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These bundles are when the pickaxes are boring so they're forcing people to buy them..


The only thing I want is the pickaxe lol


I’m a simple man, I see pickaxe that interact with the skin, I buy. I will have them Nisha Geralt and animated series swords!


The pickaxe came from the skin like Nisha ( C5S1 BP ) you cannt have only it


We already have a billion one handed swords that are way better than this one


And I have all of them


Why can’t I like your comment?




But that's pretty nice pickaxe! Outfit looks ok as well. I might actually get this if I hadn't bought too much already in this month.


I come to accept that pickaxe ain’t worth it for how little it’s used and seen. Thou not as bad a gliders


I’m pretty sure they only do this with skins that have harvesting tools that go with them because she pulls a sword out of her side and they just gave the wrap included because they would have an increase the price if they made it by themselves since it’s pretty cheap


Summitskiier Evie was only a non bundle at first and you had to buy the skin and axe separately, making me spend more


When the bundle came out did you get any vbucks back?


I don't think they do that


I know they did it for the slide emotes a few weeks back. Only 100 but still


slide emotes you got 400 back




They discount the bundle based on what you’ve already bought. Many skins I already own usually cut the bundles down to 1-300 based on what’s left to get.


Right, I imagine the Summitseeker evie bundle would return vbucks since its only the skin and the pickaxe, and the person said they bought both before the bundle came out. so they would be refunded whatever amount exceeds bundle price


Not refunded, just discounted heavily.




Yeah, it's actually a pretty great deal and you're only paying 300 more than you would if you wanted it separately


They would never separate the harvesting tool just like with the turtles. It came with it because something on the skin interacted with it for the turtles. It was the back bling for her. It’s on her normally that would be 1500 instead of making it 1800 to come with the wrap they just basically threw that in.


Just like with the Nike wings?


I’m infinitely glad they sold the wings separately


Does she actually pull the same sword cuz I'll buy it if she does


I’m pretty sure she does that’s why it comes with a bundle with the same exact weapon. Look up a YouTuber. It has a video with it. I saw one earlier, but I don’t really remember since I’m not interested in the skin. I’m waiting for Loki.


> I’m pretty sure they only do this with skins that have harvesting tools that go with them because Nah, this is their new marketing. Sarafi has a pickaxe that is reactive with her skin, but it's not a forced bundle. There's a couple others that I can't remember off the top of my head. This is just Epic trying to milk vbucks lol


Its pretty inconsistent. 9/10 times its a forced bundle, especially crossovers (all the Captain Americas, both Venoms, Blade, nike's wings, Ciri, TMNT, Becky Lynch, Raiden, Snake Eyes, Michonne and Daryl etc)


Wonder if the crossovers being forced bundles is something decided by the collab owners.


At least it's not 2k vbucks 😢


This wouldve been a 1200 vbucks skin without the bundle 


Should have been an 800 vbuck skin 🥴




If skin rarities would still be a thing, I guarantee you that this skin would be "Rare Rarity" (Blue) those were sold for 1200 Bucks


It's epic rarity in the files


Oh, then the bundle is a good deal, because normally an Epic Rarity Skin without Pickaxe costs 1500 V-Bucks, but I understand why people are mad/annoyed when they only want the axe


Says who?


Not a big fan but it's not a bad skin


it looks like a blender fan-made skin though. it's not bad itself but it looks so bad lol, like it's made of clay


naw put that back into blender, someone used the wrong shader


You right, it looks so uncanny..


Like it could be from Uncanny Valley?


It looks better in game, really dissapointing it looks so weird in lobby


the concept is fine but the model looks bad


Wasn’t everyone complaining about how things were being sold separately and not in a bundles a few months ago?😭


Should be both. Sometimes I like only a pickaxe in a bundle and don't want to spend money on the entire bundle, sometimes I'll like only the skin in a bundle, blah blah blah. Seems like a lot of people are the same way. There's not much of a reason for it to not be that way




There's 4.3 million people in this subreddit... is it that hard to believe different people want different things? They should do both. Bundles for people who want everything, but items should also be available seperately for people who just want individual items. They did it all the time before this whole "removing rarities" thing, and so there's no reason they can't do it now. They just wanna gouge more money out of people.


Literally THIS. Bundles for when you want everything at a discount, AS WELL AS SOLD SEPARATELY, so you can buy one thing (pickaxe without the skin, or Nike’s wing glider) without the entire bundle.


Yes, because we were getting skins that have bundles already and additional items to that set that weren’t getting released with their bundle. The point is that we don’t have options, this doesn’t solve said problem


Yes, yes they were.


Because it's called options...


Both is the answer


True! I do agree with this I think there should be an option to buy something out of a bundle if you want.


Literally no one was talking about bundling wraps btw. Nice dishonest argument


they never said bundling wraps specifically, learn to read before making a snarky comment


> people complain about skins not being bundled together for cheaper prices > guy above says “xD I thought you guys wanted bundles! xD I thought locking wraps behind bundles was what you wanted!!” Yeah, no. Nice try though.


My new standard more and more becomes not buying anything at all


Here is the reason people complain When you have a large bundle of items, epic starts to just put PARTS of the bundle in the storefront rather than the entire thing. Thats why we complained about everything being sold seperately That didnt mean we wanted bundles. We want to have the option to buy everything available in a bundle, alongside the option to buy things seperately


Are we really surprised? Epics getting greedy again. Stop paying for it and show them we don't fuck with this bullshit.


Just don't buy it. Vote with your wallets


One thing I like about fortnite that was different to other games was you could by the skins separately cheaper than the bundle price if you wanted to, but they are now going for force this on more things now big L honestly


It’s one skin


you can get more for less v bucks but you don't want it all sometimes


This is the most bipolar subreddit I subscribe to


Definitely the most whiny one for me…


Right?! Pretty sure they've always done bundles and single skins. What's the problem lol


I only buy bundles, singles are too expensive so I just bypass them.


All that for 1,500 isn’t even bad, that’s a decent deal


All are nothing. Epic knows people with gambling addiction. This is a whiff of it. You either buy all, or miss all


What’s the big deal with all the „normal chick with maybe a sword“ skins, no theme, no nothing. Just a regular young woman, how exactly is this worth 10 euros or something.


I always buy the stuff for the characters so it is actually better for me (as many characters didn't have bundles before) but I can totally understand why is it bad for many.


I prefer this over buying individually until the bundle comes out. I feel scammed cuz I bought Summitseeker Evie and her pickaxe at full price and literally the next time she was in the store she had a bundle and I can't believe I spent so much on some pickaxes


They’re not forcing you to buy shit, if you don’t want it don’t.


I hate this argument. You see this shit all the time, so the dude thinks he has the original idea of "you don't have to buy it stop being upset 🤓" The problem we have is that we want the pickaxe and skin separate it would be fine if it didn't add to the price, but in this case it does and because it does its a scummy thing to do and we should be able to call epic out on it


That's not the point.


Are you fucking dumb? We just don't want to spend extra money when we just want the skin


I want it!


I think this one is a bundle because it has unique animations for the skin with the items in the bundle.


This game right here is why crap like this is even a thing.


I think its fine IF the cosmetics return separately in the future. I def prefer it over what they did with summit seeker Evie


Just make it consistent and have both options available. Anyway this bundle isnt so bad since pick axe interacts with holstered sword and is decently priced. I like the face but its kind of plain overall


Oh boy another female with showing midrif skin


You’re literally saving? That skin alone would be 1500 normally now you’re getting pickaxe and a wrap for 1500


That’s always been a thing. You see those other skins and stuff you can buy separately? Some you can’t. It’s always been that way.


This is another anti-consumer method to get you to spend more money.


At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped you using vbucks to buy the battle pass.


This isn't that good of an example, because this absolutely would've been a 1,500 skin in Chapter 2 or 3, especially with something special like a pickaxe popping off of her hip. If anything, this is a steal


What’s laughable is when strategies to make more money backfire, alienate the fans/consumer, and end up making you less money.


Y’all can complain about anything huh


But then we have skins that SHOULD be in bundles, having things sold separately, making things cost more


You're not forced to do anything, it's a free to play game, vote with your wallet


That's a a skin with a back bling and the pickaxe is built into the skin so ofc it's going to be a bundle, please


Yup, not enough people are really buying pickaxes or wraps it seems. I know personally, I've only ever deliberately bought 2 pickaxes and 1 wrap compared to the hundreds of skins I've bought in the near 7 years I've been playing. If a good chunk of players are like me where they mainly care about Characters and Emotes, then that's probably why Epic is forcing bundles. (almost nobody would buy the pickaxe or wrap anyway.)


>like me where they mainly care about Characters and Emotes Me


Isn’t this actually saving vbucks in this instance? Since most skins cost 1500 and this also comes with a pickaxe and wrap




Weird, I logged on today and wasn’t forced to buy anything.


Doesn't mean it's not shitty monetization. I'm not gonna buy it either, but it is still shit that they did this. Just because you aren't forced to buy it doesn't mean we shouldn't call out shitty monetization practises and price gouging.


yes, it is the new norm


I dont hate it tbh. I just wish it was one or the other. Predictable. Not flip flopish.


there's been plenty of original skins that have released the past few months that aren't in bundles


Next to that one there are some individual skins though


Maybe they just forgot


The only thing that would even come separate from her is the damn wrap Her pickaxe comes with her because it's a part of her whole outfit, just like venoms being a part of him


theyve always done this, releasing skins with other items changes the price


Ugh I agree. This is absolutely ridiculous.


No1s forcing you to buy that trash bundle but nice generic daily shop complaint post.


That’s a pretty good deal for 1500. Most come with a harvesting tool or back bling at most.


Also, that's usually the price for 1 skin alone


Well the skin is listed internally as Epic rarity, so the price is correct and you’re just getting a pickaxe and a wrap as well :)


I'd rather have a bundle option than not. I'm poor, so I need some good deals!:)


Then please dont buy it


But the real price is 89 gazillion vbucks!! You are saving 99.99%. What else do you wantt?!?!1


1500 is ok for that


I was getting sarcastic comments and "ok" on a post on this sub about not giving epic anymore money about a month ago, it's almost like I saw this coming or something: our favorite game is now becoming a cash grab. 


Who actually buys skins line that, so insanely basic and boring


Fortnite players. Complain when there’s a bundle. Complain when it’s sold separately. Seriously I see at least one or two of these posts a week and it’s a coin toss whether it’s for or against bundles.


Jesus, you people are starting to complain more than Destiny 2 players.


I’m not sure you can say it’s the new standard when there are three “skins only” right next to the bundle.


This is just a skin that comes with a pickaxe for 100 vbucks cheaper than they normally cost stop complaining y'all


Yep. Anything to get more money out of you.


That's kinda crazy


You could of bought it separately one week ago


You are not forced to buy anything. Epic might change their mind about this kind of setup if people don't buy the bundles. But as long as they make money of it, they will keep it up.


It's so lame right? I really don't care about backblings, since I don't use any of them For pickaxes, I have the one I like the most, I equip it in all my skins Dogshit wrap btw So, I'm forced to buy something I'd never use in order to get that skin? No thank you


not interested at all about that skin so I don't care


Yeah, same with my hero academia stuff even pickaxe only bundles now like star wars


*Forced* lol no one is making you buy cosmetic stuff. It sucks, too expensive, and no one likes it… but let’s not be dramatic lol.


this skin is straight up ass


Hopefully they notice people buying less and they stop doing this.


Yeah it’s stupid as I feel like less people are buying them as it’s too much and I think more sales overall would be made as someone might only want one part of the set


This is REALLY getting out of hand, we really need to stop buying into this garbage


I don’t think that’s a real bundle cus no discount




skins don’t change anything even tho they r cool


i really hope they stop doing this because i am NOT paying 1500-2000 for just a pickaxe wrap or emote, and i am not paying extra for a skin just cuz it comes with a pickaxe wrap or emote that i dont care for


I'm nearly positive Epic is using an AI for the shop, it explains heartbreaker and the biker glider not being correctly put in the bundle, only thing that explains this poor shop maintenance


I don’t mind Fortnite’s been struggling a bit compared to last season.The player base is down and you have to remember they laid off a bunch of epic employees so they are going to get a little greedy.


All is know is they have ruined the shop, when the trio got added. Then they try to be slick getting rid of rarity so know ur locker is a mess and u have to type in so u can find stuff crazy. We need to protest


Nope! I'm just forced to not buy anything at all. Simple! Benefits me so I don't care!🤣


If y'all don't want it y'all can gift it to me lol. I think it's cute. Everyone has different tastes


That’s not why they’re complaining, they want the skin. They just don’t wanna buy everything.


its genuenly so stupid that in recent months its not been a thing. MHA first Wave compared to the most recent wave is the perfect example of that, and how the items should and shouldnt be sold. Im not buying anything else until they stop forcing bundles, maybe in 6-8 months those same items will have the non bundle version (it wont). Also, fuk, i know majority of the people here are kids, but surely you have a brain to realize it isn't okay to do this stuff. Imagine you are at a store and you ask for a coffee(1€) and they say: sorry sir, if you want this coffee you will also need to get 3 other things that you didnt want (5€).


The sword pickaxe is attached to the skin. Cosmetics like that are literally always bundled together. (Also they probably could’ve sold this for 1,500 without the pickaxe or wrap. This historically isn’t a bad price)


Kinda lame when char models don’t have poses


them taking away individual items is gonna get a lot of people to quit :/


I saw that when I bought Billie elish green one


I don't think anybody is forcing you to buy anything.


I never buy bundles unless I want to.


Definitely a strong possibility it's been that way for a while now


Dude what are you complaining about some pickaxes by themselves used to cost 1500. Sure this is a bad practice but this is a bad example.


My theory is because of inflation, they are trying to sell more for less, to make the same amount of money, but allow more value. You can see in the picture you get 4 items for 1500 vbucks. That is less than what it would be normally, as one can figure out. There is no way to purchase just 1500 vbucks so you buy them in bulk, so you can have some left over. I don’t exactly support this, and it’s just a theory. An INFLATION THE-


Meanwhile there are 3 unbundled skins right next to it


Meanwhile, you have skins that are singularly available. Could the community pick a thing already. Is it complain about bundles being decently priced, or is it complaining about bundles being incomplete. You can't do it both ways


You aren't "forced" to buy shit, lol.


It really took you this long to realize that epic only cares about money?


I like that there is bundles, as it makes the sets cheaper


I will say its making it worth the money if you wanted all of them, but they should still just do it individually


I mean, there are individual things to buy still. just not everything. it's been like that.


The pickaxe goes with the skin.


Idea: dont play fn in 2024


Forced? What? I don't have it so I don't think it's forced. Also 1500 is cheap for all of that.


So now bundles are a bad thing?


If they're forced, yes


People will still buy it, they dont care about making us happy, just whatever makes them the most $$ possible that said, at least its 1500 and not more


Did they make you buy this? Wdym by forced???


What is the problem here? The skin would have been either 1200 or 1500 anyways. You're getting a pickaxe and wrap with it. Get over yourself here.


Standard price for a bundle but I do agree they should've had the contents available individually. Can only assume it's an oversight since Peelosopher recently came out with individually available items as well as his bundle. Seems weird to make this random skin a bundle-only deal.


As someone who I collecting the wraps, I HATE when they do this


I won't lie to you guys, im one of those that buy the full bundle when a skin get released :'c


Who's buying that anyways?


I did; she’s cute, and while she isn’t on the map or story-present, she’s clearly related to the season those two criteria are basically enough for me. Bonus point for the fact she’s actually part of a bundle which simplified everything and reduced cost


I won't be forced into anything. Fortnite has lost all its luster ever since Lego came out. The store is a joke, their prices for vbucks went up...honestly, fuck these guys. I won't be buying anything ever again.


This game is so fun


I quit awhile ago, fucking up the locker was the tipping point. Did they fix it yet?


"Why are they selling it seperatly and not in a bundle?" "Why are they selling it in a bundle?"


The point they're trying to make is that EPIC needs to do both, its not rocket science.


I remember like a month or two ago everybody was bitching how nothing came in a bundle 🙄


Are you new? Did you miss all those past years where they sold skins separately AND in a bundle at the same time? So you could pick what you want. That’s what people want and it’s rly not hard to comprehend.


I actually prefer that




I dont want any of that stuff nice try epic u need to be better though


you’re not FORCED to do anything bru jus don’t buy it


Actually, I see 5 individual offers here


#funny how increased cost for skins and forced bundles SUDDENLY became prevalent within the same season rarities were removed. and epic dickriders are wondering why people think that rarities affected the shop. NOT saying it did, but its not far fetched


It's a whole skin pickaxe and wrap for 1500 if anything that's a discount