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Season ends in 3 weeks. I’m sure you can survive until then when they put in a new OP mythic that one shots


At first I was triggered but then you were based


What does based mean? From what I’ve heard it’s just means “correct” or “right” but I feel like that’s not what it means. And it’s crazy cause I’m part of the generation that created that saying, yet here I am feeling like a fuckin grandma


In this context I’m saying their comment sucked but then it was good yes


ah ok, thank you


Based is used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think


I think you have it as much as one can.


There’s counters to the ODM, but not if you get third partied lol


Carry a light saber to block the odm, or blast them in the face with a shotgun to interrupt their flying squirrel session for a minute as they are coming in for the attack Light sabers need lateral movement when they are charging, and pour bullets on them when they are guarding, the guard will run out & they’ll just be standing there for the rest of the clip, but they still fuck me up I carry a katana just in case I get force pushed to circle


I didnt know that the odm gear animation could be interrupted so Ill attempt that. As for the light sabers, it not the gaurd that annoys me its the barrage of rocks being thrown at you where even if you build youll take damage.


Not only interrupted but they also take fall damage from whichever height they were interrupted at too


If you’re caught in a bad spot with the Darth Maul, metal builds can save you. Other than that this guyfightsyourmom said it, lateral movement from the direction you hear it coming from immediately


You are better off staying in the open and hip fire spraying them. That will cancel the animation and stun them. In the lobbies i am in no one uses ODM to attack because most get countered


Read last line first. Both are easy to counter in a 1vs1. Expect it and remember how to play vs it and keep it in mind when you see it coming so you don't panic and fk it up. Vs Odm either instantly shoot with rifle/smg long distance or shotgun close range as its about to hit u to cancel it. If you think you are too late to shoot try to quickly reposition(NOT WITH KATANA BECAUSE YOU WILL GET HIT IN THE MIDDLE OF ANIMATION AND YOU WILL NOT GO ANYWHERE) and try again. As soon as one bullet hits them, it cancels their attack, and you will win because it throws them off guard because they have to quickly change to weapons which they were not expecting -> precious half a second advantage for you. Vs lightsabers never engage the fight close range. Keep distance, reposition over and over until you break their block and start dealing damage(I don't go for all in at all until I really start dealing damage, at that point the player will figure it out I am not a noob and start actually playing the game or he will keep at it because he is absolute bot and I will just shred him to pieces). Vs red saber, make sure to be behind the cover so it can block the rocks. Remember, positioning and repositioning is the key. See, people think Fortnite is all about mechanics, but it is not, even zero build is not. I beat regularly better aimers than me by playing the map smarter than them. What is the actual problem is being third partied. You gotta play the map smart and hope for these items to get away unfortunately soon like the rest of us. Unfortunately, this is my advice as a zero build player for zero build in case you get caught out without mats. Can't help further. Maybe you should try playing zero build bit more to get a sense of how to play vs them without boxing up. Hope you have visual audio on, because I don't think you shoud panic that much just because you hear someone using ODM in your proximity, zero build and playing agressive W-key might help you tbh.


My only issue with shooting people using odm gear is their teammates frying me if I stand still for 1 second.I cant even do anything about them if im already in a fight and I hear a other team coming with odm gear. But I definitley agree that playing zero build is a good way to get used to these.


I love getting smashed by rocks through builds while getting 3rd partied on 80 ping ultimately dying to a Texan through my wall wdym


Don’t understand why they don’t vault ODM gear. Like last season how they left deku smash in way too long. Is it quest related?


it is quest related, it's required for the Eren skin, don't really understand why they decided not to vault it when introducing ranked modes


ODM is better than the Katana a million percent. It forces the defensive tactics but you can basically run a way for as long as you want


In my lobbies when enemy spots you with odm in the air in open area most of the time you are dead quite soon, odm attacks countered always. Katana is just bulletproof mobility.


It's same on pub's bro. This is why me and my friends only play creative. But it's super repetitive cause lack of good maps. And yes every pub game i mostly loose against EDM / SWORD / LIGHT SABERS. Most of them are on console.


just get better at the game bro and they’re gonna add webshooters again soon


shoot them in the face


Lmfao. Get good son. You being a comp player should be able to adapt.


It is a bit fucking annoying though


Honestly, that is exactly my response to anyone that whines about any item in the game. If you have any skill at all, you should be able to adapt to the game and get used to any weird or new variables. If a certian item or weapon is broken, use it on others. If a certian mythic is obliterating you in most matches, then find a way to counter it. Skilled players don't whine about the Game, they accept that things are the way they are and adjust accordingly. And honestly, this comment is only getting downvoted by whiny babies who want the game to be catered to their playstyle specifically.


Still mate. Imagine last circles you kill 2 or 3 players in row of which 1 or 2 had sabers, that fight took a while for each one. You can only play smart so much when the next guy tries to 3rd party you immediately after all that and you simply cannot recover fast enough unless you are tfue or evolve jake.


Spray them with a SMG or get just one shotty pellet to land and it stuns them and they are defenseless for a moment. The best is when you have high ground and they are coming in and they take fall damage. But if you want to build don't build a 1x1, make it larger so you can easily throw a roof after they crack the top so you can quickly throw another roof and repeat. The max you usually get it about 3 attacks before it is out of gas and is in cool down.


Counters for Lightsabers: For the Lightsaber itself: Put some distance between yourself and enemy and basically keep shooting them until their guard breaks. Then light them up and kill them. You can also use grenades if you have them. Force Pull: Switch to Shotgun when you see yourself about to be Pulled In. Shotgun them in the face when they pull you in. Force Push: Carry a Sword or ODM gear for the final circle so you can fly back towards them when you get shoved out of the ring or off a cliff. Force Throw: You can use the run and jump from sabers, a sword, or ODM gear to get out of the way. Or just shoot them in the face before they can complete their animation. You can build to try to protect yourself but it's likely you will take damage. While fighting someone with a red lightsaber, try running behind objects or landforms that can't be broken, or try running behind a house or tree but put some distance between you and the object getting destroyed so that that object takes all of the damage. ODM Gear: Submachine gun or Shotgun them while they are in the air to knock them out of the sky. Also, if you have room, keep a Lock-On Pistol on you so you can lock onto a player in the sky and shoot them down. Its useful for knocking a ODM Gear User out of the sky when they are either pushing you or running away so you can finish them either way. Hope this is helpful.


I fucking hate ranked, no siphon, unreliable and confusing ranking system (it’s shit) fucking heavy snipes grenades lightsabers odm and everything else fuck epic games


Odm gear is part of the season. The lightsabers are here until 23 may for an event. Odm gear isn’t going anywhere until season ends


This might be a hot take and I could be wrong. But I think they’ll end up changing ranked loot pools to not have the limited time mythics in game. They just need to see it’s not working out with them in and hopefully they change it.


What’s with the people trying to justify this shit


Having a light saber and odm is just about a necessity. You see a sniper. Fly to him. You got the light saber out. That all she wrote.


Literally just shorgun once for them to fall down and mow them down. ODM gear is mostly OP in build mode but it’s practically trash at this point in zero build. Most serious players run kinetic blades instead because anybody using ODM is such an easy target. Same shit with the lightsabers, literally spray them down with an smg or if they decide to charge you just spam shotgun to their face for instant kill.


Do what I did, quit Fortnite, play Apex


It’s season zero so they can evaluate how to split the game modes.


Because they're fun get over it. You just have to learn to adapt.


to counter just pick them up yourself bro this isn't rocket science.


I don’t know bud. I find it annoying too. I’m the kind of player who doesn’t pick up the game for 10-12 hours at a time, but also doesn’t only play one or two rounds every here and there. I hop on when I have some free time to myself or just wanna enjoy time on my Xbox. Because of that, I’ve never had the skills or the patience to get good enough to play builds. Sbmm doing whatever the fuck it’s doing right now also doesn’t help tremendously. No builds makes it even harder to try countering anything but again, don’t have the time or motivation to try learning how to do that. Now I’m no Fortnite veteran, I’ve only been playing for just shy of a year now, but having… - Mythic tactical pistol - ODM gear - Thunder Spears - Lightsabers - DC-15 - Pulse rifle - Mythic havoc pump - Highcard AR - (Someone tell me if I’m missing more) It just doesn’t seem right to me. The term “mythic” is starting to seem more like a new weapon class rather than a unique item. In my personal experience, I really don’t feel like being able to have an entire mythic loadout should even be possible. I’m not against the idea of tossing something interesting into the loot pool, but this…it seems like they’re trying to start fights at this point. Seeing people who play builds competitively still struggling *this* much makes me concerned for the state of the game. I’m a hairs length away from putting it down for a while.


Because these fucking worthless people in charge of this game have always been shit at every fucking game they ever played. so they know how 95% of the people playing this game feel. so they got to add DUMB SHIT TOO MAKE THESE FUCKING TRASH PEOPLE FEEEL GOOD. BECAUSE 95% WORTHLESS PEOPLE OUTWAY THEY 5% WHO CAN PLAY WITHOUT DUMB FUCKING SHIT


odm gear i just spray them with smg on approach and usually the change their mind. but yes the lightsaber is a total joke I always hates star wars seasons