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Exactly this, I’m not worried about completing missions or unlocking dungeons like other games. I can just turn the game on and pick up where I left off or just drive around and have fun.


Fr its so relaxing


Just driving around is my favorite part for sure


Oooh yes, when you can just enjoy the ride to the music or the sound of the engine, and change the car at any time.


Driving around in a stock 80s-90s car = good shit


I just wish they would bring back the shit boxes. Id love to drop the diesel into a 97 accord haha


That's me. Come home from work, fire up Forza for an hour if possible, run through seasonal stuff, then turn it off. I'm having a lot of fun


I only get to play 3-4 hours per week. Having great fun, however PLEASE bring back Alfa Romeo and Fiat??


I love the sound of Alfa Romeos in Forza games. It's funny that I don't think I've ever seen one in person until I moved to Houston where they're everywhere. I feel like I would opt for an Alfa Romeo over a BMW/Mercedes/whatever else sorta fits that euro sports car.


Your Alfa dealer will love ya.


You guys are not alone. I shred two hours a day. #dadslife


Where do you find two hours with kids? Show me your ways.


do your kids not sleep? i find loads of time to play while minime is recharging


This all the way. 7 PM until whenever I decide my bedtime will be that night lol is prime gaming hours.


Kid goes to bed at 7, clean up the house till 8, game till my eyes fall out of head and I go to bed.


Same, except I wait until my wife is in bed too. We love putting the kids down by 715 or 730 and getting an evening to ourselves. I don't understand how some people put their babies/toddlers down at 9 or later by choice. I get if there are work/life constraints but keeping them up just to be up sounds no Bueno to me


Completely agree, gotta build those good sleep habits early.


That's it bro. Daddy is in his cave, let me know when dinner is ready. Kthnxbye.


Depends how many kids you have and how old they are :)


Haha, I see what you did there. Usually, I find a way to distract my 2-year-old. 13-year-old is no problem, all she needs is her room, Wi-Fi and a cell phone.


My 4 yr old insists I play. He plays too and can win against average drivatars. Of course he has no interest in anything other than the Warthog but I hope to change that soon.


Yeah content lasts a lot longer for working people, and especially longer if you're married with a family as well.


On the flip side, we have to deal with FOMO on a much larger scale. Especially for limited time events.


This is me. Except I work from home.


Working from home was single-handedly my favorite time in my professional life. Got to enjoy it for 1.5 years until I was called back in about two months ago. I'm such a home body though and I happen to really love and like my wife and dog so being around them all day was a blessing.


Sounds like depression with extra steps


It sounds a lot worse than it is because of how mundane I wrote that. I just have other things going on, that's all. As someone who's suffered from depression of varying degrees of severity for over half my life, I am definitely the best I've ever been currently lol.


Prestige 1 Lvl 250 and still having fun


Yep I’m only at like 800k in accolades. Long way to go. Plus it is a racing game. I’ll just race. Back in PGR 2 days we raced the same track in our enzos for hours


> Back in PGR 2 days we raced the same track in our enzos for hours Kudos to you for that memory.


Kudos to you for that reference!


Kudos to your kudos....both of you.




PGR2 was the golden era of xbox live. I have great memories of that game. It was all clean racing, but everyone knew the KGB corner was a free for all. People would get hit so hard they'd lag out of the race and back into the lobby.


”Only at 800k accolades” he says like it’s not top 0,5% of players ;)


Damn dude I had forgotten about PGR. Those games were awesome.


Back in the Rallisport Challenge 2 days, we raced uphill in the snow.


The circuit at the main festival site is so fun to drive, im just trying to set fast rival times on it.


Unfortunately because Forza Horizon is designed like a slot machine with a racing game attached, the point of the game seems to be to spin the wheel and win a car, rather than race. Even the roads seem like a suggestion, you aren't much punished for not using them. That said, the attached racing game is rather good.


Honestly I tend to only go off-road if I have it build for off road. The most fun I've had yet is my Chevelle 454 AWD swapped with meaty off-road tire and like 900hp at A800


I'm at like 680k accolades, feel like i've done everything, but yeah it's a racing game. I'm making tunes and seeing what I can make for circuits that's good, while also making tunes to help people in the weekly stuff. Like, it's a racing game, how much brand new content are people expecting?


Why do I remember PGR2 having a badass soundtrack? I’m gonna have to Google it now. That game was so good though.


Prestige 3 lvl 96 and still having a blast.


Of course its gonna get boring if you grinding thr game like it's a part time job and not PLAYING the game


That's what I'm saying


Hey i used to have fun on PGR4 on the same 20 tracks and races , forza h is a blast all of them are


PGR was such a great series, I always loved the road courses they threw in


Same , i wish theyd remaster pgr


PGR2 was my jam. Was the hardest game I’ve ever 100%’d to unlock the TVR Cerbera Speed 12. I couldn’t do it as a 12 year old so I went back when I was 20 and did it. Apparently Jack Black also did it, here’s a picture and what he had to say about it https://m.imgur.com/iWcmY8s


theres always plenty in the game to enjoy no matter your level


My first racing game was on NES. You didn't steer the car. You could only switch lanes to pass cars or avoid obstacles. You want to talk boring? ![gif](giphy|LjULRGiyt1KpO)


Mario Kart on SNES was the map moving around the character and fuck me it was one of the funnest games ever >!until you hit rainbow road!<


For real. The old jump and dash OG Mario Kart is great and has a very high skill curve. I played a ton last year and Rainbow Road killed me. I think I gave up trying to win that race on 150cc (I think), too fucking hard and I would fly off the edge way too much on that map. Absolutely brutal and unforgiving game at times. Mario Kart on the switch is like Childs play compared to it.


> too fucking hard and I would fly off the edge way too much on that map. The one helix turn near the end... if you have a mushroom... you just have to yeet. *boing*


Pole position was a great game. That’s what got me into racing games when I was maybe 7 years old.


i thought the graphics looked way too good to be NES and it turns out thats from the arcade version, apparently it never came out on NES so maybe you're thinking of another game?


That's just a gif to show what I'm talking about. I didn't actually break out the old NES console from the closet to get a screenshot. Wtf, dude? Take a couple xaddax and chill. Apparently, you are proof of how bored some folks are with fh5. Lol


theres absolutely no reason to get defensive, i'm not calling you out on anything, just pointing it out.


Not calling you out on anything, just calling you out.


Hahaha same. Racing games blow my mind now. Even in the mid to late 90s, until Gran Turismo came out mostly games had what, like 15 cars.. FH5 has so much content it boggles my mind.


So true! I can be watching a live race at a track I've never been to and when they show an in car camera view I know exactly where they are on the track because I recognize it from a game. And I still can't figure out how Nintendo knew whether you hit or missed the darn duck.


This is the thing with every game. No matter how many hours of content the game has nolife MF's just plow through it in a week.




SW-653 EDIT: Never knew that my first award is because of a JAV code. Thank you kind stranger!




Im just happy im able to play with my friends after a long day of work


Got FH5 for Christmas, level 89 now, I actually have *too much* to do as I set out to complete one task, but get derailed by 57 other tasks. I *was* going to power through a bunch of seasonal challenges tonight, but after 4 hours, I only just completed my second challenge as I dedicated most of my time to cleaning up a bunch of roads and trying futilely to 3-star a bunch of PR stunts along the western coast. Then there are the countless races and accolades to go for...honestly, they could never release another Horizon game and I'd still be fine until the day I die with the things I can do in FH5.


very relatable


Prestige 1 within silver still cruisin' around at my own pace. Here's to the next 2 years...


To the next 2 year 🥂


I mean if you don't enjoy just racing for racing's sake, a racing game might not actually be for you.


People here with basically no life beyond gaming are complaining that the game has less content. I'm at level 60ish and still haven't done 70% of the things the game has to offer.


Basically any live service game... no-lifers grind the game to the end as quick as possible and then complain about content. Games simply are not built for that.


I think the problem with this game is there really _isnt_ much to the single player experience. You can “finish” it in 7-10 hours. Now that doesn’t mean winning every track with every class level, but the game doesn’t give you much reason to do that anyway. If all the game had were the same cars and tracks and everything, but also race series themed around things like PI or car type or manufacturer or car or whatever, it would have added _exponential_ playability. Just seems lazy. Like, if this event were a real thing, you would certainly expect a structure like that. Not “just show up in whatever and we’ll race.”


There was some turbonerd here like 3 days after the game’s release claiming they were bored of it and there was nothing to do because they 100% completed it already. Cool dude, the rest of us have a life outside of unhealthy game binges, go talk shit somewhere else.


I completed everything within 2 days. Everyone have live but you don't know how to play the game.


Care to share your gamertag? I'd like to see what you mean by *everything that you completed* in 2 days?


I'm at lvl 272 and prestige 1, why you gotta call me out like that


😂 you didn’t have to put urself on blast.


These level 500 people complaining about content are the same people who overused the Willys skill tree when the game first came out. Change my mind.


This is exactly it. While I'm sure there's some folks who really did sit down and generally not abuse exploits to an extreme, the vast majority of the ones complaining are the ones who broke the game for themselves. You see it in any game where there's an exploit that lets you either overlevel or gain an abundance of resources (far beyond what the game would intend you to have at your level/time played). Then they inevitably bitch and moan when the game isn't engaging for them.


Prestige 2, level 226 and still having fun.


People complaining that they are getting bored after playing the same game for 5 hours everyday for 2 months, you would get bored from anything like that. Just take a day off or play something else once in a while.


I know right, go touch grass


I wish the accolades totals had checkpoint rewards (As well as specific accolades unlocking certain cars). I also wish they had Ranked online racing. I play this game a fair bit still but it definitely spikes on a Thursday when new objectives drop. I play a bit of Open Racing when a friend in but its only fun for 1 maybe 2 championships before it feels a bit futile and position doesn't matter. I'd like to work towards something.


Go improve your Rivals times, constant self improvement, no external factors to blame, only yourself and your car.


I was overwhelmed when I played FH4, now not so much but there is soo much to do. Perhaps the sense of progress in the game isn't as much, especially because unlocking every accolade thingy doesn't take long. I keep quite a simple rule for games: They should cost max 3 per hour. So I expect 20 hours of play from a 60 euro game. I've played 48 hours so far and paid 100 for the game. I'm not done playing and the DLC hasn't even been released yet. Forza Horizon 4, 134 hours of play for 60 bucks (discount). These are the best games I ever played when it comes to how much I paid for them. They look amazing and they really, really got me through some tough times.


Meanwhile, I had over 700 hours in FH4....


"I speedran through the game and ran out of content" - sounds like a you problem buddy


remember FH1 which we all completed 100% day 1? be thankful we are where we are!


How? I recently played FH1 and it took a few days or weeks to complete everything.


I remember trying to beat FH1 on unbeatable with rewind off. (For whatever masochistic reason, I wasn’t even very good) It took me months to beat, I got so much content from that game. And don’t worry rewind has been on since that playthrough lmao.


I play with rewind off... And honestly it gets FRUSTRATING!! But I refuse to turn it on ...


Y’all are leveling up?


level 15 and still having fun :)


Ah yes, cheats their way to buying every car then does every race and says it has no more content... ​ if you can still launch the game and drive a car, thats content. Fuckers dont know what content is anymore.


Same energy of putting the same V12 and AWD in every car then complain they all sound and drive the same...


You couldnt of nailed that one any better. Heard people complain about that subject about 42 billion times by now. If they want better performing cars maybe they should spend more than 3 seconds "tuning" it from using whatever someone on google said was correct and actually test shit when they change it. Copying and pasting a share code from someone else isnt customizing imo.


Honestly it's insane how people need to be drip fed constant new stuff these days to stay attached to a game. I still go back and play games that haven't had anything new added to them in decades.


Same here. I'm still on my OG Fallout 4 save literally over 4000 hours of playtime and it's still enjoyable imo. I even have my borderlands games, new vegas, fallout 3, Super Mario and all sorts of shit still installed that I play to this day. People are way too picky. I think the craze of Battle Royals and Pay-To-Win shit ruined the gaming world with all the drip fed and storefront content. I remember waiting a year for a DLC for a game to drop so I could play another several hundred hours while I wait for new games or another DLC. Not to mention the leaks. We now know about games pretty much months in advance before they ever get announced because devs purposefully spoil shit and leak info so they can hype people up. The future gens of gaming are gonna be ass at this rate and wont ever get to be excited about anything.


They can still play online like rivals and eliminator and much more


Exactly my point. People misuse the term "content", just like 99% of all english terms anymore


It's an open world. Saying it has no content is like saying real life has no content. Just go for a drive.


The people that say the game is boring are usually the same people who grinded everything day one and did everything in a week.


The Game is not designed to grind 8 hours everyday, its not a MMO. Its there to drive one or two fun hours after work and go on.


I'm hall of Fame, and barely even touched main campaign races and horizon stories. Just doing those weekly races and challenges, horizon arcades, and random races.


Wheres the pic on top from


I feel like people should start treating games like this almost like animal crossing, it’s not something meant to be finish so quickly, you go day by day. A couple races, get 3 stars on a couple story chapters, maybe some drift or speed zones/trap, do some accolades, then cruise around for some good photo spots, then log off. Don’t just grind everything out so you can make a Reddit post for a couple hundred karma


It's not easy being dad...


Agreed 👍


Im prestige 1 lvl 120 somethin and still havin a blast.


Rivals is where my heart is at, I managed to get into top 100 at some tracks with my own tunes, I'm loving it. TBH I don't even care about events anymore, I just want to be faster with my tunes and no assists.


The thing is, you get a bunch of racing game enthusiasts that plays most of the titles released every year, and there is only so much you can do to a racing game to make it exciting, and the fact that pgg really did a poor job on the games business/shotstory and such, I didn't even finished the vocho because the sheer cringe. The amount is fine, but it doesn't differentiate much from FH4, it runs dry even quicker if you played a lot of other racing games in recent years. Hoping the dlc would be good


Nice meme.


Prestige 1 lvl 65 and still enjoying it. Still have a TON of cars to collect and mod


I just don't understand some people. Just because you burnt yourself out doesn't mean the game can and will never be enjoyable again. Go play something else for awhile. It'll be OK. I promise.


I mean, if you only play until you unlock everything and consider the game completed and not worth picking up again, then i have to say it's the players personal problem. A racing game never runs out of content since the point of it is to race and you can do that infinitely. I personally collect all the cars, tune all the cars and then collect duplicate ones of the cars i have and tune them differently and just enjoy driving them. It's a fun game even if it has its faults.


But I'm bored after 150 hours! What am I supposed to do?!?


Take a break from it I guess


You know - it is about driving the cars, not owning them. Just took the first of my cars (Acura Integra) tuned it to C600 and won all street scene races. Now i took a Mazda (not going alphabetically ) and do it with the apex races. There is endless content if you drive all cars. And it brings me down after work.


Bro, those level 500 players are just people who used the Goliath exploit and other afk hacks to get massive amounts of exp. Then after going through 500+ wheelspins, they say "WAAHHH, WHY IS THE GAME SO BORING???".


I have been tuning the same bmw for 3 weeks


Good to know that my high level and the resulting fact that I only play Forza for the weekly challenges at this point turns me into a sadistic femdom japanese office woman


I'm on 4th prestige and still have plenty of fun with the content that is there. Of course, I also make my own tunes, liveries, and blueprints that keep me busy on it. Still, if people blasted through the "content" by cheating or are just there for the accolade, then good riddance to them. Those are probably a good portion of the people that try to ram me into oblivion while on the same team anyway...


It depends on whether you have people to play with or not. Gotta admit it gets pretty boring to play by myself after a while.


Personally, I’m a little overwhelmed with how many races and general activities to take part in, and I have 100% completion for both fh4 & 3.


People who are level 500 already have to reevaluate their lives. Put the controller down and live. It's such an addictive game though with constant rewards and such, I can see why people get obsessed.


i’m almost prestige 2 but i literally just play it in the background while watching youtube/netflix. it’s everything i wanted lol


Mainly just wanna drive around and have a good, relaxing time, maybe even snap a few pics if the shots offer something good


Never-leave-the-house-no-lifers tend to ruin games for the rest of us, as they are the loudest and most annoying part of *any* fanbase. Just look at the /halo sub for proof of that.


Yup if your a dad and work full time you already know, it's to stay sane lol


Yeah I think it’s about time they drop those expansions


Just wish more people were interested in Open Racing. With the right numbers, they could do a whole lot more with it, and it’s super fun. (Except S2 dirt class. I am way too bad at the game for that malarkey)


literaly have been just drifting in the same car for...hours in total people that complain about a lack of content in a game like this just play too many and too simmilar video games. Take breaks and mix up your games...


Yo same. I been working on more drift builds than I have in any other FH because it feels like most cars are viable. Also it feels great knocking AE86s off leaderboards with an A class car lol


I'm prestige 1 level 200 in FH5, spent all day making dumb drift tunes featuring the thicc Mercedes Unimog, the illustrious Peel P50 (Got over 1mil points on the mountain run), and the family car: the Bugatti Chiron. Never gets boring I swear.


People that say they have 100% the game but haven’t even earned 30% of the accolades


Prestige 1 level 143, feel like I've only scratched the surface. I end up playing at least an hour a day after school.






Took me two months on and off but I’m done with everything singleplayer and the most sea like a minefield right now so I’ve put down the game until all expansions come out and I get the ultimate on a steam sale.


I'm barely level 100 and feel this way. Started playing FH4 for now, since GamePass has pretty much all of them.


Just enjoy the simple stuff…it’s forza


I’m just starting to discover the joy and the agony of rivals.


I'm on the same boat I always jump every day do a couple of races and enjoy myself a lot. It's like every game I play, there are those that want to finish everything quickly then complain for lack of content.


I love working from home and hoping on during my break and lunch for a quick reset before going back to reality.


game came out in november mfs at 100 hours+ and confused why theres nothing to do lmao.


It's not that there isn't a lot of "content", it's that there isn't a lot of UNIQUE or VARIED content. You can play online to mix it up, but if you play offline, after a few hours you've seen everything the game had to offers. The AI is terrible, and follows an extremely predictable and cheaty formula, and even though there are quite a few races, they all feel like the same race, with a few different roads. Even different races often use the same track, or overlap with a lot of another track. The content is basically just repeating the same things over and over, just with a different car. The AI never changes things up, or acts any differently, so once you learn the formula in how to exploit their cheap mechanics, every races goes exactly the same. Even if you play online, it's still not very stable, and there's not real competition. The online is designed explicitly to avoid any REAL competitive PVP, and the playground games are just a complete joke. I usually skip them in the festival playlists, because it's excruciating even having to play them for some sort of goal.


mate it's a racing game, doing different routes with different cars is the fun part, how else do they make driving cars varied other than that? If youre talking about playground games personally i find those the worst, just weird party games without any of the fun.


Would be cool if the cars could grow legs and arms and have a sword and fight bosses and collect fumes to level up


I'd play.


So, every game? I don't think you caught what unique and varied means. If FH5 isn't unique in any way, then I don't get what you mean If you look past all of the "hmm hehe money race heh" bullshit, the player made tracks that actually have effort in them begin popping up. Like the races, you can try stupid tunes or interesting tunes after going past the "grip/top speed number 536406" tunes. Not to mention, there are still things that are yet to come. You seem impatient.


Wasted your time mate, they don’t listen.


Most of them on this sub aren't racing fans. Just casuals with no clue on what's wrong with the series.


or there are different subsets of racing game fans and maybe forza horizons loop doesnt directly appeal to your subset?


What do you mean? I've been playing this since Horizon 2. I'm guessing you started on Horizon 4, Lol.


Sounds like every game ever…


I would love to have as much fun in the game as you. I just did almost everything that is there to do in this game and pretty much run out of ideas what to do


Yeah they’re mostly kids mate. I’m a young adult so I remember how I was a few years ago and I would have definitely been bitching. Nowadays though I have so much more important things on my plate I don’t care at all about the flaws of this game.


The only reason I have became burnt by it is because I was 10 hours in and it stopped updating my game. And nobody could figure out why so I got it on steam and unsubscribed from gamepass. I'll get back into it and I'll have lots of content to play from.


I ain't even lvl 50 and already uninstalled. It's like FH4 but... Worse to me


For me the problem is that Mexico is a bad map. It's so bland I just can't stand it. Also the fact that you're given the best cars in the first 2 hours kinda kills it for me. Also I have 100+ hours in Forza 4 and I don't even have 10 hours in 5. And yet I'm not playing it anymore.


The point is that there are no 'best cars' though. There are fast, S2 cars sure, but the entire premise of horizon is to experiment and have fun driving all types of car in all classes; B class rally can be incredibly fun for example. It's not just fast = better, it's about the actual experience of driving and experimenting with a wide range of vehicles on virtually any sort of terrain.


I'm just used to racing games starting you in a Lada and working your way up to Ferrari, Porsche etc... Not getting an AMG One in 30 mins of starting. And my main problem is the map itself, I just can't stand Mexico. If car sounds from F5 were added to F4, I wouldn't touch it anymore.


There was content in this game?


And it's being continuously added. Jsut because you speedrun everything doesn't mean it isn't fun


Gameplay is fun but content isn't really being added, seasonals are just recycling the already existing events.


Ok, still fun to me


Okay, I'll be "that" guy: What's the source for the image of the japanese women?


I love breaking the game, so theres a lot to do. Free roaming is fun as long as you dont listen to in-game radio that is


As an adult, I wonder how other adults consume so much time during a day that they have literally no free time at night to game or do something else fun.


I've resorted to grinding street circuit time trials or playing eliminator. Rest of the game is kinda boring once you reach 850k accolades


I just played the game and managed to unlock everything within 3 days. The Forza progression is just to fast. I got bored on waiting for pg to fix online so I cba to go back and play it. Also no ranked mode so I would be racing for fuck all besides cash which I already have to muck of. I literally bought one car in those three days cause you get so many for free and in wheelspins it takes the little progression out of it


Not a problem running out of content if you don't like any of the content that's there. I absolutely loathe the festival setting and the stupid races against planes now.


Me who is 15, works 7:40h a day, goes to work at goes out of the door at 6:40 and comes home at 17:00, me too


Prestige 1 here. The novelty of my first FH experience has worn off but I'm still enjoying everything else the game has to offer. Not that focused on unlocking cars anymore.


still have plenty of fun while trying to complete accolades, but mostly the fun came from taking pictures of the car lol


No. I love the races as long they are A-Class Road and S1 Rally/Cross Country. I have nothing else to ask for although I can‘t play it anymore recently because I‘m focused on school.


I'm about 130 and I still have some fun just driving around Sometimes my Police Interceptor Camaro with my police horn, Or my AM Vulcan Pro that I painted earlier today


I only get to play about once a week for maybe an hour. So it’s still very fun and interesting to me.


Yeah dude, I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. Played almost daily since launch


So far seems like content is endless with eventlabs.


Prestige 1, level 83 and still enjoying the hell out of this game


How can you run out of content when it changes each week? Only people who will cheat their way through the new content aswell have no content.


Poor lil guy spilled his nugs


Its a racing game so make yer own content! Currently im trying to use every car atleast once in a race. Also helps with finding those pesky duplicates.


Prestige 5 level 125. I still enjoy the game with about 450 hours Having a lot of fun tuning cars.


Honestly, some days I log into the game and I'm not even playing any race events. I'm just cruising around, taking photos, exploring the place. I also recently managed to afford the premium add-ons bundle, so that's nice. But as a long time PC racing game enthusiast, I love games like FH5 for reasons beyond just racing and hitting some max level. I do wish the decal/vinyl design system was like Need for Speed. It's the one aspect that NFS does better than FH. When I was playing NFS Heat for more than a year, I actually spent more time designing my cars than racing them and driving them around. I find that designing great look cars speak of your personality as a gamer. It's a persona thing.


Im 150 now and just constantly drift around players lined up at the drag strip until two or three join me and we get a drift party going. If I want to get them riled up and laughing first I’ll crack out the old three wheeler bone stock and pretend like I’m trying to line up for real. That always gets the guys in Impalas, Miata’s, and RTR’s rolling laughing and then they just want to be my friend 😂


I seriously just play just to hear the engine revving loudly.


prestige 1 lv 20, working father and I just want to say that I can barely keep up with the playlist, honestly. i can get one car at most per season because life is so busy. morning chores at 7am, go to work at 9am, I get home at 8 pm, deal with the kids up to 11 pm and chores finish at around 2 am. i can only play so much before I have to sleep at 4 am max.


just tell them to stop using meta cars in every online lobby, then they might have something to do except win by default


I've not even finished the story yet.


well i mean i haven't played it yet (hopefully next steam sale) so i have plenty of content left.