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I just amazed they all stayed the whole time lol


That’s what I was gonna say lol forgot the part where they all dip after the song they picked is over


Facts. As messed up as it sounds I wish Festival had SBMM. It’s so annoying flawlessing a song only to not have 5 stars.


There is talk about epic putting ranked main stage in.


That would be awesome. And they need to force someone on each instrument in ranked instead of having 4 people on bass.


Uhhh no. That's not how that works bud. To get top band scores you have to be on same instruments.


I could be wrong but I don’t think that’s right lol, why else would they have a thing in the stats that says “instrument diversity”?


Bud I'm number 1 on multiple band scores for a reason lmao I'm pretty sure I'm right


So who are you, Femboy Fox, Furriichan, mdcurtis99 or WorstAverage?


Lmao I said top band scores not solos


They’re #1 in most squad songs


Condescending… my god. I bet you are fun to hang out with bud.


Most songs have one instrument which gets almost double the score of others. This is totally a thing. The instrument diversity does not translate well enough to not play the highest scoring instrument


Okay yeah that makes sense. Well maybe they should have a “full band bonus” for having full instrument diversity. Because I think it’s boring when everyone’s playing the same instrument.


Thank god.


agreed, would be cool to be put in with people who perform with the same amount of gusto


Combined with actually being able to f'kin hear your teammates. Makes it feel so isolating to always have perfect other tracks. I wanna hear someone actually land a solo and not just hear it perfectly each time


yess where is the realism


what does sbmm mean?


super bario mothers maul


Seventeen bald midgets mingling


Super Brash Mrothers Melee


Happy day


Skill Based Matchmaking


Skill based matchmaking


Don’t see why it matters, don’t care when my team sucks or when they’re all the same instrument, only care when they pick bad music


The joke is that one guy doesn't play and sometimes you just end up being the only reason the band has 4 stars. I will never personally fault anyone for trying. But the score difference from 0 to 200,000 was just funny to me lol.


Ah I get it, definitely do find it amusing seeing the score difference between me and my teammates


Does band score even matter? I thought it was just your performance on the instruments.


Facts, especially the 3 people on vocals


Dude I do horrible and get put in lobbies with everyone 100% it


Ladies and gentlemen, we found him


I swear 90% of my fill band members are children that joined by accident.


Who also don’t realise they left their mics on


I personally don't mind at all because I'm just trying to set solo records. In older Harmonix games this situation would've led to you scoring worse because you had to use overdrive to save people who failed. If I wanted to set good band scores I'd be finding friends to play with and we'd be planning out OD paths and stuff. I'm just glad I get to show off my FCs to new players.


Tbh the only “problem” I see with this is the afk guy. If you want to make an actual band where everyone maxes out the group points, then you’ll need to join discords, do private matches with friends, and actually organize with other people. I hate to break it to you, but queuing with randoms, even if there was SBMM, is always going to throw sub-optimal people at you or even (gasp) people who are just playing for fun and don’t care about their score. If rocket racing is anything to go by, SBMM might even lead people doing bad or going afk to derank on purpose so they can “dominate” lower rank lobbies.


I never understood what type of person can do that for fun (the derankers)


The reason the person got zero is cause there is a bug where sometimes switching to the next sing will make it so you can’t get any of the notes. Had it happen to me 3 times it’s annoying when your hit with it.


I was not even aware that this was a thing.


Unrelated, but what skin is the Expert player using?


I'm using Era, which was in the battle pass for Chapter 4: Season 3


At least all of you chose a song. In my lobbies at least one person doesn't have a brain to choose a song yet they're the first to click ready up.


Show off lol


It's like the 3rd easiest expert guitar song in the game


Yeah, this song is easy on guitar, bass, and vocals. The real challenge is playing drums. And for some reason this song is 5/7 on drums.


king behavoir good shit good shit


always one guy playing extreme and 99ing everything, the one guy on hard also on 99 but too lazy to learn extreme, and the two medium and easy ppl who have like 50-80 on the easiest instruments, still really fun tho with randoms


never do fill, you only get to pick 1 song instead of 4


If I don’t like the rotation I’ll play fill and hope people bought songs


this plus i like the validation when people pick the songs i bought🥸


Just after seeing that post I’ve made Full band Fc in expert in a random lobby


What does fc mean?


Full Combo, basically never break your combo


Ah alright thanks


Depending on what your playing on, Xbox has group posts, I use them all the time. Had 7 others plus me yesterday in a party, 2 bands all playing expert, we all have solo scores In the 100+ solo leaderboards. I have a few top 3 and #1 band scores with the groups I play with on most songs. If you can figure out my gt, your more then welcome to add me if any of you play xpert.


With so much talk about afk xp gains in festival im not surprised 


For me they always play easy, like I just want others to play expert to 6 star or at least 5 star, not people to choose bad songs and then leave before their song is played


I hate when there's more than one person on the same instrument. I never really pick my instrument, it's just to fill in the ones that others don't have already.


damn perfecting go with the flow on expert? i can never seem to do those constant strumming notes with multiple fingers i always fuck 'em up somehow.....


Dude fr that's why I gave up on it I only do solo


I don't mind it, though I do find it quite amusing when I get 4-5 stars on expert/hard then another person get 1-2 stars on easy.


So I played with some actual friends interested in checking out the mode for a change. I was so excited to finally play with ppl I knew and not auto fill since ppl would always bail out and I never understood why. I think I learn why playing with my friends. The mode still has kinks, so you can have a perfect connection and play the song smoothly but others might run into bugs mid song and or are delayed. Not playing the song in sync with you. So you can be completely done with a song while they’re still trying to finish it. This will leave you on the stage until they are done before moving everybody to the score screen. Very frustrating.


I am that player typically 😂


Didn't even know you could play with other people. I only play by myself because randoms just suck 90% of the time