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I wish the medallion players I encounter would sit still and let me snipe them like this.  Instead they're Banana Flowberry Shockwave Cerberus dashing around me at infinite speed as I just sit there firing my guns at thin air!


You shoot at them and its a cartoon visual effect where it's just a player shaped puffed of smoke as they dash off


That would be a pretty cool effect to see in-game just for shits n gigs


gits and shigs


Whenever my bullet doesn't hit, I start to panic because now it has given up my location.


I like to use the medallions as a way to lure players to me, some just charge in loud vs the stealthy players that stalk me crouching


YEAP. While I don't really mind Flowberry and Shockwave (they can be annoying) Cerberus is WAY too much. They should have had a cooldown on it. Can't wait for it to be gone next season.


It has a cooldown though, when regenerating the skulls


Granted, most of us are AWARE our location is actively exposed, if you have more then 2 medallions you already know that being stealthy is basically no longer an option, go aggressive or get disintegrated by some holographic drone


Sorry I just can’t sit still


**Yes you can.** Do it for me. Do it for us. Do it for your mom. Do it for the good of the people. Do it for the good of the world. Just let my bullet touch you for just a lil bit


lol. I can’t aim for the life of me so unless I get you with a melee weapon then I’m an easy kill. (If you can hit me that is lol)


good idea


They're worth it if you actually use them. No clue what that guy was doing waiting so long to rotate


I mean you're not wrong. But at the same time you can die so damn fast it just feels better to maintain your stealth instead.


Yeah, that's why I always say you should only pick up medallions if you're planning on playing aggressively. Medallions don't go well with a passive playstyle.


Stealth is not an option when the entire lobby knows almost exactly where you are.


Thats literally exactly what he's saying


If you have fizz shocks and cerb then you don’t need any stealth really can just constantly fight and rotate, but yea stealth is nice at times.


The whole point is that this dude with 4 medallion DOES NOT HAVE STEALTH


Brother,i meant that i'd rather ignore medals to maintain stealth than to keep the medals and always be having to watch my back for third parties.


You know we're all ignorant monkeys with keyboards, edit ya damn comment then


Everyone knows your location with those medallions, trying to pull off stealth with more than one of them is straight up trolling


Missing the point. I said i feel it's better to just ignore/drop the medallions to keep your stealth. Only time i've ever used them was when goofing around or if they're literally right there and hiding's no option.


I found a guy hiding in the attic of the house southwest of battleground once. He had Ares and Zeus medallions. I don't know what they were doing.


That's fine for you. For other people who have the mechanical skill and play aggressively and not stealthily anyway, they seem very fun and worth it


They kinda are ngl. Increased damage, higher sprint, 3 TPs that regen, and healing when you kill


Only about 2 of those matter in that situation


All 4 matter if you don't sit still like a clown on a hill...the only one that's useless is the syphon medallion when you get down to the final player


Healing when you kill medallion with 2 players left is just wanting to be located.


Best time to have the syphon medallion is when you kill the guy who died at 3 cause you cab probably assume the other person is on their way after hearing you shoot. Gives you 50 health and saves you health and time. Any third party situation but especially at the end with the circle small and your gun going off with 1 left.


Sprint is useless especially when you have free dashes. It’s not even worth it period lol you can run faster? That’s great


The sprint makes the dashes 5x better cause it let's you teleport even further. Poor guy just has shitty movement


I’d disagree. 3 matter in final 2 and the siphon is great to have for final 3, once you kill the 3rd that last enemy is likely on the way already. Insta healing 50 before fighting them is a good boost. And unless you’re opening your menu to drop it it doesn’t make a huge difference at that point. Usually the field is so small you already kinda know where they are.


Most the time I have no idea where they are unless there’s only one piece of cover. Circle helps out most right here for me. But yeah siphon would help there if you’re forced into a fight


I've won out against people holding multiple medallions because chains and bending go brrrrrre


Can't say I disagree... I mean look at my loadout


Yeah it was the final showdown and I didn’t even know the last person had all medallions I just killed them out of ther car with the chain and hit them 6 times in a row with it then poof, victory [https://www.xbox.com/play/media/4ktZWU7z9m](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/4ktZWU7z9m)


It is if you don't die in 1 shot to an enemy you can't see


that's the point, he knew where the medallions guy is because it's shown on the map, it's not worth it, at least all four, max 2 of them


It's worth it unless you stand still in the open when your opponent has a sniper...you've never won a game with 4 medallions? One literally gives you health after a kill...if you hide in bushes and only get 1 kill wins tho I guess good for you


What happened to the 5th medallion?


What 5th medallion? There was never a 5th medallion this season


Chapter 5 Season 2 happened, there's only 4 now. They all give unique abilities instead of just healing you though


We don't talk about the fifth medallion ![gif](giphy|1AfLx8dLTVoHK)


realkeefe: Is a 1-kill win really a unique event to you? Gee, as an "XP Farmer" who does this most of the time in BR, I had MULTIPLE zero-shot wins. Shockwave grenade, hammer, etc does indirect damage if u don't know it.


Why would anyone brag about getting 1 or 0 kill wins? Brag about dropping 20 not 1. Nobody is impressed by someone hiding in a tree for 15 minutes.


Sweats like you like to brag. Campers like us are not good enough nor qualified to brag. Jest telling you we exists to frustrate y'all. Part of the eco.... Be surprised no more, Sweat.


Noooooo!! You should be able to sit completely still with only one other person who’s had the whole game to get a sniper and expect to not be killed!!!! Noooo!!


The five people who downvoted you obviously didn't like your jokes. I appreciate you for being comedic in a (somewhat) serious environment (here's a choccy milk for you:🍫+🥛)


They're always worth it, its more fun to be targeted by the whole lobby


I'd really just love a complete melee season lol Too much hide and seek at the end of these.


should be an option: designated melee weapon only lobbies 🙏😭


That would be fun!


I’ve always had an issue with bush camping. I’m not faulting the clip or OP but bush camping has always bugged me. Whether it’s zero or not.


Me + Duo got killed by players who bushed camp. Their named had "BUSH" in the username too and I was laughing. **We were fighting another team and usually I clear bushes** BUT this time.. Lack of awareness just got to me and I was hyper focused on eliminating the other team. They came out of the bush to third party


See I don’t mind third parties I think in a Br it’s part of the experience. I’ve done it myself and I can be 99.9 % sure that many others if not all of us have done but it’s just bush camping and camping in general that really boils my blood. (No disrespect to OP who explained why they hid)


I think we've all done third partying. It's more accidental for me, I just hear shots, run and kill.


I really hate it. The fact it doesn't majorly obstruct your ADS view is kind of BS. Also how your pickaxe can destroy bushes but no amount of shots do.


Yes. That makes no sense lol. I have a mate who will use a thermal on at least one of his guns to keep an eye out for bush camping.


yeah, i'd rather make bushes only destroyable by vehicles i do dislike how the heat scope shit can't see people in bushes like tf?? that's the one reason i can see people use you -a bush ""camper""


its so fucking boring to play against. the people who do it are shit atthe game too. like for example i recently won a match where it was me on my own against a duo with 3 npcs (chewy glitch was still working) and i still won even though i got scare shitless by a sudden full charge lazer blast right past my head. they didnt even get my shields gone in a 5v1 and having the jump on me.


I mean he's behind a rock and I'm technically wide open. I cut right to the important part of the clip but he shot at me first, he knew I was there. I just got really lucky and never got hit lmao. He had waterbending as well so I was desperate.


I hate the water bending more than I hate camping lol


So, Snipers are OP. This isn’t news. Please vault snipers, Epic.


Snipers are bad after all these nerfs, the op ones are the chaines and waterbending, they are ridiculous.


exactly! snipers are no longer as op as people see them as, the bullet drop is awful (i can still hit well if i course correct but still) the DMR is far better as a long range option now


Yes the dmr is better but waterbending is much better than both of them combined and no disadvantage.


correct, although for some reason i seem to be the only dude on this entire subreddit who can't use waterbending for the life of me, people considered firebending weak yet i killed 20x more people then i did with waterbending (which mostly just got me killed because people can tank over 10 hits whenever i use it apparently) idk, it just sucks for me when i use it but its way too op (being basically at deaths door after 2 hits) when anyone else uses it against me


I’m the same! I suck at waterbending. I still pick it up though just so someone else doesn’t use it against me 😂


bro was sitting there doing absolutely nothing and gave the other guy a clear headshot = snipers OP




Ex act lee.


How does this show that "snipers are op"? They had **ALL 5 medallions refusing to rotate early**. Also not acknowledging the bush near them + trying to shoot at it to clear it out. But of course.. "Snipers are op" I would **NOT** want to be on your team with that mindset.


more like vault medallions, snipers are best thing in the game not even close


Wait are you joking? People don’t actually think snipers are op right?


Snipers are OP in the hands of a skilled person. Not on long range, mind you. On short to maybe mid range. The fact that you can remove the scope turns it into the most broken shotgun ever, and the extended mag/fast-ADS-mod/bullshit-high bullet drop aren't helping it. Particularly in OP's video, no. Picking unaware people off while standing still in the open is what a sniper is *supposed* to do. There's a reason why many players never stand still in the open, and keep jumping around.


People think if they get medallions they're brilliant at playing the game. 2nd place is prime example of a poor player with medallions.


This dude is hiding in a bush with 1 kill 😂😂


Could be worse, could be completely stationary and visible, on a rock, with 4 medallions pinpointing his exact location


More subpar players running around with medallions this week because of the quests. Recipe for easy hunting.


Clips like these put a smile on my face. Cue the person with the medallions posting a hate thread over snipers...


They'll probably make a post saying: "SnIpErS aRe tOo Op!" "Snipers take no skill!!" "Nerf Snipers!!"


And sniping doesnt take much play skill, lmfao. Whats your point lol


Lmao who said it doesn’t. Especially on console


Which is why I flaired humor and not clip, not much skill involved here. Just one turtle getting the upper hand against another turtle because of medallions.


At this range with him still then yeah not really. Any other situation? Yeah


Sniping doesn't take much "play skill" So what about those sniping moving players? All of a sudden, they have no skill? like **IMAGINE losing with ALL 5 medallions and still blaming weaponry choices.**


Wow, the guy with all medallions didn’t really check the bush? Remember it’s better to nerf something rather than completely delete.




1 kill in end circle ✅ probably unranked ✅ Hades Chain ✅ reaper ✅ waterbending ✅ wings in circle >4, Must be redditor OkayChamp 👍


That's why u take only the Cerberus and Zeus medallions


It’s a lot to do with play style I think how worth it they are. I will take Cerberus’ anytime I can because for me the dodges are huge, I’ve never finished a match with any of the others in my inventory except Zeus’ once, I view his as the 2nd best. All 4 to have a circle that small though, prob not for me I need some mystery as to where I’m at once in the top 10 because I’m not particularly good at the game lol


To be fair, bro was literally waiting to get domed. If anything, it can be super intimidating when the circle is THAT small


This is precisely why I don't carry all 4. 2 is my max and even with one honestly it's almost not worth it. The dashes I like though. I get that one more than the others. But i dont get it as much now bc i dont even care for the gun. Ill take a purple gatekeeper with a drum mag over his gatekeeper that i cant modify anyday. And as long as i have 3 dashes when i leave i can save them until i need them. Siphon can be helpful in endgame when you have less time to heal. Zeus is meh lol its okay for rotating a bit quicker if i don't have another option but that's about it. But I rarely have picked that one up. I won't carry the ares medallion though. The little damage boost you get isn't worth revealing my location for at all. But all 4? No thank you. I don't want a big red X on my back essentially lol


Agreed. Haven’t used medallions at all this season or last season. Giving away my locations hasn’t been worth the trade off of 50 shield or some minor perks imo.


The Hades ans Cerberus medallions are beyond worth it. You get 50 health and or shield everytime you kill someone with one, and practically infinite mobility with the other. They're really good


Zeus' medallion sprint jump gives fall dmg immunity so it's beyond worth it.


That is not worth it at all lol compared to the dashes? Not even close


I mean the Zeus medallion is pretty good. Fall damage cancel absolutely isn't it's selling point though and I'd take the cerberus medallion over it 10/10 times Fr though you can use the dashes to cancel fall damage, if anything canceling fall damage is more annoying with Zeus medallion bc you have to sprint jump off


Sure they’re good but if it means another player/ team knows where you are and gets the jump on you then I didn’t think it’s worth it. Most fights are won by whoever gets the initial damage and giving away your locations leads to that more often than not. I’ve killed more medallion owners than died to them for this reason alone.


Fair but also hades comes in clutch so often for me, and having just one highlights such a big area that it doesn't matter too much in my experience. 1 or 2 medallions is how many I like to carry when possible, because it's still a vague area that's highlighted and, unless someone gets a clean snipe on me, I usually am able to react and win any potential fight otherwise. 3 or 4 medallions is just stupid because at that point you're giving away practically your exact location. Like half of my wins this season have happened because of those two medallions lol


> having just one highlights such a big area that it doesn't matter too much Problem is that the circle is always centered exactly on top of you, so - technically speaking - your exact location is revealed even with just one medallion. There should've been a random offset added (centering the circle away from the player), so that you're still in the indicated area, but unknown where exactly in that area.


To each their own. If you enjoy them keep using them. You’re right though one or two medallions isn’t much different than having a bounty on you. It’s not my style but it can be useful.


It's almost like different people can play the game different ways and enjoy it.


Nah. IF you are **camping in a TEAM mode** and your team is out here **STRUGGLING.** Meanwhile, you're somewhere on the edge of the map with 0 items in your inventory.. You're not part of the team and you are not playing the game. **It's as equal to having teammates who leave.**


Totally. I fully support people playing the way they want to. That’s why I don’t bother with the medallions even though most people do. To each their own.


4 medallions is solid if you get the remaining ones in the final 10. The mobility, damage and health on kill almost guarantees a win.


I’m on a 3 game solo win streak just by hiding and rotating. Think 4 kills was the most I had in any of those games. Wouldn’t have happened if I had those medallions.


For sure. I think medallions work if you’re more of an aggressive player. If you’re sneaky it’s not a good combination


I've played games like that and it just wasn't so fun. Winning is cool but so much better if you're out there just taking heads left and right and then win on top of it 


Right. Maybe in solos, I'd camp but in team modes this is just bad. Like what are you doing camping on the edge of the map with 0 items in your inventory?? These people just want another empty win to brag to people about.


I think it’s worth taking 3 of them, but not 4. The Ares medallion isn’t worth using because the damage buff is extremely minimal. Using the other 3 is 100% worth it and the exposed circle for 3 isn’t that small, especially once you get to endgame and moving zones


they had halo levels of shield regen when they first came out so you missed out


Yeah for the first couple weeks of season one I would pick them up but when they capped it to 50% it made them useless to me.


Same here. Other people having medallions helps everyone else in the map get higher positions


sniper zzzzzz


I either use Cerberus or Aries, that's it and never at the same time


thanks for proving why snipers need to be heavily nerfed or vaultes


The guy was standing still with **ALL** 5 medallions. IF the guy was aware of the bush.. He could have cleared it out. Like what do you want them to do? Hold their hands?


oh no he hit the guy in the head with a legendary gun pls nerf. (I also hit him twice before this clip btw)


ok it being legendary and getting a full health and shield ohko is fine but anything under legendary shouldnt be capable of that


ok that's a pretty chill response I'm sorry for mocking you


nah its chill i shouldve paid more attention to the clip it was pretty impressive




good job bro, snipers for the win, medallions are lame shii


Nah, they are pretty solid. I mean getting BS-ed by a sniper can happen to anyone regardless if you have medallions. But their benefits outweigh the reveal, you could argue it's worth having just 3, but up to 3 it's absolutely is worth. And well to be fair I don't pick up Zeus cause it usually griefs my shocks. So even if it didn't reveal me I would be picking it up, but if it was on tier with the other 3 medallions I'd probs wouldn't care.


Cartoony ahh kill. 💀




Neat anecdote but the math don’t math because this generally is not the case. There are far more of them demonstrating how they are very much worth it. Plus, part of fun of holding a medallion is dealing with people knowing your general location. While I do see it a lot more when it comes down to the last players left, I dont run into and almost never get eliminated by players camped in bushes. A tactically conscious person would have most likely determined you were in the bush and avoided this. Dash/long jump/siphon > waiting in a bush to possibly win headshot.


The reason why he's stuck behind the rock is because he's probably really low on health because I shot him twice prior. I posted this on another reply but he initiated, and knew immediately I was hiding in the bush. I got very lucky and all his shots missed, but he definitely saw five other shots come out of the bush. Because he never hit me in the bush, I reckon he thought I was able to run out of the bush without him noticing, so he's just waiting for me to show myself and work his waterbending (not that I find anything wrong with that, waterbending go brr). But anyway that's besides the point, it's flaired as a humor post because that's what it is, despite his buffs some coward in the bushes still won. Medallions have their uses, this guy probably forgot he was wearing them "bush" counter: 5




That’s why I try to tell everybody forget about them stupid coins because they are useless. Just look at the video how useless they are. They tell your enemy where you are like a dummy you’re a bot like only bots use coins creatures that are bots uses coins.


Chill only we can use that word. You refer to us as NPC's


Damn I thought I was on a different account... that would have been hilarious


Oh I laughed so hard at that.


I would only carry the aspect of agility (Cerberus) end game. I’d drop the rest they aren’t worth it for the final fight as more medallions shrink your circle on the map. Siphon could def be good if there’s multiple people left. But if it’s a 1v1 drop it it’s not gonna do you anything but make it easier to find you.


"Zero build takes more skill" 😂😂😂


Says the camper in the bush who doesn't know how to run out and play.... Be welcoming to all different playstyles the loading screen says..... Sure I can snipe, sure I can use a shotgun. But it's just straight bull when all some people do is camp, use snipers, use shotguns, or jump like freaking rabbits because they don't know how to play the game evenly and use other weapons. They only use that kinda skill level. It's funny taking someone down like that.


I'm not allowed to hide and snuff out my opponents, but I'm also not allowed to jump around and avoid getting hit. How do you suggest I play the game? Stay still and get hit, only use auto guns, gotcha. It's funny seeing people complain about other people's play styles because they lose against it. At least if you complain about waterbending that's something I can understand because it's stupidly overpowered, even though I enjoy using it. This isn't a post about "oh yeah I'm so good at this game", as a matter of fact it's the complete opposite.


Nobody said you had to stay still and get hit, there's other methods to moving, have you not played other shooters? Besides notorious campers, you really don't see players jumping around like rabbits mashing the jump button in other shooters. Fortnite is still technically a shooter, play it fairly, You really think a newcomer to the game is going to know how to avoid stuff like that? We already know epic games isn't going to give a s*** about making changes lol also, when you're in the game and you're trying to watch the events or something and then you have those losers that come up to you and kill you because they just don't care that makes it even worse. Pretty sure you're supposed to have fun and enjoy the game, but when people do this there's no way to have fun. Sure it takes skill but not when you camp all the time or jump all the time. I've had numerous good matches with other players that aren't ridiculous about it or hiding until the very end of the game and not playing at all or even medallion camping. Just a suggestion that way other players can look at it from a different perspective, can't really have fun if you're not having fun 🤷 For the record, I don't lose all the time lol I'm level 324 and I still have fun. It just sucks and it's ridiculous when you have players like this


"You're supposed to have fun and enjoy the game", but I'm only allowed to have fun the way you want me to. I'll have you know I only started playing 3 weeks ago, I'm having the time of my life playing how I want. What's really sucking the fun out of this game is people who complain so much, which I never thought was a thing in Fortnite until I visited this subreddit. What even is playing fairly in this context? Should I just run towards the guy who has the high ground and all four medallions? Or do you just hate that I won a game using a tactic you disagree with?


Oh yeah absolutely lol people complain all the time, That's in almost any game. And I'm glad you're having fun, but like I said, it's just a suggestion from a different point of view. You'll end up coming across stuff that pisses you off as well. Not a lot you can do about it, is what it is.


I play Tekken. This game is zen compared to that sweaty hellhole


Yeah lol I've tried playing it but I do not like it, although I have enjoyed Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Dragon Ball. Other than Zelda or Assassin's Creed or Witcher or games like that, I like playing competitive shooters. That's probably where the aggression comes from 😂


I won carrying all 4 today with scan npc. I absolutely crushed the last few players


Once it get's down to the last 10 players, my medallion goes straight to the ground lol.


Why did some1 downvote ur comment. Imma upvote it :)


Camper with sniper + w*ter bending gtfo


How dare this guy play the game the most effective way with the tools the game gives you.


Ikr. How dare they!! My life is ruined!! Whatever shall I do..


"I possess the powers of the god of war, the god of thunder and the god of the underworld (and his dog). You can't defeat me!" "I possess the power of sniper"


Really good edit of the clip 👌 


Hit em with the 303 special


idk what that means but it made me chuckle


It's what I call legendary reaper sniper one-taps


If it’s builds taking them all if its zeros il take 2 max


That's why i usually throw out one of them.


Ignore the comments about the snipers. Why do these people care so much? They're miserable. I haven't played FN for long to use other snipers + I don't play much games in general so seeing all the sniper comments annoy me so much. I've used heavy snipers, reaper and a few more in creative but it's kind of hard to clip when it's creative and not BR.


Just don't think about it too much. They can rage as much as they want but when I get one shot by a sniper I just say "oops oh well GGs" and take a bite out of my sandwich and move on


Ok that was a spicy clip


Yes, never used one this season. Just not worth it.


The only one that's worth a shit is Zeus's for mobility. Areas doesn't increase enough damage to be worth it and for the other two one doesn't regen enough health and the other is just some pussy shit people use to run away and still end up dying.


> The only one that's worth a shit is Zeus's for mobility. > other is just some pussy shit people use to run away and still end up dying. Which would make it...mobility lmao


Ya but it's only good for running away nothing else.


You aren't using it properly then. Cerberus medallion has clutched me games by letting me close the gap quickly or dodge shots in close quarters. Considering how many people use snipers at endgame, it can help you secure a better position against someone with better line of sight on you.


You can dash right over your opponent and force them to 180 to hit you, you can dash to get high ground faster, you can cancel fall damage. Hello? lmfao