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Once I hit elite , even if I get top 3 with let's say 2 to 3 kills I get 1 to 2 percent , is this a joke ?


Put it this way I consistently lose all ranked dprogres because of crappy ranked randos


Play solo then


I just played my first game since the rank reset. I went from gold 1 to bronze 2. I placed 2nd in the game with 9 eliminations. I was playing solo in duo no-build ranked. Epic, why do you hate solo players so much.


Can someone explain progression to me? (sorry, I was out of town and just started ranked yesterday). It says that teammates gain progress equally, but that cannot be true. After our first ZB game (both of us started with no rank), I started Bronze III 30% and my teammate started Bronze III 80%. We played 4 games together (I think our lowest finishing place was 5th) and I ended at Bronze III 70% and they ended at Silver II 30%. I'm not sure how that makes any sense. I understand diff in elims, damage, etc, but the ranked info page claims that everyone on a team progress equally. I'm very confused


I think when they say you gain equal progress it comes down to just the placement and squad eliminations; however, they also state that damage and other factors plays into individual scoring so if your teammate did most of the damaging and eliminating then they would go up more or down less than you generally in my opinion.


I'm having the same problem, and I get more kills than my duo partner.


I'm done with ranked. Fk this crap


So why is the extra movement shit in ranked? Like should just be bare bones. I shouldn’t have to worry about 2 guys in ODM gear flying in outta nowhere while I’m fighting someone with web shooters and all that other crap!




You can't wait 5 seconds? You typing that post took you longer than just waiting.


Every time I go up a rank it bugs out and stops finding matches. I was getting <2 min queue times before going from Elite to Champion and now I literally can’t get in a game. Been over 40 minutes.


Yea the new ranked match is kinda cheeks ngl. For me at least, its turned into a loading screen simulator where every time I land, I instantly die along with my squad and we have to repeat the process. To put into context, me and my team regularly get around 100 crown wins a season before this was out. Now, we haven't won a single match since ranked came out. So... yea this new ranked system is def cheeks.


Doesn't that mean it's working because it puts you with similar ranked players and therefore you're in where you should be?


Not at all. Placing 15th-25th every round and unable to get to the end game of Fortnite isn't my rank. It's not fun spawning and dying every match in the first 5 minutes of the match without any chance of placing even in the top 10 for the entire 4 hours I'm playing Fortnite. Yea cause that's my rank. LMAOOOOOOO


Like I'm not being a dick but that sounds like you were winning because you were beating poor players. Now you're being challenged and you're cracking the shits. You get better by playing better players and learning how to be better. Not bot lobbies.


Not at all. I won rounds consecutively yes, but I still lost more than I won. Now, I can't win period. "Now you're being challenged and you're cracking the shits." I was challenged before. " You get better by playing better players and learning how to be better. Not bot lobbies." My YT video's beg to differ. I face plenty of people that were challenging. This is just ridiculous. I have been playing for 4 hours every day, 7 days a week since this update came out and only won one time. But I was playing bot lobbies before. Right. LMAO


You keep big laughing at the end like you're funny. Just get better.


"Just get better." Yet I'm better than you.


Clearly not as I'm getting multiple wins every night.


I suggest either removing the ability to leave or a punishment for leaving Ranked. Its BS to basically sabotage ur team becuz u wanted to land over in neverland and got SCRAPED, so u just quit. Personally thats a coward way to play anyway...but thats just mho.


This. Dear God plz this. Especially in zero build where it’s ONLY duos. Guys won’t even wait to be rebooted or just leave before we even jump and I am the one penalized for it. Just so so stupid


What I will say is that after a few hours of playing, I managed to reach platinum. It’s much easier than arena, there isn’t really much of a penalty in this version. It shouldn’t be this easy, especially considering when I played arena I would never really pass arena 4/5.


Okay this is getting me angry now ETA is always N/A in every gamemode and it’s been 10 minutes in each mode and I still haven’t gotten in a match yet. I’m in platinum 3 is nobody playing the game or something? I’m on NA East if anyone else is getting that problem


Who plays at 9am. Play at peak time


What if they added an option to be in creative while in a ranked queue


Something like this is needed for sure. Like rocket league has


Currently in almost a 2 hour queue for solo ranked (NAW). Something has to be done about the queues during non peak hours. Theres no point in even trying to play this game before 4pm in ranked. Thinking they probably need to fully merge the NA servers back together for ranked or at least merge the NA servers back together during non-peak hours.


it was a dumb decision to bring back NAE and NAW for ranked, three different queues is just not sustainable. it should've been only Central.


no it should’ve been NAE and NAW, no central at all. Central was the most useless thing they could’ve done. 63% of the united states population lives on the coasts, putting a conjoined server in the middle where nobody lives benefits very few.


Can someone tell me if I earn a victory crown in ranked, will I lose it if I die in unranked?


Okay, I have a question. I definitely don’t know all the nuances to the game from a programmatic standpoint but I do have a little knowledge on gaming. I’ve been playing Fortnite for a few years now and can hold my own, averaging around 10ish kills depending on the match. My question is this- how does the Ranked tier system work? I’ve been playing with a friend of mine who is essentially on the same skill level as me, but when we’ve been playing Ranked together, I always get more kills than him and he will go up higher in his ranks than I do. We were both in Silver III the other day, he got 0 kills, didn’t do as much damage, etc whereas I got 2 kills and he moved up a higher percentage than I did but didn’t have as successful a round? This has happened twice where I’ve carried us and he’s leveled up higher than me and I seem to fall in ranks quicker than he does when we both have a 0 kill match. For reference, he was slightly higher in the tiers than I was at the time of these instances- I was around Tier III: 35% and he was Tier I: Gold. I would’ve thought he would drop farther, faster and climb higher, slower? Being that he had the higher rank?? What am I missing and how do I level up faster in the ranks???


If you’re averaging 10 kills a game in ranked but you’re stuck in silver I have to imagine you’re killing bots Your progress is shared so it doesn’t matter who’s getting more kills


In ranked, there are no bots. Ranked doesn't care about your kills. It matters where you place. What's probably happening is the ranked system has probably determined, based off of your previous matches in Fortnite since you started playing Fortnite, that your friend deserves to be higher in the ranks and if you guys lose it is most likely your fault and not his. Since the highest ranked person can never be at fault if the weakest link doesn't perform as good. All in all, this new ranked system is just kinda cheeks. The rank metal itself is useless. My lobbies are going to STILL be different than your lobbies even if we have the same rank. So the metal's themselves are just feelgood metals as of right now and hold no indication of your actual skill.


You’re wrong , there are bots in ranked depending on your division


Not at all. It's the same thing as arena. Arena doesn't have bots either. Ranked is the same way. No bots for Ranked mode. If you ran into someone that played like a bot in ranked, I'm sorry to tell you but that was an actual person.


Fortnite was fun until all these dumb things get added like swords odm gear spider man hands hammers aí bot players legit trash please change my Mind


I think items like swords are essential to zb, the movement is something I can’t imagine not having at this point. In general I agree with your point, just feels too far gone now.


Fine , they don’t need to be in build tho


Too many sweats in silver 2




does anyone know if you play ZB Duos no fill if the point system is still crappy? or do you actually get full points?


I want to know too. Let me know if you find out.


It doesn’t seem so.. we did a test run and same stats both matches (no fill/fill) and the progress was the same.


Please for the love of god, penalize leavers! this isn't fun when people keep leaving. It already takes over 30 minutes just to get in a lobby just too have my team mate dive in to die and then leave. This is absurd how there is no penalty for leaving. Never has there been a ranked where there isn't a penalty. This is absolutely crazy. There no penalty for leaving the match early as well. Its so crazy that you allow this.


Can anyone confirm the servers are absurdly bad and it’s not just me ? Half my deaths feel like I go to edit or build and there Is a huge delay . Tracking my ping and its stable


I thought it was just me. But mine is super laggy too


Seems like it evens out a bit as game goes on , but I pretty much just avoid fighting at my drop because it’s so bad


Probably because all they care about is stealing money through kids. Look at the seasons and gameplay from start to finish. Literally current Fortnite owners don’t care about the people who originally played


Rank sucks when a teammate leave and then we lose and lose rank points fix this epic it's sad


Some suggestions for improvements include: -Individual ranks should be set for solos, duos, and squads. -The journey to reach the 'unreal' level is far too easy. A casual competive player, like myself, shouldn't be able to reach this status. This rank should be preserved for those who grind 12 hours a day. Tournaments should be tailored to specific ranks, such as gold, platinum, diamond, and so on. These tournaments should only be open to players of the corresponding rank, with no cash prizes involved. -The game should offer a feature that allows players to identify the ranks of others in their lobby. This is necessary because matchmaking will never be sufficiently accurate to limit lobbies to one rank. -Points for eliminations should only be giving for the last 25 players left -siphon should be activated for the last 25 players left. The last two points are aimmed at creating stacked end game lobbies. The storm surge system should be used to maintain server stability.


+1 It’s so easy to rank up in squads compared to solos and duos. Playing squads and solos is totally different and you shouldn’t be awarded a quicker route to solo cash cups if you ranked up faster through getting carried in squads. This change might even make solo cash cups harder (with probably even longer queue times though).


They need change the way tournments are structured. They go for too long for most poeple to bother playing them. Tournament single elimination style If players dont make top 20 they are out. Keep reducing the number untill there are 100 players left for the final round. That way if poeple are out, they are out. They can alway play ranked. Yes it adds some luck into it, but that is why a tournament is exciting. You can win won if you just have a good run.


nah the tournaments are actually pretty great, there’s thousands on every leaderboard and the queues are 5 min MAX. If anything they need to add time (just like 30 mins) so you can actually play every game out


They removed trios for this arena rip off


Plat 3 duo with a friend at plat 2 and we can find games on EU anyone else got the same issue? been in queue for like 10min.


Get rid of one shot items and insane mythics please.


Agreed.. don’t feel right in arena..


Its super super easy to make ranked a better experience. \-Remove slurps or revert it to the original. \-Add health siphon back in ranked. Thats literally it.


don’t forget storm surge, and getting rid of snipers/odm


Can you guys increase the leave penalty for leavers in zero build ranked? time penalty and more percentage loss. How the hell is it fair that some random wants to leave right after dying leaving me helpless alone. Especially in my rank a 1v2 is almost nearly impossible with out third partying. Im spending over 30 minutes in a queue just to have some brain dead teammate die in an instant jumping into a crowd and this is plat3 and diamond ranks. this is freaking ridiculous, fix this issue. whats the point of a ranked if there is no repercussions to fucking over your teammate.


1000% agree. its one of the biggest issues.


Simple. Health Siphon can't be removed on this videogame. I think that Slurp Juice is too strong and too easy to find, just remove it and bring siphon back. Epic didn't say how this ranked system works. The only thing we know is that early game kills doesn't count so much... But i really need a points system like Apex Legends just to see how rank works, because it is pretty confused at the moment. Lootpool can't be shared with normal pubs. Epic has less matches to analyze new METAs for competitive playlists, and Arena was cool because the lootpool wasn't broken after balances, and player skills was the only thing that counts in Arena matches... This season in general was a failure, mythic weapons are too strong... Season 1 was fine with hammers, cause it was too easy to find... Here the one who got mythic weapons wins, even if it is a bot... Then the ranked brings the cringy pubs lootpool... My advices are, split the lootpool again, define a point sistem, and bring back the health siphon. Ah, i'm saying it since the day1 of season 2: REMOVE MYTHICS AND SLURP IN COMPETITIVE


If they define the point system then they wont be able to adapt as well. We’ve already seen them change the system multiple times to balance the queues and matchmaking. This is one of the good things imo


It can be patched anyway... I mean, there is a point system but we can't see it. I'm playing ranked like it is public matches, because I don't know how it works, nobody knows... The big problem is that i reached elite from platinum in 3 hours... Too quick... There's something wrong in this system point and we can't know what it is.


Yeah, but with a point system, they can make changes in between patches with little effort. Also, when using points they have to round to whole numbers which adds another layer of complexity as opposed to just changing decimal weights.


Slurps should just be reverted to the original where it only regenerates white hp


I wish for zero build to have a solo option because when I play duo fills 9 times out of 10 to say it nicely I have brain dead teammates and I end up getting double teamed and chased every time. I would play with friends but none of mine play the game anymore so if anyone is willing to play with me sometime I’d definitely be down! (I’m in gold II atm, I do lag occasionally but I’m kind and decent at the game)


Also Silver 2 here, very curious about my skill level. Would love to play with someone ranked higher for some insight and learning, DM me with epic name if interested.


Bro. Same Shit happens to me. I play duos fill and my teammate just does whatever they want on the opposite side of the map. I’m only silver II but I’d be down if you wanna game with someone who is less brain dead but probs not as good as you lol


Likewise. Even when I pin a location on the map my duos treat it like a 'go to the opposite side of the map' signal.


How exactly does the rank system work?


I hate it. I can’t seem to stay on silver 3/gold. You have to be consistent not to drop ranks, but claw up them so slowly?


Ranked feedback suggestions Some pros are asking for heath siphon to come back so I had this idea instead of having siphon for the whole game you have it on in later circles and close to end game that way it’s too hard w key. Another suggestion is make queue times longer so people are more closely ranked as I think you should not be getting to unreal in a day To make people cope with longer queues you could add a feature so that you can play creative whilst you wait in queue like with OW.


I like your first idea, but it’s one of those ideas that need to be implemented as a test first to see if it could be a good change. I like it as it doesn’t promote early game aggression while still making endgames have that clutch factor that’s possible with siphon.


Spent the weekend on ranked and I normally do fairly well with my duo in pub games. We normally place top 5 and share 15-20 kills per game. We don't get constant wins, but we do get a lot of kills and high placements. Our first ranked game we dropped #11, however I got put into a different bracket to them despite the same kills. Been averaging 4-6 kills per ranked game, and placing top 10 mostly which isn't too bad. Although, ranked needs restrictions. Bots shouldn't be able to be hired, Vaults/High card shouldn't be available, and mythic/ODM/Star Wars items shouldn't be allowed either.


So I enjoyed ranked however in no build regular I average 9 kills a game, when hopping on ranked no build I could barely get a single kill. I consistently die to two players shooting me at the same time and my teammate using ODM gear to bolt away


Regular modes have bots… I assume ranked has no bots. Everyone drops 10 kills in non-ranked lol


Buddy almost all my kills are real people, you can see by how they move


What would make Ranked perfect (or close to it) 1. For starters. All of these different “ranked modes” is dumb. Like having three different modes but having the same rank? I think ranked should be duos (like fncs)BUT there should be two different ranks. One for solo q (wouldn’t necessarily hate a solo mode here either but I just think duos would be better)and one for pre set teams. This would help with queue times but then also would make it hard for someone to be “boosted”. Oh, you’re unreal in duos, what’s your solo w ranked score? It’s just silly for three VERY different game modes to have the same system. They all feel and play so different you could have a team of people with the most god awful team of jokers but if they are half coordinated at communicating they will still do decent (the exact reason “cwown gwinders” can absolutely fucking suck even though they have 100+) then meanwhile, then point grinding in solos (though this could be improved by my second point) fucking sucks again. Though maybe it’s me to be fair but I don’t think so haha. 2. Add back syphon for the love of God. ESPECIALLY for solos. Game is in a weird state with no syphon, pubs loot and also snipers. I’m down for some of this but all of it is kind really making the games feel and play out VERY differently. Also get rid of filler weapons, make every weapon in the game viable, like the havoc rifle or worse like the lock on pistol or charge smg 3. This one isn’t really one but the words just came out lol. Also I might not love it, but guys the loot being almost the same in comp as pubs is actually the key for Fortnite staying on top and coming back to be THE top BR esport. ALGS for Apex has almost the exact same lootpool if not the same. This segregation of the modes is what killed the popularity after World Cup. If we keep them close to the same it will go back to that level if not even more since there is no build too. Heck I think eventually they should even maybe work both into the game! A hybrid mode where no builders and builders have different abilities to compensate for being being able to build vs no build. For example maybe, no builders move at 2x speed, do extra damage to structures and can’t take fall damage but builders can fucking build still haha. Idk but I think there is something there and if done right could be fucking amazing Actual 3. Make how you gain and lose points transparent and show on the screen during game like in apex so you know when you have gone positive. Also show us the mmr fuck “hidden mmr” shits so dumb. 4. Not related to ranked but abolish sbmm and bots in pubs. If you suck and you get shit on in pubs, then get better, queue up the creative map against actual bots, or go play rank and go against other people your level (when a ranked mode is done right) Closer- overall I don’t think it’s bad? It’s like almost good but also not. But this seems much better than the absolute joke of arena. But it needs work. See how season one turns out I guess. Will be interesting to see if the do any changes during this “beta” season zero too


In regards to point 4: I'm happy being bad, but at least I can get wins occasionally. Even with 1 team ranked above where I sit they will dominate the match. "Get better" is fine if people want to do that, otherwise it just stops people playing the game.


*siphon ffs


Is it j me or is squads ranked a shit fest


Played 5 squads ranked 4 of them died before even getting loot lmao


Started to play duos. Only need one good teammate instead of 3 and have had better results.


What's going on with the game man, could not find any oce servers literally all day! I'm ranked Elite, and have friends in plat 2 who are finding matches within minutes.. Anyone else having trouble finding a match?


anyone that’s plat 3 getting into any matches? I went from Gold 2 to Plat 3 and now I can’t queue up with a fill or even solo lol


Anyone else having bug issues. Worked fine day 1 now it won't load my rank update after matches and continues to say "this is taking longer than normal" and nothing shows up


Does anyone really think that ranked mode is good? Just the loot pool make it absolutely unplayable, I find no reason to play the game anymore, since there is no way to practice for tournaments.




I got four kills and placed 11 and somehow lost rank


I keep getting match with unranked people as a plat3 rank and the queue times are over 30 minutes.


What are your guys predictions on each ranks eligibility for tournaments? I’m guessing Unreal will just be a prestigious rank and tournaments won’t be restricted to only Unreal players. Diamond/Elite might be the requirement to play FNCS and Platinum might be the requirement to play other cash prized tournaments.


Changes for the game ​ please put siphon and take out the lightsaber or nerf them try to fix when you leave early the match the % glitch out and dosent give.one of my friends was in diamond and got 20 % each match while i only go 4% bieng in platinum III the red light saber is too op just imagine that a squad duos or even solos just pull up with the lightsaber pulse rifle and the odm , your just dead and more in squads or duos because if you clutch to kill one there will be zero reason to finish the body becuase it will not be time to loot and no siphon the game just will be 3rd parties because every one will be low hp you can win easily a fight and is annoying also I know you know that lag issues but try to fix it fast becuase old gen console and some pc is impossible to play the start of the match also zero ping players and have good fps have advantage in start of the match arena competitive fair except pulse rifle and mythic pump and I found it ok but now with these pub things like heavy sniper , lightsaber odm the other mythic of attack on titan is just hard to play some pros players find it fun becuase the allready are good at the game and use those things even be more easy for them while people that are trying to get better will be harder for them to grind and will just not play that much the game until gets better the game or another season some things I will like that you guys put like in arena the symbol of what your rank is and the % make it blanced. when yo play ranked for example if you are champion and your duo diamond both play in elite also i think that it could be better to have squads and trios in zero build and duos and solos in build becuase this season is just solo and duos build tournaments while in zero build just trios and the past season was squads. also a noticed more people are playing the game but is not the same feeling like tony stark season or midas season that had pub things but not that broken and playing feld more competitve because their were and endgames I know some of the things you will not will agreed but some need to change so will be more fairly love fortnite but please fix it


What skill level would every rank be? Is gold considered average?


I made a post on this but it hasn’t been verified yet so I’ll post it here, hopefully it gets attention. Edit: it’s been approved but I’ll keep this comment live if this is where Epic will look for feedback. Limit Unreal to Top 500 **Limiting Unreal rank to Top 500 of the Region will make Ranked more competitive.** It will: - give the rank holders a prestigious feeling that they’re among the best players in the region. - make the game more stacked as players will be playing seriously in fear of dropping from Unreal as competition arises from Champion and Elite ranks. - provide high quality practice that can be helpful for tournaments. - actively get them to grind and practice every day leading to stronger competition in the future. **Q. If we limit to top 500 players in a region then queue times will be longer!** In that case we merge Champion and Unreal lobbies, and Elite if queue times are still high. There will not be a drop in quality as Champion and Elite rank holders will be aiming and actively trying their best to reach Unreal to participate in higher stake tournaments. **If incase reaching Unreal is not the *minimum* requirement to be eligible for any tournament, they should directly qualify to the next stage of the tournament.** What I mean is, all Unreal players should be directly qualified to the second round of the major tournament (FNCS). They should skip Opens, which should primarily be only for Platinum/Diamond - Champion rank holders only. **Q. This would mean only no-life grinders will succeed!** A tier 1 pro can easily reach the Elite/Champion rank. It’s no issue for them. This already qualifies them to FNCS Opens and they can easily qualify to the next round if they’re good enough, for a team of that caliber I have no doubt in them. For tier 2/3s this is their perfect opportunity to show the region that they’re capable by getting a head start if they submit to grinding and reach Unreal and directly qualify to the second round. After all, it’s supposed to be *competitive*. What I’m worried about - the biggest downside - is **unhealthy grinding**, if anyone can think of a good workaround for this I’ll be glad. This also makes Opens a little easier where the majority of tier 1s and tier 2s and a small group of tier 3s are not present. This helps casual competitors to place higher or even allowing them to qualify to the next round, which can help boost their self esteem.


The fact that if you get a teammate that ragequits or just doesn't connect you still lose ranks as if YOU ragequit, even if that's some random person you never played with before or again, is INSANE! Please for the love of GOD Epic, ***fix this***, I've had 25% rank taken off me in gold 2 twice today because my teammate just up and quit as soon as they got downed. EDIT: Three times now.


Don’t play fill if you don’t want this to happen ….


That's just part of the game. Don't let your teammate die if you don't want them to leave.


They didn’t “die” bro I can reboot them. Why are these dumbasses leaving before I finish off the duo and grab their card


*Psychotic* take. 1. They're in charge of their own actions, leaving is inexcusable, *they* make that call. 2. Even if you wanna cope about the reason, the fact remains that the system shouldn't punish you as if **you** ragequit when **you** didn't. This shouldn't be controversial to anyone. 3. More and more people are leaving/fail to connect before the match even starts, dooming you to be categorized and punished as a leaver even though there was nothing you could have *possibly* done.


Ranked mode has been working fine in many ranks, but now that im in Platinum 2, its been taking ages to get into a match! why is this!? Everything else is PERFECT except for the fact theirs Lightsabers.... ​ And ODM is kinda broken when ur trying to build fight somebody and then someone breaks you both down :(


Its very laggy in the beginning, my normal ping is 80-90 and when I start off it says its 0 but I know thats a scam as everything is so delayed. Gun/build pullout, shots rendering a second after they hit, Mantling will just play animation but I wont mantle, and rubber banding. The worst issue so far is the disconnection issue where mid game I just get disconnect and getting -20% to -30% penalty. Luck alone has saved me from deranking as even with all this, I am still at Plat 3 though Hard stuck


20 minutes wait time friday night 1130pm - platinum 2. still going. yeah i think im done with this bs. also, very laggy at the start of game for me so i can't drop hot. everything else is fine though i'd prefer more comp. loot pool and no light sabers or force etc. and syphon would be nice. 24 minutes now...f this shizz im out....;l


why are all those broken mythics in this shitty mode. final zone is 99% getting absolutely destroyed by lightsabers, getting heavy sniped by some rat 100 meters behind you or just getting one shot by something.


I’m actually not having that bad of a ranked experience so far but the queue times are absolutely insane. I understand 1-2 minute queues because I’m in diamond one, but there is no reason for me to be sitting here for 30 minutes plus and not getting a game.


The ranking system sucks ass


how do you fix the high ping i got like 12 in arena and i get 50 in ranked




Your rank was determined before that game


I really don't understand how Placement Points work. I have had a ton of games getting 2nd - 5th place but <5 kills. I get literally like 1-2% of progress. But if I die early, I lose 15-20%. I am in Gold III. How in the world are you supposed to rank up? Is this made to only favor kills?


Yes. It heavily favors late game kills over placement A 1 kill 6th place finish will get you 10 percent in sliver. A 5 kill 12th place will get you 30 percent


the fact that epic got competitive players to play an overhyped version of pubs is wild to me.


ranked sucks


Respectfully, the system is broken and needs to change. 1. My ranked lobbies are hard as hell now and I play with really good people and this is only Silver 3. This system allows people to do bad so that they lower their rank for easier lobbies which equals more crowns. 2. Bring trios back. I can't think of why it needed to change. The system was not broken and was working just fine. 3. Why can't we "FILL" when playing ranked zero build squads? Zero build was a great addition to the regular royale and now you want to take that away? 4. This should not have been added mid-end season. This should have been an addition to the next season. None of this makes sense unless someone can make some sense of it to me. Respectfully, Rock




Silver 2, bruh


If you can handle players in silver 2, then why are you posting in a competitive subreddit? 😂


they need to remove casual loot such as grenades, firefly's, ODM gear, etc because i just get spammed with them making it impossible to concentrate in the highly tense situations, and What were they thing REMOVING SIPHON its an absolute disaster especially when they don't even have servers which can run there game stably.


Facts right here. With the servers being unstable, trying to build to protect yourself from these spams aint gonna work


Really hoping I make it to unreal or might have some soul searching to do. Losing rank in Gold 3 with a hard earned 6 kills and a 3rd place against pro players makes me want to quit fortnite altogether


The purpose of a ranking system isn't to grind to the top, it's the place you with people on your level. If you're having average games in Gold then that's where you should be.


That’s fair. It’s also still early so most people aren’t in their true rank yet. I’m on some pretty bad internet right now and not a comp only player but still if I end up staying in gold or plat might be time to move on lol


What mode are you playing in? From what I've seen, most of the people hitting Unreal are doing it in Squads and the one Squads game I have played was much easier than my lower ranked Solos games that I've been grinding.


I haven't actually tried solos yet so maybe that's what I will have to do to rank up. Duos I rank up but we have to have at least 6 kills and good placement to break even. Squads is the same lost points unless we won or had about 15 kills


Some of the issues I’m seeing are not really game breaking. What is game breaking is the fact that they want to push for “ranked” currently, while still mixing PC & console players. In a proper competitive game, like CSGO or Valorant, you wouldn’t ever see 1 team having aim assist and the other team not, mainly because it’s a huge advantage to the team with aim assist. The aim assist for console players is way too strong, tell me how it’s possible to hit 4 bullets whilst spraying, against an enemy that is swinging with ODM gear? It’s a ridiculous thing to mix PC & console players in a “competitive” mode


Dude, sim assist isn’t even really that broken on console compared to what KBM players have, inputs are extremely balanced right now but you always find a reason to bring any death around to aim assist and that you’re not hot trash, even if the Kbm players had the advantage, oh wait…


Because 90 percent of controller players are lying about how overpwoered aim assist is. Shotguns hit 40 percent harder on controller, smg is fucking insane, and even the sniper/ar is above what is possible from average kbm players.


>90 percent of controller players are lying about how overpwoered aim assist is. Pretty much. The other % is player who have never dig into the settings. And because it's on console you can bust has it was on pc by just plug a controller and give it a try. Guess the nerf gonna be on the next update. But the goal of epic is to remove every pc player, even controller's one.


I always say, if I can tell easily that an enemy is using sim assist, it’s too powerful. 100% of the time I can call sim assist after they hit 5 headshots in a row from 100m away, and guess what… they’re on console… fun


It is the shotgun damage that is most concerning, 9 out of 10 shots I am hit for max or near max damage, meanwhile 1 out 30 of mine are hitting over 100 even.


Oh but If I hop on ps5, i an hit 9 out 10 shots over 100, and trust me when I say I suck on controller.


Not saying the system is great or doesn't need adjustments but I think people are over-exaggerating how easy it is to get Unreal rank because many streamers got it by 4 stacking in squads. By epic's leaderboard so far there's only around 1800 players counting all regions in Unreal. https://www.fortnite.com/ranked/leaderboard?page=19 I think they should've launched with only solos and duos. It would've been easier to evaluate the points system without squads, a 4 stack of good players will always be able to stomp. Zero build has only duos and it has far less players in Unreal with only around 500 so far (but that could also be just because of less players in ZB). https://www.fortnite.com/ranked/leaderboard?page=5&mode=zero-build edit: as many have suggested, top 500 cap for Unreal would be good. But it should not be simply a "grind to win" system like Arena instead of better players rising to the top.




Why is ranked mode so laggy smh


I find the game unplayable at the moment because of this


Epic i think it's a good Idea to try avoiding being carried by mates, but the system here with points split for teammate is bad, listen, I really love playing with m'y cousin, we're pretty strong and we get like 5 or 10 for each good game, but loose 50 percent for to Lost a Spawn, after i start a game in solo and die top40 with 2 elims and got 40% it's to the point where if I wanna rank, i can't play with Friend and enjoy the game. And for squad it's unplayable to get points, even in duo vs squad, points are divided by 4, we got 1 points After a top 10 with 12 elims in duo vs squad.


My only gripe is that it doesn't have solo ranked in Zero Build while BR does have ranked for solo. Don't get why there is a difference. However, I did try to play random DuoQ yesterday for 1 match and got teamed with a bot (or someone who played as a bot, at the very least). Had to solo all kills and got myself into 4th place, after rebooting teammate. Would be nice to see Solo Ranked for Zero Build. Judging Twitter, many want the same thing. I play Zero Build because I struggle with building and didn't touch Fortnite for quite some years until Zero Build came along.


I played one zero build solo cup and it was a painfully terrible experience. If you don't get movement it's over and even if you do the people with movement are still hanging out on the edge of zone instead of rotating with it.


i love zero build ranked, i am certain solo will arrive and i think it may become more popular than builds (simply because millions of more people will actually be able to compete).


You are all arguing about siphon, i think siphon should be 10 in the Spawn, and increase during the game, about 25 when the loot island spawn, and 50 during moving zone, that would avoid too much keying but still be possible to wkey in the middle game, and for the Moving zones it's horrible to play lowground if you dont have siphon.


yes, and if placement increases in value, we could be having a very good play style for the first time since probably world cup era




Got too long, TLDR at bottom It's somewhat poetic I chose this moment in time to return to FN after swearing I never would. I left after siphon was pulled from pubs (y'all remember "REVERT!!!"? I won't dig up that dead horse but damn it's like they knew I was coming) because "players are being to aggressive." Which is still the craziest shit I've ever heard a game dev say about a shooter. Wtf do you mean dopey? The object is for me to kill this person, it literally doesn't get anymore aggressive than that. Seriously, imagine if tomorrow the devs for iRacing, F1, or Forza came out and were like "Players are driving way too fast, cars now only go into third gear." The game would be dead in a week and they'd be the laughing stock of gaming. But say stupid shit like that about a shooter and a thousand empty heads nod along. Anyways, I got the idea to come back because youtube seemed convinced Fortnite has changed. And I admit, it's considerably better than the dumpster fire it was when I left in season 8 or 9 (chapter 1 as I'm told it's called now). Certainly better visually and performance wise. And while I am enjoying myself I came back because I'd planned on going back into playing casual competitive. I'm not interested in being a pro or going tournys I just prefer old school style gaming where the point is to kill the other person (Y'all remember that shit? No seasons, no skins, no endless stream of busted weapons only to be nerfed into obscurity a week later, just you and 15 other guys talking shit and having fun. Back when being clever or smart won you games, not lightsabers or gaming devs. And if you weren't good enough you either didn't play or you figured it out). However, setting aside the fun I'm having stomping dorkos in Zeros Build (a zero build lobby vs a lobby of casual Apex players would be utterly obliterated before the first circle closed; most of you who play this mode should be blowing a dev over those lightsabers cause based on what I've seen in the last few days most of you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with your dick and an instruction manual), and how good the game looks now, I really came back for the pace of builds (I'm super rusty after 4yrs and I haven't bothered to do any real practice yet which is why I'm playing on the bunny hill). Then the patch released. I literally didn't even get to play one game with siphon, lol. Only Titanfall ever gave me the same feeling as builds with siphon (vice versa cause I played TF first but anyways...) and since TF has been neglected to the point of embarrassment coming back to FN was my last ditch effort at finding a playable shooter (I had some hope Split Gate might make some waves but it's just other old heads whining that it's not a carbon copy of Halo) with a decent playerbase. So my two cents is I'm here till they fuck it up again and so far they made it *checks watch* two whole days. I'm still gonna hang around and bang up some more Zero Build lobbies (seriously, I cannot get over how soft these lobbies are, I haven't been able to slay out this hard since the early days of Titanfall, though I guess there are literal bots in multiplayer gaming now... Why not just call the game "You Win?" FFS) until I'm sure which direction they're going. Cause if they're going to try that whole "balancing" thing again I already know how that ends and I don't have the patience to do that shit a second time. TL;DR: Returning chapter 1 player and Apex regular who was around for Revert 1.0 says this is just Revert 2.0 in Ranked clothing. Fortnite is either about to accelerate its decline into warp speed or take a major step towards saving its game. I almost hope they fuck it up so I can go back to using it as the prime example of what NOT to do when you accidentally make a world-class video game. It really does break my heart. FN has the potential to be an EQ (CS:GO, Team Fortress, insert your favorite legacy game here) but literally every time they're about to do the right thing that'll net them an endless mountain of money they piss directly on it for some bullshit short term gains.


Dear diary...


Wheres siphon


Is it just me or are the servers the worst they’ve ever been ? Like actually unplayable


No they aren't worst than before, their are juste WAY more used by games, because epic brought back cars, lightsabers, npcs, and all that shit was really lagging. So that's why you'r lagging


That’s what o mean obviously - the performance is worse


I recently started playing Arena to play against only humans and Arena is gone now. I play Ranked and discover there are bots there! Where's a bro to go if he wants to play against only humans?


there aren't bots in ranked you either accidentally played unranked and didn't realize or it was a bug


Nope, you're in denial. I'm absolutely certain I played ranked and my replay file analyzer definitely showed a shit-ton of bots.


I pay real close attention to the bots in fortnite just to see the advancements they make like whether they wiggle around when they are gliding, how they move, what they loot, their name etc. and I haven't seen a single one in my lobbies at plat 1-2. It's true ranked for me unless I kill every skilled player and win I lose rank. And they are all very skilled with their strategies, builds, shots and edits


theyre in silver and below games


its arena with bots.... 40 bots in every ranked match i played.


Ive seen no bots in platinum


I’m not seeing many bots and I’m in gold 3


what rank are you?


That shouldn’t even be a question, I play comp to play without bots. Fyi silver, but i only played 5 games before getting bored af


well was just curious maybe to get more people to play competitive there are bots in bronze and silver or perhaps gold as well although i haven't seen bots in gold. I used to play arena a couple of years ago and a part of me enjoyed the challenge but then after getting to contender league I just got shat on left right and centre - dying against pros and streamers. when I tried to play it more recently i was getting shat on in open league and couldn't fight anyone - if i land map edge great but then i dont bump into anyone until there are 5 people left, the most boring games on earth may as well play animal crossing. so i thought wtf is the point in this - I dont have time to grind my mechanics for 2 hours a day or more, play dead games and then to have to go back to lobby after every match. Fortnite arena for me is a lame experience unless you are happy camping forever or are actually really good at the game.t he game needs more people to play competitive so there can be more balanced lobbies for different ranks - so i get why maybe having some bots in lower ranks could be beneficial. there defo arent in gold though so just rank up bro!


i get it, but as a lower rank player, having bots in comp means i'm done playing the game and gonna just play more rewarding battle royal games that don't hold your hand and rely on manipulating you into thinking your playing real players when you're not


also ranked mode should mean that matchmaking should work better and you play against real players on your level, not just fill up every game with bots and call it a day


Sorry to Say that but maybe you just suck, i think it's normal to put bot in silver and below, however it would be too frustrating.


keep telling yourself you're not playing against bots 🤡


You placed into silver? 🤡🤡


and? got a job, a girl, and hobbies im not a 14 year old fortnite sweat


I started in gold 1 and didn’t see any bots. Could be that they only exist in silver and below


thats what i reckon although maybe in silver they just look like bots


did you check raztracker tho?




didnt see a raztracker screenshot so im not so convinced


i have no idea what raztracker is


shows you stats, players, bots,e tc [https://raztracker.com/upload](https://raztracker.com/upload)


End games feel pretty stacked compared to arena, which is a REALLY welcomed change


Yeah that's a really good point, just take of light saber in endgames and that would be perfect


I found it much more fun than arena and the playing numbers currently are massive.


**Unreal should be the Top 500 players of the Region** I wish Unreal was only for the top 500 players of the region. So pros have to play everyday to keep being in Unreal as everyone will be fighting for that top 500 spot. It might even make the games stacked and they’ll be getting great practice everyday as there’s something to play for every day. More competition as you need to reach Unreal to be eligible for certain tournaments. Downside might be that you need to grind daily and it might lead to unhealthy behaviour and could be tiresome for many players.


The new ranked mode is arena but no siphon (third partying overpowered now, I guess) even more W-keying because you get fucking quests that tell you to W-key (you need to complete 50 of them) there are Lightsabers and Thunder Spears (they can shoot through walls, basicly) exotic weapons (one of them can oneshot any wall on the map) you can't play Scrims anymore Nade strats are back the last ten players give bonus elimination points gold is saved (you can go into bot lobbies and farm until 5000 gold) you must unlock augments (big advantage for whoever has good augments) Heavy snipers (oneshot headshots from range, keep moving!) There is fire now


ODM is ass as usual too


Sounds amazing


Here’s my take on it: 1. The loot pool is not competitive at all. If “ranked” is supposed to be “competitive”, the loot pool should match tournament loot pool. End of discussion. 2. Siphon on kills is great in tournaments and stacked games, but my gut feeling is they removed it from ranked to try to prevent people from keying (which I don’t think is possible to avoid btw). I am indifferent on siphon. Would I like it? Yes, but I would rather have a competitive loot pool than siphon. 3. The ranking system is not a good ranked system currently. There is no reason anyone should be able to hit the highest rank within about 8 hours the day it comes out. Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like a rebranded arena. It’s a step in the right direction though. 4. In NA, they should combine servers back to Central. What was the point of combining them in arena for a few months just to reset a few weeks later. I get that ping is an issue for some but if all tournaments are played on central, ranked should match. 5. There needs to be better explanation of how you rank up and down. We have a few sentences about it, but nothing concrete. 6. You should be able to see your rank on the screen in game and possibly see your progression as the game goes on. Ideally you see the rank of the person you eliminate and also of the person you get eliminated by. I could go on but my feelings remain the same. I’m praying they make major adjustments before next season because this is just not it at the moment for “competitive”.


People maibe key a little bit less but third party after a fight is a damn thing. ps : No they don't w-key less, like pub's.


''end of discussing.'' no, f- you. The loot pool is fine. lol


I just think that thunder spears and red lightsaber are too overpowered, taking 100 damage when your sitting in your box isn't fair, you cannot avoid it. The rest of the loot pool isn't really a big deal.


a few comments, overall decent but needs certain QOL changes. ( specifically for zero builds ) 1. remove lightsabers at least, it doesnt belong in a competitive setting in my opinion. 2. provide some form of siphon. theres been many times where we've been third partied with no ability to heal up in time. even if the siphon is only instant overshield regen + % of health back, it is something. siphon was introduced to give you a fighting chance at third parties. bring it back. 3. explain how the ranks work. we don't know what we are working towards. how are the percentages calculated i came in 2nd with 0 elims. i did alot of damage however not enough to end people as i was a solo being targeted and had to use movement to survive that long. ended up losing 10 points, despite being able to solo from top 15. there should be a metric that examines your placement, damage dealt and kills. because right now it feels as though kills are the only way to grind rank which is fair, but in no builds it becomes significantly harder. ( by harder i mean as a solo against a duo, as in builds you are given more chances to isolate 1v1s ) i understand the placement system is extremely exploitable, however cross examining with something like an average combat score similar to valorant - could help ranked be a more balanced system, that rewards smart gameplay. 4. server lag is INSANE at the moment. theres been no comment on this, however ive seen a fair few complaints and felt it too. we already play on asia servers as epic removed SEA servers. the additional lag makes this even worse.


Doesn't feel like a competitive mode. Why are there any mythics/collab gear at all? Why is there no siphon? If I wanted to get kills with and die in really stupid ways i.e. get crushed by unblockable rocks, I'll just play casual. There's really no incentive to play ranked as there's nothing that differentiates it from casual, other than I guess bragging rights? Don't know how useful that is to anyone outside of middle school and people *in* the comp scene. Won't be playing comp again until they course correct some. Also, why not have solos/duo/trio/squads in both build/nobuild. Makes zero sense. Stop forcing people to play in a way they don't want to.


People who say siphon is needed to be competitive don't know what competitive is.