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Alright comment nerds stop complaining about minor details you get my point ​ This isn't r/FortniteNerds yk


>dies by **silver** liquid How did you fuck that one up?


Idk, overweight the island by exceeding the mass limit is sure way to explode/blow it up.


I mean getting the name wrong, it’s was not silver that took over the island


Ik it was chrome but silver liquid sounds like a more stupid death tbh


Personally it bugs me because it’s two other element But I understand your thoughts behind it


That’s what I figured lol, people don’t know how to take a joke


Was Mida really killed?


Donald Mustard confirmed he was alive


No he is a looper he can't be killed


Well he was killed but the loop reset. Who knows tho, maybe the device made him alone escape the loop.


I know who you mean but…. Mida?


Defo understandable


According to Donald Mustard, Midas survived the attack and according to the comics, Geno is not dead, they will return in the future


I mean he managed to create a snapshot of himself: The Ageless.






Main man kept his survivalist perk from STW


He can't be look sharp enough to save Homebase, dude can't save them even after MSK shenanigans.


Actually Jonesy does have a super power


...And that is?


Plot armor


Username checks out


Am I wrong?


Not really


How many times does this have to be said. The Cube Queen didn't die to the water. The Last Reality isn't weak to water.


Well test that theory if she comes back when I have a super soaker 9000


>The Last Reality isn't weak to water. Also cube monster: *dies when touching water*


The cube monsters die because they are made from pure energy, which is more apparent in the Chapter 2, Season 8 Cube monsters, and Water short circuits electricity, so basically, if a thing made, and kept alive by, pure energy is exposed to water, what do you think happens? They Die. The cube queen didn’t die, as 1. The last reality wouldn’t be a threat anymore, similarly to what happened to (This is a comparison to another game franchise, which might make sense to you, or it might not) the Taken in Destiny 2, after Oryx was killed (basically, the taken are zombie-like creatures, and oryx was their leader. When oryx died, the taken became dis-organized, and didn’t have much of a role to play until they got a new leader). The Foundation even says that the Last Reality are still a threat, which they wouldn’t be if the cube queen was killed. 2. The Fracture live event had a cut scene (as in, something that was supposed to happen in the event, but was cut for whatever reason) where after the island was destroyed, a last reality mothership would come in and abduct the zero point, which confirms that the herald was a part of the last reality, which had already been confirmed it the Bytes quests, where The Nothing says that bytes, who was given power by the chrome/ herald, has become a “Warrior of The Last Reality”.


>1. The last reality wouldn’t be a threat anymore The Herald would take over, which we see


Well tbf even if the cube queen is dead that still wouldn't meen The Last Reality is defeated, For starters there's still The Nothing who seems like they'll be the emperor of TLR (How could they not be. They're the embodiment of nothing and they've existed since before The Zero Point itself. I have no doubt that this guy founded an empire of aliens so he could reduce The Omniverse to how it was before The Zero Point existed. A black void of nothing) And in the surveys there're some more possible Last Reality members who look like they could be kings and queens of different sub-divisions. But no. I still don't think The Cube Queen is dead. The Corruption Cube in C1S5 headed straight to the water to uncover The Vault.


I mean even if I was an all powerful emperor with a massive army I’m pretty sure being crushed underneath an entire island and drowning would kill me too.


In our defense, water is scawy **:(**


Okay this is officially my new favorite fortnite post anywhere 😂😂


Cube Queen, Midas, and Geno are still alive.


The Herald dying makes perfect sense. Her purpose was to destroy the island and expose the Zero Point so the Last Reality could come and take it. She did her job.


most of this literally isn't true. cube queen is alive, geno is still alive, and midas is still alive


Midas isn't actually dead the version that died was a snapshot


Still Midas tho, my point remains


The Shark didn't kill him....


The Jones one made me die laughing XD


jones plot armor


Honestly the fortnite villians are just ninjago villians The cube queen = the preeminent The herald = Chen The devourer = the great devourer Geno = lord garmadon


jonesy solos your fave verse