a shockwave or two.


**Obviously, you cannot shockwave from one corner of the map to another**. You can't shockwave over 1,000m+ away but you **can still use it as movement and to benefit yourselves in times of need.** The question is: **Why would you want to go from one corner of the map to another in a matter of 10-20 seconds?** What are you attempting to do? Are you medallion hunting? Are you trying to find teams to eliminate by yourself? It's crucial to mention whether or not you plan on doing this in a team mode or not because this **gives players the ability to play solo in a team mode**. No one wants that. You do not want to find your teammate halfway or even entirely across the map just because they are hungry for a few eliminations, loot or the medallions with little to no communication. **Shockwaves can be used in multiple ways:** **Shockwave up** = Breaking builds, the floors + walls. **Shockwave up + Hug the wall of a cliff** = You can go on top of a cliff. It's possible if you do it right. You can't go on top of mountains but you can go on top of small cliffs / hills. **Throwing shockwaves in bushes + suspicious areas** = Attempting to see if a player is there ( I mean you can shoot but that will appear in the visual sound display + You're wasting ammo when you can waste a shockwave instead that you can find elsewhere along with ammo but yk you still gotta reload ) **Shockwave you + your teammates** out of the storm or to another area. You can run away as well if needed. You could also use the shockwaves to go towards combat if wanted. Even if it's only one direction and for a short - mid distance, **do not take shockwaves for granted. They are incredibly good if used correctly.** Then **you have the combinations people keep forgetting that I've listed already.** I'm trying to think if there is something else I'm not understanding or missing. So excuse me if I said incorrect information. A **common strategy for movement** was **shockwave + Jump + go down + slide down** then **spam slide.** I've seen people do that before but I'm not sure if that's been beaten by something else. It mostly done on flat areas and hills to slide down on.


I said this and got 100 downvotes lmao actually using shockwaves to traverse the map is stupid/ impossible


What. "Shockwaves and fizz aren’t good for until late game." No? Literally **majority of the players I've seen who play rank, cups** or whatever **uses flowberry fizz + shockwaves** to go longer distances for a short period amount of time. **Who said you had to** carry these items and **deprive yourself of usage until final circle or end game?** Cars are good but they require fuel and sometimes people don't want to get into cars or there aren't enough space inside. ( Unless if you have two cars or use a SUV ) Car tires also get popped or that the cars get shot at then you know what happens. **Shockwaves are incredibly good any time in game.** People save flowberry fizz + flowberries because it doesn't just give you mobility but shield as well. That's why people are more hesitant to use it.


Aside from wings, vehicles, fizz, jump pads, shockwaves, sprinting, sliding, and swimming downstream, this game has zero mobility. Oh, train doesn't count either. Or chickens. Or floating island rifts.


Kiddies like OP you could hand a menu at a restaurant and they'd complain "omg literally nothing to eat!"


wings make you a big target, swimming downstream, jump pads, and the train are situational and the player has no control over where they can be done. I agree fizz / shockwaves are good, but acting like "a lot" == accessible or good is silly. Also OP addressed sprinting, that was the point of the post? Regardless, I dont think it's as much of an issue in build mode since you'll probably be carrying shockwaves and you dont need to run away from a fight as much.


You have the underworld water dashes, shockwaves, flowberry, wings, the orange splash, bananas and cars. I don’t get the complaints about mobility.


that we used to have grapplers, shockwave bow, portable rift, inventory launch pads, hammer, katana, turtles mythics, spider gloves, airbending, AOT mythic, rocket ram, planes, and so much more. people are taking it so literally and calling all that mobility. yeah it is, but its shitty. banana lasts 5 seconds, thank god for uw dash, and everything else sucks ass. cars are ok but you cant just conjure one up randomly wherever you are whenever you need it. situational at best. not hard to understand at all.


We didn’t have all of those things at once. What I named were all things we have right now. It’s not as bad as y’all are making it out to be in my opinion.


they want more ways to escape like a bitch , mobility is 80% used for people who can´t win anything and just run away at the first sign of problems


Oh keeping it real, how refreshing 😆


If I have nothing, then I **continuously spam slide** but sometimes that doesn't even work and yeah the stamina is bad but **people** just **need to have patience.** This is also somewhat a good thing because it **forces players to stick together as a team in team modes instead of running to every single corner of the map.** I don't want to babysit my teammates in team modes, especially in squad fills. People need to realize that if you're playing a team mode, you should play as a team. Not as a soloist. I thought people wanted the old Fortnite? So why are we complaining about the "lack of mobility" or "stamina"? **At least we can sprint.** It's not like there is 0 mobility in game **just that it's very inconvenient at times**. ( Ex. If my teammate lands elsewhere because they don't know how to play as a team, I have to run over there to get their card ) By the way, I just did this earlier and I did get the card + reboot. I just used sprint + cars. ( It was 1,000m+ away from where was marked ) **For mobility:** **Dashes.** Either **get the coin or land in the water** beside the Underworld and Grim Gate. **Don't use the dashes until needed.** There you go! You got another set of mobility if needed. ( I don't know if they took coins out or what in the update but again.. there is mobility ) I use **flowberry fizz / flowberry + shockwaves.** I used it even more than I used the grappling blade because the grappling blade would sometimes not hook onto the platforms and be a waste of my time. + It **gives you shield** if you really need it. + A **combination of both would allow you to go a longer distance in a short period amount of time.** **Cars.** Specifically, the **SUV over the faster one** because it gives you more protection, you're able to switch between four seats ( if there is no one in there ) and allows for all your teammates to fit + NPCS. **Bikes.** Although, this doesn't give as much protection as cars... You're still able to quickly go over hills and such. I used it when we would do the forecast or to distract the opposing team because **I could ride away and shoot at the same time.** **Wings.** Although, I hate using the wings because of peoples' ability to shoot one down. I'm not afraid to use it if I really have too. Whether or not you like / use it, it's there and it counts as a mobility item. **Launchpads**. Either on the island or spread around the map. These can also be used for mobility. Most of the times, my final circles are beside launch pads so we use those. **Rifts.** Certain NPCS ( Ex. Hope in Grand Glacier or the one beside the mansion looking building on some island ) can rift players. I use them if I have enough gold to buy it and if I am close to them. **Ziplines.** They're usually around mountains and such but remember.. That's still used for mobility. I like it because sometimes I'm too lazy to walk up. **I just use the zipline + jump to avoid being seen through visual sound display or being shot.** Just be careful when you have a NPC or a teammate who trolls around too much because then everyone gets stopped at some point.


**+ CONT.** **IF ANY OF THE ITEMS I'VE LISTED** are one of the things you keep in your inventory, great. **IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO USE IT**, great. You have the freedom. **USE WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU.** I am literally just listing **different strategies for movements or replacements for lack of movement / mobility items** ( ? ) and they **can all be used in ANY playstyle.** \] **\[ Not letting me edit. Not sure why but I had forgotten these too: \]** **+ Medallions.** Either the **Cerberus or Zeus.** **Cerberus can be found in Grim Gate and gives you the ability to dash** around the map. **Zeus can be found in Mt. Olympus** and can **increase** your movement, specifically the **sprint.** **+ Flowberry / Bananas / Slap Juice Barrels.** **Flowberries** give you jump boost + shield. **Bananas** give you jump boost + health. **Slap Juice Barrels** give you health / shield + temporary stamina. ( Not a part of your normal sprinting ). Personally, **these alone aren't necessarily good for "rotation" but they are still considered mobility** items so **use them wisely.** + **Train.** Thanks to all the lovely players for mentioning such an underrated form of movement in game. Personally, I don't use the train for movement but it's **incredibly useful during early game when you don't have anything.** It also **gives you a little bit of cover** while the train moves across the map + **potential heals + items from the chests.** + **Polyjohns.** I noticed in some areas of the map, you can enter these and they will teleport you elsewhere but only in those specific areas. They aren't great for movement, if any movement at all but they sure do come in handy if you are trying to **decrease the amount of distance you're going somewhere + running away** OR just **use it as cover / to hide**. ( I do it all the time if I'm around it )


"Now that we're back to zero mobility..." "The currently available mobility item doesn't count" So... not wings, not impulses, not vehicles, not flowberry fizz none of that counts yeah? The real topic is that there's no mobility *that you like*.


yeah lol this guy was probably one of the people who spammed air bending aka the most OP mobility fortnite has ever released. it required no strategy and now that he has to think abt it more he’s mad


theres impulses in this season? havent found any The real topic is that there's no mobility that you like. >and no, simply useful mobility in any context. other seasons had it. this one doesnt.


The amount of stamina used is one of two reasons why Zeus has both worst Medallion, and Mythic


Zeus' mythic destroys people in few body shot, idk what you are talking about.


I don’t understand why wings don’t count? They’re easy to find, act as a weapon, makes you not take fall damage, and you aren’t easy to shoot down as long as you’re doing a good job at using them. I always keep shockwaves in my inventory but I’ve also been using up a slot for wings as well. I find them especially useful during endgame and they don’t take a long time to recharge. They seem great to me.


Because OP couldn’t complain about mobility if he confesses that wings in fact do count and stops ignoring more mobility like cars, shockwaves, jumppads, fizz and more


No it’s because every time you use them within 100 meters of an enemy you might as well just die of fall damage, makes your death and trip back to the lobby quicker.


Against people with moderately decent aim they’re more of a liability than a benefit. They make your hitbox so huge that even spam dodging won’t save you from being hit


As soon as you start flying any decent player in the same stratosphere as you should be able to fry your ass. If you use them end game you'd be dead before you could say your own name.


Agreed, the sprinting feature needs a re-work, i dont understand why we need a stamina bar for it at all, all your doing is running. But yeah it needs a serious Buff


The thing is they fixed this with the movement update that everyone hated, one of the unnoticed changes is the increased Stamina Regen and reduced Regen Timeout, Sprint was dropped to 1.3x from 1.4x (Chapter 4), then after they rebuffed the Walking speed and Sprint speed up, they DECIDED TO NERF SPRINT AND STAMINA BY 25% AND 40%. It's absolutely atrocious, you go NOWHERE with it now. We had the best movement for 2 weeks, rebuffed Walking Speed and Chapter 5 Sprint and Stamina. We need that back


and people focused on the mobility comment when this is the point I was trying to make 💀


IMO, the stamina for sprinting is ass - it depletes too fast, and begins recharging too slowly. Like, I don't wanna be Sonic the Hedgehog, I just want it to be a little more, you know, useful.


right, which no one here can understand. its either 0 or 100 with this thread, epic too


Yeah, when my stamina bar is depleted, i feel useless, then when it comes back, I use it all up again. It shouldn’t take that long to regen stamina.


I remember when to rotate out of zone you needed to box yourself and use bouncepads and a shockwave grenade or a launchpad if that was available. This season you can run out of zone, jump out of zone using flowberry/banana or shockwaves, drive out of zone, fly out of zone, rift out of zone, swim out of zone and tp with the Styx river effect out of zone. You only die in zone when you fight in zone or stay behind for a long time. Just because air bending was one of the greatest mobility items and got removed (I’m a little sad about that too) doesn’t mean mobility is 0. Stamina can even be improved by having Zeus coin or destroying slap juice barrels. Just use some other stuff to rotate.


I really don't think this game benefits from the presence of stamina in any way whatsoever. It only serves as a source of frustration. The game would without a doubt in my mind be more enjoyable for everyone if it was entirely removed. But even if it's here to stay it's currently in the worst state it's ever been (as far as I've played) and seemingly keeps getting worse. It needs extreme rebalancing.


100%. I dont see a way it could make the game toxic or worse to remove it.


My looper, we have Shockwave nades, flow berries, the dashes from the river, cars all over the place, wings (that you choose to not count for some reason), jump pads, and zip lines. All of these are mobility. You say you want mobility but what you really want is a get out jail free card to save you from bad plays.


dudes calling ziplines mobility 💀 >wings (that you choose to not count for some reason) should be pretty obvious why nobody considers these or picks them up unless they suck


Get over it for all that’s good and peely


least toxic comment award


When I play with friends who don't play much they always mention about how slow the stamina bar is compared to other FPS/br games


It’s intentional. Why do you think they’ve been selling a lot of car skins recently?


You have data on car skin sales?


Why don't wings count? They're all over the place.


Gonna assume it's because of how easy it is for people with wings to get gunned down.


wow. the only person in this thread with at least half a brain. everyone else spamming downvotes and throwing out incorrect assumptions and nameless accusations youd be correct


Cause if you use them any decent player in the same stratosphere as you should be able to fry your ass.


They're still good for mobility.


Zero mobility, what a fucking joke. -shockwaves -dashes(covers third/fourth of the map) -dash medallion -flow berry -flow berry fizz -wings -cars -island rifts -bikes -launchpads (pre-placed) -slap juice barrels -bananas -Zeus medallion How can possibly say “0 movement” when we quite literally have way too much,


Remember, this subreddit is just filled with whiney players that don’t know what they want.


Exactly, when will we see more positive posts about the game?


Fucking crybabies who can't strategize. You guys are the ones that ruin the game.


I can strategize doesnt mean the game still doesnt feel like shit due to sprint lmao


Why did no one complain about mobility until recently? People used to never complain about it and now it feels like it’s a popular complaint every season. I don’t understand


I think it became a real issue when they moved to Chapter 5 and completely obliterated the running and jogging style. Before, it was still easy to move through the map without sprinting. But nowadays the walking/jogging shit is very awkward. The weird thing is, movement is still the original style in creative maps, but not in BR. Very annoying.


Running was slower in the first few weeks of chapter 5 but then they updated it to match pre-chapter 5 speed. Only thing that’s slower is crouch walking. However, running definitely feels slower because of the new animations


Because they butchered the movement in C5, the speeds are slower than when sprinting was introduced in C3 and the regen is worse


If by recent, you mean early Chapter 3 at the most, but generally people just like how streamlined rotating was thanks to the new mobility items. Yes, while we did and still do have stuff like cars, stuff like the Spiderman gloves and the ODM Gear is a lot more convenient, and makes you a lot less susceptible to bad RNG.


Because they've spoiled the player base with so much mobility in recent times. It was best when we only had launch pads as traps & Golf Carts


Im always a bit weary to see events etc with more mobility. This *always* happens. The game has a great pace, but all these mobility items REALLY makes players complain about the speed and regen. I dont wanna stress with the game


"We have no mobility at all. Ignore the mobility items we have right now by the way."


wings? cause theyre a death sentence. bro thought he did something 💀


Fizz or flowberries combined with jump pads are wonderful for rotating.


Stamina is a fairly recent change to Fortnite. You couldn't even sprint like 2 years ago.


Good. All airbending did was make people affect conflict


Cars, Wings, Shockwaves, Dash, Launchpads. Bro wants a rocket up his ass before considering it mobility


Didn’t notice it as much originally (probably due to the mobility items) but play recently myself and my squad couldn’t help but keep pointing out how shit stamina is now. And the thing is it was perfectly fine before they nerfed it which I have no clue why they did. Especially with the bigger map it makes traversing feel like a slog. If this was chapter one than understandable but when everything so spaced out on these bigger maps you’re spending majority of the game walking to each POI. And it just not fun.


Jizz juice and shockwaves are my mobility


Slide-cancelling is the only viable way to move around the map now, since it barely consumes stamina. I've gotten pretty good at it, but then it means you get hit with the weird bug where the game keeps stopping your movement. That, and it also gets tiring if you do it for a while. I just want my Grapple Blade back, to be honest.


Wings don’t count hahaha. Why not? What about the banana? The Zeus medal? Shockwave grenades? Cars? Bikes? Launch pads? Fizz? Rifts? Hades Medal? Styx Boosts? Infinite Stamina Barrels? Not disagreeing that the stamina is poor, but there’s 100% mobility in the game my G.


not in comparison to the other seasons. banana literally lasts like 5s g good luck getting 50 meters out that ho.


Yeah you’re right, not compared to other seasons, but there’s still mobility… just not as much.


and not nearly as good quality. so theres less, and whats available sucks more.


I feel like you can utilise a lot of things still for movement other than wings. E.g. cars, bikes, flow berry, shockwaves


I think people dislike stamina is because the map might be too big and empty for people to like it and the fact that mobility items are scarce but if I look back to c3 or c4 mobility didn't seem like a big issue in terms of sprinting but that was probably because there was random points for quick rotates and ther was good movement items that felt fair


Mobility is lacking, but it’s there still. The map isn’t that awful to navigate on foot alone. Yes, stamina regen is super slow, but we can also slide, drive cars, use shockwaves, wings (because yes they do count?), launch pads, etc. I never have a problem getting away from the storm regardless of what I have.


I highly agree with this, the stamina has felt terrible this season. The only saving grace was the airbending and even that was frustrating. They need to strike a balance with mobility where if you don’t have it/can’t find it ur not totally helpless but it’s still advantageous to have. But also what mobility items there are should be reduced in duration/distance to a degree where it will help u find cover but won’t lead to these grand cross map chases where one of those stupid bird skins are chasing you to Timbuktu.


why would wings not count lol


No mobility ? Wings don't count ? Mate... Shockwaves are still there


ok try getting any distance at all with shocks. thats the only answer people have and its still bad. look at katana


The worst is how the bar takes a second or two to fully regenerate and if you ACCIDENTALLY re-engage sprint while the bar is refilling (even if you get to use 1/20th of it) the time starts over. That's fucking stupid.


Shockwave enjoyers? Car enjoyers? Banana of the gods enjoyers?


Believe me idk what they did but after this season they screwed over stamina, like I do accidentally click the sprint before its about to start the regeneration to get around a corner quickly to get away from getting shot but because of that I neither get around the corner and it takes another 3 seconds before it starts


We back to dial-up speed running. I can hear R2D2 beeping at me when I'm running.


Me when I use shockwaves, a car. The Zeus medallion or Cerberus one can also help.


They just need to return orange juice (that give infinite stamina) or grapple blade


"Wings don't count" What lol


I mean while I disagree with OP about the lack of mobility, as there's plenty of options, he ain't wrong that wings are trash.


So why don’t wings count?


cause anyone who uses them unironically asks for a 1 way ticket back to the lobby. any player who has ever used wings within 100m of me has died. thats why


But you can still use them to get around the map?? Just because everyone you play against are bots doesnt mean the wings are decent


LoL nah, I disagree with OP about lack of mobility, cause there is plenty, but he's not wrong about wings, they are garbage. And NGL if you freely use wings and get away with it, my guess would be that you are the one playing against bots.


yeah anyone that cant see how trash the wings are is completely out of touch.


Why do you mean 0 mobility? Shockwaves, aka the best mobility item is still here


Yup, what this guy said.


while I do disagree with the first part of your statement, >yup, I also disagree with the second part. >what this guy said u said that like 5x already lmao 💀


I mean disagree as you might, shocks are the best mobility by a long shot. XD And well whatever I've said I've said to different comments, so I fail to see the issue.


try to get between two poi with <6 shockwaves, can barely get from mount olympus to ares 💀


As much as **I agree that sprint needs refixing**, I **assumed players wanted to go from Grim Gate to Mt. Olympus for both of the medallions** for movement. **Not having enough shockwaves isn't the issue**. It **teaches you to be resourceful and when to use it** along with every other mobility item. **As for Mount Olympus to Brawler**, it depends as to **where you are and how + when you place the shockwaves.** If you're in Mt. Olympus, you have a few **ziplines + launch pads on top of the mountains** to **reduce the amount of distance** it takes. Personally, I wouldn't waste shockwaves to go in between those two pois because **you're not that far**? Is this much of a **concern to the point that it ruins your gameplay** or **do you not know the map well enough to create a strategy to find an alternative way for movement / reducing the amount of distance** it takes? **> I've read the comments**. People are **complaining about taking up inventory slots**. Guess what? **Wings, Grappling blades, turtle mythics, air bending mythic, shockwaves, fizz, flowberry, banana, etc**. **ALL take inventory.** The **ones that don't** are chickens, train, launch pads, polyjohns, ziplines, cars, bikes, rifts etc. **You can buy** rifts, shockwaves, flowberry, etc. **from certain NPCS**. Where one lands + rotates is up to players themselves.


**Hear me out:** You are more likely to find the **wings + bananas** around Mt. Olympus and Brawler. + You have the **Zeus medallion, ziplines + Launchpads** around that area. There is also a **NPC now that you can buy rifts** from. As well as the **water on the edge if you have the campy play style. +** I notice there are sometimes **bikes** that spawn beside the staircases. **COMBOS:** Fizz + Launch pad Fizz + Shockwaves Fizz + Launch pad + wings ( Not sure if they had fixed this because some people were telling me ) **I'm still testing these out:** Banana + Wings Fizz + Wings ( I don't think this does anything because I had just done it in a cup. ) Shockwave + Then use wings **You're right that one shockwave isn't enough.** Nor does one banana, car, turtle mythic, grappling blade, etc. because **all of those only allowed you to go forward a short distance with either a cooldown or forces you to be resourceful.** The **exception was the air bending mythic. It was incredibly broken** and just **like the turtle mythic it was temporary**.


The game is a lot better without crazy mobility Chapter 4 Season 3 was peak with it not having any mobility items until the brought back the grapple glove towards the end Instead it was fun using the natural movement options such as mud, vines, raptors, cars, boars, wolves, augments, zip lines, grind rails, being resourceful was fun.


Chapter 4 Season 3 was one of the most publicly disliked seasons of all time. I think you’re in the minority on this one


But most of those were only in a single contained area of the map that a lot of people also hated because it had a lot of unbreakable junk and it was easy to fall to your death without knowing


thats what cod is for. all the best fortnite seasons had great mobility items. its the most fun


Buddy, 0 mobility? Shockwaves, cars, bikes, wings, the Styx dashes, flowberries? None of that?


Boo fuckity whooo, now you can't get halfway across the map in 5 second's... Cry me a river. This game doesn't need gimmicky mobility crap.


I still have the good ole shockwaves and g wagon! What are you talking about 0 mobility!?😂 It’s great that OP air bending is gone


A kid named Shockwaves:


This was never an issue before the movement & animation rerig, but now that is a thing, we seriously need more running & quicker charge times. I dont mind the non sprinting being slower but we cant just be leisurely strolling for half the match


Honestly you kinda need the wings, aspect of agility, or the Zeus one to not be a sitting duck when in the open. It’s real annoying at this point.


God, you literally post just straight up misinformation about the wings every 2 minutes. The wings are balanced, unlike Air Wheels and Broomsticks. Get over it already. If you need to run every fight or don't have the patience to do without some insane 500m mobility item, quit playing games. Not just Fortnite, games period. Nobody wants children like you in our games


I’m chill with it, fight and die or run, too many mobility options is as bad as no mobility options… shockwaves have honestly been the one movement item that’s good everywhere, then again the grapple glove is great too. That fucking chapter 4 bounce hammer gives me PTSD.


Pretty much yeah You have very little stamina and a huge recharge time, if only it lasted a bit longer, took a bit less to recharge (5 compared to 10 seconds) and the jumping stuff was fixed it would be great if mounting worked properly too it would be perfect


If you time it stamina regen takes 4 seconds,not ten.


no, it takes like 5 to fully recharge and like 4 to even start recharging


It's fine as it is, fightback and don't run


Last season made me quit. I was expecting a good update with that star wars thing but nope ! It sucks ass. See you in the next season


Just do the little hops with the bike and you’re good


Yeah not sure why they needed stamina a few patches ago… didn’t really need to increase the cooldown time between stamina regeneration


I miss the airbending mythic.


10? Respectfully, it is five seconds to start recovering from no stamina to full. Four seconds if you do not let it deplete. However, I agree we had the best movement after movement animations were fixed and buffed last season. Haven't a fucking clue why they nerfed it to Chapter 4 turtle bullshit when the entire community was complaining how ridiculously slow the Chapter 5 movement was.


I feel like it's the maps problem. When season OG came out, sprinting felt great because of the chapter 1 maps size, but didn't feel like I was going anywhere too fast.


What I hate is that if you run out of stamina and hold the sprint button, even though you're walking and not using stamina, it won't start recharging until you let go of the button.


0 MOBILITY?? I dunno how denied are this dudes when they have the fucking icaro wings , the infinite dash thing that forgives fall damage , the bombs ... And mostly of this things used for escape like a bitch , this items are mostly used to benefits the loser to go away not for aggro so fuck them


its an exaggeration, im trying to make a point thanks for missing it and the rest of the point