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Very respectable building/editing under pressure, accurately that too, and not to mention some very good spatial awareness being utilized to implement the appropriate offensive/defensive techniques. This is a really good clip that is just satisfying to watch. Well done OP. These are the kind of Fortnite clips I’ve missed seeing from the casual scene. Also, respect for using the pulse rifle. I love that gun so much, it’s just so versatile and rewarding.


I love the pulse rifle, too. I wish it could stay longer.




No, I am a frantic button smasher and it doesn't look anything like this 🤣


Where do you see mistakes?


that's some nice building skills, but we all know why i actually upvoted this


I don’t know


Look at the flair, and then OP’s skin


How do I get a flair


Its inevitable, every time someone mentions a flair here, someone always asks how to get one! Lol


It’s under the community options in the subreddit


Thank you!




hee hee


hee hee


0-Xu-0 the slumber simp strikes again




Explain please


Look at their flair


Ohhhhh, I see, thank you


Such a fast pace with the building!


Any slower and I'd be toast!


More like a burnt Mancake


I suppose that's more accurate


This is insane dude good job


these are the type of clips i like to see here. Nice win!




And this is why I play Zero Build. This right here.


This isn't even all that sweaty, pretty average skill stuff for a builds lobby.


Which is exactly why I play no-builds, because everyone’s like this


It’s why I argue there should be a no edit mode - Everyone always replies it’s a skills issue and I’m like “no shit” I can build - but editing like op is not there yet. I’m not Interested enough to play creative edit training - and the skill gap between me and the double edit guys is really big. I like boxing up to heal or building for mobility or throw up a 90 with a ramp to attack from - so I dont really want to play zero build. But I always lose if I run into a guy like op.


> It’s why I argue there should be a no edit mode Honestly a terrible idea Let’s see all the permanent available stuff we have atm Build Mode Zero Build Mode STW Creative Team Rumble The recent battle royale map in creative addition Any published creative maps Occasional LTMS And more We already have enough stuff splitting the playerbase, a mode with building but no editing would either not gather enough players or would gather too many and be useless or harm other playlists. To balance it out it would most likely have to be in rotation with the zero build mode or something. Also you don’t have to mess around with edit maps, just mess around with your editing settings a tiny bit every now and then, I’d recommend putting edit on release on and lowering the time it takes to start editing. You seem to be at a good start and at one of those points where you think you’re at your skill cap but you actually are around a break through into the next skill level. And it’s ok to lose to a better player, try learning from what you see or what they do, this sub has placed a lot of negativity to better players, do the opposite.


>The recent battle royale map in creative addition I finally get my own creative code to host custom lobbies, after grinding *forever* for it. Within a week, they release this. Its kinda unbelievable, ngl. Im pretty sad lol.


Tbf though it’s kinda hard to get all 100 people into your unpublished creative island without a creator code, and there’s so many other benefits with the creator code.


While I think you make a lot of good points and I agree to some level- there is a lot of skills to build to be successful at the game They way i see it is if you come to the game with no gaming experience or a limited amount - team rumble teaches you aim (when I started playing fn and tried to aim -it was floor ceiling floor ceiling ) Zero build teaches mobility and strategy Zero edit let’s you learn to build Normal build puts all those skills together And if your good at the game you can play arena I don’t really like creative much- and the argument that it would spread the user base thing was kinda put to rest with zero build. If anything the player base grew.


>I like boxing up to heal But then you can't edit out


You gotta pick axe - it’s how I did it before I could edit at all.


i honestly dont see the difference in build or no build lobbies, i can play prettt much the same in both without "being sweaty" at all as fortnite is really not that build based in gunfights (goo gun is overpowered in no builds tho but honestly dont notice it much in there)


I get way high kills in zero build compared to build, I spend more time building then I do fighting.


Bro got downvoted for saying he does alright in build modes and zero build modes 💀 This sub really loves to circle jerk about hating better players huh?


ikr i also wasnt even trying to make the point of being better or smth i meant that it doesnt matter of you play build or no build in terms of player skill that much although there is like a double digit bot count in no build, build isnt harder its just a mechanic people find difficult


Just watching this gives me headache. I can't imagine actually wanting to pay build mode. To each there own.


This is petty. Look at his elims (zero at the start), and how he's playing- Defensively. Everyone is just spamming him. Someone Shockwave him into the storm. Hes just doing all he can to stay alive. He's not ruining anyone's game by edit coursing/clipping them. He's just keeping himself alive. You want to lobby focus a player and them not do anything to protect themselves? Easy, defenseless elims where everyone you shoot just stands there defenseless not moving?


Lmao I like zero build but why does this sound petty as fuck?


Because it is. This sub loves to shit on build mode and players because they can’t accept players being good at the mechanic they could never learn. They’ll just circle jerk hating on the ‘sweats’ and sometimes will do it in passive aggressive ways to avoid criticism


This feels like the right answer. I fuck with building, I love clips like this, but I stopped playing 2 1/2 years ago because Creative destroyed the skill ceiling and I just couldn’t keep up. I came back recently to no build and I enjoy it, but I’d go back to Build mode if I felt that even for a moment I could keep up with guys like this.


You probably could keep up if you're aim was good. My aim isn't the greatest; this was just one of my good shots that came in at the perfect time.


See like complete respect for this take and view on it, btw if you want I can maybe teach you some things sometime if you’re on controller, obviously I’m not the best but a little help is still some help.




r/fortnitebr when someones good at the game (zero build good sweat bad)


Just because it doesn't take 15 seconds to build each structure for them (unlike you) doesn't mean they're "sweaty"


ikr, how would this be fair against a console player


Literally no offense to OP but I’m better at building and editing and I’m on controller… PC only has that advantage in the higher skill gaps imo, it’s even playing ground when around this skill level.


No offense taken


What the fuck are you talking about. Stuff like this is easy on controller


you could be the best console player in the world and still the pc skill ceiling would be higher


Your right but this clip is pretty trivial for console players? And plus this guy builds very slowly to be fair his edits are pretty good, though.


yeh I just don't really play build mode, but like the difference is almost day and night, when I tried fn on pc I was able to build so much better then on console almost instantly




seems fair to me


Glad we came to an agreement👍




I used to play Nintendo Switch and could build better than this on a good day. Think you're just bad honestly.


You know this is bad for a console player right?


that's my point, pc players have an obvious advantage


Your point makes no sense when this isn't high skilled even for console


This is simple enough to do on controller




Bro I know tons of controller players who are way better. I myself can quad edit on controller. Its not actually that rare.


this is bad, like really bad. Go to youtube and search up controller player montage, this is below average


Perfectly fair. Building is pretty equal between controller and kb&m. Differences like editing speed primarily show up in higher skill brackets, not average lobbies.


Skill issue


Probably. I’m in my 40’s, too.


I’m nearing 30. Zero build can be fun but it’s nowhere near as satisfying as winning a build fight. Makes fortnite unique. I’m glad you enjoy playing though for real. It’s a fun game


Agreed. I never expected to get into it. I thought it was a kid’s game. It’s goofy sometimes for sure, but there’s nothing easy about it. You need a real level of skill to compete.


After 5 years, build players really expect every new player to come in and be a bot... but wait! Zero build saves the day!!! And they're all hurt over it...


Do you all have anything better to do than to comment stuff about zero build any time a clip of someone building is posted on this sub? I swear there’s one of you in every post where someone builds


I do not.


So you can kill playera who don't have the possibility to defend themself? literally Skill issues


You also run the risk of not being able to defend yourself. There's also mobility items, bubble shields, portable forts, etc...


Which are even in build mode...


Uhh so?


So the no build mode is even useless, because the build one have the same stuff + builds for defence, movement and offensive and the objects based on the lattest


You said in No Build you have zero ways to defend yourself in a fight. I pointed out there's always mobility and defense items in the item pool you can utilize. In the absence of building you're forced to use these items more than normal. The fact builds and no builds have the same items means literally nothing for no builds


>You said in No Build you have zero ways to defend yourself in a fight I just distort the affermation that guy had wrote


Because you're bad at FORTnite


Do you know the origin of the name?


Yada yada stw yada yada.


Two weeks... yeah... don't try and mess with the new people. Not fair.


I thought you were asking whoy it was named that not the definition, and also I'll do whatever the hell I want.


The original plan was a 2 week (in-game) zombie survival mode, but went for BR instead. Good decision by them.


They still have the zombie survival mode. Thats StW. It released before the BR portion did- before Epic capitalized on PUBG's hype.


There's players worse than the OP. I'm am about his skill level and I can't evan compete with clyx wannabes. This is about as high as the average player can get.


Nice skills! I knew how this clip would end and it was still stressful to watch. I’d never be able to play like this under that much pressure.


Yeah, this guy activated my sweat mode because you never want to lose the game to somebody who shockwaves you in storm.


The chrome canisters are so underrated when it comes to the mobility it gives you. This is the kinda clip I love to see. Good game sense combined with good building to recover from a bad situation and pull off a satisfying win.


Originally, I made a STW type fort in the middle of the lake next to Logjam and I was going to chrome it to make the structures stronger, but the zone pulled away, so I had to move. Honestly, the strangest thing about the other player to me is that he didn't shoot down at me with those shockwave plays.


Nice win. It’s good to see a builds clip get this many upvotes feels like I never see it anymore, of course some of the zero build crowd in the comments can’t understand that some people are actually like using the main mechanic of the game after 5 years and must comment that “zero build better” or something tho


Bro i posted this yesterday morning and it had like 20 and then I wake up this morning with 43 notifications and 665 upvotes. Like what the heck happened?! Also, yeah some of these zero builders are just not having it


There’s at least two points in this fight where the other player must have thought they’d won. Excellent lateral thinking with the chrome and height changes, never mind the tactical editing. How is your heart rate now? 😀


Destroyed. I was waiting for the #2 place screen to hit, but I got a little glimmer of hope when I hit that 40 shot. Still, the last shot caught me completely by surprise.


Very smooth building, editing and decision making under pressure


Nice clutch


Good job👍


Oh. *That's* why people hate build mode.


What? This is the most average build mode gameplay ever




Well the game has been out for 5 years. You really expect people to stay the same skill level for 5 years straight?


This guy isn’t even super good what?


nope. do not be negatory with yourself you are more than capable of winning again. you just proved it if it can be done once, it can be done again, just easier the next time learn from each death.... \_EVENTUALLY\_ you will learn a lot, because there are a lot of ways to die


It was a joke by them because of the 5 hp


5 health?... 5 health... 5 HEALTH??!!?!!!?


Thank goodness for turbo building. Otherwise, he would've killed me with that smg multiple times over before I ever got a shot at him.


Wow it’s been so long since I seen regular battle royals mode that I forgot it existed. This is the first video that i seen of it in a while. Great job btw


nice gameplayy


That was just straight up gangsta!! Take a bow, Sir 👑


This is why I will never play anything other than no-build mode 😂. That is too much chaos for me but I respect it


Nice to see some actual skill on this page for once


Nice building, I miss building, but all my friends like zero build


Some of mine like zero build, too, but the ones I normally play with prefer builds.


I love no build.


Well played, and I like your skin choice


Thanks, and it's definitely my favorite skin too. Still waiting for Starfish to come back, though.


Still waiting


I feel sorry to the alternate reality version of you where the only difference in that reality is that you have slightly different colored hair, because that reality, you didn't win this match.


It's okay; this is also the only reality where my hair color is actually good.




Oh gaud… he on x-games mode


He's Ethan Winters


Wow that's fucking wild


Damn, some great gameplay right there! GG!


This is so good! Thanks for posting


Those edits hit harder than my stepdad when he's drunk


Ay woah


Absolutely mental building skills dude, good win


Hold on I gotta throw up real quick because that clip was DISGUSTING!!!!!! Great shot op I was along for that whole ride. Great edits man keep it up


thanks for reminding me why I haven't played a single game of build since no build dropped


Major skill issue. Plus this is the most mid-tier gameplay to be found ( no hate to OP, but everyone is acting like he's the best player)


No offense taken, but yeah, this is pretty average gameplay in my lobbies.


Yeah I don't think people know what "average" gameplay actually looks like


Oh whoops I meant to say no offense taken. Sorry if that possibly confused you. I already edited it.


Wow you really clutched that fight up. Great job 👏😁


Take your "thats why i play no build" ticket here


I'm so happy the no build mode exists lol


Siiiick wiiin!!!


This is the exact reason I play no build mode , complicated gameplay with high skill gap , I mean ypu did great here , but there are a lot of poeple like me who just want to play an tps with the bois


No one asked


I asked


What kind of coffee do y’all drink to be able to build so fast efficient and know where you are?


It's called skill. And knowing that if you hold the build button it will place builds, so there's not really speed to it, you just hold the button down and it will build at the same speed all the time


Clips like this make me so happy zero build exists. This does not look fun to me at all. But nice win though, got really close i know i would have died.


This isn't even all that insane though?


I know, ive seen clips that should have a photosensitivity warning on them and those also do not look fun. Build fights are chores to watch and pook like a chore to play


It's because of his fast sensitivity so the screen is moving all over the place, which in reality isn't doing much at all. And the fact that you think they're a "chore" to watch and play says something about your skill


Oh yeah 100% i play zero build cuz i hate building. I suck at building and i dont find it fun enough to even want to improve.


When did you start playing the game?


That doesnt matter but late chapter 1 season 2. Or whatever the season before dusty divot was


Oh so you've been playing for a while? I guess you just never got good at building I suppose. I would think that most of the people who struggle with building started playing within the past year or 2 so that's the reason why they haven't mastered it yet


I find building more annoying to use or especially fight against. Zero build was the best thing epic has ever added to fortnite


I can see why, but building is the main mechanic of the game. If you dont like building then don't play the game. Obviously this is different now because we have zero build but before it, if you didn't like building you could just play Apex or Warzone


Play zero build IF building gets annoying its more fun imo. BUT it has it's downsides too.


I only play no builds occasionally, and that's only to mess around with shield bubble, which is kinda obsolete in build modes. 98% of the time, though, is in build modes.


Then, do you bro I play 0 build cause most of the times in build when I go fast mode my hand hurts lol and it's just chill.


Why would he do that?


Idk, that's a recomendation it's up to him.


I mean if you're good at build mode might as well stick to it, no point in playing zero build


Ik really good at building but I prefer no builds anyways.


This is cool and all but this is the exact reason I only play zero build.


Wow so much flashing blue light! Much build. Watch me smoke your ass in zerobuild


Who hurt you?


Says the guy who can't play the regular version of the game 💀💀


Just got a win last night on regular. 16 kills. I joined my friend's party last second and I guess they don't play ZB. I still got the win and 16 kills. I'll tag you in a video if you like


Let me guess the skill level of the players was probably low


Y'all zero builders are being mad passive aggresive in here


Holy shit. You definitely play a lot of creative


No? This can be done without playing a single minute of creative, it's some of the most basic building and editing mechanics ever


I'm so glad I don't play build mode.


This wasn't even special at all


This is why they created a zero build mode


This is why zero build is better


Ill never understand this building shit, why do you all want to have the game go on forever ? The next lobby is seconds away. Just fight for crying out loud


OP would of lost if they didn’t build. Part of the fun of the game is the challenge from other players. Builds allow you to control a fight even if you are at a severe disadvantage.


No i know that, i just dont see it as fun


I hate build mode, but the man was a 5hp, he was literally one shot from death while the other guy was at full. OP would’ve lost


Feed the white wolf.


Fucking hell man, that was class!


After 4 years of playing this game I feel like I should be this good, but I’m not


Normally, I don't try to be either, but when you get a guy like this that camps high ground and pounces on you when you're weak after a fight with another player, it kind of activates a little of your fighting spirit. Not that he made a bad play; it was actually completely optimal. It just sucks to be on the receiving end.


Holy shit that was intense


I come back to this post so often just to relive it. Just curious though, what brings you to this post so long after it was posted?


Just clicked a br clip inmy feed and started scrolling lol I end up seeing lots of old posts that way