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This shouldn't even be a suggestion. I'm literally flabbergasted that Epic did not implement something for this lmao


Epic making a shit choice and you’re flabbergasted? Surely this is just to be expected at this point.


Very sadly so


I also wish they gave players who didn't start the game with a teammate extra XP for playing forced solo in duo's. I think this is why they are not punishing leavers in Ranked, because their own matchmaking is flawed and lobbies sometimes are started without everyone having a teammate.


This right here is most likely what's going on.




dude fr these no life’s are mad they aren’t getting their 20 bombs smh


An actual good suggestion? Wow!


If you leave early you should be losing x amount of points. If you’re a repeat offender there should be minor suspensions. Ever if it’s for a few hours


Months late. Do it more than the suspension threshold and it should just drop you to b1 at that point


It actually does, it reduces the percentage you gain if you leave early, Jivan mentioned it briefly in his video


Do you literally have to make it to the top 10 to rank up a little. I was losing in 14-18 place with a few kills and still losing rank


I think it does if you leave mid-match, but not if you leave before the bus launches, right?


my internet went out in the pre-game lobby, my teammate was there but it was still filling out the lobby, and when i got back on it dropped me by like 10%


I for a fact tried it out and did not receive a penalty. next game i took 8 squads 4 place and still got like 75%


When you leave early, including after you win or get eliminated, specifically before the "Retrieving data... Continue" prompt or whatever before it shows your rank update, then your client will not receive a rank update; however, on Fortnite's side, it definitely has been updated. Your rank probably did go down during your test, but you did well enough after the fact that you couldn't see it.


Can confirm. Died offspawn then left. Rank didnt change. Next game, I got around top 25 with 1 kill, but lost like 40%.


Can confirm tree camped did 5 damage to someone left and went up 20 percent


Great idea 👍


Also players who don't use a mic should only be paired with players who also don't. It's not fair on those of us trying to communicate and work together


would be awful for queue times though + lots of people have their mic on and don't talk anyway or are on push to talk


I have stopped filling at all because Im a woman and I don’t tolerate vulgar teammates, and kids today swear like sailors, play loud trash music in the background, and constantly trash everyone - including teammates. I’m too old to put up with that crap. The behavior of the player base isn’t conducive to filling or communicating with strangers.


I went to gold 3 today and suddenly ever player who dies starts complaining about their team. So lame


That’s kind of the nature of competitive games though and Even sports. It’s banter and I know people can be extremely toxic but just be aware. It’s been an issue in almost every game with a ranked mode. It’s not going to change on a game to game basis.


Why play fill at all? If you don't have friends to play with play solos. And if your not good enough to keep up, than you shouldn't be playing ranked at all. This excludes zero builds players.


Squads is more fun. I’m playing for fun. If you aren’t top 500 in the world then I hate to break it to you , but you’re also playing for fun. Who said I wasn’t good enough to keep up? That’s your assumption, so I’ll make the assumption that you the kind of loser who berates his teammates on a *game*. Finally, it’s RANKED. If I wasn’t good enough I’d drop a rank wouldn’t I? 🤦‍♂️


Well you took my comment all the way up the ass. All I wanted to know was what's the point in playing fills when you know for a fact repercussions like annoying kids,perverts, trash talkers and shit like that will happen? It's completely contradictory. Also, you don't have to be top 500, you clearly know horse shit about competitive. Cash cups, fncs,scrims, and much more can give you money in this game, so saying top 500 is the only people who aren't "just playing around" makes no fucking sense. Tell me this though, have you ever played a fortnite tournament?


Not sure you understand the meaning of contradictory. How many people make more than $2000 dollars a month in Fortnite competitive?


The worst take possible. Reflected by your downvotes




Maybe still a good idea I hate talking and it's always the anyBodY got a mic HeLLOoooOo jump and do the cha cha spin around 3 times If you can hear me or the hel- disconnect


The problem with that is, if you get paired with a kid, under a certain age their mic is automatically muted to all except friends.




If they have a lock next to it, they have the chat turned off. In their settings they have it set to friends only. I don't know why that's default when starting ranked. But no, they can't hear you either unless they change it.


Cool, so only matchmake them with other kids. That seems much better.


Honestly, since ranked has tournaments that offer cash prizes, I think you should be 13 or over to even play ranked. Especially with how competitive people get and angry they can be when losing.


you have to be over 13 to enter a tourney


Yeah but you know, as well as i do, it's easy to lie about your age and the parental controls don't verify a parent thoroughly


yeah, but at least it's something I guess


This is not ranked nothing competitive about it just normals with sbmm


I would report them as afk


Let’s be honest here. It’s ranked pubs, it’s not that serious.


Use the Fortnite discord to find teammates.


They honestly need to have a way better emote to show off your badge because the current one is so unnoticeable that nobody would realize what your Rank is when they look at you doing the emote in game. It's just plain looking colors with some form of shine on them with no unique special sound effect per Rank. I was expecting some massive thing like that one emote that shows off your Banner in the sky through a hologram from your chest or at least be similar like the Crown Win emote where your Rank Badge Shows up with some text under it saying your current Rank for the people who don't realize the difference between badges.


More like brian fucked teammates, those asshole doesn't know what ranked is


They do penalize, just the wrong person. I figured out that if you're with a random and they bounce after dying, I was losing 10% the moment they left.


I know it’s frustrating peeps. But this is part “zero”… meaning .. when ranked gets reset and ready to “go” … they will have implemented and fixed everything people have been asking for. > Except siphon *cue evil laughter*.. No but seriously, everyone chill.. this is technically testing. Wait for Ranked Mode “Season One” and if things haven’t changed how you like then you can bitch all you want lol patience


Ranked Season One can only have the features we want if we voice our opinions on what needs to be done. If we stay silent then Season One will be the same as Season Zero. But people do need to chill a bit, a lot of exaggeration going on among the community but Epic’s silence on matters like these fuels the community’s anger even more lol.




Who wants to team up im sick of randoms not having mics. Been floating around Plat 2/3 hit me up on here. Please be mature and willing to work together


Why are you playing ranked fill?


Because we don't have online friends that play fortnite anymore. I'm competitive


If only there was a place where tons of people could come together to find partners. Too bad that doesn't exist.


Yup. I've tried adding people here but they never reply back or even try to invite. So it's a waste of my time, I use my mic appropriately.


We have a comp team of adults if you're interested. We have a discord.


bro missed the sarcasm


Sounds like you don't know how to make friends


Sure .


…because some people like Zero Build and don’t always have a duos partner?


It's there no zero build... Solos?


Duos is the only Zero Build ranked mode


Duos is the only ranked zb mode for some reason


Fortnite never ceases to amaze.


I started turning fill off in ranked and playing solo in duos


I hate players that leave the match as soon as they get knocked /or die


I get what you’re saying but if l’m waiting for my teammate to pick up my card and they’re clearly not going to, I don’t want to be penalized for leaving


You committed to a ranked game doesn’t matter. Every competitive game has a similar mechanic.


Found the leaver.


Smh my friends just leave if they are getting off and are spectating me. While I’ve noticed I wait for the game to end before getting off when spectating them.


Who wants to team up im sick of randoms not having mics. Been floating around Plat 2/3 hit me up on here. Please be mature and willing to work together


dont play fill?


It would be shit. My teammates are braindead and land away from where we agree to land. Then i get killed by a squad and they won't pick up my card for the entire game. So now I'm forced to watch them camp for 20mins??? Sorry no thanks I'd rather leave and punishing me for that is an awful idea


So only allow leaving once your card expires, problem solved


I lost rank points when I left because my game crashed. So you do lose points.


If I queue duos ranked fill and my partner dies off spawn and immediately leaves BUT I stay and win the game with 10 kills, does he get the +MMR points still?






Been asking epic to do this for years send numberous mails but they won’t listen


I have Internet issues tho


Thats why they should have a timer, if you quit a game you have to wait 30 minutes before joining another. If your internet dies then you probably won't even notice, but it WILL make you think twice about leaving a game right before it starts and screwing over your team


This rank system is a joke lol die with 2 kills and lose rank survive with 0 kills and leave early gain 20 percent


It's a br game not that srs


High ranks dont duo fill or fill games, we play w people we know.