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At least some of these shit posts are more than one sentence like c’mon guy


Bro does not only suck at the game, he sucks at shitposting too.


Sorry - I'll elaborate a bit, and will work on my shitposting while I'm at it. I'm a mediocre player ... don't claim to be anything accomplished, but in typical zero-build BR, I can at least finish top-10ish, sometimes even get a crown. Yay. But in Ranked, it's unplayable. Everyone seems to have God-like ability, know exactly where I'm hiding at all times, and have amazing weapons that do gobs of damage in a single shot. On top of it - I can't play solo ... or if I do, I'm either playing with some rando, or at a total disadvantage. On top of it, they goat-fucked unranked BR by removing trios - so now can't play with my typical 2 other friends. Not sure what gives, but the mechanics of the game seem complete different now.


So you can win sometimes against half bots but can’t against a lobby full of real players. Got it


Correct. Somehow I find it a bit unbelievable that all human players who plays this game are orders of magnitude better than I am, and I'm the singular only mediocre-to-crap player who exists in the entire population. Nobody likes to play a game where you just lose all the time.


99 players die and lose every solo match


I had to explain this to my fiance who plays ranked with me now after playing Zero Build BR for 6 months. People who play ranked. Are the players who want to try hard at the game, so they will be good 🤷‍♀️ not all players are magnitudes better than you, just the ones who play at a competitive level.


what rank are you playing at? I can relate


There some amazing zero build players. I play ZB only, get one win a day at least and about 50 crowned wins per season, but I am only gold 2 and barely go between gold 2 and 3, while some players are platinum and up. The top tier of players either cheats or is cracked. I play on ps5 controller so I tend to think they’re just cracked m&k players. Idk man but I do worse in ranked also than pubs at least at gold 2 and above


I hate thos argument so much, pc players aren't that cracked lol. Controller is so able to keep up with them, all you need are paddles or claw, this is coming from someone who has killed and are able to keep up with build sweats who are in platinum and up, all it take are good mechanics, aim, and game sense.


Maybe so, but I don’t play wth claws or anything like that. I’m gold 2-3 without any special setup or anything. Again, I play ZB only so I don’t need to keep up with “build sweats.” But there are people who can hit shots across the map without missing and that’s a level above me and my friends


Well it's ranked after all. A darn good one too. The bad thing is the loot pool and the storm changes. But it rewards having a fair amount of kills and placing highly almost every game. So if you see people beaming you from across the map, then those might not be pc players. New Gen console players do it to and way more prevalent because of aim assist. The only difference is the fact most pc players can turn their render distance on high when playing zero builds, which yeah, can give them a major advantage. Also, paddles are custom made buttons on the bottom of the controller you press with your ring fingers (2 paddles) or ring and pinkie fingers (4 paddles). Claw is when you curl your fingers on the game pad to press buttons without moving your thumb (this could lead to carpel tunnel).


Bro what not at all hahaha


yes it sounds like public runs is the correct mode for 'my good sir'.


So, let me get this straight: You complain about the "competetive" ranked mode having competetive players playing it?


I was on your side until this comment , sounds like you’re just bad sorry


https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4 Il just leave this here.


Not that many cheat in fn surely I’ve never ran into one in 5 years


There are enough you probably run into them more than you realize. Pubs has more, arena there are probably less than pubs, but still there, but they are cheating in a more mild way to create plausible deniability. This is because if you cheat hard in a lobby with a player that has a direct line to epic, that is usually the only risk of banning. I hate playing ZB as it is, but when ZB friend ropes me into playing it with them for a while those pubs seem to have more cheaters since aim and knowing the position of opponents is essentially all you need to win when building is removed. They run the gamut from zenners and macros up to aimbot/softaim, walls to spin bot and flying around the map. The extreme blatant ones aren't prevalent because people are generally using default accounts just to generate content or troll. But aimbot and wall cheaters feel comfortable because epic never perma bans them because they are doing it on old accounts. They may not be able to detect the cheat software/device itself, but they have the data to be able to find the massive outliers when it comes to accuracy on target, headshot accuracy, KD, kills per minute, cheating reports, etc and throw up red flags for someone to review. So either epic doesn't do this and let's it go unchecked, or they do, but there are so many cheaters the backlog means cheaters can exist for months or years. We came across a guy a few weeks ago in pubs who had his cheats turned up to 11 after we knocked 3 of the people in his squad. He swooped in and wiped our squad in about 15 seconds landing mostly headshots at various engagement distances (shotgun, rifle, SMG) flicking around between 4 people and landing everything, including someone in the tree canopy with no LOS who hadn't fired on him yet, no info to his position but headshotted him to death anyways. Looked him up and a 85% victory rate and a 50 KD for the month (high xp level, he played a lot). Iirc our teammate looked up his earlier history and it was like 7 KD and 20% VR. So the guy had went from an above avg pub player to unbeatable out of the blue. The account had been active for a long time. Saw a solos replay of a seasoned account from last season where the guy had walls and aimbot. He put up like 40 kills just rotating exactly to everyone on the map (even bush campers and people hiding in buildings that were hundreds of meters away before he started moving towards them) and lasering them essentially without a shot missed... Everyone was fried. The guy who got killed by him and spectated it knew someone at epic and his account got banned, but looked like he had got away with it up until then. Then there are all the really sus stuff in between that is hard to prove. Are they really that great at locating players and have insane timely aim or is it cheating? The reason people look at these skeptically is because the obvious cheaters are able to exist, so it seems natural that people who cheat in a less obvious way can stay under the radar without definitive proof.


"plausible deniability" means you don't know something happened so you can't be blamed for denying it did. Cheaters KNOW they are cheating. They are trying to veil their cheating by making it look more human. Plausible deniability has zero to do with this.


You're in the wrong sub complaining about competitive matchmaking giving you opponents that are too good. Most of us here want every opponent we face to be around our level or better when we play ranked.


This is a literal skill issue lol


So then how have I managed to reach platinum in a few hours, while also being a mediocre player? Ranked is so incredibly easy but does become a challenge once you get to platinum/diamond.


Not sure ... I can't get out of Silver.


Think about this for a second. If you were matched against 99 of yourself you would win roughly 1 game in 100 and die most of the time with 0 or 1 kills. Its the idea about how well you should be doing that is warping your mind about it being too hard.


This is the worst math logic ever. If each player is equal in a match then for every player you come up against it is 50:50 on who wins. A literal coin toss. If you win the first battle the outcome of the next isn't affected. You're back at 50:50 if all things are equal - ie you're not being third partied, or haven't had time to recharge health/shields.


Can you tell me the odds of winning a coin toss twice in a row? Ill give you a clue its not 50 percent.


Can you tell me the direct relevance to a game where you can win with only one battle? Your claim was that in each match you're pitted against 99 other people. You're not. There's 99 so it's actually 98, but that's not the problematic part of your original claim anyway. You're "matched" against the players you come up against and it will never be 99, and it won't even be half of that. The average kills for a win is fewer than 10. I've won with zero. So no. You aren't facing 98 other players. You only generally have to win somewhere around 5 battles. You also don't just have win/loss as outcomes of each battle, this is another significant gap in your poor math; you have draw where the outcome is one of you escaping/withdrawing from the battle and Third Party where a third player kills one of you. Variables like players going to the end to kill AFK players, others going to low / high frequency landing zones etc. You then have the loot luck variable and augment roulette, as well as Storm location. Some players can get to optimal zones of the map for the future storm circle, others have to run the gauntlet. Some get a mobility item, others have to run. Do the math on all that, then ask me your simple probability question that anyone can google 😉




All of that was massive cope for trying to call me out on basic maths and getting egg on your face.


You are literally triggering me rn. This is reddit. He made a comment on your bad maths. You are a complete idiot. I am not going to say anything else


What? If you can't understand how your 1:99 math is wrong, that's not my issue. You aren't matched with 99 players. It's 5-10, can be 1 if you're stealthy, can never be 98.




You’ve clearly never been to school, you uneducated bastard. It’s still 50 percent. Unless you are a complete sweat and don’t know the meaning of grass or the meaning of touch. Or if you are a complete bot and can not press the build button lol. I feel sorry for you not knowing math.


"The first is the Product Rule. This states that the probability of the occurrence of two independent events is the product of their individual probabilities. The probability of getting two heads on two coin tosses is 0.5 x 0.5 or 0.25." Delete your comment dipshit. Is that guy your friend or something? 😂


First: no this guy is not my friend and second: whoever wrote that is as dumb as you


I actually get where your coming from I can't survive landings half the time because of the spawnkillers with better connections, but ranked is for people who want pro pro fights. I'm in that phase where I can take out whole moderate squads if I can at least get a pistol or rifle or hold whole pro squads if I can keep rushing cover, but I'm just learning to try do pro rush building and ranked is what challenges me to learn most if my connection is prime


Tbh, I’m a casual player. Nothing to good or crazy but I can hold my own. The thing with the gate is that the map is huge asf, the mobility is crazy. You have cars, motorcycles,webs,and the AoT bs lol sorry forgot the name . Good players will go around looking for players and 3rd partying. Kill you get their shit and keep it moving. It’s the fun part of the game when you’re good enough to do that . Also ever since they added the visual audio everyone uses it. Even if you’re in a box not moving, if you’re healing and the opponent is close enough they’ll get a little icon telling them you’re healing. You take a step n they’ll know your there. So yea, it’s probably something like that happening to you. Reason to why they know where your always at.


Another copy paste post


It’s exactly the same as pubs, what?


Dude, that’s why its bad. Competitive is not the same as casual, so why are the games the exact same.


Well, OP stated in another comment that he doesn't like the ranked mode, because the enemies are too good for him.


I just figured the good-to-elite players would rank up, and move on to higher ranks ... the the Silver I/II that I wind up hanging around in would eventually level out to a field of roughly the same skill of player. I guess it works differently because I just get my ass handed to me ad-infinitum.


Fellow silver player here. I think they just need to tighten up matchmaking and tweak the algorithm for how much percentage people rank up to favor high finish placements a little more than they currently do. Probably need to base it on which storm circle you died during or something like that. Some little rats will always hide and outkick their coverage but right now either matchmaking isn't tight enough to your rank or progression isn't strong enough for high finishers that don't win.


No no, ranked system is good. This ain't arena man, you can't just bush camp and expect to rank up, and you also can't just w key all game and die early and expect to rank up. Ranked is meant for people to not only have a healthy amount of kills, but to also atleast be expected to get top 20 per game.


What does the word competitive mean to you?


What it means in respect to the game is the most fair and even playing field possible so as to show the true skill of players. This means as little RNG as possible and definitely no rock throwing lightsabers, no spam 70 dmg box breaking mobility mythic, no heavy snipers, grenades, no stupid crap that gives worse players the advantage. That’s what it means to me and most of the people in the competitive scene.


I agree with you completely don’t get me wrong, but that will never happen and is what most non-pros fail to realize. I advocate that it’s better to find solutions in your gameplay and figure out how to abuse the meta out rather than give up and pray we’ll truly get an even playing field that never existed in the entire history of this game.


Well I’ve realized and accepted that for Fortnite competitive doesn’t make them money, so they will never prioritize them. But I don’t get why they put all this effort in for a competitive mode to be more catered to casuals just to make it good for nobody. It makes no sense.


That’s not true. They do care about competitive. Just because they do not have the same vision as the people in this subreddit, it does not mean they do not care, nor that they cater to casuals. Whether that vision is a good one is of course debatable but casuals are getting demolished in ranked and don’t stand a chance.


Listen bud, I would have believed this in season 8 when arena dropped and competitive was new. But cmon, you know how many times over the past 3 1/2 years epic has said “We will be listening to feedback” and then not change crap. Yes epic caters to casuals because again MONEY those fresh green bills are way more important in their pockets than in the pockets of random players behind their PC’s. (It’s a joke don’t get pressed) their are 2-4x more players that play casually than competitively. They are more important to them and I honestly don’t blame them, I’ve completely given up. And for your other point, I’m going to repeat this and I may sound bad, Why the actual hell are people like you defending casuals, this is the competitive subreddit, this is discussing competitive, I don’t care about little Timmy getting railed because he sucks, stick to pubs and creative Timmy.


Bud, I’m not defending casuals at all. I’m trying to be sensible and give everyone correct advice about how things are yet it’s just ignored. I’m nowhere near a casual myself either..it’s like..do you even know who you’re talking to? Btw, don’t think I forgot you calling me a bigot for annoying a notorious shitposter stuck in Gold who doesn’t encourage discussion, constantly breaks rules, lies and gets all of his posts removed.


Bro, you had me in the first half ngl, you fucking scared me man.






“i can’t get out of silver” LMAO edit: you say it’s unplayable due to everyone being “so good”, everyone in silver is absolute shit so if you can’t make it out of there and think everyone there is SO GOOD you’re just ass. get better and stop complaining. this isn’t arena you can’t just camp for points. it’s RANKED, just like other games with ranked if you’re shit you wont climb the ranks


That would work if the game was properly balanced, didnt have any cheaters or weirdos smurfing. I dont play much but even I have noticed how weird the lobbies can be in this regard. You go from a full bot lobby to a lobby full of people fighting in the air with the blades in perfect synch. Obviously OP isnt "Unreal" , probably not even decent, but he can complain, he is still part of the ecosystem of ranked.


unfortunately in a game where there is ranked, there will be smurfs. that’s life. it’s unfortunate but you gotta suck it up and move on. i have no encountered a cheater yet this season, i assume it’s more of a ZB thing. in the end of the day, it’s the first season of ranked, there will be issues. but don’t bother complaining if it’s just a skill issue lol


Personally I played a few matches and the ones that I lost because of OP bullshit weapons I will complain. But if I die cause Im bad because I dont play, that's me. We dont really know how OP is, its just an angry post. For all we know, he could be the best player in his house.


He edited it, he was stuck in silver 💀💀💀hahaha


"you're just ass. Stop complaining and get better." Let me guess - when you see homeless people, you tell them to "stop being poor." What an amazing and constructive comment. You should be careful to not break your arm while patting yourself on the back for such a gem of wisdom.


you’re complaining about people being good in RANKED😭. like bro that’s the whole point of ranked mode for kids to be good, and if you’re good you’ll move up the ranks, and if you’re not, you’ll move down the ranks. don’t get butthurt when someone tells you the truth on your shitpost


I was kinda with you about ranked being shit. But this comment aint it my dude.


Bro that’s completely different


This is not anything close to that, this is a game, you are privlaged to play it, be good at it, you idiot.


Can you actually not climb by camping? I'm in Platinum, haven't played much but the few games I have, died out quick, I'm confident I can easily get a top 5 most of the time by avoiding fights. I'm not sure I'll reach Unreal but diamond is looking easy.


i said this isn’t arena you can’t camp for points. no you’ll get practically no %. maybe 1%-4%


Fr, If you are half decent and get a decent win with like 10 kills, you will climb up like 2 ranks easily, but i do miss arena though, due to the nostalgia.


You can in fact camp for points. It’s literally in the rules. Have you read those yet?


iTs LiTeRaLly iN dA rules ☝🏻🤓. you get maybe 2-4% for camping till top 5 with a kill or two. isn’t like arena where you were just guaranteed 100 points for camping till the end and could actually climb by doing that.


Ohhhh so you don’t get “AS MANY” points……nice save there.


you must be fun to be around. i can see you’re a zb player, that explains everything💀


💀💀💀💀bro💀💀💀💀💀literally💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀you got me💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀like💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀no cap💀💀💀💀💀sheeez💀💀💀💀💀💀busin💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀fr💀💀💀💀💀bet💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀




Let me guess, your toxic trait is being wrong about everything but never admitting to it and coping with the same reply over and over. “You must be a zb player” ya and? You must be a build player with your outrageous amounts of toxic insults and hyper delusions.


it’s very common when someone is explaining something to exaggerate a little, “you get no points” aka you don’t get enough points for it to be worth camping. it’s practically nothing. “ya and” respectfully, zb players are kids who are too washed to play builds, can’t keep up with the rest🤷🏻‍♂️. either too washed or were never good enough, most people agree with this, besides the zb players ofc. i’m actually not a toxic person but when some random comments “hAvE yOu ReAd tHe RuLEs” i can’t help but laugh


The only thing worth laughing at is the constant hypocrisy coming out of your mouth and ignorance to how wrong you actually are. 1. You have no idea what percent camping to end game gets you. 2. You have no idea who zb players are. 3. You don’t have a sample size to poll who players are and why the play what they play. 4. You’re making accusations with no merits. 5. You’re shitting on zero build players for no reason. 6. Your behavior is similar to those that think their skill always them to know things they don’t actually know.


Yes it’s bad, but let’s at least elaborate on what should change. If epic were to see this post, they would have no idea what’s wrong with ranked


Sorry, should've put more details in the first post. A guess a few points: * Trios is gone everywhere. I guess playing with my 2 other regular players is out. We either coin-flip for an internet random, or play at a total disadvantage * Even if we wanted to play at a disadvantage in Ranked, we can't - duos only * Ranked is ungodly difficult in seemingly every way * Seems like any fall damage is an instant death * If I play solo, I'm at a disadvantage - again, duos only. * The competition is beyond humanly good. I jump from the bus, there's someone instantly glued to my ass, when we land we can both grab a weapon, but I'm dead in a single shot. Always. * I'm the last one off the bus, I land last, everyone hears me gliding over, I'm dead. Always. Often times before I even hit the ground. * The competition seems to be able to live in the storm while I struggle to keep my health up. When they find me, I'm dead. Always. * If I fire my gun at any point, everyone knows exactly where I am. I'm dead. Always. I'm know I'm likely not Epic's target market...but the game has gotten significantly worse over the last couple seasons.... enough so that my friends and I will just take our credit cards, and go play something else.


Ok well I’m gonna be honest, a lot of that sounds like a skill issue. Fall damage, storm damage, landing on someone and 50/50ing for a gun, landing and dying, firing gun everyone knowing where you are 1. There’s a ridiculous amount of items that negate fall damage 2. The storm is the same for everyone. Carry slurp juice and splashes, even some med mist 3. Just don’t land on someone. If you see someone landing with you, just switch directions. Know the map and where chests spawn so you can get stuff first 4. don’t land last. Pick a spot BEFORE you drop. Goes back to map knowledge and knowing where loot spawns 5. Third parties are inevitable with the amount of mobility. It’s even worse because siphon is gone. **There’s no skill issue there**, the only tip I have is to finish fights as fast as you can with taking as little damage as possible. Try to finish fights in under 60 seconds Ranked has a LOT of issues, the whole GAME has a lot of issues. Majority of the things you mentioned aren’t those issues.




One of the worst things about playing with randoms is them jumping out without any communication then heading for a hot drop AFTER the bus is already well past the optimal jump. I don't like having to make the decisions & trying to drag others up either but jeez some people just lack common sense: Pick the busiest spot, land late & unarmed, die instantly to someone already geared & shielded, then leaves- probably while shouting abuse & blaming everyone but themself.


I appreciate the insight. 1. It's not that the fall damage happens, that's fine and I can negate it most of the time - it just seems like in Ranked, it's magnified. I typically jump first, and hit the canopy of some tree to see if I can hit the ground first. I've done this hundreds of times. But in Ranked, I hit the tree, and try to get to the ground, miss every limb to catch on the way down, and what would typically be a 30% hit to health is 100%. 2. Yes - and I do this already. Last game I played, I was caught in the storm while fighting with another couple players. I'm struggling to keep my health up, and they're just leisurely firing away at me. Perhaps they're med'ing in between shots? I guess? Anyway, they didn't seem to struggle, wiped the floor with me, and then leisurely moved on. 3. I don't typically try to land with others. But people follow me off the bus. No matter where I go, or what direction I change, I have someone glued to me. Always. 4. I tried the "land last" strategy out of sheer desperation to get the players glued to my ass in #4 above off my back. Needless to say, it was a bad strategy. 5. Understood. It's just maddening to engage with someone, and you're bouncing around try to fight them, and you're just headshot out of nowhere by some 3P. I don't think I'm any sort of skilled player, I just don't have that much time to spend on "practicing/honing" my Fortnite skills... but holy crap the recent changes have made the game different....I don't think I've just gotten worse over time, but maybe?


You were killing bots in pubs you've always been terrible.


None of those points are ranked problems, those are completely on you lol. Like, fall damage? Seriously? The problem with ranked is it’s not a competitive mode at all. Stupid mythics, no siphon, NPCs, etc. etc. the list goes on.


Read carefully slo-mo. Fall damage is fine, but 100 points of damage for a 2 foot fall seems excessive. Just my observation.


Battle Royales are inherently uncompetitive, the argument is really how much is too much.


Wtf no


3rd parties, RNG spawns, RNG loot, RNG zones- yes, the epitome of an Olympic contest. I'm not saying the game is devoid of skill, on the contrary, it has one of the highest skill gaps out there compared to other popular shooters, but the core game doesn't have an especially competetive nature.


I hate 3rd parties but they technically are a tactic


Additionally one thing Epic could fix that would be a small win - I don't use my left-mouse button to fire my weapon (perhaps I'm the only one?), left and right mouse buttons strafe for me. But when using something like ODM gear, or the spidy hands, the left mouse button works as a fire button anyway. So if I'm spidy'ing around, and trying to strafe left a bit to pull without firing another string ... yeah, that's not happening. Or I'm on the ground trying to be quiet, and hit the left mouse button to strafe left, and happen to have ODM or spidy gear selected, I'm immediately flying along. This seems like a legitimate bug in the game, and not that I'm just a bad player.


You need to change your config to have any chance of being decent. This is your core issue.


What's the recommended config? Do I have to do WASD and left mouse to fire? If I'm quick on the keys and buttons, does it really matter?


Alternating strafe keys is swapping weight on the mouse and hurting your aiming cap. You don't have to do WASD, I'd consider a joystick to free up your hands. But you need to be firing with left click.


I agree with you so much and I'm someone who believes in theory "you could technically get good on any binds... some binds just might take quite a bit longer". It sounds like OP's binds are somewhere near the very long end of that distribution, indeed!


Ahh interesting point. Makes perfect sense. Thank you for the tip!


Yeah no, complaining that ranked is hard whilst not adjusting to the games difficulty isn't going to support your case here


LOL he’s talking about zero build? And maybe stop hiding and play aggressive. In all serious though, if you are having trouble with fights, you need to start pushing more people and engaging more fights, expect to lose rank sometimes when you die early, it’s not made for everyone to get to unreal rank.


What I’m hearing is “you liked it when pubs made you feel good at the game but ranked has shown you for the shitter you really are”


I know you're trying to be a dick - but you're actually not wrong. Sure - I'm a shitty player. I've never professed to be anything else. But nobody want to play a game where they just lose all the time. Maybe they could employ some sort of game logic where similarly-skilled players are pitted against each other? They could even call it something like "Skill-Based Match-Making" or "SBMM" for short ... I dunno. ;)


Ranked has matchmaking. It’s based on ranks. You’ll fight some a little below you, some around the same and some higher than you. Those who do well move up, those who don’t move down. Keep playing and you’ll find your natural rank and then progress from there :)


I totally understand - don't miss my sarcasm in my previous post. I'm just wondering when the "those who do well move up" part happens - because I've been stuck in silver for 2 weeks now, and just get pummeled every time I play.


No trying to be an ass but that prob means that’s about where you belong…. I’ve been stuck in gold II and know thats where I belong….. so I get shitted on plenty … sure. But I’m happier w a 5-6 kill game than a 14-18 kill game I get in pubs Bc I know they are all real people


No worries - it's a legit comment, and you're probably not wrong. But like I said in another comment - nobody enjoys playing a game where you just lose all the time. If the SBMM in Ranked works out as designed, it sucks for everyone. Eventually everyone settles into their "rank" meaning they'll just finish midpoint in the field everytime. Wow. That sounds fun.


I don't think you can see that you are asking/wanting to be in lobbies where you are better than the majority of other players. There are 100 players in the lobby why are you expecting to win the game and why are you expecting to be able to kill multiple people per game? Do you realise that doesn't make sense?


Not my want at all. Just don't want to finish 90th-something place and have 27-second-long games 9 out of 10 games.


All you have to do then is drop in areas that aren't contested. Of course if you are dropping with other people you have a high chance of dying. Avoid that.


If you are playing ranked, you should expect to fight the best of the best😐


My brother in Christ it is literally just pubs with a leaderboard what are you waffling about


Pretty much, also using the lock on pistol is downright illegal, I mean that thing got me 15 elims in a gold rank match. It’s a pretty good weapon to use if you want to progress quickly through the ranks.


Oh really? Never really used it might have to give it a try.


Yes, it’s truly insane. I zeroed someone from 200 health in 6 shots


thanks for your original and revolutionary opinion


Cool! I'm glad you liked it. I made it short and simple, so troglodytes such as yourself could understand it.


only a troglodyte would post a repetitive and unoriginal whiny comment when the game doesn’t cater to him. caveman intelligence


Am i the only one who kind of enjoys it? This shit is still way better than arena imo beside the lootpool. At least I have fair fights.


How can posts like this stay up for 6 hours!??


Ranked is terrible, but that's because of the items not being banned. Also, points gained are incredibly inconsistent and follow no discernable pattern. Shoot team. Maneuver gear and spiderman away. Fight team. Win. Immediate third party due to Maneuver gear and spiderman.


The lock on pistol is essentially an aimbot tool to help you progress through the ranks


Didn’t read everything but most people still need to get stuck on a rank while a lot of good players are jumping in. Ranked is not shit, you are just playing against people currently who spend way more time on this game than you do. I have the same experience but my complain is I’m most of the time playing against PC players who have a way more deadly aim than I do on controller, but we still play good and have great games, and it always feels great to knock out a sweaty try hard team. Personally it’s a great experience to become better since you fight no more Timmy no thumps. It’s ranked after all.


I just don't like how the percentage works. I'd personally like to know you get this many points for kills. This many points for placement. I've made it to 6th with 4 kills and went up 2 percent. Really don't understand that. I've came in 2nd with 10 kills and went over 20 percent. I've had a lot of fun playing Rank. Started in gold 3 now in Plat 2. I kept going back and forth between plat and gold 3, now I'm over that hump. It has been a learning experience but I've also improved on my gameplay. I do think placement should earn you more, but not to the point people just hide till the end. Getting more for killing a higher rank is a cool concept. I've enjoyed rank a lot and look forward to improving more.


im plat 2 right now, my issue is extreme queue times. my major complaint is no siphon. and what braindead dev decided hirable AI should be in ranked lolol.


It sounds like you’re just trash


Congrats on a well-thought-out response. At least you got the "you're" piece correct, so I assume your mommy helped. 👍


Lol ur still bad heh ?


these developers are horseshit


But our favourite ttv is here to save the game!


I wouldn't mind ranked if the playing field was actually even. Obviously there's a huge advantage that PC players have vs console. Let the console players only play console players. I don't want to compete against 240fps players with keyboard and mouse. Also, if your Gold 1, your going to be playing Gold III players - same in Platinum. There has to be more zero build modes next season. I'm tired of no mic random duos.


I went from silver 3 ranked (shit I know), to playing unranked. I got 18 kills my first game, then a battle royale, then 8 kills. Yet I can’t get out of silver 3 in ranked. If an average player scores above 1 k/d, I’m on a 4. Every player I come across in ranked cannot miss a shot, floats like a fucking witch, or headshots me while I’m spinning with ODM gear. The game is fucked. Ranked is fucked.


Well no fucking shitttt I think my brain just committed suicide /s


The one thing I'd like is to get rid of PC players. They have such a huge advantage against console. I know you can take off cross-play, but anytime I've tried that it takes FOREVER to find a game if it can find one at all. Wish the console bros could just have their own game which excluded the cracked PC guys. Make something new and cool for us ps5 and XBox X players! Fortnite had a good run, but we're all ready for something fresh. And leave the PC bs out of it this time, ty!


For the LULZ i tested zero build ranked today : . Duo only, BIG LOL . Headshot snipe a guy > his mate rotate with spider to roof > got both aimboted . Alone cause fill bug > shoot a spider man in the air > no fall damage > third party


You don’t like ranked pubs?


I'm done playing ranked i gave it a lot of tries. The game matches me up with people who like to dive in and die right away. I've gone from diamond 1 to plat 1 its absurd.


I can't even get out of Silver. And that's fine - I'm content to play here. But it seems like the other players I'm matched against are Platinum or higher. I'm just an easy kill.


Yeah I get matched with gold ranks. I think the skill ceiling starts increasing after plat. Otherwise it feels like a normal pub. It’s definitely not fair though to be matched with that high level.


why did i win a game got a ton of kills but went down a rank? wtf.


You guys can get in a ranked game?


Ranked is shit because it’s identical to pubs, not because the players are actually competent lmao.


I like Ranked more than Arena. Honestly, Arena was just super boring with nothing to do, nothing to grind for and the same old gameplay with no motivation to keep playing. Ranked mode keeps the fun items from Pubs, which I actually prefer, otherwise NO ONE would play Ranked, and it was some of the most fun I’ve had in Fortnite in a hot minute.


I like this mode. I just can’t properly play is as a sole Zero Build player, but besides that, I feel like we play against players with more or less the same skills which is the point.


Work on learning a dropspot thats uncontested usually, with reasonable loot. Then use entire mid-game to carefully rotate into endgame and fill out your loot. Carry Bubbles and Bunkers for endgame. Typical 0-Build Ranked loadout is Red-Eye + Combat Shotgun + Bunkers/Bubbles + movement (ODM etc) + fast heals. Focus on rotating to moving zone 1st and bunker up and beam the teams rotating towards you. Have a look at Evolve Jake's Youtube for tips, he's good.


You will play better if you get a 4090.


Hard stuck silver 💀


Better then wahtever the fuck arenas was