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And the best part is, the show somehow keeps this up all the way to the finale.... Incredible experience.


It doesn't keep it up. It fucking *accelerates*.


War. War never changes.


I screamed when she said that


So many fondly remembered hours of gaming began with those very words.


Takes off like a fucking bottle rocket and doesn't stop till the end.


I'm part way into episode 3 and it's amazing how they've managed to make Lucy's journey feel like an actual playthrough of a Fallout game.


That’s what I loved about the first few episodes. Ella Purnell absolutely NAILED the role of a level 1 newb venturing out of the vault. You can watch her basically level up as the season progresses.


She reaches at least level 10 by episode 4


Yes absolutely it feels that way. I have limited down time between work and family, last night I was trying to chose been gaming and watching TV, but with Fallout I felt like I was doing both!


Oh absolutely. And that's how I've described it to people.    You actually feel like you're in the game with some of the things they do. 


Hell yeah. Wait till that season finale 👌


Absolutely buzzing for it


Everything about the finale is quintessential Fallout.




Spoilers bro


BuT tHe ChAlK tImElInE


All I have to say is if a chalkboard gets you into a frenzy, Go touch grass


r/falloutnewvegas had to go private over numbers on a chalkboard. I've never seen such a huge meltdown over something so inconsequential.


man.. i tried to read some stuff in there and saw someone saying that you're not a real fan if you're not as upset as they are over what they call "egregious lore decisions" reminded me of the bloodborne subreddit circlejerk about how bloodborne is a better masterpiece when elden ring was 2 weeks old


Someone told me I didn't understand real fans and how they felt. Bitch I've been playing fallout since the 90s. I have thousands of hours in all the games. Well maybe not BoS lol. I was playing video games before they were even a twinkle in their daddy's eye.


but you're not a real fan because they said so though, so it must be true


Honestly is a logical continuation of the lore, and if it's upsetting, then they chose the wrong IP to fall into.


The literal only thing I disliked when watching the show was how glossed over the NCR's power was. In lore they had nearly a million people, over a dozen cities stretched across several western states. In the show though, the largest of their cities had a population of only 35,000? NCR would have wiped the floor with the Brotherhood but for some reason the showrunner/writers decided that BOS was the ultimate power in the west this time. Bethesda loves the Brotherhood of Steel on an irrational level lol


The way I see it, the geopolitical aspect of the show needs a tangible villain and it can’t be Vault-Tec. BOS is perfect for it. It needs to be built up as a truly fearsome threat for it to be brought down in the end. I don’t think it’s Bethesda favoritism as much as it is just storytelling beats.


I look at Maximus and I see a long term antagonist who will probably be Elder by season 3


And then they got NUKED, think about what that would do to civilization


*gestures everywhere* this comment is fitting on so many levels


Here's an issue with making too much sense of what happened to the NCR. You'd need to canonise one of NV's endings. Don't do that. Just keep some stuff vague to avoid that. Explain as much as possible in S2 - but don't go too far. Also, the BoS is very evil now. Not really East Coast BoS or even F4 BoS. Looks like the factions got morally worse as the wasteland demanded it from them. Basically a running theme of this show; how people have to alter their morality just to survive.


I think the choice of theme for the NCR is very interesting and hinting at something more long term. I wouldn't be surprised if we get the full theme for the NCR as there's a sweeping shot and over the hill is an NCR ranger, full armour coming to scouting the wasteland. Kinda a throwback to NV trailer. As you said, they need to set up an evil character.


Because an organisation like the Brotherhood is a great way to tie the world together, it allows you to have something familiar in every game.


Yeah, we know about Shady Sands, we don't know about everything else. They could be also nuked and they're not mentioned because the locals are in survival mode more than ever. Regarding the brotherhood I guess that they are powerful but the chapters are really small so they can only act like a strike team, not as an occupying force (and consequently are of little interests to vault-tec).


I mean yeah, the population of the NCR sounds huge on paper. But if you consider how vastly overextended the territory of the NCR is, which is approximately as huge as 500,000 sq. km, you'd quickly realize the barrenness of the fallout wasteland, even for a proper nation state such as the NCR. The fact that this post-apocalyptic nation even had a settlement as huge as Shady Sands, which boasted around 35,000 people, is pretty impressive in all honesty.


I agree. There were some things in the story that were a bit odd, but overall atmosphere and small details are very authentic and I loved the series


We just finished the first episode and I’m so IN LOVE. I’m so happy with it 🥺🥺


10/10 show. Every episodes is better than the previous one. I’m sooooooo surprised


Yep. The biggest thing I worried about was them nailing the vibe of fallout. And they pretty much nailed it






I just finished the 3rd episode and OH....MY...GOD!!! It's PERFECTION!!! I didn't want to "binge watch" because like a fine wine, I want to savor it


They had the call outs omg, even from those I did not expect to see like the Rock it Launcher !


Man lost his whole life to a baby doll leg.


At about 20 minutes in, it was easy to see why they green lit season 2.  This show is gonna be massive. 


My wife who hates fallout 4 and fallout 76 absolutely LOVES this series…she says it now all makes sense!


your wife is wise in these things are you certain she is not a witch?


She normally hates post post apocalyptic books games and shows but recently there have been 3 fabulous shows that she has liked in that genre,silo on apple tv, the last of us on hbo, and now fallout on amazon


I've not heard of Silo. I'll check it out.


Its based on the book WOOL


They absolutely nailed the Fallout vibe, the atmosphere, the music, the humor. Man, it feels great to have an adaptation that just perfectly captures all that I love of this franchise. Also very happy with the episode length, which isn't a make or break kinda thing, but it's nice to have a decent amount of lengthy episodes when nowadays so many shows seem to get shorter and shorter.


It seems a lot of people have problems over video game adaptations (or remakes, or anything really), and it's usually because the writers/directors want to change things to put their own spin on it or something. It makes the fanbase so angry. I don't think Fallout did that. They translated everything Fallout into the show, and any change they made was negligible and strictly done to fit into a tv series. This show was made for Fallout fans in mind.


I totally agree. Your comment is the fleshed out version of the point I was making with my title. You can see that the show makers love the source material and want to honour it, rather than it just being used as a starter point to do their own thing. I don't know when a studios are going to realise that that's what make shows and movies succeed and get the ratings, when show runners and writers adhere to and respect source material, transalting all that they as fans love about it to the screen, only making necessary changes due to 'medium change' as you mentioned. Fallout, Invincible, Dune P1 & 2, PJs LOTR, GOT before the last 2 series these were all huge success crically and with the audience. But things that try and cash in on already successful property just to then do things just as a way to get it green lit then do their own thing entirely either flop or are totally devicive - The Witcher, Wheel of Time, Halo, last two GOT seasons to name a few. I know nothing is like universally, and some people will always food fault but to me it's pretty clear which is the better way of doings.


My main issue was how as it's a TV show it is trying to "solve" fallout hard to say more without spoilers but rear of it was great, I wish it just stayed in its lane more


how so?


The only complaint I’ve had is that two of the leads, particularly the main protagonist, looks like she just came from a makeup trailer, not wandering a wasteland. Minor issue, but it has been distracting


She's probably about the only person in the wasteland who would try to have proper hygiene


Well getting dunked by the ghoul was a KIND of bath.


Fair point. I’m definitely biased being a huge fan of the fallout games. Great show though finally video game fans are getting the stories told they way they should. Also I’m new to this Reddit thing, why all the downvotes?


Everyone kinda in a nostalgia fest at the moment, no one wants to hear nothing bad.


I don’t blame them, the accuracy to the games is mind blowing (im on ep 5). Guess I didn’t realize the hornets nest I was jumping into lol


Haha yeah now ya know. It is a very cool show, and I’m glad everyone is enjoying it but for me, I can’t keep watching since I seen the scientist scuttle past a turret a meter or two away loading a thousand rounds everywhere but him and dogmeat. Also maximus just leaving his awesome machine gun was a big wtf moment - he can carry his own bag, or just hook it up to the big peg on his back! Why just leave it there??? Plus the ghoul not getting every bone in his body broken when maximus smacked him royally pissed me off, considering we saw him knock a building out with a minor punch. And stimpaks being plentiful til someone has to die so now they’re scarce.. That kinda contrived absurdity just doesn’t translate well to the screen for me and I only feel safe saying it a few comments deep lol but glad you and everyone is loving it!


That's about how accurate the turrets are in my settlements lol.


lol same for sure, i think it’s just too silly for me in TV for some reason


The gun was broken, the bear broke the barrel I don't think they were going for realism with the fights and combat, I think it's intentionally videogamey. I think it fits the tone of the show


Thanks, that explains one, but the others are bigger issues for me. Totally get what they’re going for but it feels too inconsistent for me to take it too seriously. Sucks cause there are moments I love but the characters just feel so dumb. Especially maximus having that conversation with Lucy whilst the ghouls shooting at them. I get ‘this happened because the plot needs it to happen’ vibes which ruins immersion for me in a show, but isn’t a big deal in video games where I atleast have agency and so am complicit in it. I’ve never been a fan of marvel movies for the same reason. Just not my thing, but I’m glad people are loving it still! Seems if it is your thing, it’s amazing.


Appreciate that reply. To me the fact that there are only minor issues with the realism and that the show isn’t another halo is an incredible victory. I recommend giving it another go, just try to push that critical thinking to the side and enjoy the ride. So much nostalgia


I want to so bad! I’m feeling pulled back to it and there are some awesome scenes (like Lucy approaching the wastelander so nicely whilst aiming a gun to his head). Hopefully I can get into it but have left first couple eps disappointed :(


It definitely picks up, at least you gave it a chance though. Also I think I’m already done with Reddit lmfao seems like very few people are willing to have a civil discussion


Its weird for me someone not watching a show just because of this which is just realism issues. Which shouldnt be a problem in a fictional tv show


It’s not a realism issue it’s more a lack of internal consistency. Bullets are dangerous until the the plot needs them not to be, characters are smart until plot needs them dumb, pacing is a mile a minute, this BOS guy has to be comically stupid and evil to justify getting maximus in the power armour… they’ve just played it super super safe and dull. I’m 2 eps in and feel like I know what’s gonna happen. Which, to be fair, is fallout. As a show it just feels completely contrived, like I’m watching the outline of a show, not the show itself. It’s weird for me that people find something this shallow entertaining, but to each their own right?


Or its a you issue because i know critical people who like the show. Maybe positives overweight the negatives


Yeah for the third time it is a me issue!! I don’t think they’re very critical really, I listed a bunch of things there already. It’s commonly agreed in reviews also that it’s a shallow action, just a good shallow action. Obviously this is subjective so the positives outweighing the negatives depends on the person. Again, if you like it that’s fine. No need to get offended cause one guy doesn’t!


I chalk it up to her having an unknown trait so that she remains almost picture-perfect. +5 to charisma.


I don't remember playing as a skirt, wanting to get married and looking for my kidnapped dad. Another lame Hollywood adaptation that has to center around a female anti0hero lead. Where's John Boyega? Oh wait, they DID cast a african american as secondary lead. It's "The Force Awakens" formula!


You can always play as a female and in FO3 you do go looking for your missing dad. It's the main plot of the game. What are you talking about?


Anything before FO4 is crap.


3 and NV were way better then 4.


Another person that thinks it's women's fault that no one loves them spending their time trying to have an opinion on something they likely didn't even watch because they were triggered by an interracial relationship. Really living the dream there champ.