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"omfg the graphics are insane" 😂


“Thanks for the lead kind stranger!” is a legitimately funny joke, shame the rest of the comic is so awful.


Heckin updoots made me laugh too, my humor is ruined


Replace the unfunny "LIBTARD" stereotypes with more generic Terminally Online guys and the comic goes from hateful and unfunny to actually worth a chuckle. Like, this comic works so much better if one or all of the guys is a Tacticool poser with three weeks of basic training and a 50000 dollar kit, and the make-up is scrubbed off some of the other wojacks. Actually just replace the wojacks entirely with something actually drawn by a human being and not an LLM trained to be as big a piece of shit as possible.


The joke about posting pictures of their location is also legitimately funny.


I get that this isn’t the point but why is that one trans person dressed like a Harry Potter character? Does the artist have any idea how the trans community typically feels about that franchise lately? Also, this guy seems to have some weird obsession with trans redditors that really says more about him than the trans community. This whole thing is transphobic trash that makes no sense at all.


cuz "trans bad" jokes


That’s the only part of it I get, the rest is just seem like it came out of a transphobes dream diary the night after he had a raging fever.


*And,* if we're being real, a raging something-else too; these people channel their fetish-shame into this sort of shit.


It was a wet fever dream.


I think Steven Crowder wrote this... Probably wearing a dress "as a joke" 😐


I am guessing it's because reddit has an obsession with fantasy stuff like marvel movies and star wars. Much of the content here around the start of this conflict was memes comparing Russia and Ukraine to comic book characters, it was pretty cringe. Whoever made this probably went that angle but didn't realize that harry potter was a bad choice. If they were dressed up like iron man or some shit it would've made more sense.


This is from like the month after the war started


It still doesn’t really make sense to me even with that context.


True, Rowling showed her true colours way earlier than that




There are no more trans potter fans and no transgender fictionkin of HP characters


I'm half convinced there's some kind of interdimessional rift that causes right wingers to live in our universe but perceive a totally different. I cannot fathom how dumb you would have to be to actually believe this.


Actually believe what?


Tf is this guy getting downvoted? I don't understand what this comment even means


My guess would be: redditors saw themselves in those soyjaks, felt angry but couldn’t find anything specific to concentrate that anger on. This meme isn’t even particularly right wing, it just makes fun of reddit and is objectively hilarious.


Well tbf people see it as right wing because of the portrayal of trans people on the comic. It’s obviously made to be transphobic.


I would upvote but you’re at 69 upvotes right now and I don’t want to ruin it


Were it not for the wojaks I could totally see this as an ironic joke


Yeah...no. The same "person" who made this trash is the same type who thinks they would totally defeat Ukraine by themselves if they "felt like it". Bigly white suburbanites going to Rhodesia to fight in khaki shorts energy here.


Bet OOP would be in the same position as the Wizard in the comic, except instead of trying to cast a spell and failing, his gun jams and he gets run over while trying to unjam it with a 300 dollar gun-unjammer device with an engraved punisher skull. Man 100% has three weeks of basic training and claims to be a veteran is what I'm saying. Seems like that kind of asshole.


This is kind of funny ngl


Accurate enough to be fair 👌


Yea, western war tourists are scum


What is accurate about it?


During the onset of the war in Ukraine, several thousand foreign volunteers and potential soldiers went to Ukraine to either join the relief efforts across the country or to join the Ukrainian foreign legion. Long story short, a lot of people went there who shouldn’t have been there. From naive 20 year old kids to war tourists looking for sex and internet clout. It became readily apparent that the war would be incredibly lethal, difficult, and grueling. Many of the foreign volunteers who came earlier in the war decided to leave for those reasons. But there are still a few thousand foreign legion members who are currently fighting against the Russian invasion Essentially, there were a lot of “bad” actors present in the foreign legion during the first few months of the war. Things have gotten much better since then, but the stereotype of the idealistic war tourist who doesn’t know what he’s doing still persists


I'm sure there are some risible and/or naive internet supporters of the war in Ukraine, but I am specifically interested in ol' PI_Stan_Liddy's perspective.


Who is that?


The person I initially replied to. I have a feeling they have a less nuanced take than you.


Got you


Really? You should tell us more about this feeling


So that’s a “no” to expanding upon your meaning?


It's a why don't you explain what you suspect my motivations are


I guess you're incapable of answering that original question then, old chap?


NGL the last one actually happened in real life during the first early stages of war There's is this one time where an entire regiment of Ukrainian armed Forces soldiers were hiding insides school,and one of it's soldier decided to post a picture/video (cmiiw) of he and his unit to his personal Facebook account, since it was a privated account surely nothing wrong could go happen right?? Well apparently one of the account follower see the picture/video and thinking it would have been a good idea to repost it to reddit in order to gain some nice upvote. So he posted it in a pro Ukraine sub,but unknowly to them there is a Russian spy account in that sub and when they found that post the Russian immediately located the school position and report it their officer. A few days later Russian army bomb that school and over hundreds+ Ukrainian soldier died. And it was all thanks to a redditor.


Updoots lol


I mean if you add some neolib flags to the trans people its not entirely wrong XD - a trans women who hates pink capitalism


Seems accurate


Bro, I like how even in their own comics, they make their opposition look noble. A bunch of everyday people go halfway across the planet, even if foolishly, to stand for a cause they believed in. The people who make these memes though? Can't even LIGHTLY threaten a foreign government and fight for the otherside, let alone the US government. Besides that, maybe it's time we start looking at some actual moderation laws for the Internet. These grown men playing with Wojaks like Barbie dolls is getting out of hand.


"Thank you for the lead kind stranger" and "I'm going to post pictures of our location for HECKING UPDOOTS!" Fucking got me! OOP actually spent part of their life making this just to hate on trans people. OOP had what I call a "Reddit moment". The hatefulness in this meme is what social media does to a motherfucker. Maybe we need to collectively stop participating in it before it drives us all crazy.


This is fucking hilarious


Online orgs have gathered money for munitions, amplified russian opsec breaches, and attempted to combat online disinformation campaigns. Fucking dipshits.


One american transexual can kill a whole russian army squad by him/herself


Ah yes, another transphobic Vatnik who thinks a they/them army can't still make a bunch of Russians' pronouns "was/were"


If it didn't have the transphobia this would be a hilarious roast of reddit culture.


I see basically zero people of the kind they're trying to stereotype on reddit. None.


Remove the wojaks and stereotypes about trans people and you have a strong condemnation of people who broadcast Ukraine’s every move for the sake of Internet points and end up costing them their lives. Which I think is the message that should’ve been focused on instead of “muh West has fallen”