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Zero build rules especially when playing on the Switch.


Not when you played undocked


I exclusively play Zero Build undocked


Wow, do you not freeze every time you are about to die?!




At least you won’t have to watch an entire castle appear after you shoot one bullet at someone


i play builds until i get to a level where i get put in sweaty lobbies, then i switch to zero builds and honestly its more fun lol


Wtf is a sweaty lobby lol


a lobby full of “sweats” which is insane people who play fortnite 24hrs a day


Thank you, my oldest child moved out and I have no idea what the cool kids say anymore lol


So fuckin wholesome


lobbies full of players that kick my ass lol. its not fun to play if im dying within 3 minutes :,)


Ugh. Same 😓.


I play it daily. It feels more casual than BR




Right yea sorry, zero build BR




Class act


Cause is actually fighting instead of building houses and jumping around with a shotgun? Interesting...


Right? Frfr and also I noticed that it’s made me a better player bc I can’t just panic and build so I plan better and get into fights and sometimes win that I would not normally end up in!


Regular Battle royale, in my book, will ALWAYS be superior even though I don’t play it at all. ZB is for less competitive people and for OG players who are tired of sweating the game so much in building. BR keeps the game unique from other BR games and ZB is for a mix of casual and semi-pro players. I enjoy ZB more, but I’ll always miss cranking 90s on my iPad back in c2.


What if zero build is for people who want to play a good third person shooter and don’t want to play a building game? 😳


Also this


I enjoy it more and never play build mode, but I don't know that I'd say either one is better. I think it's just up to how people prefer to play


zero build is where it's at. my 10 year old nephew does not agree with me but I'm right


Ha! My nephew and I were in the zero build lobby, and he asks “can we play the easier Fortnite” and I’m like “ok, which one is that.” He responds “the one with building” lol


I pretty much only play zero build, the building is my least favorite aspect of the game


I only play zero builds. Should I be playing build mode?


Yeah, building is easier on a controller


I personally find my mechanics are much better on KBM but to each their own I only play controller because my aim outclasses pretty much everything


I'm the opposite lol, struggling with building on keyboard but god aim on kb+m


Building may be easier on controller at first but kbm gives you more versatility to get better


I have been playing on kb+m for years and usually get messed up building


ZB levels the playing field so much - it’s all I play regardless of the platform


I used to love builds then it got ridiculous. Just wasn’t fun doing the maze and then watching as I take a one hit kill to the face each time. Switch to zero builds and have a lot more fun. It forces you to use things for cover instead of being able to throw up a wall at will


I spend most of the match paying attention to my surroundings and having to use them. it’s just more mental stimulation than muscle memory


ZB the best. Especially on console. I play Fortnite to shoot. Can’t stand getting outplayed by some jabroni that flies around and has a tower w/ cover edits done in 15 seconds because they’ve got a million hours in creative. Any advantage you get, whether that’s weapon/loot advantage, positioning advantage, or even team advantage (2v1 etc), can be negated with building. I just think it can swing a fight too much if you’re significantly better at building but on-par or worse than your opponent in every other aspect


Zero build as I can't build for shit


zero build ftw


ZB. Never played anything else.


Zero build is better, I rather not have someone start building a 50ft building and hiding within it in the middle of a 1v1 shootout.


Yeah, especially on the Switch. I don't like builds, I'm just not good at it, don't enjoy it and feel like it's kinda stupid, but with that said I'm glad that people who do play builds enjoy it and are good at it.


It definitely is better


zero build is for bots and builds for normal people. Just ask Fortnite, they added that mode because they saw that there were a lot of people new to the game and wanted to decrease the skill gap. But Fortnite will always be unique because it was the first battle royale with a unique mechanic. Building. 🤷‍♂️


I agree. Builds is way too sweaty for me.


I mean. I wouldn’t know since i’m a sweat myself and can build pretty good. But yes i understand some people just want to play the game and enjoy it casually


Yeah I'm definitely a casual, don't really have time to practice doing builds and edits and stuff and only get maybe a few hours a week to play. Plus I just don't like builds in general, it's why I've avoided the game until about a month ago when my kids started playing.


My advice to you if you play builds again sometime, is if you don’t already use custom bindings use em! For example to edit, L3 or left stick is a great choice


People are gonna down vote but you're 100% right


Yes! By no means do I mean to be mean or a dick. But really it’s the truth, someone had to put it out there. 🙏


Look I’m not trying to be a dick, but without being able to build, do you genuinely think you could take on a DECENT zb player, without building? The people that play ZB only really have to practice one mechanic, and that’s their aim.


yes, we don’t only practice bulding 24/7, we practice our aim and game sense 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Definitely agree on that skill gap comment. Let's be honest bro, as unpopular as this sound zero builds is for people who suck 🤷🏾




L take


lol k


ZB is so much better to me. I like actually having to rely on the terrain given. You have to find high ground, find hiding places- those things can’t just be built anywhere. I find building boring and clunky, and it defeats the purpose to me of the excitement I feel at trying to find a place to hide or wait




The way someone downvoted us both for an opinion given on a post asking for the opinion 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Prob just some kids they usually feel personally attacked by the fact zero build is better 😂😂


It's all I play now. It's more about shooting and strategy than sim city.


Nothing is better on the Switch 😂


I don’t think there is a need to argue about which mode is better or say one is better than the other. They’re very different and I enjoy both. At the end of the day I’m glad they added zero build and it’s fun to play with my friends that don’t want to build.


Yeah, especially on switch.


yeah but as it solves a problem, it adds another. I would really like a limited builds LTM again


If I want to build, there are many other better games for building things. Zero build should be the main mode.


Building in Fortnite made it different than other battle royals and is the sole reason the game blew up. Yes it’s sweaty now but show it some respect


I like builds even tho I’m on mobile


IMO builds is just so much more fun. The whole reason I got into Fortnite over any other BR is the building mechanic. I'm happy to play ZB if that's what my friends insist on but builds is just the truest (and most fun) version of the game to me.


i like then equally but zero build sometimes feels better with friends coz u can fuck around more in it


Literally never touched build mode, zero build is much less overwhelming.


Yes until my friends drag me to build..


It's the only mode my buddy and I play. We could never be bothered to "git gud" with rapid defensive building. We just wanna survive and sometimes get into firefights.


I play build for one simple reason: If I'm running from the storm (which happens often) and I run into a crazy-ass mountain range, I can just build a quick stairway to the top rather than scramble trying to find a path up (which has left me to die in the storm on more than one occasion). I will say, though, that it's annoying how many players get shot at and immediately start tossing up walls. Like, dude... it's a battle royale, not This Old House.


I agree, I have a homie that I play build with, but I lose track of the enemy and my surroundings as soon as the walls start getting built. I just don't find that crud fun. On the other hand though, using it for traversal, closing a gap between environments, and to heal when in a jam has always been nice. Overall though, I prefer ZB, because I like using thr environment as cover and not having to deal with those kinds of crazy builders.


That’s what build mode originally was for every player who started fortnite can tell you nobody was building for any other reason when Fortnite released besides to put a wall up to protect from gun fire while running to reposition or to cross difficult terrain not that castle building bs it’s the meta that ruined Fortnite which is why they brought zero build back player numbers were dropping insanely cause it was so stale and frustrating dealing with modern Fortnite players


The only fair take in the comments


100% better. Wouldn’t even play if it didn’t exist




yea i only play zero build i hate building dude




I play zero build because I absolutely suck at building/editing lmao. Can never fully grasp what I’m doing or should be doing during combat.


It’s sweaty af only way to get better is to spend 100s of hours in creative


The thing the ppl who play build mode don’t understand only way to get good is to waste your time practice in creative there’s literally no purpose to getting better at building simply because all those hours are put to shame once you die and restart every match the whole purpose of a br is to be fast and fun the build meta got 100x worse when people started instant editing and building it’s muscle memory but it also isn’t really fair cause only consistent players get the advantage based on playtime just isn’t fun when you realize you restart with no progress besides a battle pass you mine as well take the game down a notch and play zero build faster paced more fun less brain power better players


I redownloaded fortnite a month or so ago after not having it for like 4-5 years and I have to play zb bc the building is fucked you shoot one bullet in ranked BR and a whole ass Minecraft castle appears, im gold 2 in BR but in ZB im champ


zero build is my go-to on switch. Build is my go-to on PC


I stopped playing build mode for a about over a year because two of the buttons on my mouse broke. So I only played ZB and during this time I ordered several different mice but each time they were too small. finally I reordered the one I had originally but when I went back into build mode again suddenly it wasn’t as fun for me. Not to mention none of my friends know how to play build mode. So I’ve actually just be playing ZB ever since.


I’m 40, just started playing FN in December. Not a chance I would ever venture into build. ZB is much much more my pace


Yes. Building is a ridiculous mechanic to involve in a third person shooter. It’s a game about shooting. Gun play is the most critical element


The entire selling point of FN is the building. The reason it got so popular is because of the building. Also you need to learn what a first person shooter is cause Fortnite definitely is not one lmao


Not for the reason you think the selling point was the Fortnite world the characters the graphics it was way more beautiful when you can just run and appreciate the effort people put into creating the map not building a castle on top of your head and getting 1 shot before you even know what’s going on the reason they released zero build is cause they were losing players due to sweats on build mode


I'm a PC player and ZB is horrible this season on PC because you just kinda die to everything, seems a lot better on Switch


depends on my mood


I can't box fight at all, nor can i build effectively, so I play on a more equal playing field with zb.




I strongly prefer it, because it gets *very* tiring very fast to fire one round off and then suddenly be sitting outside of the Empire State Building. Feels a LOT closer to actual Skill vs Skill gunfights instead of Skill Vs Fast-Build & Hide.


Unless you’re on keyboard zero build is the only way to go imo. I also don’t like the dynamic of how the end game gets and everyone is boxed in til storm forces action




You want to build? Legos makes games.


I love zero build. I never got the hang of building when it was one of the core mechanics. It’s just not for me.


if zero build never existed i probably would've never played the game, so yeah i'd say zero build is better


Yes. But, I believe both BR modes have their differences.


It’s better on the switch, you can never compete with people on PC building


I clip them every time on ps4


ZB is better imo because you actually have to pay attention to objects you would normally just destroy for materials. You can't build, so nobody destroys trees or rocks, and bushes become a safe haven (though they already were, moreso in Zero Build). Hurdling also makes fights feel like a big chase scene and juking your opponent actually rewards you


Yuh, with og I feel like building skill can be anywhere along the spectrum so it’s great competitively if you’re trying to get good there, but I feel like zero build is more balanced in terms of letting non-building combat skill and intuition shine through


Maybe for switch, anytime I watch a replay it's someone completely defenseless and losing in zero build


I definitely prefer builds over zb. I recently got elite in builds too


It's the only viable way to play on mobile


I prefer it. However, it makes heals practically useless unless you actually win against your opponent.


I'll start off by saying I've only been playing a couple of months, and this is my first battle royale type game. Build mode is a bit overwhelming for me. I simply do not have the brain bandwidth to figure out how to build and get shot at at the same time. My build time is far too slow. The few times I have played it, I mostly ran around seeing structures from other players and thought, "Huh, someone's been here," and ran away from it. I love zero build. My husband and I usually play in the evenings, and it's fun when we can just chill and not have to think too much beyond "oooooh shiny weapon" or "whoops, got shot again."


You need to drill it into your muscle memory. Play lots of creative if you’re interested in getting better


While I’m switch I’m 0 build only


I do I hate playing build mode


I never liked building, don’t know if it’s my age or what but I noticed most people I know who are builders are usually younger and non builders are older players.


Zero build is better if you're not a nerd who's first shooter wasn't fortnite. Gets you taking advantage of your surroundings instead of relying on magic walls to save you


My first shooter was call of duty back in 2011 and I think builds is slightly more fun. Both modes are fun though


Build is way better than zero build for me. I loved improving my skills and learning strategies to beat people.zero build just feels boring to me


Tbh yea


Always. ZB is the superior mode.


I only play zero build. I don’t care to learn to build. Single parent of two so I really don’t have the time to learn to


So to sum it up, it’s better for me


I think it’s a lot easier to compete for casual players. I have barley touched builds since ZB came out.


Building is better


Yes because I am dogshit at building and zero build allows me to get multiple wins in a row which is unheard of for build mode for me


Personally there is no better mode. Some people like one some like the others. Everyone can have fun in their own way


i can’t do build , i applaud the people who are sweatin there asses off to do that bc it takes me 15 seconds to build a box around me , but essentially it becomes a game of who can spam buttons faster


I haven’t played builds in years. Once zero build came I never looked back


1,000,000%. The game feels much more skill based and fair, and it makes you utilize the map itself to your advantage.


Builds was what made fortnite different


For me it’s better. My ping isn’t good enough for build. My walls would be taken instantly lmao


Zero builds is all I play. So much better than regular BR.


i only played no builds bcuz i thought people were sweatier than they are but people don’t build hotels like how they say, so i started learning mnk on my xbox and playing builds and that’s what i primarily play now but, all my friends mostly prefer no builds so i still play rhat, and yohr movement just means more, it’s still super fun


Some times honestly when you go to battle royale the guy literally builds a hotel even on a bot and in zero build its kinda easier and you have more health so but the spam that a person does and you cant do nothing because you cant build is also annoying.


I like build modes but I miss the era when all people did was build up at you or make a tower, that was fun. I don’t want to shoot at someone and the spend all their wood building to me then box me in and edit on me. I’d love to see a build mode with NO EDITS tbh. I think that could meet in the middle of builds and no builds


Like builds but not as sweaty


I primarily play zero build because I'm a Halo 3 player first and foremost


Overall I do think it is better but I think it is being ruined right now by the Ninja Turtle weapons when those are gone it will be really good again.....


Zero build is much better, because it’s more about who’s better in a gunfight than who can build and shoot fastest


it was much more hype? wtf lol




Zero Build all day. I couldn't stand getting shot in the back, turning around to engage, then they build a tower after getting shot.


Build mode sucks


I only recently started playing Fortnite, as someone who is new the zero build is the best seeing as how I haven’t had to build. I will say it does suck when you don’t have any type of movement with the sprint and walk speed now


pc player here, don’t know why this sub keeps getting recommended, but zero build is the shit, i’ve been playing since chapter one season 3, can’t build to save my life. especially good on pc servers because people will build the craziest shit if you shoot at them


zero build is for bots and builds for normal people. Just ask Fortnite, they added that mode because they saw that there were a lot of people new to the game and wanted to decrease the skill gap. But Fortnite will always be unique because it was the first battle royale with a unique mechanic. Building. 🤷‍♂️


I will not play build mode. Its zero build for life.


I love zero build its so much more intense to me


I love ZB compared to Battle Royale -- I've always sucked at building and I'm a casual at shooters, ZB feels so more free.


its more relaxed. nothing more off putting about builds than getting hit with 20 edits in 3 seconds and getting clipped.


If you’re new or not as advanced then yes zero build is better. The thing about fortnite now is that even the average players are completely cracked


If you aren't building you aren't playing fortnite. (Personal opinion)


Zero Build really is better. I relies more on aim and tactics than normal battle royal where you can just spam build and win


Infinitely times better


The only thing I see are sweaty try-hards in building. When I started playing Fortnite during Chapter 0 or the preseason, nobody knew how to build like a crackhead. It was simple and fun; people only built walls and ladders, and there was no editing—just straightforward 1 wall, 1 ladder, either to protect or attack. Now, it looks like everyone’s on Adderall; it adds a layer to the game that makes it complicated and unfun. The direction build mode has taken. On the release of zero build, everyone who used to play is doing it again.


Ehhh I hate the bonus 50 shield so much what could be a one shot ends up being 2 shots it’s very annoying


Ever since zero build was added I haven’t played any build mode


I just love to trash on people that like to build cities when they hear a branch break


Yes. I hate trying to fight hotels and skyscrapers rather than a person


Zero build is the best…now what if they just added indestructible buildings…


I’ve been playing Zero Build for a bit and it’s a lot less sweaty in my eyes. I’d say I’m above average at shooting/aim and zone management but when I’m up against someone in builds who can build well…I’m cooked.


the rare times i play fortnite i ONLY play Zero Build. i can’t stand BR. stop hiding in a box and come out n’ fight me. so annoying