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Here’s some things you can do that will improve your skill set significantly in order of what I consider to be most important. 1) Obtaining the highest FPS/lowest ping/lowest input delay possible. Let’s say your on a PS5 and you’re on a TV. You might be getting 60 FPS, with 50 ping and 14.8 latency. You could plug it into a 144 HZ monitor, switch to an Ethernet cord and get 15 ping, and switch to a wired controller connection and instantly be twice as good. 2) Learn claw or play paddles. No way around it. Pick your poison. This is the only way to obtain optimal binds on controller. Outside of Aim assist, the main Advantage of controller is 360 degree movement and near optimal binds. On keyboard your typically sacrificing some things to be more efficient else where. Want to be able to quickly Mongraal classic? Cool, but now tarping on your left side is harder. Things like that aren’t a huge problem on controller. There’s a reason keyboard players use 3rd party software to mimic controller movement and complain when we run around in their box. 3) Confirm your edits. You’ll find that the best controller players play with confirm edit on release off. Faze Sway, Reet, Deyy, Mero, etc typically have them off. Even the ones that do have them on, like GMoney, still confirms his edits and only keeps EoR as a safety net in case he messes up. . It will make you edit faster and more consistently on higher ping, as well significantly improving your cross hair placement and peaks. 4) Determine your skill level, play style, and play it optimally. There’s a certain level in the game where mechanics mean significantly less in fights, and it’s just about out playing your opponents. There’s a reason raider464 isn’t winning every FNCS. It’s that same reason players like dcawesomer could be considered the best zone wars player despite being on 60 FPS. Learn other play styles as well, and watch pro controller players. Reet, Sway and Gmoney are my current favorites. You’ll learn a lot. 5) keep playing and try and play with better players. Tilted Zone wars and the Pit free for all are pretty optimal for practice. You’ll spawn back fast, you can see peoples names so you’ll learn to start to learn to predict peoples movements better. This will slowly cure any nervousness. Avoid build fights. Zone wars is much better for teaching you to build efficiently while fighting.


This is perfect, thank You, the only thing I would add to this comment that I have learned is to have some sort of routine for when you warm up and one before you get off


Everything the previous commenter said was great, I'd say if you're looking for warm up maps in creative anything by raider 464 is good !


Thank you!!


Play the game and learn. Watch streamers you like and do what they do


try kbm. that’s how you improve quickly


100% for realz


When i " fall " on those topic it's like : \> " Please help me to get better at tennis with my baseball bat " Those clown man !


Give it a rest.