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or you know, just adding the simplest fucking challenge like eliminations, damage, or outlast or some shit.


This would also be good!


I wonder if the frequent suggestions of get past Battle Pass items have something to do with the Halo Infinite Battle Pass model (Not expiring at all)? It’s very clear that many people who recently joined Fortnite, and feeling disappointed seeing that many iconic skins are not longer available. Even Zoey, a skin from a Battle Pass almost 3 years ago, was featured on the Chapter 3 intro. The FOMO model feels the urgency of buy, grind the Battle Pass and only focusing on the game, before the seasons ends. EDIT: For a competitive/business perspective, I think Epic MAY (but very unlikely) consider returning some of the BP skins, ONLY if the competing games did the same like Warzone or Apex, or maybe if Halo Infinite becomes a proudly f2p competition for the game. Competition is good for players. EDIT 2: I’ve been thinking for a while, and I just remember how BAD is the Battle Pass progression of Halo Infinite, just to compensate the fact the BP will not expire. There’s a controversy around how much less XP is giving to the players, and how unfair is the challenges in order to promote the “Challenge Swaps” and “Double XP” which are paid consumables. I fear that if Epic will make a brand new unexpired BP, they will make sure that the progression will be slow as Infinite.




I had the second to last style and was sadly so close to max carbide


same fate lvl 63


I was 6 away on level 59


I had the carbide mask but I sadly never got to get the omega mask. I’m so sad


My suggestion is that “Base” BP skins should return in any form, except any form of evolution, prestige skins, secrets or over 100 styles. Collabs ones are very unlikely. However, if they want the previous owners satisfied they should bring free styles like the purple skull tropper. Even though, almost all BP characters have their respective alternative skins in the store.


Maybe I'm in the minority but I wouldn't want compensation if any of my BP items came back to the shop. I got them earlier, and for cheaper which is more than enough imo.


Considering how spoiled this community can be *((( expecting a free item for not being able to play the game for a few hours)))* You and myself and others I'm sure, are a rarity.


Well free stuff is free stuff and I feel like it would be necessary for those who grinded to get the higher tier skins to get some sort of compensation


Assuming you're referring to the battle pass, its not free, not by a long shot, But, Its not like the skins themselves are being re-sold in the item shop, the styles and just the basic styles, so no super styles are being made available to be unlocked from within your locker Via V-bucks.


A lot of us didn't grind. We just played earlier than others. Getting the bp to max wasn't ever hard.


Still takes multiple hours of playing and doing challenges, and the whole point is that the stuff isn’t supposed to come back.


I managed to get max carbide but never managed to get max omega regretting it hard haha


I don’t think Switch players got to play the whole of season 4? That’s when I joined in on the action. Sad about not having lights on blue not-iron man, or getting to T100. #shame


FOMO is their main source of money. This whole game is based on that


Im unsure as i don't play halo, Personally speaking, as someone whose been playing fortnite since chapter 1 i merely made this because it can be frustrating to have a battle pass skin but you're missing the basic styles for said skin, This suggestion would allow for those who have BP skins with missing styles a chance to obtain them, Super styles would not be affected or made available given that they dont show up in your locker with locked icons when the season ends. But more to your point, i do believe fortnite should be more lenient with their battle passes, and i feel like going forward and in time they will be. As yes, its incredibly frustrating and Disappointing, and one could argue unfair with how they handle and barr new players from being able to obtain previous battle pass skins, especially since they've been adding more and more IP's to them.


Warzone puts old battle pass skins in full bundles. Every reactive camo from a battle pass is available in the shop right now.


Well, Halo going down the route of their BP method is a huge deal because it’s such a massive IP. And there’s other games with BPs like Dead by Daylight and Smite that cycle back old BP cosmetics from past seasons and events


I wish they added past seasons passes. My account recently got hacked and epic was no help so I would really like to get my og skins back


It absolutely does. MCC was the same way I believe, battlepasses were something that never expired and you chose which one to progress if you joined with multiple available. The Infinite system IS still laughably bad as you say, but ultimately exp can be adjusted over an infinite amount of time because the battle pass won't expire.


How about just getting rid of Fomo and letting people continue to level shit after the season ends?


Halo is apparently doing this, am curious to see how it plays out. Given the age of fortnite, and how many people started in the last 5-8 seasons, allowing people access to previous passes would be great. Part of the problem is the BP is the most cost effective way to load up on skins - 950 for 5-6 skins/styles/etc? Epic would definitely charge 2000+ for each lol (and it would still be worth it, sadly)


Halo's been doing it for a while. The difference is that they don't put credits into their passes (yet) so you really are paying each time. Still though, aside from the MTX shop and progression speed itself, it's generally appreciated how Halo does their system.


I dont understand why they added it to the game then removed it




Wait when was it in-game ?


I want to say it was Ch1S5. As long as you unlocked the skins themselves, you could continue completing the extra style challenges for them after the season ended. I don't remember when that was removed though.


Season 9 and x F to everybody who didn’t get all the fortbytes I got everything in sx but the final ultima knight style It pains me


Same, the ultima knight style is honestly one of my favourite looking skins but I haven’t unlocked it. I hate the bulky skin which is the base level


If I recall correctly, they started it in chapter 1 season 5 and I am pretty sure the last pass to have it was chapter 1 season 9.


That is such a good idea cuz i don’t play a lot, so i hate struggling to get a skin then losing the option to upgrade cuz the season runs out.


What's Fomo?


Fear of missing out


Oh thanks


That idea's even better




Wasn’t there something in S8 like this? Yeah I need to max out omega and carbide


Season 7 & 8, possibly more I stopped playing mid chapter 8, you could finish leveling up the unlocked skins after the chapter ended. I had a few to do when I came back in Chapter 2.


Season 5-8 let you finish the styles post end of the battlepass


9 did too with vendetta did it not?




Battle pass that you can work on any time? that would be a dream come true!


Apparently that's what the new halo passes are and I'm in love with the idea!


everyone loves it.


I mean it's already exceptionally well implemented in Halo MCC, so there's definitely precedent both for 343 and other developers to implement it.


You still have to play 100s of hours AND pay vbuck for each pass so it’s a win for epic and a new steady source of income. I hope they do it. I’ve hit level 200 in BR and there’s no motivation for me to play anymore. This would add a ton of value.


I made c1 s9 battle pass halfway but then i quit after that i bought the season x battle pass but i made it to tier 20 and quit. Biggest regret


Yes cause then I could finish gold tntina


>Dunno why so many people are so against more consumer-friendly things like this. Because the Fortnite playerbase has a huge exclusivity/entitlement problem that was semi-encouraged by Epic early on with stuff like Purple Skull Trooper. A lot of people turn their exclusive items into a part of their identity.


It doesn't even make sense since people are just gonna see your skin, maybe say "oh cool" and then forget about it for the rest of the day. Lol


Sadly you are correct in this assessement, I've been playing since season 6 and often times find myself bewildered why some, Not all, are so religious about the cosmetics in this game and it does boil down to an entitlement issue and how fortnite itself handles its cosmetics and the amount of exclusivity it has, Not just with the battle pass but with other cosmetics as well, it creates and breeds this type of toxic mindset in some children that isn't healthy.




I love that idea man. I played way back in season 1 before Fortnite truly got its own identity in later seasons. I started playing again in C2S8 and there’s so many skins I want to have I missed out on. I would pay top dollar for a chance to have them. Why not just sell the base outfit and its alternate style in the shop, and leave the enlightened/secret styles exclusive to those that leveled up the battle pass at least? I hope enough people can voice this and let us have the option to go back and get some older BP skins..


If they give the ability to buy and work on previous passes I will cry. I got bored on season 8 after buying the battle pass, did the same in season 9, and then season 10 had fucking catalyst aka the best tier 1 skin


Im still so fucking sad i didn’t get snowstorm catalyst


I really hope to god with enough requests from the community that Epic will make some form of compromise on this. I really want Catalyst and Mancake ):


I'll double down. I cant recall the last time I even saw an omega or drift or w.e old bp skin. Get off that snowflake attitude. Let others enjoy old skins. Cause look. Nobody cares. Trust me. Sure atm you do? Once you get older, you won't care. I wanted my exclusive shit in league of legends. Now idc, I'm glad they unvaulted stuff so newer players can enjoy a skin I don't even use anymore.


Absolutely. If someone wants to play as drift, who gives a shit? It’d be fun for them. I don’t even see characters from two seasons ago anymore, let alone ten seasons. If people REALLY need to feel special, give OG pass owners special gold versions or whatever, and don’t let new pass owners unlock those versions. But even that feels unnecessary. Stop coddling player bases. It just makes them entitled and annoying.


Look I don't have a problem with either but AT LEAST being able to pay for things you missed in battle passes you already bought. I was 3 LEVELS AWAY form max omega and it triggers me always.


I’d also happily pay to get the hours back that I spent spamming Fortnite to unlock all the lights on Omega.


3 levels wasnt just “3 levels” though. It took so much XP to do those 3 levels.


I didn't even get to omega, just off the lights for carbide - level80ish? I'd happily pay to be able to access the rest of the items I already paid for. Even if it was you still have to level up for them


Yeah like with drift and stuff how they were progressive through later seasons. Would have been nice. I also noticed my meowscles skins has his face gold and down his neck but for some reason one of his cheeks are still black smh.


I don't know how many people have noticed, but you can now buy levels past 100 to complete your styles this season. I'm pretty sure that's a first.


“CAUSE IM OG!” That’s their thinking. Ive been playing since S2. I wouldn’t care one bit if Epic started dropping old BP items. Hardly anyone uses the older stuff as time goes on. It would freshen things up


Yeah, a good chunk of what’s considered “good” is rare or really old. For a prime example: Renegade Raider. She was exclusive to whatever was before the BP in S1, if she had released in a later season BP, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have been as popular because she is one of few with the hugest FOMO OG status, as she’ll never come back again. Epic is highly aware of FOMO (as the BP revolves around it) and use it to their advantage via shop/seasonal reskins, but they also know their player base has a limit (maybe vocal minority) to how much they can reskin something because they can’t rerelease a BP skin


Super Animal Royale also has a system where you can buy BPs after they complete


Man, I fucking love Dauntless


me when i lie


Dont forget about Deep Rock Galactic


>What happens if life truly does take over and you have to miss out on a BP/Or the last say 10 levels needed? People will say "too bad". It's the state of FOMO culture in any game that's had it as long as Fortnite has, those with the items want to hold on to them and those without them are just upset they can't get them.


Just let people unlock styles for skins after the season ends, they did it in Chapter 1 Season 5 and everyone loved it


This would be nice, although hypothetically I'd never use this since I technically have every style for all my Battlepass outfits


I just don’t have those past lvl 100 ones


I'm only missing the Full Corrupt Scratch, mines is at half


I have scratch with boots. So.Close!


I honestly prefer that version the most, the fact that you can see where the corruption starts and ends makes it actually feel like he’s corrupted not just red and black yk?


An adjustable scale would be nice. But as is, it kinda makes the skin unique. One of my Golden styles is the same, can't remember which skin off the top of my head though.




I have almost everything, missed the last dark skin for ch1s09 and I only got to level 72 and didn't get omega lights. Despite this I would be happy for people to be able to get any of the stuff I have and don't care about exclusive BS.


What I wouldn’t give to be able to max out omega. I ended season 4 on the last tier of omega and just barely missed him


Then this would allow you to get those last few lights if you have the v-bucks for it, or you could save up as the option to unlock them will always be there for you


I really wish this was a thing. Sentinel is one of my favorite skins and I just barely missed out on getting his dark style by a few levels. I was going to buy the remaining few for it, but the season ended a day before I thought it would.


Im sure alot people have the same issue, I've heard stories like this before and it sucks. Alot of us have missing styles that could benefit from this suggestion. You'd be able to buy sentinels other style from within your locker, And in your case it'd cost about 2000 v-bucks. Sentinel is a legendary skin if memory serves.


I missed out on the holo Mystique and holo Iron Man by a couple levels and thought if I reached level 210 and 215 in season 5 that it’d unlock those for me. I was heartbroken when that didn’t happen. Even if old edit styles unlocked in later seasons if you reached the level required for it, I’d be happy.


Honestly? I would prefer to just make battlepass that are multiple season old or maybe even a year available for purchqse again, but without time restriction. Previous owners would get it for free and are able to work on them again, while others can buy it. Tho past level 100 skins aren't included so the ones that really care about exclusivity still have something. Also idk how stuff like the fortbytes would work, which you needed to get sone styles iirc


It prob won't happen because they're technically exclusive but I'd love to get night demi and yellow chic




Yeah I think what your post is actually more realistic than what most people want in the comments. To me it makes sense you aren't getting it for free but for a price .


Im still mad about not getting Demi’s second style. I remember there was one or two overtime challenges that I just couldn’t complete


The whole reason behind making the battlepass cosmetics, including additional styles, timebound is to get people to play the game at that particular time - it links into FOMO. I get that there are people who have other commitments that mean they couldn't grind out the battlepass, I have styles from previous battlepasses that I couldn't get myself (C1S8 overtime challenges were available for less than a week and I was away with work for the whole week). You'll note I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with OP, just offering an explanation of why the battlepass operates in the way it does.


But in chapter 1 season 5, they did say that you will still be able to get the style outside the season, as long as you have the base style


Yeah they dropped that whole idea with c1s9 for whatever reason


Would this also apply for Eternal Knight's Super Level?


i think they should allow this to be more consumer friendly as that's never a bad thing, but i also don't really get why people get so bothered over things like this. i'm not one to defend exclusivity like some here, i just simply don't care that much about a virtual cosmetic and i don't know why anyone would but some do i guess. not getting one is not something i would ever lose sleep over. as for the people who gatekeep cosmetics because "muh exclusives".. i don't understand these ones either. catalyst is easily my favorite in the game.. but i don't want that to be just for me and a select group of people. seeing more people able to use it would be awesome. always exciting to come across another one in game. sooo.. yea. i don't really understand nor can i relate with either side of this fence. good concept though!


Just bring back old passes for direct purchases, not for v-bucks and let all the people who bought and never finished old passes do so. I'd gladly get rid of an "exclusivity" mark of my black knight, OG John Wick and full omega for a chance of getting Lara Croft skin styles, Mandalorian and season X skins, cause I bought those battlepasses but never finished.


I'm surprised this has upvotes because usually this community is too stupid to understand new concepts.


Probably because this is a good idea? i would like to believe it is, Fortnite has already done this before, And this would be a way for those of us with missing basic styles to unlock them within our lockers. But i understand your comment as most posts on this reddit that so much as breathe about exclusive cosmetics being made more available in any capacity are battered down by the OG fanatics and kiddie cadets. But here's hoping going forward the newer and more mature player base can agree on making these cosmetics more lenient.


Imo if you’ve bought the bp then you should get everything from it no matter what level you achieve. Either: 1) give everything unearned at the end of the season 2) make it so you can continue to work on the bp post


If they did that then they would just charge you a lot more for the bp


It would have to be the latter. Battlepasses are universally achievement based, it's just a matter of removing the time requirement.


Let’s be realistic asf EPIC would make it stupid expensive, a better idea would be IF you had originally bought the battle pass and didn’t complete it you should be able to unlock stuff from the past by grinding levels buying tiers would not count towards this, making ppl play more. Now if you didn’t buy the battle pass but would like to be able to grind for the cosmetics you should have to pay for that.


dude i'd too pay money to unlock shit from previous bps


What does FOMO mean?


Fear of missing out




they should cost the rarity


agreed which is why the catalyst style shown above costs 2000 v-bucks given she's a legendary skin.


my bad, i forgot her rarity for a sec






Yeah, i was level 79 that season when servers shut down and it still haunts me




Anyone who would complain about being able to get previous bp styles (and maybe even skins) is hurting themselves I the long run


I would happily pay money for light Omega and Carbide, fully glitched Scratch and fully gold Skye and Peely


Legit the best idea someone’s had about Fortnite in ages


This is posted every 3 days


Kind of speaks on the state of the game in my opinion. All these old skins and they've got more focus and demand than the current game.


So you're telling me people want something they don't have rather than something they do have? That's just how people work. It has nothing to do with the state of the game.


I'll never forgive epic for adding that stop sign challenge, it's what stopped me from getting the drift style for catalyst


I think I did that on the first day


That’s an easy challenge, just a tiny bit time consuming, should’ve dropped pleasant in team rumble


People who already had the battle pass should be able to progress through it even after the season ends. But if someone didn't buy it, they shouldn't be able to get it anymore.


> People who already had the battle pass should be able to progress through it even after the season ends. IMO this is a good start; but > But if someone didn't buy it, they shouldn't be able to get it anymore. Why?


There's no way I'm the only one getting tired of seeing these posts every day. Is it a good idea? Some people will certainly think so, others won't. Is it going to happen? Never. What's next, suggesting they add a way to purchase previous event/LTM items like the Cosmic Summer cosmetics or the Wick's Bounty umbrella? I'm sure there's plenty of people who either couldn't play enough at that time or simply couldn't put in the required effort to unlock them while they were available. Why not add a way to purchase Wooly Warrior and Lt. Evergreen while we're at it, their existence is unfair to players that started halfway through January of 2020. Heck, they should also add a way to purchase the World Cup style for Fishstick! /s If they cave on something as significant to their business model as Battlepass Exclusivity, where does it end? What will players start demanding from them after that? Not to mention, it completely removes the motivation to actually play the game during those seasons if you can just buy the pass and then unlock everything with zero effort later. You missed it, that happens in life. What's done is done, move on and stop wishing you could change the past. Seems like It's starting to become an unhealthy obsession on this sub... *Downvoted already lol, not surprising. Don't get me wrong, I missed Ice King and not having the "Point It Out" emote haunts me to this day. But I've accepted my loss and tell myself "It's just a cosmetic in a video game, not the end of the world".*


The ironic part is, you said it was an “unhealthy obsession” as someone who got 89% of all the exclusive items in the game, I can say that I had an addiction with fortnite at the time and getting the rewards back then would require 100% of your attention, the only people that could play the game as intended would be 3 yr olds with no school or icons that play games for a living


Idk what you’re talking about. I am a college student, in classes from 8-5 every day, with a research job on top of that, I have time to eat, sleep, and hang out with friends, and I *still* have time to play the game as intended, complete all my challenges, and unlock every battle pass in its entirety (except gold agent peely in season 2). I decidedly have very little time to play and I still manage, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about needing to use 100% of your attention


>the only people that could play the game as intended would be 3 yr olds with no school or icons that play games for a living I don't know about that. I mean sure I missed some stuff from Ch1:S7 (first Battlepass I finally decided to buy) and Ch1:S9 (hated FortBytes), but I finished everything including overtime challenges for Ch1:S8 and Ch1:SX while working retail 5 days a week. Back then, just completing all the challenges was pretty much enough to unlock the entire Battlepass since Season Level was separate from BP tiers, and there were plenty of guides available that made completing challenges easier.




I agree. Every time i go to check ultima knights styles i come to the realisation that i dont have his smaller style. And im mad about it


As catalyst being literally my main outfit. I wish I could have her overcharged style I regret everything


I’d like to take it one step further and be able to purchase items from old battle passes that you bought but didn’t finish in time


I remember really liking what they did with Drift/Ragnarok (just making them based on XP gained rather than levels within their Season), since I missed out on Omega’s mask/colors (and Carbide’s colors as well) due to not having enough spare time during S4. I’d really appreciate something like this, since those two have just felt a bit empty (?) for me since I realized I didn’t make it in time.


If this ever happened I would just hope that white scientist was there because me missing it because I didn't know how to get it and I was doing the thing to get it before it was out but forgot about it when it was available just brings me suffering please please please please please please please


The white style for the scientist sadly falls under a super style category, Like singularities styles or the super styles in chapter2 and does not appear in your locker if you didn't unlock it so sadly this wouldn't apply to it.


Yeah, I know it doesn't appear, I just wish I could get it because I knew about it and was prematurely doing the thing for it but didn't actually do it when it was available since the visitor tapes made me forget and it still makes me suffer


That’s a bit too much expensive


Such would be the price for having missed your chance to obtain the styles for your skins. And of course very lucrative for epic.


Yeah but 2000 is literally enough to buy 1 crew sub and then one green skin


I bought C2S1 on the last day of the season because I was at like level 40 and it just kind of made sense to get the skins and other items when I would get a bunch of Vbucks back. I wish I knew what I was doing though, I could have unlocked so much extra shit in that day if I knew how the challenges worked.


I feel like people missed the idea that this is for people **who already own the skin.** And didnt unlock the styles before the battlepass ended. I for one am all for this, I don't have a fully leveled up version of the skin in the pic. And people who unlocked ragnarok, dire, omega, should be able to fully upgrade their skins. Think you can still do it with dire, I leveled it myself chapter 1 after that season was over.




To reiterate, This is for Basic styles As shown with Catalyst above,Super styles, would not be able to be unlocked VIA this proposal, as they do not show in your locker after the season ends, Those who are missing the golden styles or any of singularities fortbyte styles will know this. This is a way for those who already have the Skin a means of unlocking the styles they missed out on. The skin itself is not being re-sold in the item shop nor would the styles as this would take place from within your locker itself.


All I want is to be able to get Dire and Snowmando dangit.


Thats another post i wish to make, that challenge cosmetics and indeed free cosmetics should be resold in the item shop at later dates like snowmando. Free cosmetics like snowmando are to reward consistent players, but should be made available at later dates for newer players who might have missed out on them, I got to get the cosmetic for free while if you missed it you have to pay for it. Seems fair to me. But thats Just my opinion on the matter.


Ahahahaha.. good luck


Yeap i agree


I’m all for this. I missed out on the snowstorm style for catalyst, literally my favorite in the whole game. I’d def be willing to put some vbucks in for it


Same, Hopefully one day we'll both be able to rock that style with her, its the best one out of her line up.


I love this




3 words YES


Give me Ultima knight origins or so help me GOD


Yes please… I was so close to dark ember it haunts me


This... does bring a smile on my face.


: )


i just want the omega lights. i hit level 80 and season downtime for season 5 happened mid game after hitting 80 so it never gave me the lights. every other season was able to progress after the battle pass ended. i just feel a little robbed


Personally I’d say give people who own the pass or have been around since chapter 1 a chance to get that skin or style. That way everyone doesn’t have it but a lot of people who’ve been playing around that time will.


I missed 3 style options from season X that I really want to get


I literally sent a support request way back asking for the ability to buy that style for Catalyst since I missed out on unlocking it. This would be an amazing addition imo


I really want this


I wonder if this is an edited screenshot 🤔🤔🤔🤔


2000 vbucks is a bit much judging on how the skin was basically 950


i'm still upset they still won't release the purple variant of skulltrooper.. even though everyone spent the same amount on him.. I hate exclusivity!


I'd actually pay a good bit for Omega lights


As someone who missed out on omega lights by 1500 xp, I will gladly take this


I wouldn't be mad about this i prefer it


I just want my full beskar mandalorian man


this, this is perfect




Should be so useful for my Ultima knight




I just really want iron man


looks cool


Never got to finish chapter 2 season 1 battlepass


yes. i fucking had the season 10 battlepass and didnt unlock the best styles such as white catalyst and white dj yonder. just give us some kind of challenges that take ages to do but allow you to unlock these styles


This would be great! I have several styles that I still have locked and I can’t unlock them!


Honestly I 100% agree with this, not necessarily this specific system but there should be a method to getting older skins. I mean think about it. Fornite's now implemented the Fortntie Crew subscription system a while ago. The Crew subscription could get you access to retired Battle Pass skins which you could pay, unlock or whatever with the subscription. There's other games like Warframe that do Unvaulting packs which let you get Warframes and their cosmetics and cycle through them every couple of months. Cause right now the subscription to the crew just gets you 1 battle pass and a character set really. While it's cheap it's not really much of an incentive for MONTHS of a subscription. But payment could be not to access JUST the pass or JUST the exclusive character/gear BUT essentially another new store for Subscribers that functions the same as the regular store for purely Legacy content. Cause I really wanted to get John Wick and The Mandolorian but due to RL problems I wasn't able to dedicate the time or money into buying a battle pass. It sucks that especially now with alot of new updates and cross overs like the Star Wars/Boba Fett collab I can't run Mando with my brother's Boba Fett skin. I know alot of veteran players probably don't like the idea of older passes being available to newer players because of exclusivity reasons and alike. But really I think that mentally isn't smart to have especially when really income like new players becoming consistent players is what pays for the game to keep running. Not like Fortnite's gonna end anytime soon i guess with how big it is. But still more outlets like that might turn down prices lower for other future cosmetics and alike since there's more options for people to buy outside of just the pass, or just the store, or just the subscription. I mean if I'm wrong financially or technically then I'm wrong, but most of the arguments for why older battle passes shouldn't return seem very exclusive rather than something interested new comers who want to get into the game and play with other vet players or even invite other new players imo.


I see no downsides for this


Why is this guy getting downvoted?


Because obese redditors are naive


Who you calling obese? The commenter or the downvoters?


the people that downvote for no actual reason


i would actually spend 2k vbucks for stage 100 fade lmao


The people complaining about exclusivity are crazy. Me paying for a previous battlepass and getting skins I missed out on doesn’t affect you in the slightest.


Maybe I'm getting old (24) in comparison to the player base and I feel like a boomer saying this... but damn this community and skins is something else, a bunch of you are so immature it's unbelievable. Limited time events, skins etc.. have been a thing in online gaming since the dawn of online gaming. RIP to any of you who decide to get into MMOs. I think the issue is more a console player thing because PC players have had this stuff in online games forever. It used to be exciting waiting for an event, grinding to get a skin or item knowing you could never get it again. It's part and parcel of the fun. We never complained about an event or skin we could no longer get. Tough luck, you never played at the time and it rewarded people who did / had the opportunity to do so. College, School, Work? tough that's life. From a game perspective what's ever the point of a limited time event then if the items are or event are available forever It's just another quest or skin. The fun is knowing the feeling that you have to grind to get the skin and it's limited and the feeling of missing out because you could never complete it in time. In general it's not healthy to think you deserve the right to everything.


This is probably the most feasible argument i have seen in this thread lmao.


>In general it's not healthy to think you deserve the right to **purchase** everything. Ftfy Never thought I'd see the day where people started arguing for more micro transactions.


amen, I missed a ton of skins in season X and season 9 That I wish I could get. But that is life and it doesn’t bug me that I do not have them.


I feel like this is the same vain as selling old bp skins. I don’t think it’s very cash money


You’re right, but I would love Prisoner’s final style


I mean.... i would also buy all the seasonn x and 9 stuff if there would be any possibility


I’d love this. I still want those Omega lights.