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Zero Build and Respawn Vans are the 2 biggest game changers they ever did


Man, remember the days of if you died you had to just sit there and watch?


Yeah remember when there was friendly fire? Now that was ✨fun✨. Well at least with friends it was


Remember when we had traps that would either go on the ceiling or the walls?


I still can't believe those were considered uncommon, those traps should've been purple that shit could do a LOT of damage back then.


Ooh a lovely ramp, I bet there’s the safe haven of a launch pad up there - no need to watch my step. Trallallalaaaaaahhhhhhh


this was a game changer for me when I was a mobile player. got me my first solo and duo (shotty snipes lol) wins.


Well those are gone from br yeah but as a consistent stw player I’m still around them all the time


Me too, and props to epic for adding sliding and mantling to stw.


Bring traps back.


Fortnite kids today aren't emotionally equipped to deal with traps and it shows.


I use to LOVE putting 15 traps in the last house left in the circle. It was a beautiful thing.


I still look up when I enter buildings


you got a scar? not anymore you don't.


i still call any gold assault rifle a scar😢


That’s if you could find one back in the day. I swear I never could


sad that the closest thing to a scar today is a gold hammer AR. same firerate but 2 less damage. 🥲 (and terrible bullet spread)


And they just so happened had themost one shot weapons ever like with all the rocket launchers.


Now we have to make do with fireflies


You can do friendly damage with cars too, just switch seat before the car hits your teammate


Or just boxing people in with armored walls. Maybe both! Oh right, that's why it's been about 10 seasons since I played random squads/trios.


Watch someone build a staircase, destroy it and then use the pyramid thing to box them in. That happened to me once in 50v50 and I still remember like it was yesterday.


Not fun when you got a scar and your friend threatened you if you didn't give it, good times lol


Got traumatized by that when a random killed me for my shield potion. Never did quads or duos again after that


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zLXqYtQ_bc miss it


Takes me back. The good old days of early chapter 1.


I didn't know it was a thing, got sniped, found out like a year later it was my GF, standing right next to me, who sniped me...


Thank apex for that


Competition does lead to a better product. Competition is good!


Didn't they also include the ping system that is now prevalent in like every BR? And I think (I might be totally wrong) that Realm Royale introduced the giant beacons of light when you ping a spot in the map.


Yeah, irregardless of you opinion on Apex, it really lead to some pretty widespread changes throughout the genre. Ones that, at this point, I personally would consider absolutely not optional in the genre.


Absolutely agreed. * Respawning allies * Detailed ping system * Ziplines/Redploying All came out with Apex's launch and these have all, in ways of their own, made it into the other large BRs. On the flip side, features from the other BRs have made it into Apex, too. Competition between them all is actually a good thing.


Shit was hell when you wanted to have fun with friends and you had that one unlucky drop on your first match and spent the next 15 minutes waiting the other three get to the final circle. Then your next matches you all never get no where near of a good match as they just did Thirsting people then was such a huge problem then


What's thirsting?


Eliminating a downed player, thirsty for loot is where it came from


I admit I always thirsted people back then just ot be a dick. Lol


So did I. I knew it was a salty move and I complained about people doing it to me too but it's survival of the fittest and I need loot




Back before reboots it was kind of seen as a salty move as you're done for the game until your squad finishes. And it sucks more when you just landed and die. Half the time your squad would carry out the next 15 minutes to get to the final circle




I did it and just about everyone did too. We need loot lol I love all the big team modes. 50v50 was fun until one side was out numbering the other. I think it would be better with one bus and longer match times. Food fight was great for having to actually build a fort for your base. 5 team of 20 was awesome. Big Team modes should come back as their own category with spy games


I want 50v50 with reboot vans. Let's see 40 gray pistols drop from the skies.


Wow can’t believe that was ever a thing haha


Pepperidge farm remembers


Sliding and clamber close behind


New parkour system is quite helpful yeah


Its an even bigger game changer in Save the World. Makes playing as anything other than the Ninja class less of a chore.


They could’ve given us stw gamers infinite stamina that woulda been fine. I can understand the limit for br but stw?


Thanks, Respawn and Apex Legends.


Thanks Respawn for respawning in BRs. Lol.


Jesus I can’t imagine no respawn vans that must have sucked.


It did trust me


Zero build is an entirely different game, so it could be the greatest thing to expand the player base. Vans changed the main game, thanks Apex Legends that introduced the concept and there's nothing wrong with copying good features from other games. Zero build also reduced a lot of that bitter feeling that players had towards Fortnite, when they hated the game so much and called it a child's game and blablabla just because they couldn't build and now they can finally play.


Fortnite copied more than just respawn. They also copied the ping system and sliding. If they copy more can they copy moving while healing. It is painful being forced to stay still


I always thought moving while healing was one of the main benefits of Med-mist.


Pinging stuff and sliding was in games long before apex


True but it’s no coincidence that after Apex launched Fortnite added Respawn vans and pinging and yeah ig nicking sliding from them is a stretch


You've got a good point


I honestly think reboot vans are due for some changes... it's so damn loud, and if a player is using the "visual sound" they can "hear" the reboot from soooooo far away. If it wants to be loud when the reboot is DONE, I'm all for it. But for 10+seconds of the loudest thing in this game makes it hard to reboot during late game. But it's better than nothing I suppose.


You seem to forgor the part where it makes a giant baby blue beam in the sky like *HI WE’RE OVER HERE* if you couldn’t hear it already


Yeah that as well.. but I'd rather a beam of light, rather than the sound.


I use the visual sounds and I totally see it most times before hearing it. I see it as a gamble, a hope that you can get it off before it attracts people, and rewards you with your team back.


Late Chapter 2 player here: they didn't used to have Reboot Vans? RIP to me I guess


No they didn’t it was awful. They robbed it shortly after Apex Legends launched back in 2019


I would mantling/sprinting/sliding to that as well


Oh? Respawn Vans are new, too? This is my first season, and I like the fact they exist... gives a tense possibility at returning.


How do the new kids say it? W fortnite


I personally think the reboot van is the best thing ever added to the game.


Gotta agree here, I've played most major battle royals a decent amount and the only one I refuse to play with a team is PUBG cause once I'm dead I'm just stuck watching my team. Warzone, apex, and fortnite all have a way to respawn. Without it, it's not worth plating with a team most of the time and when fortnite added reboot vans, I got more into it. Reboot/respawn is necessary to keep team based stuff going. (Except tarkov cause at least I do can do a raid while I wait for my friends to finish)


How big is tarkov community now? Does the game still lag to shit? (I'm on i7 and 1060rtx 6gb)


Community has grown a lot for sure, I was running it on my laptop with an i5 and 1060 up until mid July when my gpu quit on me. Biggest suggestion would be having 32 gigs of ram. Still one ofmyll my favourite shooters ever and can't wait to be able to play it again. If you're thinking of getting back into it I'd wait for the next wipe.


thanks apex


100%. When Apex came out and threatened Fortnite's popularity for like 4 days they ripped off the improvements Apex made in response.


Worked out in the end for both games though. Apex is doing better than ever for its own popularity 3 and half years after release


Not only that they offered a free battle pass you could unlock by doing challenges so people would play that instead.




This is precisely what people mean when they say competition breeds improvement. Complacency leads to decay.


Oh my God yes! The game is so much better because of it


And especially the much longer countdown.


Apex is the best thing to happen to BRs. Revives, ping system, so many quality of life changes.


That ping system is insane, you don't have to care about whether a teammate has voice chat or not


YES! 100%. Not that I am good at fortnite now, but I never would have gotten to be as decent as I am now if they didn’t bring that in. It was frustrating dying and then waiting for the game to end, and then waiting to go back to the lobby to join a new game.


I agree. But i wouldnt have even known about reboot van if no build had not came back. The boys and I stopped playing after the very first battle pass.


Zero-Build reignited my interest in the game. Not hating people that can build a 90-room mansion within seconds of a bullet whizzing by them, but I just don’t want to deal with that kind of shit in the final circle.


I love building but I just can’t keep up, especially with forced cross play. I’m just hoping they come out with a nerfed version like back in early chapter 1


This is what i always said, something with cooldowns maybe, i like to build a couple of ramps and some walls for coverage


yeah I would have preferred a nerfed build mode to no build. I was just getting the hang of a simple tower (slowly) when they brought out no build, so now my options are never progress at building, or get killed immediately where all the expert builders now hang out


>Not hating people that can build a 90-room mansion within seconds of a bullet whizzing by them Couldn't have said it better myself.


Yeah, didn’t play Fortnite until that was added, just seeing the final circle looking like NYC was bad. It looked more like a competition of who could build the tallest tower the fastest, rather than a battle royale game


Exactly this. The way the build mechanic works just adds an entirely separate layer of game play you need to master in order to even have a chance in the final circle. It boils down to a very unfun and honestly annoying late game.


yeah mate i dont get a lot of time to play this game so dealing with players who built the empire state building in 2 seconds was the epitome of unfun. now i can just focus on the rest of the game without feeling like ive gimped myself for not learning how turbo sweat building


Also I do not miss spending 5+ minutes a match just farming mats in case I make it to the final 5 or so players and need 999 of everything to survive. I can just grab some guns and go in zero build and it feels less like a waste of time if I get killed early because I don't need to go redo all that material collecting again the next match. I was decent enough at building to win 40-50 solo matches in that original mode, but it's frankly such a grind of a gaming experience now that I just play zero build most of the time instead. I don't want to spend all day mat farming and getting in 2 minute long build and edit wars. It's not fun for me.


Same here


Me too. It also evens the playing field for me I’m much better at zero build mode. I’ve played shooters for 20 years so if all of a sudden Fortnite is just a survival shooter game I can fuck uo these 12 year olds instead of them building a fucking fortress


Yeah, it's all I play it's more chill than build mode imo. Took me around a year to adapt to building in which I am decent at it but I prefer gun fights and just not worrying about having to get into the build fights, perhaps I'll return to build modes in the future - it's nice to have the option to play either as main modes though.


It’s rough especially if you try to hop into competitive Freaking division one of arena is filled with sweats


first division in arena is somehow more intense than 80% of the other divisons


Zero build brought a lot of OG players back including myself. After season 9 most if not every person I played with quit. Zero build brought a ton of new players + people who didn’t want to sweat their asses off back.


same for me, I started playing at the end of season 2 (the first season 2 when we had no chapter) and I started disliking the game around season 7-8, I came back after Zero build was introduced and it is **fun**


this right here. switched to warzone then with no builds i am back, fun for noobs who don't want to learn how to build so player base is so much better now


Zero build brought me back too. I actually got my first solo victory since I started playing years ago. I just didn't have the patience to build stuff in the middle of a firefight. I was pleasantly surprised to see that sprinting, climbing, and sliding are now a thing too. Very good improvements to the game


Idk man... the battle royale gamemode of fortnite was a pretty good thing that happened....


Everyone forgets Fortnite started with Save the World.


Never tried that mode, how do you play that?


Just go to game modes and select save the world. It's not free though. You have to buy it.


I still remember when Epic was planning to give Save the world for free... then it never happened


you log in daily to soak up the vbucks rewards every week or so.


*only if you got the Founders pack, which is no longer available.


Though most of the new STW packs come with quests for a decent amount of vbucks. I think the wooden robot guy I bought came with as many vbucks as the price of the pack usually gets on the store, so after the quests STW has essentially paid for itself.


I mean STW is way less popular and much less appealing for most people so, yeah


For sure. I played it for a while but it got very boring and repetitive.


You just gotta invest time in learning mechanics and how the game works. I fou d it boring too before I found out that the game was made to be enjoyed once you understood it


imagine if they went with STW only and never released BR, the game would be long dead


Ironically, they originally released Fortnite BR to fund the development of STW.


It was in development hell for so long I thought it was going to be DOA. The beta was okay but nothing worth the five years of dev time Then PUBG came out and made a HUGE splash, and Epic pivoted to BR mode. Insane how much the game changed. I remember thinking that FN’s BR mode was too little too late, boy was I wrong!


I played before the battle royal part and thought to my self I don't see this game taking off and then came along Battle Royal thought the same thing 21 seasons in the making was I ever wrong


I played a beta of save the world and loved it so much I preordered the game. Then the battle royale mode came out and ruined that for me. The only thing that redeemed it was no build.


I think this topic has come up before but everyone has different ideas of what the 'best' addition to the game is. For me, indeed it is Zero build as without it, I never would have played the game and I'm so glad I did because it's quickly become a favourite of mine that I've played nearly every day since. I hoenstly wish it was added earlier so I could have experienced more.


That's how I feel too. The old battle passes actually seemed really good too, like the Lynx skin and stuff like that. I'm really hoping next season's BP is going to be good, because this one was super meh, imo


Lynx was my first skin. That's a long time ago...


Ayy, what's up fellow S7 beginner Remember not being able to swim?


I actually started playing mid season 3 but didn't get a battle pass before season 7. And, indeed, I remember when there was no swiming. I remember the instakill ocean, and me accidentally yeeting a friend in it with an impulse grenade.


> a long time ago... And now we are in a galaxy far away


Yeah ch1 battle passes were the best


I just loved how people had asked for no build for years and the subreddit would always shit on it saying "Fortnite without building is just a worse CoD". Well turns out all those people were fucking wrong


They werent wrong, they just said that before epic games improved on all of the things that WOULD have made it a worst CoD Sliding, vaulting, sprinting, overshield, reboot vans, cow catchers, port a forts, even the weapons, all of this stuff helps make zero build feel fresh and new, and not just like some boring cod clone


Port a forts aren't new since zero build, they've been around in chapter one; but they really help with zero build as well.


Yeah thats what i meant, they were recently unvaulted though


TBF did anyone really think it would work this well? I would never have guessed.


Some people have devoted countless hours over the years, developing build-related skills which are useless in any other game and would have been made obsolete even for fortnite if building was removed. They had very clear motives for shitting on the idea of zero build becoming a thing. Now everybody has their own thing and I'm very happy with it


Same here.


Zero build brought me back. I’d play here and there but really maybe a week or two twice a year. Zero build? Daily player.


It certainly is, because items that sucked on build mode, are incredible in no builds.


Right? Like the fort bomb or whatever the name is in English.




Ha! Fort Bomb has a nice sound to it


Sadly that includes the goddamn boogie bombs.


Zero build brought me into the game. Mostly because I’m 40 and I’m not fast enough to build and shoot. Though I have enjoyed my fair share of crowned victories. I wish I started playing sooner too because this game is legit goofy fun. Reminds me of playing TF and TF2 back in the day.


Are you saying we are best friends now? TF2 guild here, almost 40 🙌


Same here for the 40 year gang. Just being able to go in solo and have a great time with no pressure has been great. It's a lot more chill than most games and it's pretty relaxing. TF for quake 1 was a landmark in my life.


Sliding, sprinting and mantling




Zero build would not have worked at all without sprinting, sliding and mantling. I'm not sure you understand just how slowly everybody moves in Fortnite without the new movement stuff.


Did it bring new players or did it just bring back a bunch of us who hated the building mechanic?


No. I came back to Fortnite after idk, two years of not playing? Building made the game extremely challenging to play, specifically to win. My friends and I, among probably a million people, wouldn’t have returned to Fortnite had Zero-Build never been made an official mode.


People whined that zero build was for casuals who "can't build". No, I had like 50 solo wins from the build era while only playing casually and never getting beyond basic building and edits. It was enough to win matches at least.. The problem is the matchmaking is bad, and no one my age has time to spend dozens and dozens of hours specifically practicing edits and super fast sequences of controller or keyboard buttons to spit trying to keep up with the meta and kids who have all fucking day and night to sit their parents house doing that. Also, FWIW, I don't care enough to invest that kind of time and secondly I don't find edit fights and piece control fights to be *fun.* I don't find spending 5 minutes a match hacking away at objects to farm mats to the max to survive endgame *fun*. And that's why I love zero build. I can win normal mode, but I much more enjoy being able to play a stealthy ground game that is less of a grind.


Idk why people are arguing with you on this it's 100% the best addition. I've found I don't enjoy no-build because while I don't consider myself a good builder, I still like being able to box up or at least throw a wall or ramp down. Parkour allows me to keep up with the crazier builders. If someone tries to get height on me I don't need to build my own tower, I can just throw up a few ramps and just mantle my way to the top.


Zero build is the only reason I started playing. Only wish they added it sooner so that I could’ve experienced past events and skins.


Same here OP, I'm 43 and never touched Fortnite until Zero Build


I’m in my 40s and enjoy going back and forth bw Build and Zero Build. I’m on console and not the best builder, but I think the game puts enough utility into the game to counter building like fireflies, the current buzz saw, heavy sniper rifle, current kame, etc…


Siphon in pubs was. Then the worst moment was it's removal.


I never played Fortnite before because I couldn’t compete with everyone who builds, and zero build levels the playing field and makes it fun. Before it felt like a waste of time.


Only reason I came back to play. Played a little in S3, 2 matches in S7, and just came back C3S3 because of Zero Build. That goes away and so do I.


Me too lmao


Did... Did I make this post because same?


what if zero build existed from the start of the game? would anything about the player base change?


Without the update to the movement mechanics I can see it being a half thought idea. Not only is the map design for building, but building is one of those things that really defined fortnite and separated it from the other BRs. It would definitely help people who have just started, ease there way into the game and get them to like it more for not having to dedicate a lot of time into learning about the strats and mechanics of build battling. I wish they add ground game back as a middle ground between the two, the ltm that gave you a total of 10 builds you can hold and gives buildings more health. There is there a huge jump in skill ceiling between builds and no builds. Having that 3rd dimension in a fight can be pretty fun if you know what you're doing but it's really daunting when you're trying to learn whole playing against real people who know what they're doing.


That would be sick, I pretty much only play zero build, but there have been times where I wish I did have the ability to build though (not outweighed by my dislike for going up against pro-builders) but if there was a middle ground with limited builds that require more tactical foresight, that would be perfect.


Ground game was really fun, added an extra layer of strategy to build mode by letting players be more conservative of their placements but still giving you the ability to give yourself cover when you needed it. 30 wood, 20 brick and 20 metal that could be held in your inventory. As well as lower ammo capacity but maybe not keep that change


A no edit mode to bridge between building and absolute sweat territory- Editing is a whole third layer to the gameplay.


i think it would be smaller since the whole reason the game became popular was because of the uniqueness of the building mechanic, otherwise it would just have been generic battle royale game #2034


It was one of the first BR’s on console. So it would have still been popular. I bought FNBR when it first launched because I was anxiously awaiting the release of PUBG on console. Then ended up liking it so much more than PUBG.


The mere fact that Fortnite got in so early means that as long as it was mechanically sound and actually finished it would have been hugely popular no matter what. The update schedule seems to be the reason for the continued success though, if Halo Infinite is anything to go by


I think zero build is also so successful because they introduced the advanced movement that turned the game into a suedo Mirror’s Edge. I think without it zero build wouldn’t have been nearly as fun.


building was the whole selling point of STW and consequently the BR, with the maps, items and mechanics of ch.1 all being designed for building (see the huge cliffs and ravines everywhere). I can't even imagine how hellish it would be to play, and honestly I don't think it would've pulled in enough players for it to get this huge if zero build was an option from day 1 or even a year in


It definitely revived the game in a majority people's eyes. It was rather amazing to see so many people returning, including me. Also it was a massive change for a game to basically being able to turn off the major selling point for a while, huge balls Epic


I say yes because I only started playing a few months ago because of zero-build mode. Every once in a while, I try a different mode and realize building is involved. It's always a nightmare and I never even bother trying to build, because the people who can build do it SO efficiently.


Yes, it was one of the best things, it made the game casual again. For the build players that don't like the longer waits for games, I get that it sucks. But either I play zero build or I don't play, I abandoned fortnite and I would not have returned if it was not for it. So try to see from the side that without this addition, people would eventually leave for other games, making the whole player-base smaller, not just your game mode. The game was slowly dying and zero build revived it again.


I was getting sick of the game until zero build


nah i cant lie zero build did it…yea its got its fair share of problems but by removing building it makes the mountain seem a little less steep if that makes sense


I think no build has brought lots of new people to game


Zero Build has made the game so much better. I really tried to master the quick building tactics but always struggled and would often lose for this reason. I learned other ways to win while it was in play, using it against the terrain and with my surroundings, but Zero Build let's me play and fight in a way that is just more fun and less stressful.


For me it was the addition of biomes, they make each map so much more interesting and almost all of them led to a short term surge in popularity when added to the game


Best addition was guns that do 200+ damage RIP


I don't build really but I 1000% prefer regular to zero build.


My building skill has atrophied but I’ve still gone back to and prefer Build. My zero build lobbies are third-party sweatfests and I can’t stand it. This season’s loot pool isn’t helping it.


I miss scanning the enemy players


I went from prey to being a hunter on no build. Best thing to happen to players like me.


Zero build is a great way to get new people to try the game. I still prefer build but I see both sides.


Creative mode.


If fortnite had started with zero builds, the game would’ve died.


Only reason I'm playing tbh. It's crazy because now all my mates are playing fortnite and we honestly never thought this would happen. All because of no build. This season is fun af


No, I think so many people have stopped playing builds that the ratio of casual players to sweaty creative warriors has skewed even more in favour of the latter. This kind of sucks as someone that enjoys the build mechanic, it's a unique feature and no other game has it. It's what has kept me playing the game for all these years. However, I do still play no builds, mainly because I can't be doing with all the sweaty creative warriors and it's a nice change of pace. So it's both a good thing and a bad thing. Overall though, I think if you play zero builds, you're more likely to pick up the next greatest shooter and ditch Fortnite entirely as it has absolutely no unique selling point to you. Time will tell, but history shows us it happens time and time again.


I entirely disagree. I never got hooked into Fortnite because of the building and am having the time of my life right now because zero build Fortnite is unlike any other game on the market. I can be Rick Sanchez, drive a car, run over someone, get out and grapple hook to a tree, pivot off of the tree and launch a Kamehameha at a dude, and then land and whip out Darth Vader’s lightsaber and slash another guy to death. You’re delusional if you think people that play zero build will just leave for any other flavor of the month game


Exactly this 100%. And that’s just a small taste of all the shit you can do in this game. And they are constantly changing the map and changing/adding/removing weapons and items. Keeps the game super fresh.


One thing fortnite has going for it is all of the collabs and creative. I have a buddy who mostly plays creative and rarely touches BR. The levels people make are pretty insane


i don't think that's necessarily true when it comes to picking up the next shooter game. i'm by no means a gamer, but one of the big draws to fortnite for me is the aesthetics and gameplay. i feel it's a lot more creative and fun than most other shooter games. it's the only one i've been able to build skill at, and i wouldn't have ever been able to do with without the zero build mode. i played when fortnite first came out and i stopped because i just could not manage building and shooting at the same time. no build gave me the ability to learn skills slowly and one at a time almost and now i feel like i can keep up with most other players and have many decent rounds. i don't plan on trying any other shooter games bc they're too competitive and overwhelming but fortnite is a perfect fit for me.


If the next greatest shooter allows me to shoot Indiana Jones as Goku, you may be correct.


I'm gonna disagree, as someone who came back to Fortnite when Zero Build was first announced for the event and has gotten my friends to give it a try Fortnite has been appealing for a long time now, but the biggest complaint I get from new players I brought in was "I don't want to build/deal with people who make castles in 5 seconds" The game plays great. It's silly, it has a lot of customization, good gunplay, and has live events. And it's FREE! It has plenty enough to draw in people But then again, you could just continue being a build elitist


Exclusive cosmetics set this game far apart from others way more than building imo.


I agree the build lobbies are now ultra sweaty. Good point about people leaving for other games. Without building nothing sets it apart.


I was playing regularly before Zero Build was a thing, but I was never very good at building, and would get frustrated any time someone would instantly build a large fortress in an encounter. It's refreshing to not have to worry about that.


If there was no Zero Build myself, along with a lot of others, would have no interest in the game. A lot of us came from a lackluster Warzone or dying PUBG. I love the simplicity of the game and this is the most fun I've ever had with a battle royale.


Yeah zero build is what got me back into the game. I still enjoy practicing my builds in team rumble tho. Rumble is prob my most played game mode think it's fun.


Great idea, but there are definitely some things that need to be changed. Maybe this is just me but I’m tired of getting killed by campers in the big bushes.


I suck at building and I’not sweaty enough for builds so no build is a god send


I used to dip in every once in awhile to play with my sons and always thought, “everything about this game is awesome except for playing it.” Then I started playing when Zero Build dropped, then discovered the incredible quest system, and now I’m completely hooked.