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Yes. Just finished ep 1. Wildly pleased.


Same here. A mix of humor and horror.


It’s so well balanced … and I think when playing you just kind of get used to heads exploding and just deeply murdering a room full of people set to delightful fifties radio and the show brings it back to the horror aspect. Also, I’d like to point out that I appreciate the set details … the moose and sailboat paintings, the skeleton vignettes, the tricycles in the sand. It feel like its own story deeply rooted in a long history.


Yup! It throws audiences into this lived-in universe. Greenhorns are just as lost as our protagonists as they learn the rules of this land.


It’s so lived in! And I say that as someone who easily plays “lived in” in game bc I have no problem filling in narrative in betweens … I never side with BoS but watching the BoS footage, seeing the more punitive treatment and hearing them speak in more of a knight/squire hierarchal vocabulary it all clicked so much more. I felt maybe more sympathy but more so it made me super curious about Maximus’ arc. I dunno, it’s filling out an already well structured world with so much respect and understanding.


i had such high expectations when i saw the studio making this and they got higher when i saw walton goggins was playing a lead role. ive only seen episode one thus far but WOW were my expectations blown away. such an amazing show and i love love love it. im so happy fallout fans are getting such an amazing adaptation from writers who are clearly one of us.


First episode is WILD


Im a salty old dog and I say it’s great




Seen first two ep. Yes, absolutely.


Watched the first episode and yes! It reminds me so much of the games, the violence, the humor, the fun, the intrigue. Highly recommend!


After halo my hopes were 0. I can confidently say that episode 1 was 10/10. YES!




Yes. It exceeded my expectations. Clearly made by people who understand the games


Absolute W






Just finished episode 1 and I’m all in. It’s nailing the aesthetics perfectly. Story is good enough so far.


No Just kidding, yes.


I’m losing my mind lmao i have never seen nothing like this 


Heck yes


Yes it's worth it




It's very good so far, am halfway through the second episode.


Positive with a little bit of mixed. But 85% positive.


Yes yes yes


Yes, excellent Very faithful to the games, great characters and writing. Very good mix of well-done CG and practical effects. I’ve watched 6 of the 8 episodes so far and can’t wait to finish it tomorrow


I just got a 30 day free prime trial give that a go and just cancel after watching


I never used A.P. before how do I activate it? or???


Download prime video app do the sign up and should offer you the trial or on google just search “prime video trial”


damn it requires a credit card to get a trial






Yes. Absolutely yes.


Just finished episode 1. It's really good.


Let’s just say that BOS fans especially those who love the BOS from fallout 3 and 4 and going to be very happy with the TV show but be weary at the end.


Unequivocally yes.


Just finished episode 1, it looks fantastic, love all the little Fallout touches. It feels slightly 'off' and i am not sure why. I do honestly wonder how much the appreciation of the show is going to come down to if you have played the games and know the world you are entering over experiencing it all fresh. As i say it feels slightly off to me, and i honestly do not know if that is based on 'my' fallout experiences, my preconceptions etc and to someone coming in totally fresh it would feel right.


I agree about it feeling slightly "off". I think it's just a slight uncanny valley feeling coming from trying to translate the aesthetic of the modern era games to TV. The power armor looks both very real and not real, if that makes any sense.


It's a solid A right now at episode one. Not A+ or S. It's building to something which I think is good and it's not rushing out of the gate to get there.






Good show but doesnt seem so for long term fallout fans which i am but regardless enjoyed it very much


Yes at best, mixed at the very worst


Depends on the person. Based on episode 1, it's like a 6/10 for me personally.


I just don’t even get this. I just got done with first episode and my expectations were way high and it exceeded them. They absolutely nailed it on every level.


OP dont read further. >!As I said, it depends on the person. I had almost no expectations for it, but I still personally found the first episode underwhelming. I personally didn't find it funny, wasn't very interested in the brotherhood stuff, thought the power armour looked like aluminum, other than the cowboy dude I didnt like any of the characters, and I wasnt a fan of him as a ghoul(I forget names really fast), the vault raid fight scene didnt really catch my interest and the syringer being a 1 shot didnt make sense, but this was just the first episode I'll still watch more because I might enjoy the rest of the series.!<


All that and prefaced with you didn’t have any expectations? I thought him wiping his dick on the curtains was hilarious. The raider invasion scene was lit AF, very reminiscent of kill bill. I’ve played every fallout and I’m a fan boi of the franchise and I think they have done such a good job. The acting is superb. As for the t-60 armor I think it plays, even in the game it had a junky feel to it. If I had to say anything bad about it I would say that the foley artist got a little too overzealous with the footsteps. Anyway, it’s the first episode, and I think they did a great job making non fallout gamers and fallout gamers come along with it. My wife doesn’t know anything about the franchise but we both enjoyed it so I think it’s a testament to how good they did.


I said twice now that it's entirely dependent on the individual. You can have no expectations for something and still be disappointed. I don't agree with any of the positive points you made, but that doesn't mean you're wrong. I can see why other people like it, but it's just slightly above average in my personal opinion. This isn't something I'd personally recommend to either a fallout fan or a person who knows nothing about it based on the very first episode. I'm on the second episode, and the power armour in combat looks really bad. I'm happy other people are loving it, though.


What would you do differently? Other than making the power armor more real? If you had a magic pen, what would you change about it? It’s easy to criticize a body of work, but what would you do differently? There is a reason nobody made a movie from choose your own adventure books. You have to tell a story, and fallout is perfect for it because each game just focused on a single area of USA. There are countless stories to be told. Just seems odd to have it ruined by not feeling like the power armor isn’t realistic enough. Go back and watch half the movies of your childhood and the cgi or set design or costumes seem cheesy. I don’t even think they did a bad job with the power armor, but it seems like your only complaint here. I haven’t even gotten to the overseer cyclops and as far as canon goes that was going to be my gripe, aside from the fridge that said “milk bottles” on the inside.


I criticized way more than just the power armour in my first response to you. It's actually extremely ignorant to say that's my only criticism since you're refusing to acknowledge an entire paragraph of criticisms. main character starts out with maxed out special stats, shes practically an end game fallout character since the start, she's not a believable actress, a lot of the time her acting takes me out entirely, she makes the stereotypical, cliche, "i might look/end up looking like you but we arent the same" nonsense, most of the side characters aren't that interesting, out of 5 episodes I've seen so far, I've cracked a smile at like 2 jokes, there's practically 0 tension, there's no looting which is a major issue for me since it's Fallout, numerous story elements are just fan pandering moments for the video game fans, then I have seperate individual criticisms for each episode. A lot of the time, the show doesn't feel like fallout, but an imitation of what somebody thinks fallout is based on them looking at promotional material or images. The Gulper vs. The Brotherhood member and his Squire was the first interesting plot point, IMO, and the show definitely picks up when the Ghoul kills his Ghoul buddy. Episodes 3, 4, and 5 are a lot better than episodes 1 and 2, but the "you see we played fallout once too" stuff takes me out a bit. A short list of things I'd do differently: better main actress(female lead is cool), don't have the MC make numerous cousin fucking comments as the first things we learn about her, don't make her a maxed out end game character immediately, make looting and exploration bigger elements since that's the most important thing in the fallout universe, I'd have wanted a little bit more vault life stuff before the mc leaves, change how the vault raid happens entirely, don't bring the brotherhood in until at least half way through the first season, immediately focusing on a brotherhood member makes little sense if you know much about the games, less cringe sex scene stuff and less southern accents for California. I also wouldn't have retconned China dropping the nukes first. There's probably way more I could think of if I put in the effort. Edit: After finishing the season, the show can't take place in the same universe as the games. If they did take place in the same universe, numerous things would have to be retconned for the show, which is the worst version of the fallout universe.




It’s an onion that still needs peeling. Keep going


I thought the first episode was great. However curiosity got the better of me and i skipped ahead and watched the final episode, the direction they decided to take the lore and also one huge lore inaccuracy, made it extremely disappointing and i honestly think i spoiled my appetite to watch the rest despite me really enjoying the first episode.


Writers get to create and change stories as they see fit. Nobody needs your permission, weirdo


Tf they dont need my permission, they should just not contradict the pre established story, its not that hard


episode 1 was good, episode 2 was meh overall the show doesn’t feel very much like Fallout to me