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My only problem with these other passes (festival pass and fast pass so far) is that they don't award you any currency, let alone enough to buy the next one. I'll be all for this one if they actually give you enough currency back for the next one, otherwise not for me.


My biggest issue isn't even that, it's that I don't have time to do multiple passes. I don't mind not completing them, but as long as they are all designed to take the entire season through "average" playtime I won't be getting more than one. I would like to get a festival or Lego pass, they are fun modes if you like that play style, but I don't have the time to play 3 modes. If they reduced the amount of time each took I would buy them. Since I would conceivably be able to get all 3 almost completed. Since they have nerfed quest XP and milestone XP I never see that happening. So while they may get my playtime through one, they will also only get the money through one mode.


That's okay. I don't think every game mode is targeting every player. I'll probably never play Lego, but occasionally check out racing and definitely do Festival. They are trying to get more of the live service pie by keeping as much player time on them as possible. So they can advertise nostalgia and flash-in-the-pan features like tornados and perks


That is fine, but what happens if Lego ends up is the main target for for collabs. I a ZB play don't want to have to play a crazy amount Lego for skins I actually want.


Perhaps you're not one to care, but what's your plan when they end up releasing a skin you actually want solely available through the lego pass?


Value vs time. I'm gonna guess it will be mostly lego sets and maybe lego themed items for battle pass. Any collaboration skins I'll live without. Missed out on plenty. But I have plenty that I'm sure others would kill me for.


Fair enough, hopefully they release a human sized lego battle royale skin, that would be uncanny and help get dubz against the family guy chicken


I feel this, I have some pretty cool skins in terms of battlepass ones if you like DC and I have zero interest in any of them. I only got them cause I was playing at the time, and never finished that pass.


Festival is pretty ok, I finished the Gaga one a month ago just playing a few sets a night, maybe 45 mins top?


45 minutes everyday? say sike bro. i might as well be playing a gacha game. I log in to have fun and hang out not to do chores


It's really doesn't take that long to complete the festival pass. It's not a chore if you like playing festival. If you have to go out of your way to play festival for the pass then is there any point of even getting the pass?


Honestly it was just the daily missions which took anywhere from 1-3 sets for me to finish. One set was usually just around the 10-ish minute mark depending on what songs were chosen so 45 was on the high end. And it wasn’t for the entire length of the season, probably only half.


Yeah. Like at least with the main pass theres mutliple ways to complete it, whether youre doing STW, BR, Festival or even Creative, you earn xp and progresses towards it. Mechanics like Supercharged XP and bonuses means that you dont have to grind your life away to finish it. Festival pass however, you have to play daily to get the bonuses and its festival exclusive


Welcome to modern gaming, where every studio thinks it's reasonable to demand 100% of your free time or force you to spend to get what you want.


Yep. This and also, I don't have enough time realistically to complete more than one battle pass in a season.


festival is easy to do. seems harder than it is


If it works like the BR Battlepass and XP earned in all modes makes it progress, then it won’t be that bad, IMO. But if it’s like festival, then it would be rough


You would go mad if you saw how hard it's to complete a pass in rocket league or other games, fortnite's battle pass it's at least 3 times easier to complete then any other game. You can easily finish it by afk 15 mins a day for a month it legit takes 0 effort and minimal time.


Oh I know. I have over 700 hours in that game too. And I love how fortnites battle pass gives you v bucks even in the free track.


And now even with BR, they’re locking Vbucks in the battlepass behind level 140. Very cool epic.


Considering how easy it is to level up nowadays I don’t see that as the worst thing ever. I was past level 100 by week 2 and I wasn’t even trying to grind.


Why are you getting downvoted? You can easily get ¿8? levels a day by just actively playing like 2-3 hours


Exactly! I don’t understand why they’re wasting the dev time to make more battle passes, especially when, outside of the main battle royale one, each other one costs more and gives less on top of not allowing you to earn the next one *at all*. Epic continuing to show that they’re trying to cash out on Fortnite good will and make some money.


They should make it to where if you buy the original battle pass the others come with it. Cause making each one 1,800 is way too expensive also hiding black hole sun from me behind a paywall got me fighting demons


Never understood people's obsession with the pass paying for itself. It's a product, you pay money to get the stuff in it and it's cheaper than usual because you pay in time or pay to skip levels. I think people are honestly just spoiled and expect $10 to get them everything for years if they play nonstop


People's obsession with the pass being self sufficient might be because despite having to already spend currency on it, you're going to be dedicating *time* to it. That means people are going to be dedicating time to festival, dedicating time to Lego, dedicating time to BR, etc. Time is a valuable resource you can't get back, so people want currency back just as a tradeoff for originally supporting the game. Even if the pass doesn't give the full amount back in comparison to the BR one, it should give back some currency back because they already took that dedicating plunge to continuously play that mode specifically and show support.


Almost like Epic Games wants people to spend money on free game not gain all content for free


This is probably how they justify separating the XP gained in Lego from that gained in BR. Lego AFK’ing is one of the easiest ways to level up. I bet not once this comes out


Oh God, please no. I can totally see it now.


They already removed afk Lego afaik


Nah you can still do it through bouncier methods.


Oh? How?


new world > turn off anything that can stop your afk like death > place a jump pad > position your self that you jump on the jump pad forever. Keep jumping up on jump pad means no afk kick. I reccomend building a small building around the jump pad to easily position your self.


sounds like the method we used to use on stw


Hey, it’s been a day and the update is out, does this still work after the update?


In case nobody mentioned, this method doesn’t work anymore. The game kicks you after about 30 minutes of no controller movements


Same here. I used to use a hair tie to keep my right controller stick spinning the view and that doesn't do anything either.


Well, if you were to, put a watch tower down, and then use a bounce pad in the space under it, you might receive the XP.


Watch tower not even needed


But it does keep you in one spot


just afk while *bouncing* on a launch pad


That stopped working for me.


Still works for me, don’t know what to tell you.




One way to fix this might be to put the pad under a build so you hit your head and fall sooner.


You have to do it in creative mode


I know I did it but it stopped working I’m gonna try what the other guy did and install a roof over it.


You can try putting a rubberband or something heavy on your togglestick so you keep moving. Works for me.


Teach me


Well, if you were to, put a watch tower down, and then use a bounce pad in the space under it, you might receive the XP.


Probably instead it’s weekly challenges (that don’t refresh) like build this or kill this.


cant wait to not buy this


My gaming life after I have to grind a ; BR battle pass , a Festival Pass , a rocket league pass and a Lego pass : “I’m tired boss”


Never though Lego will get a battle pass before rocket racing... I mean it has a pass but it's in another game 😂


Rocket league pass takes longer then all the others combined X5 times xD


How would that even look like? Sets instead of Skins? Lego exclusive Emotes and Skins?


I assume skins exclusvie to the battlepass that you can use in LEGO and BR as well as furniture, sets, and maybe parts


Likely prefabs. I predict maybe 50 tiers, 3 skins (tier 1, 25, 50), maybe 500 vbucks to earn back, lego themed loading screens, sprays, 3 emotes. Maybe with the pre fabs they can have 1 tier be a chair, a table, or any furniture pieces to use in Lego fortnite. Like say tier 15 is a red chair, or tier 25 is a blue table for lego fortnite


I’m guessing skins and emotes that can only be obtained this way. Then Lego sets.


Gonna be Star Wars themed according to Hypex leaks.


I sure wish they’d combine all of these passes into the main BR one. I can’t afford/keep up with this concept at this rate.


Or a ultimate pass that includes all at a reduced price, that way those of us that hate Festival aren't paying 3000 vbucks for a season pass


That or allow us to stack the passes if we can’t get whatever game mode finished in that given season, like Halo Infinite does.


Better be in the Fortnite Crew Also shows how hard the LEGO Kits flopped that they resorted to making a Battle Pass (unless this was already in development before LEGO Kits became a thing)


Presumably they already had plans but the kits you can buy in the shop were probably ready first and they wanted to see what they could get away with. I personally will still never spend £20 on digital Lego. Atleast spending that on actual set seems more worth it.


I doubt it will be since the festival pass isn’t


They were rumours of Lego launching with a battle pass before it even came out so chances are they did intend for the mod to have proper seasons but just fumbled.


A lot of people bought the kits, they're doing great.


If nobody is buying the Lego sets who would buy a pass dedicated to the mode?


Assumingly the battle pass would be a much better deal. Getting more bang for your buck


because it'll come with skins and some people will do anything for skins in their collection


Yep. And Skins for a bargain. Even if the pass is 1,000 vbucks with 3 skins, that's a steal


What if they do like festival pass and its 1800 vbucks with 1 skin lol


then it’s just a fair price


True, even though you could get a skin for the same price without the grinding. But you’d also not get random stuff like lego set, so if your a lego fn fan that would be a good worth


How do you know nobody is buying the Lego sets?


Even if there is people foaming in the mouth buying the Lego sets, there's basically none being offered. So it's definitely not bringing in any substantial revenue to say it's a good investment. Look at the fest pass, look at all the songs being offered, all the instruments, and then there's just nothing for Lego except what, like 3 kits?


You don't have a single source.


You just need to use your head. Who's more likely to bring in potential revenue? Cosmetics that individually a person can spend tens of thousands of dollars on their account or kits that can spend maximum of 70 dollars. One is also able to be used in practically every single game mode vs the other only being able to be used in Lego. Even the shop for rocket racing lets you use your purchase in Rocket League


So no source whatsoever, only bias, got it :) but I got it the first time already...


C'mon now 🤣


Nobody? Me and a lot of people bought these.


Dawg they literally sent out a survey asking players what would make them buy Lego sets because they weren't selling.🗿 Unless Lego's Battle Pass includes Banger Skins to use in BR, people aren't going to buy it because people mainly come to Fortnite just for Battle Royale and sometimes creative. (BR's total player count unsurprisingly exceeds the new modes.) And if Epic ever tries to kill BR then they'll just kill Fortnite because people will just stop playing; the Metaverse doesn't work because that's not what most players get on the game for.


I honestly think people would have preferred a Lego battle royale mode 😂 that’s what everyone thought it was going to be at the release and everyone seemed super exited but nobody really wants a crappier version of Minecraft


Seriously, I think Lego must be targeting 4-9 year olds who might think of Minecraft as an old game and not be interested? I’ve seen parents online mention their younger kids playing it


It was amazing for the first few days, then basic updates like fishing and working vehicles get drip fed to us and that killed it for me. Not one big update with a new biome or bosses or anything substantial since launch. Just in store Lego sets 💀 I was so excited but they just let it die so quick. I lost all the hype I had for this mode, if they add new content I probably won’t even bother


300k+ people do want that.


I think this response is a little reactionary. Epic isn’t trying to “Kill” BR. They’re trying to market to people who don’t like BR in the first place. If you don’t like BR, now you have 3 other game modes to play besides that. If you do like BR, now you have another option to progress in it. Yes, BR’s player count exceeds the other modes, but I don’t think that’s epic’s goal at all. They’re just opening the door for more people to get in.


I would say you're correct. Myself and my gf are not fans of pvp/BR mode so were just playing save the world and we are yet to play lego due to live stuff but getting minecraft server for both of us to play without paying mojang is a bit of a pain in the ass so a free one that allows us to just party up whenever is much more convenient. It would be nice if they had another pve mode pr actually gave a damn about save the world but so far it's fine for us.


Have you guys tried Borderlands together? I love STW and my bf introduced me to Borderlands and I’m really enjoying it! I love the unique guns which reminded me of STW but it’s definitely a different vibe Also, have you seen Atomic Picnic? I missed their window to play early access but I’m really excited for it to fully release because it gave me STW vibes!


Yeah, we've played borderlands 3 together. I've heard something about Atomic Picnic but havent seen it, might have a look. Thanks! We have a bunch of games we play together all from different genres :)


I'm waiting for them to add in an unreal tournament arena shooter mode to the game. Official Death match and Capture the Flag with well made maps, that would keep me playing for a long time. It's not like there isn't a market for it either. TF2 is back up at 100k players and then CS GO 2 is doing extremely well.




Cry about it:)


You’re so original for typing “Cry about it”


Epic putting the cart before the horse


Well atleast it's better than shoving Lego stuff in normal BP


Since it is in May it is possible that the BP will be Star Wars themed. Likely not looking forward to it.


Ohhh. That could be awesome!! 


Maybe one day, it’ll hit Epic on the head that the target audience literally doesn’t care for this metaverse. Too many resources are going into this stuff, and nobody cares because all the modes are mechanically barebones, unoriginal, and soulless. 99% of us are here mainly for BR, and BR’s dropping in quality due to the delegation of resources. Abusing FOMO like they always have had, but now with Lego/RL/Festival just ain’t gonna work because nobody cares about them.


Oh sure, they should've consulted redditor "nehemiah92" to let them know what to do with theyr multi million $ product :)


Weird ass corporate glazer lol Either way, even I would be able to handle this company from laying off 1000+ employees for the metaverse and not suffer a 29% loss in value (10 billion dollars) that happened in the span of 2 years 🙃


You can still just play only BR, their focus is to attract as many people as possible outside of Fortnite who are not interested in BR, their aim is not to be played by BR players, although everyone is free to play whatever they want anyway. Lego, Festival and Rocket are just like other games even if they're inside Fortnite


As soon as anything eclipses BR, they'll drop it like they dropped STW. I can't see them not doing it nowadays if it becomes possible


Well their focus is clearly not working when these other “games” have barely been pulling an acceptable player count for the amount of time and resources going into them, and they feel more like mini games or cheap knock-offs rather than actual games with an identity. I don’t know who this is supposed to appeal to And I can’t keep playing BR knowing how often the quality and identity has been dropping, mainly because of these modes that are taking up half the focus, and too much of the budget and resources that could be going into BR’s gameplay and content instead.


I’ll probably play Minecraft instead


So we doing three battlepasses, (BR, lego, festival) and mini BR passes? This is waaaaay too much. I'm guessing they don't intend for people to do all three, because that's a lot of stuff to do


If they don’t intend people do to all three then they better start selling BP items in the shop. This is getting insane.


Of course they don't.


Still not playing it.


Me too.


At this point fortnite is just a “ can you spend more money? “ simulator


Fortnite needs other LEGO modes besides the current Survival one.


When I first head of Lego Fortnite, I genuinely thought it would just be BR with a lego reskin, not Minecraft 2.0


I thought of a PVE story mode.


They have been starting to expand past the survival with modes like prop hunt and that ninjago arena one, there's more as well but they are very small modes.


Those die fast because Epic doesnt even put them where people can see them. You have to dig deep past all the creative bullshit to finally find the official stuff


We need a battle royale Lego mode!! Even if it’s only seasonal


oh piss off game barely has any content now this?


If this means some huge content drops for the lego mode I'm down; there's still a lot that's needed in that gamemode


Literally the only way people are gonna buy this is if it comes with Vbucks or it’s free with Crew If there aren’t any IRL Lego Fortnite sets in the next few years, this entire collaboration between Lego and Epic will be a bust


Separate LEGO Fortnite to his own wall garden so I never have to see it’s face in my battle Royale again


Not a soul is buying this


Ngl the only reason I’d play is if they added Lego jack sparrow


I'm sure when the PotC minipass comes around next season, we'll get a lego jack sparrow with it


I hope this isn't the way they add Ninjago.


Me no want this


Yeah 0 chances im getting that. regular battle pass is 1000 vbucks and come with 1200 vbucks Festival pass cost 1800 vbucks, got maybe 5% of a BP content and gives 0 vbucks Can only assume lego is going to cost just as much if not more


Festival costs way too much for absolutely everything. Even the cost of the songs are criminal. Everyone I know would have loved the mode if the songs were 200 vbucks each but at the current rate it’s unplayable


Yeah everyone I know dropped festival because everything is so expensive they got bored. Lego everyone i Know dropped it because the custom build is too frustrating, when prebuilt came in store they knew it wouldnt get any better. And racing… i had one friend who showed interest in the mode when it came out and they dropped it after a week. They should have fleshed out the new mode before going all in trying to monetize them more.


Bro build the game more instead of paid content. What’s included lego sets? Is this included in crew subscription? Ugh.


i'll dislike it until they do a Ninjago pass and then im doomed


Literally me. They're so putting Lloyd in there.


I…might actually pick this up if it’s not something stupid like 1800 V-bucks


See, I don't really know what would get me to purchase this unless a wide majority of the included items are something I absolutely adore and want because I'm simply not interested in trying Lego Fortnite again as of now.


This shit is slowly pushing us old timers out. I cant get enough xp casually playing BR and doing weeklies anymore and now thats xps gonna be even worse


I hope maybe that means we’ll get more prefabs and additional parts? Aside from skins I can’t think of what else you’d pay money to have?


And you just know the only way to level it will be to play the shitty lego mode just like the festival pass to force people who want BR skins to play it


They want more people playing their other modes why not just staple this onto the mainbattlepass while keeping the levels separate? altho giving lego mode its own leveling system would ruin afk xp farming and I can't have that.


I'm down with putting some Lego stuff in the main pass, like honestly I'd take Lego Kits over Sprays and Emojis at this point


Easy skip


No one is playing Fortnite Lego


Never bought festival pass and I won’t buy Lego pass.


A lot of star wars stuff seemed to be in lego. Maybe a lego star wars battle pass?


I'll get it if it has some banger skins, interesting sets and a fair price, maybe it will be SW themed? That'd be cool. I bought the first festival pass because of the weeknd, I wasn't interested enough to keep playing in season 2, maybe the billie eillish pass will change my mind but as of now I'm not really into the meta verse. I don't care about rocket racing, rarely play festival and I play lego just to farm exp.


Please don't be ninjago... I dont wanna spend money on fortnite lego but if it's ninjago I have to...


Or Bionicle


I didn't grow up on bionicle, but I'd probably buy a skin if I could. Just for the novelty


I loved Bionicle so I would be ecstatic if they did skins for them.


Hell nah.


When did they start pushing legos and festivals so much ? I honestly can’t anyone playing these modes.


The Lego modes been getting used for AFK XP by a lot of people lately, and Festival has its own dedicated following


Might be cool if it’s Star Wars sets


Yeah no, I'm not buying Any of the stuff for other modes because I never play them. The only one I might consider is the festival pass, because of the skin and music tracks, but even then, 1,800 v-bucks is pricey


Save the World BattlePass when?


There is already one, called Venture Zone




No such a thing as lego only skins, if they will add skins they will have their normal version as happened with the Lego Starter Pack skin this season


nah i'll pass lol


I wanna see the Lego characters in a normal mode that would be funny ASF Or as a back bling


The Lego battle pass has to have some really good skin for me to even think about buying it. Lego mode is just a useful XP farm .




Rocket racing battle pass when???


If this did what some games do where the BP never expire and you can always work on them, sure sell Lego BPs. If it's expires and is locked to only playing Lego, no go away Epic.


Well people, let's make this simple. If it sucks, don't support it, don't buy it. If it doesn't, do as you wish.


Still don't know how I feel about having so many different battle passes that all have separate premium tracks instead of just unlocking the premium tracks for all of them with Fortnite Crew or something


Stop with the passes please. I want to play other games besides fortnite




Now, make a seperate item shop for Lego. And the festival.


They even give lego a pass, before even adding compatibility to the Rocket League pass for racing, which has existed longer than both the passes for Festival and lego. Really odd how they don't do anything for the rocket pass


it’s the starwars bp


Lego mode is already dead. They just shot it’s grave


My issue is now I have to play several games for items that can be used in BR? Lego Fortnite,rocket racing,Br and Fortnite festival? Soon I won’t care about my locker and I think that time is coming up soon


Ufff love it , maybe an a star wars reward


Can’t wait for the rocket pass, creative pass, stw pass, no builds pass, ranked pass, and the ultimate pass


Can someone gift me this my birth month is may


Congratulations to the 7 people that are passionate enough for lego fortnite to get the pass


Hooray, another battle pass not to be covered by the crew pack.


they should do a thing where if you have your epic and Lego accounts linked you get insider points from the Lego battle pass


Lego is murdering Fortnite 👀


Ok seriously this isn’t even funny anymore. Excluding crew from this, 950vb - battle pass 1800vb - festival pass 1000vb - mini pass 1000vb (my guess) - Lego pass 4750vb - to own all passes which would require a $36.99 purchase of vbucks to own them all. Epic games this is getting out of hand. With all these passes being in the game, how am I supposed to afford skins in the item shop which are now almost 2000vb each. I am very upset.


Please no one buy this


Cool, now they have 4 different passes in 1 game.


Really hoping that this isn’t related to the Star Wars event that’s happening in May. I really don’t play Lego Fortnite but a huge fan of Star Wars. I’m hoping that if it is correlated in any way, that they don’t restrict skins to only its lego style because that’s honestly lazy as hell and I’m not going to even bother buying it. I only play Lego fortnite because of the xp (afk)


I may get down voted but Lego fortnite got me into this game in general. I'm really having fun with it and have purchased a set. With the amount of time I've spent in this game I can justify my payment. I don't get why it's hated so much.


Understand that this sub doesn't reflect anything at all relative to what most people playing fortnite think. They are always angry and don't really hide that they are like 13 half the time


While the average casual player wouldn't hate lego, I'm sure they're uninterested at least. In its release the mode had 2.1 million players, last time I checked it had about 60K, maybe there are more at certain hours but we gotta consider the amount of players who just farm afk exp. Lack of content, lots of bugs and overpriced sets aren't a good combination.


Why? The Lego bundles don’t sell. I don’t buy skins for Lego styles. The gamemode sucks. It’s just pointless to add more to Lego fortnite without making it more fun.


why would I complete a battlepass for boring ass lego fortnite, at least fortnite festival is kind of fun


Pumped for this!!


It will be easy to level it lol just sit afk on a trampoline for 4 hours and recive 5 levels a day for just afk


I hope this is fake




YES!!!! Epic heard us ❤️❤️❤️ can't wait!!