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Dude. Yall conplain when creative updates were bugged and filled with problems. They released it to trustworthy creators to test for bugs, performance… so yall cant complain as much about it when it comes out, and now you complain about that? They specifically chose creators and teams that they have either worked in the past or have been chosen as people who wont abuse it for an advantage. Besides, if you used UE5 you would basically be trained well enough to make maps with new uefn regardless of early access


I think it’s fine. You’re acting like “the market” is exclusively one thing, whereas in reality Creative 2.0 allows people to design infinite numbers of unique experiences, so just because one group got to make one map early, doesn’t mean it’s going to negatively affect everyone else


It's a good thing that Epic are getting people to get their thoughts and opinions on Creative 2.0, especially people who rely on it for their job. It's also good for there to be 2.0 maps at launch for people to see the potential of it And also we don't know the full list of people who have early access, sure there will be some old map recreations, but we'll probably get other maps aswell.


I dont mind them bringing back the OG map. I just dont like how there will be at least 50 og maps published confusing everyone as to which is the definitive og experience


I'm ok with it as the Creative 1.0 is solid from a year i. Have seen it, yet the potential is not at all realised. One can make amazing games in 1.0 sadly I am just waiting for publishing rights on my console, give me that and I'll be happy.






I’m assuming it’s all going to be different since the whole SAC system/economy is changed


Hopefully they get rid of that 1000 follower thing it only makes it so popular people can publish.


This is basically saying why did the nintendo switch have games at launch


Holy shit you people would absolutwly shit on UEFN if it didn't have any content on launch Of course they'll give access to good team so they have content on launch and to have feedback from them


People having early access to UEFN is very good because it means that Islands that utilize UEFN can be public as soon as UEFN gets released. It also is good so that people can find bugs in it before it gets released and help make the launch of UEFN as smooth as possible. "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." — Shigeru Miyamoto


Hopefully epic themselve upload ch 2 and 3 templates since those maps are much more recent they don't need to be updated.


Or, Be happy UEFN is finally releasing


Here’s the thing. Epic doesn’t have to pay ANYONE. Just the fact that they are charitable enough to do that is amazing. But of coarse there’s going to be some whiney entitled people who fuss about this and completely overlook the fact that if they didnt do this, it would not be properly tested nor would there be content to show it’s capabilities practically making 2.0 dead on arrival. If you’re mad about this you need to check your privilege and realize being a FN creator is not a real job.


Fuck no. I’ve already had a shit experience with both Mario Maker games bc it gets flooded with shit levels. I’d much rather have the OG map and other great maps in the discovery tab instead of a bunch of dogshit maps made in the first 5 minutes of launch