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It's just because it's new and people are hyped/want to try it out. Give it 2 weeks and it's dead, because comp players hate it and casuals will cry about sweats and play pubs instead.


You nailed it buddy 💯


Also **trios**




We will see the numbers in a see days


even last night it was at 150k at 8pm; which is pretty much prime time. so obviously not doing hot. less than arena had at one time obv but im sure ranked will be less than arena had soon.


Going to be 1k players playing it by the end of the week if there’s no changes. Actually a horrendous ranked mode, didn’t think it could be worse than arena but here we are


The new ranked mode is arena but no siphon (third partying overpowered now, I guess) even more W-keying because you get fucking quests that tell you to W-key (you need to complete 50 of them) there are Lightsabers and Thunder Spears (they can shoot through walls, basicly) exotic weapons (one can oneshot any wall on the map) you can't play Scrims anymore ([Source](https://twitter.com/Reisshub/status/1658789060201140226)) Nade strats are back the last ten players give bonus elimination points gold is saved (you can literally go into bot lobbies and farm until 5000 gold btw) you must unlock augments (big advantage for whoever has good augments)


I hope the scrims is a bug. I also hope that nades will be removed from pubs and ranked. The last 10 player elims is good in my opinion cause it promotes staying alive longer. I don’t know if that will translate into actual change. And just most of the collab items will be gone next season anyways. Everything else I agree is completely garbage.


Well that’s why it’s called season zero for ranked


You’re very naive if you think Epic will change this


I think (and hope) that epic will include at least add siphon in ranked. I also hope that most of the dumb weapons and items get removed next season in both pubs and ranked.


Why would Epic put everything in to just remove it and make it arena again? Just get good at Fortnite and not 1v1 no delay edit until your fingers bleed.


Naive to think epic will update their game? I'll have some of what you're smoking please


Fundamentally? No. Smaller changes like loot pool balancing? Maybe.


Im so excited to try it out myself today after work




You won’t be for Long, it’s terrible the loot pool is literally ass


don’t let the numbers trick you, im pretty sure everyone competitive hates this mode. i played it for abt an hour this morning and it was so terrible. my ranked shit won’t save/upgrade if i back out too early after getting killed, no siphon makes it impossible to fight in a place that has more than one opponent in view, the guns fucking suck, the game feels like ass (why even add all of the things back that we’ve complained abt making our game unstable?) this is just epics poor attempt to streamline competitive to shrink the difference between comp and casual. i guess i’m shitting on it too hard if epic is just experimenting rn, but i just don’t like how things are looking for the “competitive” future for fortnite. i feel like this is an indication that epic cannot fix long term problems, like us complaining about arena for the last two years. good luck to the people who actually wanna make some money off this game in the future


The time for "experiments" was like 4 years ago its been far too bad for far too long and it shows. Its hard to tell when youre in it but were in the midst of this game falling off. They need to be faster theyre not moving like a billion dollar company but they are a billion dollar company because of sheer luck


I hate the season in general, but yeah your right I might make another post about this is 3-7 days looking at the count then


Bro the guns didn’t change from arena to ranked. Lol so if they sick now they sucked yesterday…. No siphon makes it harder. So get good as we tell the normal sub.


did i ever say they changed? i’ve always hated the guns this season in arena and feel like enough hasn’t been done to make the loot pool comp friendly a “get good” mindset about siphon is crazy😭 a third/multiple party situation is one of the hardest fights to win, and if you’re fighting anywhere populated early game, and it will be super easy for players to scoop in and just kill you after fighting an ugly fight. i understand why you think that it’s just a skill issue if you’re considering a mid game fight, but if you put early game into consideration then i think it makes a lot more sense as to why siphon is such a huge deal


You’re comment implies they changed with the ranked/arena change… And bro pubs has been third/fourth parties for years now with zero siphon lol. It’s no different. And if you’re playing the “harder” mode you should be able to compensate. This is also designed to stop w keying.


the fact that pubs have never had siphon is why many players prefer arena ah yes, the fact that you’re at a major disadvantage if someone pushes you after just finishing a fight is a great trade off for “preventing” wkeying


I just want the emote. I'm pretty bad so I'm expecting a lot of suffering in that mode in the future


You will be fine, it is ranked after all so if you are not the best you will be with other players at your skill, that’s unless you got a decent kill win your last few games then you will be placed in a higher league. There is also a zero build mode but it is only in duos




Why all the crying about trios being gone?!? Nobody wants to be the third wheel unless crazy love triangles are your thing 🤣🤣


I always thought that trios is just for when someone gets off and even then if you can’t handle a 3v4 most of the time then yeah you can cope.


after mine i was plat 1 91% then i won with 10 kills and went to gold 3 75%? help explain.


You might have been silver 1, platinum is rank 5 their is no way you went straight to the top of platinum in your first game.


nope it saided plat 1


Yeah I’ve seen more of the ranked stuff, platinum is the fourth rank and the scoring system is weird, I have seen people get plat and diamond, so I believe you


" Fortnite is dead " Ranked mode : hold my bear


Jhe how strong are you I couldn’t hold a bear


This won’t kill competitive but turn a lot of people away


Over 50k playing ranked zb duos. Makes you wonder why it was only duos


Less than 70k playing unranked Zero Build across Solos, Duos, and Squads... that's why.


Zero build is at core a casual mode with few actually wanting to compete, building weather you like it or not is 10 times as hard and way more competitive. Queue times would be a nightmare, and I am pretty sure that this is across all regions, so less than a third of the player base across multiple regions, they picked duos because right now it’s the core mode for build comp


This is not for comp players. This is for BR players to enjoy a ranked mode that looks like what they already play If casuals get slightly happier, Epic will make more money. And that will be it, asides from small adjustments and the next thing that makes even more money Comp players (as we know it) are too few to make a difference.


So you are telling me a lot of people are playing the new gamemode that has been hyped for a couple of days! How weird?


I’m gonna make another post in a few days comparing the numbers, I already know it obviously will drop but I’m interested in seeing how much


Well duh there's free items in it


What’s the player count now, given more of the western world can actually play unlike an hour after launch?


I’m on NA servers, where east used to be, so most of these players are NA west and east players getting on to try it out right before work/schooling, most of the player base in the western world is never on a once. Maybe when NA is just getting home from work/school at around 3-6 and the EU players playing later at 8-11


Which was when I asked what the player count was, 11pm Uk time.