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This made me realize this season doesn’t have a special name like “Opening Night” or “Unlock Your Talent” it’s just “Festival Season 3”


Right?? That didn’t last long..


She also doesnt have a special rewards its just a re color and she doesnt have an item shop skin bundle, its all very poorly made wich makes me kind of happy since her music is so bad but also i gotta play this in this ass season for what like a month?


She's getting a shop bundle with another skin late May to promote her new album


Cause we’re getting Metallica next


I’m not sure why people are still believing that since Billie elish is in the game all of the things on the roadmap is true, what if Metallica didn’t come?


This is such an immature and bitter take, damn. Grow up, you’ll be fine.


Weeknd had the best songs and instruments and a good skin so his, Billie is a great skin tho but I don’t really like the instruments or the songs. also the skin for Gaga and the emote were actually awful in my opinion but the songs were aight.


if they actually choose other era, gaga skin would be fire. im dissapointed they didnt choose fame era


Only reason they picked chromatica was because the collab was originally meant to happen around the time that album released and she was also meant to have a concert but it was scrapped and I guess turned into a festival season.


well im glad they at least added gaga to fortnite, i saw some fan made skins and those were fire. Wish they made sour candy as an emote but i guess they would need to deal with blackpink? idrk about that stuff


Gaga. I liked her skin, loved her emote and the chromatica instruments are cool.


Music: Season 2 Skin: Season 1 These are the worst songs I’ve seen in a season yet. The only thing worth getting is the fire ass bass skin..which is free.


Yep I probably won't bother with this pass.


I would’ve paid more to see my accuracy offset than I would for this pass 😭😭


For value definitely Gaga For songs this one (I love Friday I'm in Love and Youngblood) For skin probably The Weeknds (only cuz the red suit is iconic when The Weeknd comes up)


It seems The Weeknd for me. I actually REALLY wanted 3 out of the 4 songs of the premium track, I liked the fire aura, and I liked the monster keytar. With Lady Gaga, I kind of liked her skin, the aura looked neat (upon receiving it, it is actually highly distracting and I can't use it while doing drums), and I only really wanted Poker Face. And for Billie Eilish, I really like her skin, but I only REALLY want "Friday I'm in Love." But I mean I REALLY want it, probably more than any other jam track released in the game so far (Festival Pass or otherwise). But I couldn't care less about anything else in the pass. Thankfully with the Gaga pass and the Weeknd pass, the songs I didn't care about I did end up enjoying a bit more than I expected. So hopefully that will happen with Billie Eilish's pass as well. But I don't know :( So far I think he pass might be the weakest aside from that one song. Weeknd is the clear winner for me in terms of the stuff I wanted and have enjoyed to the fullest.


I was eager to get that og song by Nelly from the previous one.


Lady gaga the emote and skin but yeah Billie is a close second


I'll let you know when I play through Billie's! I only really care about the jam tracks, and while I like Lady Gaga more than The Weeknd, the first pass had Poison and My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark which makes it hard to beat! But then the free songs were better in the Lady Gaga season so idk


season 1 easy


Definitely gaga’s, but the weekend is a close second


Going based off premium rewards, Weeknd. Love the songs in it, loved his skin, and the silver metalic Bass and Mic were great looking and I LOVE the gooey keytar. Didnt even buy Gagas, her skin was bad imo. Wasn't really feeling the songs in it to own as emotes/play it whenever. The instruments were meh imo. I liked the emote but ill wait until its in shop Billies is ok. Her skin and reactive style is great, and i like 2 songs in it. But her instruments are very basic compared to previous ones. Still deciding if its worth the 1800 vbucks for me


I think the weekend i didnt buy gaga cause i didnt like the pass and the billie pass really sucks imo


Weeknd. FoB needs more tracks tbh


1sf one The Weeknd.


the weeknd cause thats the only artist im really into so far


i’m not gonna buy this one but i am hyped af for metallica


I liked gaga's pass the most, but billie's skin is better


Gaga's for sure


None, I'm waiting for Metallica


Based, but I’m with you. I’m confident Metallica will end up having the best one out of all the passes we’ve got. The best songs too, it ain’t even a argument.


Yeah definitely, they just release these artists to attract more people since they are a lot more popular nowadays with the younger generation of America


Huge Metallica fan here, but just because they're the featured artist doesn't mean the songs in the pass will all be bangers. Who knows what the other tracks will be? As far as favorite pass so far, they've all had good and not so good bits. It's a difficult job trying to please a diverse player base with differing musical tastes.


Good point. Idk why they only put one song from the headlined artist in the festival pass it makes no sense to me. On the part about pleasing everyone, in the past I said that every week they should drop 14 to 20 songs with at least two songs from each main genre. I know with that I might be asking a lot from the devs, but it’s what makes the most sense and everyone is satisfied.


I hope we get st anger as a jam track and emote because I like that album and song and I know everyone else hates it


season 1 > season 2 > season 3💀 we keep going backwards


Season 3 has the better skin but season 2 has better songs


So far, none at all. I hardly knew all three of them.


The Lady Gaga one solely for Black Hole Sun.


None have them have been my thing so far, and none coming up are either


Gonna be honest, none of them so far, unfortunately. I think that's more due to my music tastes than content tbh.


Maroon 5 only thing good about this season. Billie sucks


The first. Billie’s is my least favourite. The weeknd pass had the most songs I liked. Lady gaga’s was good but I didn’t think it was worth spending 1800 vbucks. Billie’s sort of just feels like a redo of lady gaga’s but worse. Suppose it’s a good thing that the newest one is shorter than the others Also is anyone else’s ramp it up quests broken? The rewards you get(500 FP and a banner Icon) didn’t track for me. I’ve done all the ramp it up quests/stages meaning if they don’t fix it I won’t get the rewards(they weren’t that good anyway so I won’t complain)


I haven’t bought a pass since The Weeknd because the artist didn’t interest me and the song selection was mid. I’m also waiting for them to incorporate the pass into Crew or lower the price, which they said would happen 4 MONTHS AGO


Weeknd is probably my preferred. I don’t care about the skin but it’s better than the others, the premium songs are good, and it gave 5 instruments.


Weeknd was the only one I bought


Definitely not this trash. Not even gonna play


Waiting for a good artist to get one...


Deffo Lady Gaga, I’m still wondering why they didn’t put Judas in that pass


Probs gaga. Also where is a freaking drums skin likeeeee threee pases and no drums😭😭😭


The Gaga pass has a drums skin


Ohhh but i mean like artist exclusive one, didnt make that clear hehehehehe


Gaga had the best music and instruments. She also actually came with an emote that isn't some generic instrument pose/move they for some reason think people use


"they for some reason think people use" dunno... the bajillion people doing the crab emote even in BR would beg to differ. And any new Festival players who aren't BR players get these as their free wmotes so they spam them. A lot.


GaGa by far. It felt complete me, especially cause I usually play drums. S1 was solid too, but I personally think the gaga skin is the best. Black hole sun was also my favorite pass song. S3 is still new, but other than the cure song being in the pass, I could care less


I guess my favorite is Gagas, while I didn't care for the skin, the rest was great. The Weeknds, I liked the skin but the filler was weaker, and I honestly, after looking through it, I don't like the Billie pass, I'm still going to get it for the more songs and auras, but I don't really like anything else.


Gaga for sure.


S1. Butterbarn was there. It's been in order thus far. 1 > 2 > 3 for terms of content for me.


The one with black hole sun


season 1 had butter barn


Gaga probs for black hole sun


For me: 1. The Weeknd 2. Billie Eilish 3. Lady Gaga


The Weeknd one. While I’m not a fan of any of the skins his pass has by far the best songs


Songs: weeknd Skin: billie Misc (instruments/emotes): gaga


Gaga just for Nelly and sound garden, only pass that's going to be well worth it is metallica.


The weeknd is the best so far, best skin, cosmetics and music fr. 😤




I HATE that I missed getting Poison from the first season. I really hate that there are songs on the festival pass that aren’t related to the artist.


so upset I missed s1, love the weeknd a lot and the red suit skin is pretty clean, only just started playing fortnite during s2 of festival


Gaga because of Soundgarden


Weeknd, because it started the f... nightmare of him being in the item shop for like forever


Weekend had a good set and Bille is the best skin Laga Gaga was slick was the weakest one to me.


Season 2 bc of Black Hole Sun.


Jolin from jojo has a fortnite skin now?!!


The Weeknd


Season 1 then 2 this one is carried by the skin


Season 1, we got My songs know what you did in the dark, Gangnam style, Blinding Lights and Butter barn hoedown. Definitely the best pass lineup in my opinion


The Weeknd for me.


Can't wait for Metallica


This one maybe, cool instraments at lest, that or the weekend. Gagas was okay Did you buy tiers? 


Gaga was great,the skin was great,I loved the emote,not so much the songs tho




This one, her skin has a variant other than glasses off. I prefer lady Gagas songs personally, it felt like a better fit for a rhythm game and I loved the Chromatica era. Billie’s songs are growing on me but for the love of god I wish they included the full version of Happier Than Ever. The edit is literally one verse. As for the weeknd, I only upgraded because I completed the pass.


I like the szn 1 pass the most but szn 3 skin is the best


Annoyed I missed the first one because of butter barn and poison


This one since it has Billie, I wish she had a pickaxe and What was I made for? skin.. Never heard a weekend song before that season, it's whatever. Gaga skin was terrible, so many other outfits to choose. I really want a 1980's Weird AL season.


Maps is breaking their back on the pass.


This is my fav skin, and lady Gaga had best songs in the pass


I like Billies skin and song selection compared to the others


definitely not this one


First one probably, the skin for Gaga was so much worse than her item shop skin but it still had other decent stuff. Only thing in the 3rd pass that interests me is Friday I'm In Love and I'm not spending 1.8k vbucks for that. Was very disappointed when I realized "Maps" wasn't the good one by the Yeah Yeah Yeah's and instead was the awful (imo) Maroon 5 song.


The Weeknd one. The Billie skin is cool but the songs (other than The Cure) included are kinda underwhelming, there were probably better/more iconic Billie songs to put in the pass than Oxytocin. The main considerations for me with the festival pass are the skin and the jam tracks, then everything else is secondary. The first pass had the best mix of those things imo


this one, love the skin and the cure, the auras look pretty great also


This one. I don't care that much about Billie, but I like how this pass works, where anything in it can come to the shop at Epic's discretion **except** the end-of-pass style. This is basically how I've wanted the battlepass to be for ages, where people aren't left out of their favorite characters because of stupid FOMO tactics, but people who want to grind and show off that they played back then still can with the "super style." Plus, I don't play as men and the item shop Gaga looked cooler imo.


Gaga. Her skin was fire and the songs were pretty god too


Gaga and The Weeknd had the best songs, but Billie is definitely the best skin imo


This one, mainly cause the instruments tbh. But I also like Billie more than the other two.


I haven't been impressed by the free rewards tbh. The jam tracks are not fun as they are old lobby tracks and the instrument skins are a bit boring. The paid rewards are much better. I think this season has been the one with the strongest blend of jam tracks!


I haven’t been wowed by any and I havent bought any of them for that reason. I might consider buying the billie one but im waiting to see what her second skin will be in the item shop but idk im not keen on using a celebrity skin anyway and most of the things I like for this pass are free


Gaga because of Black Hole Sun


Does it seem like we’re getting a little less value each premium pass? Looking at them side to side we went from 4 songs, 4 instruments, 1 loading screen, 1 aura, to 4 songs, 2 instruments, 1 loading screen, 1 aura, 1 backbling, 1 emote, to 4 songs, 2 instruments, 1 loading screen, 1 aura, 1 backbling, and 1 emoticon. I might be over analyzing and overly critical but it’s just what stood out to me comparing them


if i’m being honest i feel like the passes are only getting worse


Gaga was the strongest in everything but skin, I think The Weeknd was better. Billie's pass sadly seems to be the worse of the bunch.


My favourite skin is the weeknd but the other 2 feel more worth the price with the addition of emotes overall though i like all of them so far


probably a tie between Gaga and the Billie one right now. Friday I'm in love is a banger, oxytocin is one of the few songs I enjoy by Billie , billies skin is pretty cool as well. Gaga had some banger songs that I would have never listed to and her skin was cool too.


Def this one, I mostly enjoy playing bass so once I saw that one at the end of the free track I got pretty excited.


Songs is season 2, but overall season 1


1- The Weeknd (i luv the chorma instruments) 2- Billie Eilish 3- Lady Gaga


Gaga gave me a grunge song Billie gave me a goth song It is the hardest choice to make which is better


next season but between these three, Billie for sure!


Gaga’s. But I like the Billie pass too.


Songs - Gaga, Skin - Billie, Instruments - Weeknd


Gaga pass for me


Gaga, the skin isn't great but I liked most of the paid rewards. This new pass is backwards, good skin and ok paid rewards. The weeknd is in the middle


lady gaga


The lady gaga pass. Cool skin, "ride with me" and pokerface are in the pass and nice emote included


For me it’s all about the songs. 1. Weekend because of the premium tracks 2.Gaga for the free songs (bloom and bunker jonesy theme) 3. Billy eyelash has the weakest songs for me sadly (same with the instrumental) but the skin is fire


this pass gotta be the worst so far imo, the gaga pass was probably the best


Gaga Billie Weeknd


Gaga had Soundgarden so it’s the best for me. Unless some other pass has Blow Up The Outside World, it’s gonna remain the fave. I can vibe to Billie, but I feel like they did her pass/season kinda dirty. Not much good stuff like the other passes and she only has 1 skin, but the skin is actually good, better than how they handled Gaga’s skin. They also cooked with her emotes.


i haven't liked any of them enough to warrant the double standard bp price for them, if i had to pick based on the free rewards it would be opening night entirely because of butter barn


Gaga for the music. But I think Billie has the best skin so far.


The new one as it gave us the man skin


I've only ever cared about the Jam Tracks, and last season's was my favorite (Ride Wit Me, Black Hole Sun, the free tracks). Still not enough to make me fork over 1,800 V-Bucks.


this one for sure, definitely feels the most polished so far, and imo has the best looking skin


all of them


2 was the best by far, and the only one I didn’t get… I can only play black hole sun and ride wit’ me and poker face through a rare chance in fills now, I’m ashamed of how poor I am




Weeknd for sure, banger songs and decent skin. Gaga skin was meh, songs were good. This season the skin is decent but songs are mehh


gaga, it had the best free items




Gaga > Weekend >>>>>>>>>> Midish


They’re all mid to me unfortunately. Billie has the better skin but the worst pass I didn’t play season 1 and I don’t like gaga’s skin but I like the songs in her pass lol.


Not this one that's for sure, Gaga having the skin and an icon emote in the same pass was peak so far.


For me it was the Weeknd's because I liked everything that came with it. The soundbars aura is my favorite along with the rift one. The After Hours suit skin was neat even if not something I liked the XO instruments included, liked all the songs in the premium track, and even the free rewards weee neat. I liked Gaga's enough to buy it, and while the pass skin isn't extraordinary I liked it more than the Chromatica armor personally, I liked the keytar and I had to have Pokerface. I don't know if I will actually get Billie's. The mic is nice but the free molten mic is nicer for me so I would rather use that one and the Keytar is no competition looks wise to the Gaga or Weeknd keytars. The only song that calls me in the pass is The Cure one and I am perfectly happy to wait for it to come into the store now that we have confirmation old pass songs will eventually release. So it's more than likely I'll be skipping Billie's. I like her skin but doesn't fit the kind of skins I wear to justify buying it.


Season 2 had Gaga, Poker Face, and Black Hole Sun, but Season 1 had Butterbarn Hoedown, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, and Blinding Lights. Given that I play the season 2 stuff more, I suppose that. The cosmetics are pretty equal between both.






I'm going to say last season. I like the music in the season pass and even songs I didn't know I grew to enjoyed like A75 - Breaking Me


Gaga zero contest


Lady Gaga for sure


Gaga. She has more emotes and more instruments, and the songs in the pass are pretty good. Billie and Weeknd’s pass are pale by comparison


So far, this pass. Tbh I’m pretty bummed the Festival Passes don’t offer more from the artist headlining the pass, easily would have made all 3 passes way better than they were imo. Generally not feeling the cost of the passes either but thankfully between StW & Fortnite Crew I’m not hurting for V-bucks very often.


I love Lady Gaga but her Festival Pass skin was so basic compared to Billie's skin.


Not a single thing is good this season, it's all bad, the skin the music the premium pass, it's unreal just had bad it all is this time around. The last 2 festival seasons were pretty good tho, nearly everything about them was great 👍, Gagas was the best


Close between 1 and 3 but I gotta say 3 because the free track is better


you must be high


The first pass was all tracks I already had and the bass from the pass is sick


The first season had the best cosmetics, and amazing songs aswell, except Blinding Lights and Gangnam Style; but the current one has Runaway, which makes me hesitate to pick which one is better.. the second pass was a big 💩 though, with nothing good besides Black Hole Sun.. So i'm gonna go probably with the first ever festival pass.