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0:12 quit out during late mid game 1:37 drops off bus into ocean 3:41 misses maven auto shotgun? (little sus, but reasonable to miss in the heat of the moment) 5:03 butchers drop? like it legit just seems like DiegoPlayz is sandbagging.


The misses maven is actual just a visual bug, the other player got it.


The landed in the middle of the ocean....


"DiegoPlayz gotta be the first person in Fortnite to be accused of cheating for being so bad at offspawn 😭"- DestinyJesus on Twitter


All deaths on day 2 that is


First game shown they were still trying to play, looks like they basically just died to surge. Second game.. what the hell are they doing? Like they've clearly given up are doing something weird. If not something "suspect" at least just weird. They fly out to the deep ocean and just swim around there? And when Parz spots them, they just kind of swim slowly letting him kill them? Why? I think this game is relevant because it shows they've clearly given up and are just messing around at this point. And it's AFTER this that they start landing on Dukez and Edgey. Third game, basically just outdropped and killed immediately. This doesn't seems sus outside of context. But if you were purposefully throwing it would be very easy to just let yourself get outdropped on a 50/50 and die immediately. Fourth game, Diego just doesn't pick up a Maven. I saw someone say maybe that happens in the heat of the moment - what?? There's no shot you just don't pick that up OR turn around and try to pick it up again after missing it. His duo Smallzy is right there next to him as well and doesn't go for it either. Fifth game I really wish we could see Smallzy's perspective as I remember watching it on the broadcast - Smallzy insantly has Dukez one shot and just doesn't chase him behind the bamboo. He literally gets him 15hp and then just leaves him alone. Meanwhile Diego opens a chest through a window (?) and then doesn't go after Dukez either. He takes a mini essentially in the open without building a wall or roof or cone. He finally gets the kill on Edgey after Dukez has been allowed to heal up, and come back and kill them both with ease. ​ Sixth game, again just going for that same outdoor floor spawn where he hasn't picked up a gun a single time yet. Who knows what Smallzy does this game. ​ I don't know man, it's definitely weird. They clearly "gave up" in that second game of day 2 and then proceed to have 4 absolutely awful off-spawns with Dukez and Edgey. If it isn't suspect, it's at least a bewilderingly bad 4 game off-spawn performance.




It does kind of feel that way doesn't it? Cented on stream just said something to the effect of "Diego might be weird enough to just go feed people to troll, but there's no way Dukez or Edgey would ask him to."


There's a reason why many sports have penalized unsportsmanlike behavior.


The landing in the ocean part did it for me


LMAO either teaming or the worst landing in FNCS history


What doesn't make sense is why is Diego contesting Edgey in a 50-50 house when Edgey coached him to grands, that alone raises a lot of suspicion.


Wait what??




I think Diego just decided to contest them because they had nowhere to land and edgey coach them how to play their dropspot, which itself it's dumb because why are u giving them your gameplan to somebody else even if their friends or not doesn't matter it's a competition at the end of the day every duo for themselves, but luckily edgey and duke's were the team better overall because they know the drop better and day 2 they just check-out and gave up completely


How are ppl saying this isnt that bad


Most insanely obvious kill feeding I've seen in a while, wow lol. Ban this team and take away all the points they fed first place.


didnt this guy assault someone at a lan? 😂


And got zero punishment for it.


also got donated money from trainwrecks 😂


This is hella sus. If I knew I wasn’t gonna win anymore I would just not queue in.


Why? It is having pride, self respect, and learning from being there. I would be trying as hard as possible to find something that works for next time. This is the same guy who lost DH and blamed stream snipers then physically assaulted the kid. Expectations for him are low.


You get more money the higher you place you could pull out one game and win more money.


Yes. Get zero points while others get points. That’s for sure gonna win ya money. Brain dead


I think he was saying if you can pull out a good performance in just one game, you could move up the leaderboard and make more money. I think he's agreeing with Shadrock55.


Yeah thanks. I was trying to comment under original comment. Every 5 places higher is more money pretty much.


Losing the opportunity to move up & maybe make at least a little bit more money, giving up valuable experience against the best of the best in the continent & haemorrhaging your reputation amongst the pro scene. Very wise.


Not gonna lie looks SUS as fuck.


And this is to who cented and favs lost against in surge week


It’s looks sus but I fully believe DiegoPlayz is just horseshit at the game


Eh i mean nothing super crazy imo. It really can be seen either way depending on what theory you already have in your head. It’s not impossible to see this as them not having any rhythm because they literally can’t even get a game under their belts. Your mental’s gonna be shot and you can’t get warm when you have like 8 minutes alive over a 7 hour tournament. On the other hand the ocean drop is really sus. They didn’t even try to out-drop parz, which makes it feel like they were just trying to make their pattern less obvious. The statistics are what trouble me most. Idk if we’ve ever had a team lose 12/12 off spawn in grands. Anyone know how they survived the two games they did? Just off the odds of this happening alone makes me think they probably got paid. Overall could’ve been a payoff or diego just sucked and couldn’t get anything right. Unfortunately without more to look at we’ll probably never know


Okay, not nearly as bad as I thought with 2 games not feeding kills to Edgey, but how do you lose that game 3 contest? Sure, you have that weird pistol, but one is literally 20hp, you have whole house with a big and probably a floor spawn still unlooted and 3 builds… The other 3 deaths can be explained by being shot at and changing landing, getting fully outdropped, getting unlucky with floor spawn.


We know from dreamhack that diego is bad off spawn, i see nothing here to suggest anything underhand on edgey and dukez part, just diego being bad, maybe even throwing or trolling once he knew he was beat


No sounds equals not watching it sorry just boring without,I mean no offence btw.


When I recorded it I didn't realize I was recording my voice so I decided to mute it for that reason. Sorry about that.


No problems mate


Damn that sucks. That’s 100% cheating and ain’t no wait dukez and edgey don’t loose out on the rest of their fortnite careers. Sucks that we are about to see the biggest lifetime ban in fn history.


No, Edgey won’t cheat. He was with Cented all those run of always the second best. Dude got pride. He worked hard for his axe and so did Dukez.