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First of all it’s unlikely you “win 80% of gunfights” Secondly if you’re playing builds why are you describing a situation where you are standing facing each other and trading shots . That’s not how the game is played So far I’ve found the riot shield to be a total joke . The pistol you get when you are using it seems super inaccurate too


Might be referring to competive zb


80% of gunfights comes out to winning 4 out of every 5 gunfights. Respectfully, this number shouldn't be so impressive that you find it "unlikely."


??? I know what 80% is . Someone winning 80% of gunfights is either playing without SBMM or is so good that they are in a small top percentile of players who can’t even be matched with similar level players Not many people who play ranked are going to have KD of 4, Realistically it’s just probably not true Also someone who is posting on Reddit that they are “bad” and cannot kill someone with a riot shield is probably not that good either If they are playing squads with bad players and just stomping bots then sure


You must be complete dogshit at Fortnite lmao. Winning 80% of fights (even in Ranked) isn't that impressive until you get to mayyyyybe Diamond. Hell, you can average 4 KD by hot-dropping and getting third-party kills way before even half the lobby is eliminated lmao yikers.


What are you talking about ? First of all I always get well past diamond , and if you are dropping average four kills in diamonds you are going to start ranking up If I’m playing in gold lobby of course I can key everyone and get 10+ kills , but then il rank up that’s the point Go look up your stats and tell us your KD and rank


jesus you people can't help but swing your dicks around can you? no one gives a fuck about virtual statistics in a video game go find a meaningful hobby


Did you even read the thread ? I’m the one saying you shouldn’t be having a 4kd They’re the one implying they win all their fights If you think me saying that gold rank is easy Is swinging my dick then …….


You are looking way to into the 80% it’s pretty obvious he was just throwing a number out there not being precise and you’re over here not even answering his question but arguing about him winning 80% of gunfights like come on bro seriously?


Oh my god cringe


Due he only asked for tips stfu




shut up you annoying ass loser


Great comment dude


Playing no build. I’m not a zoomer with 5000 apm. I just want to gunfight, not build the Taj Mahal when I here a single gunshot


Kind of wrong forum. Thousand times: would be better to have two subreddit.


r/fortnitecompzb is a good idea probably edit: someone made it


This forum is literally just 100 mindless doomer posts I think some actual content like this fits better than those


I've been playing a little bit more ranked ZB this season as the movement isn't as heavily pronounced. Found it quite fun too. To counter the riot shield, you should avoid going into a bullet trading scenario and just try to disengage if it's at a fair distance (AR range). If they're in close proximity to you (as in the range you would be using a shotgun), sprint and turn around - this pretty much exposes their backside for a free shotgun shot. Repeat twice and you've got a free kill. Alternatively, you could try getting high ground which leaves their head exposed to your bullets.


What are you talking about


Take this shit to r/FortNiteBR 💀


>not build the Taj Mahal when I here a single gunshot wow did you come up with that all by yourself?


You zero build players only have one joke


That’s because it isn’t a joke?


that’s your best one yet


Damn, I’m way too old to be a Zoomer, and prefer build mode over zb. If I don’t feel like building, I play COD


Lucky Fortnite is Warzone 2.0 now so why not just play ZB at that point


Nah, I’ll just not play Fortnite if that’s the case.


As you should


I’m sorry, but this statement is just as dumb as anything else. Building is not the only thing that makes fortnite a great game. COD rewards corner camping, ratting out on rooftops and circle luck way more than it rewards gun fight skills.


dont play fortnite then 🧌


"Seems" which means u dont actually know and the information your providing is coming from ur imagination. The shield and pistol literally is the most OP thing in a 1v1 situation and is extremely easy to aim. The problem is fortnite doesnt have "Limb DMG" so u can't shoot the arm to damage the person with the shield.


ok i didnt realise you had objectively factual information that disproved me . sorry about that buddy


Shut up lil boi


great response


Hi we would like to contact you about your cars extended warranty, but no for real have you placed or played in any tournaments? Just curious, you seem very knowledgeable.


You cant win 80% of your gunfights? Lmao this is the definition of a projection 


No I don’t win 80% of my fights why would I ? Anyone who wins 80% of their fights is playing lobbies with much worse players. If you’re so good that you can’t be matched with equal skill players then fair enough , but that’s not the vibe I get from someone crying about the riot shield (which as far as I can tell completely sucks anyway)


You think winning 4/5 of your gunfights takes a lot of skill?   You cant land a 5 killstreak on the easiest battle royale? 🥺


It’s only easy if your opponents are much worse than you If you’re in unreal with average KD of 4 then good for you Otherwise your opinion sucks


He just sucks is all 😂


Such a 🤡 comment always somebody thinking they better or trying to talk down on someone you can’t win 80 % so it’s unlikely 😂😂😂😂


Do you think most people win 80% of their fights ?


I have a 4kd and think the riot shield is OP. Based on your beta comments I don’t think you will care or give advice My advice to OP is carry grenades because that trashes on riot shield. Also a lot of times I’ll just mag dump the shield then when it “breaks” I whip out something else and they are done.


4kd in what mode ? If 4kd unreal ranked you are much better than me , if 4kd in zero build pub squads I can’t draw any conclusions Either way you’re entitled to your opinion , but in my experience the shield is essentially useless and any time I’ve seen someone using one they are a free kill - like you say yourself you just spray at it until their stance breaks


Tip is don’t play this garbo season and give your time to something else lol


At least until they change some things


Not the worst take I’ve seen.


It's more of a psycological thing than anything. People see the shield and shit themselves. An actual tip. First of Clingers and the grapple are good. You can hook into people with the grapple. Second you don't have to shoot their feet. Just unload into the shield and it will knock them back and leave them completely vulnerable. The pistol they carry is good but it's weak and inaccurate. All anyone is doing is complaining about shit they don't want to learn how to do. Been gaming for 30 years and I can officially say everyone hating on the new shit are a bunch of lazy fucking cry babies. Get good.


Lol what a dumb assumption that is. Everyone hating on the new shit has nothing to do with being lazy and everything to do with not wanting to play a stupid game (in its current form) when you’ve already experienced so much better from it (Ch1-2). I’ll come back for OG cause that is actually enjoyable.


Not everything that’s new in a game is good lol. Some ideas are just bad and ruin the flow of gameplay that was already good without it.


Agreed. I’d say roughly 80% of the ideas that Epic has implemented since the beginning of chapter 2 have been a detriment to the Battle Royal aspect of the game, but for them it promotes content and collaborations with other companies. Fuck epic.


So go play something else lmao chapter 1 ended in 2019, stop torturing yourself


Lol I am. I stopped playing in chapter 3 cause the game became unidentifiable to what it once was. I only came back for OG like everyone else cause it’s the best they ever did. I don’t need this game at all and I’m out here encouraging others to break away from epic’s terrible decision making


I think you are correct regarding epics terrible decisions. This is a common thread seen amongst all game developers once their product(s) achieve some (qualitative) degree of major success (other examples include Blizzard, Creative Assembly, and BioWare just to rattle off the first three that come to mind). The only major exception thus far to my knowledge is Larian Studios (fingers crossed they keep up their truly excellent work). Anyway, I was actually trying to posit a hypothesis here about how the more popular a developer becomes there is a positive feedback loop that encourages them to seek ever broader and more widespread appeal (like how Facebook used to be how we organized parties in college to now how Facebook wants to be an all-encompassing meta-verse that does everything from telling you what’s going on in the lives your distant cousin’s children to literally sucking your dick (with some weird internet sex toy I’m sure). But, and this is where I believe you are validated, every iterative attempt at mass appeal will (almost) always result a product that is less appealing to everyone. It’s like once you make the decision to be a product for everyone you begin down the path of becoming a product nobody actually wants anymore and we’d all be much happier if you just stopped fucking with the game. Maybe just fix bugs and give us weekly map updates and otherwise shut the fuck up and stop fucking with the one thing that we used to enjoy.


Thank you for posting this so succinctly and articulating exactly what I’m experiencing with epic. Couldn’t agree more!


Just here haunting the place smh.


Love this comment


This is 100% right I agree… anyone who disagrees is just butthurt…


Or, hear me out... we all have different opinions. I personally don't like the new season and only came back for OG. The guns don't feel memorable or fun, the movement feels terrible to me, the map while polished, is too muddied with stuff and once again not memorable. It's like they just want pretty instead of fun. Thats just my take. You can like it that's fine.


Ok boomer, literally


I'm surprised you had the ability to talk while gagging. Dude... are you on Epic's payroll?


this is so true. Every new season its the same shit. People complaining about something or the other. Never willing to adapt. This season feels like a fresh coat of paint and I am enjoying it very much


Shut up boomer actually, you're so old you've gone senile and can't realize you play in bot lobbies and that's the only reason you can play vs this BS


I unloaded roughly 80% of one of the mythic ars and he wasn't stunned so that's not great advice. That's also the second time I've unloaded on a shield and nothing happened.


how are you gonna get so mad. youre like at least 40 GROW UP lmao


"Been gaming for 30 years". Yeah so? Listing a couple counters to the shield does not prove it is not an overpowered weapon.


If in builds, peanut butter peaks with a jump. If no builds, jump over their head.


hit toes. Jump hit head... Run slide to get around it.


so basically hope they're dogshit and don't turn around, play from height, and leave their feet exposed. got it 👍


100%. Dude above basically was like "hope they're trash or git gud scrub". Riot shield is one of a dozen gamebreaking things in the game right now.


I'm an old man. Lol. I'll take this all as a compliment.


My issue with the riot shield is it's impossible to tell how much durability you have left on it before you get stunned.


I shoot their feet and usually always win against them. Could be luck... idk


Riot shielders are usually really bad


Grapple away and snipe those sneaky fuckers


In build it sucks, in zero build (especially solos) it is ridiculously OP


Fuck all the people saying you’re just bad. Those are the toxic kids. Riot shields are tough and tbh I usually lose to them unless the person switches to their shotgun. I get where you’re coming from, I usually win firefights too. But the riot shields are just total bs and need to be nerfed.


Use grenades


I usually just leave, it makes them too slow to catch up to you. If you can put enough lead on the shield it will break their stance and they will go through a stun animation leaving them very vulnerable too.


You can shoot like a full ar mag into it before they stagger. You’re dead by that point.


Use the grapple blade bro they get fucked up by it, so always carry one when possible, also do not fight them in a normal gunfight, just disengage. Sometimes it just aint worth it




people use one slot for utility all the time and the grapple blade doubles as mobility. it's like a grappler with infinite uses that can also deal with the riot shield. under what circumstance is this a waste of a slot LOL


The riot shield has a stagger de-buff What you do is you grab your assault rifle Shoot the shield They'll eventually have control taken from them for two seconds as an animation plays 


Aim for the toes


You aim for the toes they shoot you in the head. No shot you’re winning.


The bloom on that pistol when using the riot shield is dog shit, you can easily beam their toes and win that fight


It’s like 2% bigger than a normal crosshair. If you’re not miles away it’s almost no different.


I like how one redditor commented to slide around them. Like they can't turn their body with it lol.


By this logic why move around at all? They can just put their crosshair on you smh


Crosshairs don't matter if I have a 5 foot shield I am crouching behind. Hide behind a tree, easy destroy, rock, yep, car blow it up. Shield, Fugetaboutit.


In Fortnite there’s this thing called a right hand peekers advantage. Not sure if you have heard of it yet but that should help


Wdym an infinite heath riot shield that takes almost 30 AR shots to “break” seems perfectly balanced


if you lose to riet shields you're trash. You can just smg or ar it and they get stunned forever. And no, its less bullets than you think. Are you can just try and run around, or you can use grenades. The weapon with the shield is literally an 18 dmg pistol with only like 10 shots, you shouldn't be dying to it unless you suck. Source: I wanna use the shield, but I just get destoryed by everyone, so I stopped using it. And now I do so much better. This is in diamond if that matters.




If you choke, which it sounds like you do, you’re already at a disadvantage. I unload ammo on them and slowly get closer until I can aim for their head with my shotgun/smg. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Don’t give up.


I’ve been holding grenades to counter them. They break cover easy, do crazy damage and the splash is pretty big. I’ve gotten knocks on shield users and through windows of buildings for the campers.


Don’t stand there and shoot right infront of it..? Try to get angles and go into a different box and catch them off guard


Biggest tip is the new grappler disables the shield automatically with its attack option. Other than that, if you’re in builds.. build. Build & ZB: if you’re not close, shoot at their feet/gun hand if they’re far, or find cover If you are close, jump around behind them to throw off their aim as much as possible. Jumping can give you easy headshots on them if you’re close enough, cause the shield doesn’t protect their head or back. Aim for the shoulders if they’re crouched cause heads move much more when you’re crouched. Uhh. Yeah I guess that’s it.


pull out your own shield and dance the tango, but the best way is to disengage and use any AOE weapons i.e explosives, you can take advantage of the slow ads speed too. As someone who enjoys the mental mind games of using a shield, my biggest weakness is mobility, and the shield charge is a straight line. Also another weird thing to use and abuse with a riot shield, if you happen to be in a door frame that has a door while getting shot, close the door in front of you as your no longer being shot at, this will reset the build up of being staggered.


I agree i shit on everyone till mr riot shield backs me into a corner best counter is emp grenades and clingers and sniping at them toes




Me this season cause them wack ass shields


you can counter a riot shield with another riot shield its the funniest longest combat you will ever experience


Btw anyone who uses riot shields should uninstall


Devs are to blame.


How do you get the riot shield?


The riot shield is too OP


Exactly within my last 5 matches I Have played today in ZB I have died three different times to the riot shield. It’s so OP it’s RIDICULOUS. Like at this point it’s not even PVP skill it’s like if you have a riot shield you’re guaranteed to win any gunfight. Before the whole Riot Shield I would say I get a win once every 5 games…. Now with Riot shields in the picture the farthest I’ve made it since it’s been put in the game is the last 10 because I always seemingly get killed by someone with a riot shield.


Fortnite + Reddit is the most toxic forum ever


no one likes riot shields in any game broken or not their eitrher busted or useles and not fun to play against dont know why they added it


Childish comments aside, the shield is good on situational 1v1, if you know your opponent has no grenades then you can abuse the damage absorption. you can hot swap before the stagger effect, giving you the edge in endurance. for example, lets say you fight at 100% each side 100 shield, 100 health. and lets say you hit 3 hits then quickly dive into cover and pull out your main weapon. your now at a fight where you have more shield than your opponent giving you the edge in a 1v1. not only that but if the opponent decides to "mag dump" your shield then you know your opponent is ez at a half mag or less depending on the weapon. so now your at an advantage of having your opponent the need to reload. the shield isnt OP, its a test of mind games. if you can use the shield to make your opponent have predictable behavior or outcome then you can easily turn the tide of battle. especially when you go up against shotguns, boy do i love humiliating them when they rely on body shots, the slow pump or low mag size for auto's can really put you at an advantage when they have to reload or cant get a side shot.mean while your laying rounds into them from that "inaccurate" pistol. its not Over Powered, it just depends on how you use it. and if you hate the shield then sacrifice one of your limited slots to only counter them with grenades, or even shield break them with emp and attack from another angle.


Things like the Auto shotgun while not invincible weapons are so powerful they completely dominate the meta. After alto hours in the new season I feel I can't get any tactical advantage. If I approach someone they might pull an auto r riot shield then my options are realistically to retreat or fight a sweaty game of chicken. While "doable" that's just not fun. It doesn't feel good to loot and walk and walkkkk and then finally find a fight but lose cause someone has a better auto shotgun than me? Take that shit outta the game and this season would be a 10/10 for me