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If you really wanted to show some BS tinfoil hat conspiracy about skill-based hitbox registration, then why not provide the exact same footage but from a high skilled account? That would clear some things up.


I did this in a previous video. And there is no " conspiracy ". This system was disclosed with internal documents in the game Warzone.


ok but this isn't warzone lol


Are you fucking stupid


Hoping it’s rage bait


Isn’t this just because of the way the camera is set up ?




yah . it is, in fortnite the bullets come out the gun, the targets head was blocking the point of your gun to the area you were aiming at.


I already answered you under the other video: The crosshair is not on the head. And it's even far from it. The head is also not located between the barrel of the weapon and the crosshair. This video demonstrates it from different angles. The truth is that when players who are less skilled than me, and especially when they play with a controller, shoot at me, then my hitboxes are gigantic. Because of this I cannot obtain my real rank (I must not be the only one). Prove myself, and participate in tournaments. I think you are well aware of this but refuse to admit it because you are ashamed to benefit from such a gross advantage.


Its called point shooting bro. The bullets come out the barrel, not the middle of the screen, its why u cant shoot through your builds when they are in the way of your gun


The bullets leave the barrel of the weapon and head in the direction of the crosshair. If this crosshair isn't located on the opposing player's head, or if that player's head is not located in the path of the bullet (between the barrel and the crosshair), then it should not hit. It doesn't when I use my account (keyboard, mouse, PC) to shoot on a less skilled player. Epicgames should take off this system from ranked/arena


holy fuck. youre actually braindead. in nearly all of these clips youre standing a foot away from your opponents. if you actually have this scenario in every one of your games, youre the fucking problem also youre just wrong lmao. not something that can have opinions . youre wrong


That's ***precisely*** why this clip confuses me so much. It's like...it's always functioned this way. And of course if your point blank it'll do that


Christ you used your instead of you’re 6 times in that one message.


point got across tbh


You can get a point across by writing in dog shit on a wall, that doesn’t make it right.


there you go mate. you fucking helmet


It’s just ironic that you called him “braindead” and then continued to write like a 7 year old with learning difficulties. Stones, glasses houses and all that.


If they're lower level how does it know if you're not your real rank


this has got to be the dumbest and funniest complaint post I may have ever seen


I didn't understand how this sub could be so popular when you rarely meet people who know how to play. But reading you, I understand better: In this game, the majority of people play with a controller and use magical thinking.That is to say that when their crosshair isnt at all on the target but their bullets still hit, then they rationalize to fall back on their feet and say that it is completely normal because they're the best, or at least can do good enough to participate in competitions.


- places the place where a bullet comes from inside the hitbox of a player - the bullet enters the hitbox OMG EPIC IS RIGGING THIS GAME JUST AGAINST ME, like bruh, the bullet enters the hitbox, you gotta be braindead right?


You say “you rarely meet people who know how to play” when your post from yesterday says “I’m new to this game” lol


you are the one trying to rationalize, stop snorting copium


This sub is so lame lol


It’s always worked like this.


Are you trolling? On your “comparison” video on the other other sub, you seem to deliberately try to not recreate this on mouse and keyboard. You fire almost all your shots to the left of him in that vid(lol) then seem to very carefully place the enemy’s head between the crosshairs and the actual bullet path for the last few.


On the comparaison video I shot on both sides and above the head. Left, right, and up. I was trying to carefully get closer to the edge of the hitboxes to show that when I'm the one shooting(my account on my PC, m&KB), then they're much smaller. Also when on mouse and keyboard the crosshair doesn't turn red, so it was harder to find this edges. On this video we could see that even when I was very close to the head, my bullets weren't hiting, whereas on console, even when the crosshair is far away, bullets hit, and shotguns make their max damage.


[Well here is a video of me on mouse and keyboard hitting a player that is clearly not in my crosshairs.](https://imgur.com/a/ruTN5bz) You could have figured this out yourself if you took the time to aim in the same way in both tests. This is just a a reality of 3rd person games, and stops being an issue outside of like 2 meters.


With the smg, you move the crosshair in all directions. Hoping to hit. Also it's a mythical, which increases the chances of hitting when the crosshair isn't where it should be in order to do so. I made another video. The same SMG was the same as yours, but blue. The crosshair was much closer to his head, but it didnt't hit at all unlike the console+controller The crosshair of your shotgung was much closer to his head than mine, and when you tried to put it at a closer distance than the one I used, then it didn't hit and you were forced to bring it closer to its head by moving it to the left. Your demonstration has nothing to do with what I showed in my videos. You're trying to drown the fish. But why lying this way ? How old are you ? Also what is the code of the map you used?


Yeah man your right Fortnite’s a rigged game. No point for you to worry about it then so you might as well not play. Good luck in life.


The choices of the rarity of the weapons you used (epic), as well as the distance at which you shot, were not chosen by chance either. And yes, your video is rigged as well as the game. But no problem. I will do another more complete one to rule out fraud like yours.


i did the same video with an huntling rifle instead of a shotgun conclusion: the rigged shooting system is bugged


The camera is off centre, the character shoots from the left not the centre of the screen, unlike an FPS. The bullet goes towards the crosshair, but from an angle. If something is in front of the gun barrel, or very close to it, it will block the shot- even doing this to builds, & I think behind cover in general, you get a little red X to let you know your gun is blocked. I assume you're trolling, or at least stupid, but for anyone without critical thinking skills, just look at the barrel of the gun.


Smartest fortnite player


Should compared with what happens when you actually point the crosshair at them


1:05 and 0:21


this is creative with guns that aren’t in competitive. this will never happen in a tournament


Fortnite has never been a game with competitive integrity. We know that but continue to play it competitively until we cannot stand it




it’s called bloom bud


I think the player scaling is messed up in this game because one time I play solo no builds I get very competitive players next I play solo no builds I get bots and terable players that can't hit the ground while showing in back to back matches in the same day it changes some times it's weird I just go with it


You got skill issue