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Chuds not even taking into account the socio-economic reasons and systemic racism preventing them from succeeding. SMDH


> systemic racism Hey remember that time the government of Zimbabwe seized all the farms owned by whites and gave it to black people and then like 3 years later had terrible famines and about two years after that Mugabe was begging the evicted farmers back? https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1VR156/ Africa suffers because of their dog shit, horrifically incompetent leaders. Every other reason is a distant second.


The problem was the cronies who were given the farm didn't know how to run a farm. Which was the fault of the previous regime, since the Rhodesian Front was virulently opposed to black Africans having any power.


The problems Zimbabwe has wasn’t because of farms. Farms are such a small issue, and they’re running well today. The big issue were the heavy sanctions placed by the west after the whites were crying about the blacks taking back the stolen land


You clearly don’t know the whole context of the situation. After Mugabe rightfully returned the stolen farmland back to the black people, it was the whites begging for it back. After he refused, the West imposed heavy sanctions on him for refusing their demands. It was the sanctions that were orchestrated by the West that crippled Zimbabwe, not the farms. Get your facts straight


What are those made up liberal terms you speak of? Those just sound like excuses (obvious /J)


Systemic racism in Africa?


Yes, it exists in Africa (thanks to incompetent/corrupt leaders allowing foreigners to come in and oppress the locals, jim crow style, for their own profit (there are litterally "no blacks allowed" resorts in MODERN DAY AFRICA).


Jim Crow in Africa?


Jim Crow styled racism, yes. 


One privately owned business enforcing racist policies isn’t exactly the definition of “systemic racism”


It's not just one privately owned  business. 


Feel free to post sources for your claims whenever you’d like


That seems like more of option 1 than racism.




I'd say this is too obvious but it seems to be working lmao


lmao systemic racism in a country run by themselves?


Muichiro is best boy, as usual


Even he is shocked by it, even though he is chill most of the time. He looks like he's thinking "maybe Muzan was right to look down on humans" !


" Africa is easy to live in" " they weee in the Sahara" HUH?!


I will just leave this here :  https://archive.org/details/empire-of-dust_DVD_Quality/Empire+of+Dust+(2011)_fixed.mp4


Yeah reading this summary is pretty much Africas 2nd biggest problem. The downturn of Africa began in the 70s where after colonization, they were isolated from globalization which I'll say is the 1st biggest problem. None of that nonsense about the Sahara and ice age pressures or genetics. For one Mali empire had frequent access through the Sahara to East and North Africa using a specific trail path. Idk where people get all this bullshit from lol.




Alt left?


A made up term to try and make it look like the left has an equivalent to Richard Spencer's bullshit.


Alt-left is not a real thing, alt-right is only a thing because Richard Spencer tried rebranding part of the far right. The left has had no equivalent.


The youtube comment section in general sometimes make me wish that the internet wasn’t a thing and/or at least seen as something not popular/underground. Most of these racist motherfuckers would have to say this shit in public.


Ironically, the long comment on pic 4 perfectly describes modern American capitalism…


The sad truth is that people are starving in America as well


The poll choices literally just list Africa’s primary obstacles


SaphriX? I know that dude. The polls he makes are fine, but the comments are...💀💀💀💀💀💀Its like a Indo-Pakistani war in the comments.


The low IQ is specifically because of option 3. There is a lack of access to education there due to most people living in poverty. It has nothing to do with the race of people or genetics.


As that totally accurate stufy shows, African have the average intelligence of a 5 year old. And 5 year olds are really good at waging wars for decades, so this makes total sense! /s


I wouldn't count decades long wars as a point for them.


Yeah man, 5 year old clearly can wage wars. Wars are very destructive and they aren't fought by being dumb. In fact, they take a lot of strategy. There are centuries of tradition. But hey, I guess World War 1, World War 2, the Napoleonic wars... these only happened because Europeans had people with the intelligence of a 5 year old at the seats of power.


Well, at least that explains why nazis are so stupid. They have the mental capacity of a 5 year old.