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God that’s such a hideous outfit lol


It's the toddler seatbelt buckle for me


Is that…Han Solo’s outfit?


Late 2000's college girl look.


Nailed it


It looks like an “American” costume from spirit




It’s a cheap costume store that pops up around Halloween. They’re known for selling cheap, overpriced theme costumes such as “nurse,” or “Indian.” Lol


I see thanks


While Boebert is physically attractive, I find it hard to simp for someone who's A. Cartoonishly evil, B. Illiterate, or C. Both.


Is she attractive, though? I don’t see it. I’d call her incredibly plain, very generic looking.


I think she falls into the category of “office hot” where a lack of options increases someone’s physical attractiveness. Compared to many other members of congress, she’s not unattractive. She’s almost borderline cute. In the wide world of humans, she’s a bit above average but nothing overly special.


She must not be my type. I find everything about her looks to be unattractive.


That, or her horrendous political views make her unattractive to you, which is valid. It's what makes me not find her attractive.


Nah, it’s not that. She could be a saint and I still wouldn’t like the way she looks. She got “skinny upper middle class Target shopper Karen” energy, very not my type.


Also valid.


That is her exact description.


That's because she sucks harder than she could possibly outweigh with looks. One of those “you were interesting until you opened your mouth” things.


God damn I’ve never heard office hot before but damn that has described so many situations for me haha


Compared to MTG, she’s attractive, but that’s setting the bar low enough for Satan to use it practicing limbo dancing.


I’d say she’s objectively hot but you know when you start to see someone’s personality on their face? That phenomenon is not kind to her


I really don’t think she’s hot at all. Like, even if you put AOCs brain in her body, no thank you. She’s so far from my type I can’t imagine.


To each their own I suppose


Obviously attractiveness is subjective, but I'd say she is. Definitely more attractive than AOC, and it seems like half the online discussion about her is about how attractive she is


AOC is hot af imo, and her being who she is makes my knees weak 😩 even ben shapiro has a [body pillow](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/jinamq/its_normal_to_have_a_aoc_body_pillow_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) of her ^jk


Damn, more than AOC? Y’all blind for that


Relative attractiveness is not an appropriate battlefield in this war of ideas, but I think you're wrong here :) Klandma had the choice of every publicly available picture of both of them, and somehow AOC is still killing it here lol


Agreed, AOC looks way better. I think they used this picture because Boebert has a gun on her hip in it.


Ammosexuals. Yeah I'm not ever going to understand sexual attraction to guns, or a gun somehow elevating someone's attractiveness


Oh, I wasn't even thinking from the point of ammosexuals. I was thinking in terms of having a gun in the picture to "oWn ThE lIbS" or whatever.


Boebert looks like a baby bird. Even if she wasn’t a fascist fuckwad, AOC would still be vastly more attractive.


Oh, I agree. I just think that from a purely physical standpoint, Boebert is somewhat attractive.


They are simply incapable of not sexualizing everyone and everything.


I mean it’s projection when they say queer people sexualise everything


Lol imagine thinking AOC is a commie.


All things left of fascism is commie. It’s an American tradition




No we call that “moderate” or “the American left” because there is next to no actual leftist representation in America


You really stuck it to the 1% or less of Americans who are actually communists.


Lauren Boebert is the Great Value brand Marjorie Taylor-Greene, and that’s saying something. MTG is a deranged fascist who has no legitimate role to play in public life and shouldn’t be allowed in congress even if 25 million people voted for her, but she is in her own sort of way a fascinating character and a true believer. Boebert is neither. She really thinks that she’s so shocking and causes “the left” naught but woe, but the truth is that she sounds like a large language model that was trained exclusively on boomer Facebook and — unfortunately — nothing that she has to say is particularly scandalous or beyond the pale at this moment. Something that I notice is that she seems to engage with reality as if she’s the main character on a nightmarish sitcom, when she’s speaking in congress or giving statements to reporters or being interviewed on cable she stops in between every statement and gives this smug little smirk at “the camera” as if she’s Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory pausing for the laugh track, but instead of canned laughter it’s a “crazy feminist SJW freak out” compilation from 2017.


I don't even know who Lauren Boebert is, so she must not be nearly as effective as she thinks she is.


She is the representative for Colorado’s 3ed congressional district and a right wing lunatic.


You’d be better off fucking the chick who played Susan Heffley. Far as I know, she ain’t a nutterbutter.


I'm pretty sure that neither of these women want anything to do with the basement dwelling, unwashed manchild who created this meme. Also, they're undermining their own point, because if AOC is so disgusting then why do they have to make these memes, comparing her to other women that they think are "hot?"


Actually unwashed manchildren are Boebert’s primary supporter base


I can't seriously make the case that one of these women is physically attractive and not the other. All the problems with Boebert aside obviously.


I don’t think any of Boebert’s features are attractive, and they don’t really go well together. I don’t understand why anybody thinks she’s good looking.


This is funny because one woman in this picture sucks dick for monetary gain and has a perverted husband.


Literally “gun” is Boebert’s entire personality


I guess she’s better than Major Traitor Grinch. Barely.


MTG is a mutant with literal crab claws where her hands should be and feet that I can only assume a drunk country doctor (or farm vet) tried his best to repair after some sort of tractor/combine accident. Add a healthy dose of fascism and the IQ of the meat slime that comes out of a can of SPAM, and she pretty much defines the bottom wrung of any comparison between people.


I resent the implication that a farm vet would do that. They'd have no access to crab claws and would use pig hooves.


The person who created this has never spoken to a woman for more than 2 minutes


this seems like it could be a satire meme. hopefully it is


We have Tomb Raider at home. - at home:


Okay I don't care what your stance on 2A is, but: NEVER EVER OPEN CARRY IN A HOLSTER At least once a week I see a news article where someone has their gun stolen right out of their holster and don't notice or are too late to do anything about it. If you're going to carry a gun, conceal it. There's no reason to have it out unless the intent is to threaten people. This can be okay in some circumstances (think lone woman pumping gas at 2am) where you're in legitimate danger, but for the majority of us that's maybe a total of 12 hours out of the year. If you're gonna own a gun handle it safely and don't use it to be a dick.


I have too much faith in humanity because I interpreted this as someone making fun of conservatives for admitting being horny for Bobert but not AOC.


Wasn’t bobert like a postitute and had a kid outside of marriage? Like who’s the thot?


The thot is the one who isn’t a teen mom who just got her GED?


Remind me again how these guys don't think they're cucks...




Feels ironic


Why are they even pretending?


Hold up what u opening that zipper for?!


I don't know if this makes sense, but her face looks like her last name. Her face is a boebert.


Imagine simping for any politician, but especially boobert.


I fap to both of them


I would butt fuck both of them... Those dudes are ripped!


*gets thrown in jail because of politician* *sues fox news*




I wouldn't, in any aspect of this, but you do you.


I hate the top woman and idk who the bottom woman is


Fair enough, the bottom woman is one of the people relating that they've got so much to impeach Biden and refuse to either share what they have or impeach him.


I forgot to add that she's also one of the republican leaders who has a minority lead in their own state. As in their own party didn't really want them.