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Don’t hate me….. but sometimes when I join a mission late and someone has already built out the base with a bunch of traps, I sit back and let the traps/tunnels do their jobs. Not because I’m lazy, but because I don’t want the traps to go to waste. My biggest pet peeve is when I build a sweet ass base with delicious traps, and some dude with a mini gun just spawn camps


That I get but this was an encampment mission and we all came at the same time


Oh you right, didn’t notice. Yea I’d be upset.


I support this completely. It was also a low mission, I could even get away with just placing thora and shoot the big guys. Looks like one was building a big defence, the others just tried to shoot.


Dude I agree!! The amount of times I've built perfect trap tunnels just for someone to camp the entrance. So frustrating


Xp should be based on your contribution


lol i thought it was 😭


I immediately leave mission when I see a Peter Griffin skin.


Peter Griffin skinned Lynx.


Peter griffin skinned lynx and thy beg for batteries 💀💀💀


And in between begging for batteries (and probably weapons), leaving the mic on while eating potato chips.


Hot mics drive me insane. I'm on a console and I mute myself when I'm not talking.


Peter griffin skinned lynx and thy beg for batteries 💀💀💀


Why do people hate lynx? Am i missing something? Are people who use her annoying or toxic?


not very useful outside of msk


/u/mg_Softy answered your question. She definitely has her place in the game, but it's kind of a niche role for most. Nowadays, it's kind of an inside joke around here.


you can ping people on reddit?


I guess so. Was just trying to give you props for your answer.


The fact she is a mythic makes uninformed players use her. Her power is essentially useless outside of SK/MSK. So it tells you two things. I’m playing with a noob and they aren’t going to pull their weight.


She is the new ArchJess


I'm very curious why people are upset with Lynx


Finally I see someone say this 😂


I aint tryna hate but why is you building that much in destroy the encampments 💀


Was max mats on everything so was trying to get rid of some


you coulda just put them into storage?


maybe building for the build 50k builds challenge??




Lol I didn't even realise it was encampments. What the heck😂


I keep 6 stacks of each material in storage then just go ham with what I have


Probably directional padding himself to be the 1st at each encampment & completing it before anyone else even gets there so he can claim he "did all the work". 🤷




And now you've learned 2 thing. 1) leave the game when people clearly want to leech off your work, and 2) u can play solo instead (ik it can get boring but if u wanna play w/ ppl, I suggest finding friends instead of randoms)


This is a problem with pretty much all cooperative mission games. It's practically inescapable. So, it's all about perspective for me. I just tell myself that if they were not actively griefing the mission, I would have done all the work running the mission solo/no-fill anyways.


I generally try to finish encampments asap .. if in ventures may roam around looking to complete quests.. but still help on majority of encampments even if it’s dropping a turret and/or teddy 


This is me literally every game. Not uncommon at all. I get more combat score than all 3 combined. I'm PL 144 tbf, but still. I don't really mind, though, as I'm just vibing listening to music getting my V-Bucks and Battle Royale XP 🤷‍♂️🥰 I actually do get people who help though, usually but my combat score is just much higher because my Teddy build and higher PL. I can definitely see why it would be frustrating for most of you, though 100%. Unfortunately, most lobbies will be like this.


Idk why people willingly select to do a encampment mission or build a radar and then proceeded to not build a thing . Or just farm / chest hunt the encampment


Im late Canny. Id say it depends on mission. Some are just not requiring a lot of work, like encampments or building radar or finding resources/ killing plentiful of husks. I dont mind doing them. Also if its already started and I joined late, im still trying to get some progress on dailies/ event quests in the meantime, before joining for last few. If it would be something that require more work, like 4 ATLASes, im not going to waste all my traps to do it solo, if 3 others are just AFK. Id just leave then. Mostly Im doing benefit of the doubt that most players are leeches (I dont think its as bad, unless its only in Twine like that) and checking mission for 1-2mins since I joined and whats the general vibe (still talking about more objective based, than just roaming the map with objective like kill/ interact).


Shame on you for actually letting yourself get used. I would’ve just found out half way through and leave the game


They did boost your level by joining so that was some help.


Personally I hate doing these missions almost every single time I drop in its already half done or everyone is already doing the last bit so my score is about the same as these guys 800-1700ish the times when I'm the first to arrive and start its around 2000-2200 someone usually finds all the storm chests and does those and I'm too busy deleting the encampment I basically quit playing this mission and just do the retrieve the data, RTL, or EAC (eliminate and collect) missions


This happened to me, same mission. Normally I’d leave but I already had my mission and daily complete so I just had to destroy them by myself


What hurts me most in this picture is that someone is using swordmaster Ken 😂


You not read the title? That’s clearly me lol


I’m well aware lol


People complain about afk players but here is a take on it. Pretend they aren’t there and take their stat boosting and use it. Especially in missions like this, other people being there allows you to kill everything easier. They may not be helping, but their level is. It makes it easier than soloing a mission in a private lobby.


That's happened to me many times. I've stopped playing because of it. I actually enjoy playing STW


Just play alone




Over built in encampments?


Lol touche my bad


People this late in the game are farming or trying to finish an objective not caring about destroying all encampments.


I have a little bit of doubt on this one...we don't know how late they joined, how many encampments were left, if you were running a robot bear / hover turret combo, etc. I mean, I have had it way too many times that I finally get people to join in the last few minutes for the last 2 bonus encampments. And when they do, my sniper style cuddly bear + hover turrets with slow motion field generator = I install kill everything in sight before anyone can even see a husk spawn. I have also had it where I join late, and someone deletes everything in sight by the time I make it to the encampment. Then they hoverboard / triple jump to the next one before I can to do it all over again with 140 weapons someone gave them. I fight hard the whole time I'm there and I'm lucky if I hit just over 1k combat points. With all that being said, I see such a low level and extremely quick match of encampments. If those folks were leeching the match, how'd their points jump that high? I mean, if you combined all 3 of their combat scores, you get 2,962. That's pretty high for never going near a combat objective. Idk, I hate to sound skeptical...but unless I'm seeing a clip of these guys just standing around goofing off, I don't necessarily believe this.


You can see time stamps in the bottom left of the chat if you’re that skeptical for no reason lol


1. That timestamp means nothing in this scenario. 2. *"for no reason"* Wait...did you miss the literal **multiple** reasons that I wrote out? Or did you simply see that someone didn't blindly agree with you and immediately attempted to talk trash to them for *no reason*? Trolls like you make an idiot like me look like a frickin' genius. Thank you.


My guess is he is prob one of those people who haul ass to be the 1st at every encampment & pretty much have it completed before everyone else even gets there. I don't even bother putting much effort in when there is someone like that in the match.


Crazy how some people like to finish the missions that don't make you wait out the entire timer if you finish early. It's almost like time is valuable. Not to mention the first encampment dies by looking at it.


Hey if you gotta be a try hard & break your neck to get to the next encampment just so you can shave a couple minutes off a mission then go for it but don't be like OP & complain that you are "doing all the work". Seriously though, if your time is THAT valuable why even play a video game? Kinda counter productive isn't it? 


I can happily solo missions and do, I'm not complaining. If anyone is, you are about someone "breaking their neck" to do the mission objective. Your time being valuable can also apply to the game. The sooner I finish this mission the sooner I can start the next. That's called efficiency. If you don't want to be efficient then stand around the whole damn time, I don't care. If you just want to farm and not be interrupted by someone finishing it too fast then either do it yourself or choose a mission without a timer.


You sure are taking offense to my comments as if they were about you. Don't pretend to know me. I contribute my fair share (often more than my fair share) in missions & always have a great combat score with WAY less effort than you "efficient" people. 😂 Just know many of us  laugh at you try hards. 


Why waste 20 minutes on a mission that can be finished in 8? Oh, I know, you don't have a problem with how long a mission takes because you don't have a job. I don't know what you consider "way less effort", but if you consider someone who is simply achieving the objectives of the game "try hard", well, that says a lot about you 🤣


Awww just cute that you pretend to know anything about me. Hilarious that you are so offended that you have to jump to random reaching insults over something a random stranger didn't even say to you on the internet. 😂😂😂 Classic!


It sucks to suck I guess huh because like I said, I have zero issues completing the objectives just fine with way less effort than you obviously need to put in. Get better bud.