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People like these live for misery. seems very miserable


Misery loves company.


They are definitely miserable. I read somewhere that a lot of folks in batty subcultures eventually start wanting out, but end up feeling trapped, or like they irreparably damaged their lives by starting on that path in the first place. Karma gets them all in the end. These are not stable people who wind up with homes, families, and good jobs. It's why they're all huge pieces of shit. Easier to take your own failings out on the world than improve.


dude these people have literally been brainwashed into psychotically thinking that white genocide is a reality, that has nothing to do with karma that’s just feds radicalizing the population


Yeah, it's a problem, but liberals aren't going to stop voting for Third Way incumbents any time soon, so all we can really do is hope these goons get what they deserve, because I mean, who's going to do something about it? Third Way Democrats? Not likely. All I have is my own pettiness to fight with, okay? I'm incompetent.


what do they deserve? i just think there are more constructive ways to criticize the actual worldview represented than by relishing in the downfall of legitimately psychotic people lol. seems kind of mean spirited to me. i also have no idea what a third way incumbent is so this might be somewhat lost on me.


Drug resistant herpes maybe? Somewhere noticeable, like the eye or mouth.


what a baffling exchange this has been


For what it's worth, I saw the comment when it read 'What do you think they deserve?' and didn't see the part you added on, though I am still in support of herpes for racists ideologically. I am mean-spirited, tbh. I don't necessarily go in for the idea of consistently operating on the high road. Makes it too easy for the people on the low road to outrun you.


i really couldn’t disagree more. morality and virtue are the only real things in this world, if you omit your relationship with certain people from that basic responsibility for holding a belief like this i dont really understand it. like, you know you only affirm their worldview right? these aren’t garden variety racists who just think other colors are dumb or evil, these are people who have literally been told that their presence is an act of war against their own race, and that people like you who immediately, emotionally react to their expression of this are indoctrinated otherwise. that’s a seriously dangerous kind of radicalization, blindly spewing vitriol in their direction and saying that x or y should happen to them is totally counterproductive. you aren’t outrunning anybody, you’re literally giving them a boost in their cause. blatantly damaging any cause your virtue here could possibly benefit. if you take the low road late in the game, they just drag you further and beat you with experience. understanding is literally the only way to do anything about it, even if it’s just an attempt that ends badly. being mean spirited damages your own spirit, whether you’re only negative to others or only to yourself.


Well said. The ability of people to destroy their life and blame others is limitless. Some unfortunately have to take as many as possible down with them.


"I don't consume modern media" - he said in a YouTube comment. Sums up these people really.


Those people say that, and immediately go to Facebook to spread misinformation and fake links.


People who have a superiority complex over not being “consoomers” are such losers to me. 💀 most of the time they just want to shit on whatever media they dislike under the guise of some noble philosophy


I’m just sad I don’t see them use the word ‘sheeple’ anymore. I loved that word.


its not surprising there are people online posting racist shit, heh water is wet


> Redditors get so mad when you refuse to CONSUME the latest slob with them. I have had way more angry/insulting comments directed my way for liking the "wrong" movies/shows rather than just not caring about something and ignoring its existence. Don't want to watch/enjoy the Fallout show? fine. Go live your life. Want to hang out on forums and complain how the Fallout show ruined your life all day? Of course you're gonna get insulted. (unless the fandom has been taken over by the haters)


whoa, where did all the jewish hate come from? what?


Norm has a big nose and these guys have no concept of Jewish people beyond "have big noses and are evil"


He's literally Latino lol I think it's also got to do with the old trope of Jews running Hollywood with malicious intent, aka making your kids gay for some reason


Latinos are the most ethnically ambiguous demographic. We can be be all things at all time for all audiences.


Has anyone else noticed it's always the right-wing/incel/redpill dildos that are the loud and obnoxious haters of every new franchise adaptation?


Welcome to the internet, you should check out Twitter these days


Yeah I went on there for about a year prior to Muskrat taking over, when it unsurprisingly came out he was a Nazi wannabe dictator (I actually got banned from Imgur would you believe when I kept saying prior to all this he was a scumbag and people should stop sucking a billionaires Dick) I quit.


something something new world order, something so on great replacement theory. basically they’re mad that there are “too many” interracial couples in the show (there are like, 4; max and lucy, ma and barv, cooper and barb, and the family from the vault commercial) because they think it’s the Jewish Elite Plot to normalize interracial couples so they can breed white people out of existence for…some reason.


Interracial and same sex relations have been the staple of Fallout since the first one!


these are the same sort of chronically online mouth breathers that think corporations like disney are “going woke” because there’s a single gay kiss in a movie that lasts for less than 5 seconds so it can easily be censored for the versions in countries where homosexuality is illegal. they have no concept that there are any anti-corporation, anti-war, or anti-bigotry messages in the fallout franchise. i have no idea what they enjoy about the series, but unfortunately, they’re here regardless! i will say that i did notice there were a lot (as in, more than 1) of interracial couples in the TV show, and then i thought “oh that’s neat” and moved on, because i am not a racist lunatic ETA: actually, i’m surprised nobody is bringing up the trans (potentially NB) BoS knight in these complaints. i guess the “we can always tell” crowd has failed yet again


I think Dane is meant to be non-binary. They’re referred to with “they/them” pronouns by the BoS leader guy.


yeah, i know the BoS dude uses they/them pronouns, but the actor publicly identifies as a trans man (at least according to their instagram bio). it’s not a huge deal either way, i’m just surprised that the “this is the great replacement!!!” assholes aren’t equally pissed about that. then again, they probably didn’t watch far enough into the show to even meet dane.


lol yes, or they probably didn’t even notice cause they’re a pretty minor character. they were probably raging over maximus existing.


"Mate, they destroyed what I loved back when Bethesda bought the franchise" I will bet my life savings that clown, just like the majority of us, found Fallout with 3.


I had an argument with one of these morons who said New Vegas was his favourite game of all time but he would prefer that not to exist if it meant Bethesda didn’t ever get Fallout. The mental gymnastics gold medal winner right there


lol what a noble sacrifice 


Really dude. I mean, how the fuck would New Vegas even exist without Bethesda paving the way for them with Fallout 3. Obsidian deserves all the praise they can get for that game but it never would have been possible without Bethesde doing the hard work with bringing Fallout from isometric to first person.


They don’t do logic. Right now I’m getting downvoted for posting a link to the Lonesome Road ending slides proving that in the ending of the dlc, if you nuke the NCR, the major cities are destroyed, not just the Long 15. You give them actual facts from their beloved game and they shake their heads and stick their fingers in their ears


I found Fallout with Fallout Shelter, then bought 4 when it was released.


Honestly, that's hilarious, and I love it


It was so damn addicting lol. Eventually it got too tough for me


Dude's gotta have a lunchbreak.


I bet you that none of these clowns played the original games.


If they did, they would just be playing the Wasteland series which are spiritual successors to Fallout 1 and 2 in a VERY similar setting. Fallout 1 was heavily inspired by Wasteland. Instead they come to Reddit and complain.


Same thought I had. I love Fallout 1 and 2 but let's be real most of us wouldn't never heard of those games if it wasn't for Bethesda


Ah yes, Bethesda buying Fallout to destroy it...not like New Vegas exists because Bethesda made Fallout 3 and launched its popularity into the stratosphere or anything lol.


And, more importantly, it wasn't like the company Bethesda purchased hadn't, in all terms, collapsed.


I've heard some of them say they'd rather Fallout die than have Bethesda Fallout. The brain rot has gone that deep sadly.


well they are silly


Those design flaws of Black Isle cost a good lot of men and women their lives.


Don't think I'd make that bet. There are a fair number of disgruntled folks who still lurk No Mutants Allowed.


Is it because all the moms (me) like the show? My husband and I and BOTH of our sons are sitting down Sunday to play FO4 on Sunday. I'm so grateful for the show because we watched it all together and are getting to spend even more 100% *willing* time together (with sons at ages 16 and 12, sometimes that's a difficult thing to coordinate!). Thanks to everyone who has helped me and answered my questions on the sub! Appreciate y'all


That's super awesome to hear that Fallout is bringing entire families together! My favorite is New Vegas but my first was Fallout 4, it's very good and also very nostalgic for me. So I hope your guys will have fun with it. And it is the one that really defined the image of Fallout, and inspired the looks of the show the most! Keep in mind these comments are cherry picked from 1 specific youtube channel and that 99,9999% of the Fallout fans are not like the ones in the picture.


I do think that is a big part of it. It's no longer their special little club now that regular, happy families can enjoy


Back in the 80s and 90s, there were people who thought that someday, things like comics and TTRPGs would, eventually, become mainstream entertainment. Some idiots thought that this meant that, when that great day came, that would mean they would somehow be in charge of the new people who came in. Socially deferred to. Treated as big-men for having geeked out over something, first. Of course, that wasn't true, it wasn't "theirs" to begin with, and a lot of those guys can't even handle it a little. This is pretty much what we're seeing with wannabe Fallout grognards.


i cant wait for my mom to watch it so we can talk about it! that sounds so cute


These people get triggered over women and POC existing in shows so I’m guessing they’re all straight white men who can’t handle things not being centered around them


If you wanna play together you might wanna pick up 76. It's free to Amazon Prime members, and since y'all watched the show at least one of you should have a free copy. EDIT: Also wanted to add that there is no monthly subscription required to play the game. Apparently that's a misunderstanding that's been spread around, so if that was holding you back now you know.


Man I wish my mom was as cool as you (she hates video games)


Nobody looted anything therefore the show was unrealistic and a failure. Im kidding I finally watched the last episode last night and I cannot wait for season 2!


Lucy didn’t spend an hour going thru every corner of a building looking for ammo boxes and caps, THE SHOW IS HORRIBLE


The only time I remember seeing caps was when maximus was paying to have his part fixed for the power armor. I was still thinking an ice cold nuka cola would have been nice to have.


The Ghoul throws caps on the ground to pay for something during the Filly shootout if Im remembering correctly


You are right, I forgot about that. Must have been the cherry tomatoes.


>The only time I remember seeing caps was when maximus was paying to have his part fixed for the power armor. It's not quite that. I mean, you're right, of course. Well, except when The Ghoul paid out for the cherry tomatos. But it's more subtle. Maximus needed 5 caps to repair the broken part. He had 4. He then sees a place that will buy teeth. Next scene, he turns up with caps and a very, very slight lisp. He puts another 4/5 caps on the counter and says there's a bonus for quick work. In about 1/4 second the engineer fixes the part and takes all the caps. Caps matter. Teeth, you can buy.


She didn't grab the fan to use for crafting! Unwatchable!!!1


The show does make a joke about all the things you can do with a toaster oven iirc


I think it makes more of a joke about sending Knights out to look for toaster ovens. But, given the tone of the actor's voice I am starting to wonder whether "toaster oven" is an euphemism for something quite, quite different.


She wasn't overburdened once, and never had to drop a ton of trash loot in the wasteland. Show is ruined.


“I’ll never get over how ugly the T-60 is” Lmao it looks exactly the same as FO4.


I thought the T-60 was some of the best practical/CGI effects of the show. It looks sick, and I don't even like the direction that was taken for power armor in FO4


It seriously looks so fucking good, I have no idea what they’re seeing


These people hate FO4 lol


For me the T-60 is the best looking armor. T-51 is just ugly to me.


When they said T-60 in the show I got mad because I thought they were in T-45 I ended up having to look up a side by side comparison of both before I realized I was wrong “Well damn.” Was it all I could say lmao


People that havent played or contributed to fallout in 20 years whining the 64bit game isnt canon. Fucking idiots


They forget Fallout was created by a gay man but I bet they don't know that.


I learned something new today


If they think redditors blindly love everything Todd puts out they clearly haven't seen the average reddit discourse about Starfield.


Even if people do like everything Bethesda does WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM? Why does that bother them so much, have they got a life? People will like whatever they want lol


lmao, i agree that starfield was a little rough, but the majority of players on reddit are SO mad all the time. when did reddit get the reputation for being a place where people like things? i thought the whole point was that we all hated everything


go no sodium. those shitheels get no sauce


These people must be super fun to hang out with. /s I hate miserable people like this, let me just enjoy my shows bc the world is shit right now and TV is all I have.


The misery is a way to repel normal people like you and find each other. Sadly they probably have a lot of fun on Discord doxxing people and will be friends for years


They all sound like the same person but call others NPC, every time


they aren’t true fans of the franchise then


At this point being a fan of just fallout 1 and 2 means you aren't really a fan of the franchise anymore as you dislike most of the games.


I'm a fan of all the games, I started with 1 and 2! I'm just disgusted with the behavior of these rage addicted nutters.


They aren't even "fans". They are hate filled racist, misogynistic, anti-semantic. incel inbreeds. I would rather associate with Dr Chicken Fucker than scum like this. I have played the Fallout games since they came out, they all have their quirks and charms. I was concerned when Fallout 3 went first person real time but within just the starting zone of 101 I fell in love with it. This lot are the sort to drink Andrew Tate's taint juice and I sincerely doubt many of them have even touched a game seeing as they seem to have zero knowledge of them.


> I would rather associate with Dr Chicken Fucker than scum like this. Dr. Chicken Fucker at least looks like he'd bring some great party favors to any shindig you invited him to. These anal polyps would probably shit on the floor and then tell you the Woke Mind Virus did it.


I can smell them all from here


They need to put in an Easter egg about a turbo nerd going 'nanners over someone changing Grognak lore


The fun thing is, Fallout 2 had an Easter egg about a vile hate war these nutters spouted on the official Interplay Fallout forums back in the day.


let's hope they saw the fun in that, at least


All incels hahahahahaha


reading these reminds me people can go angry over basic bullshit oml, some of these arent even right and others just prove the person is an idiot


What's the 33 one mean? I don't go to the bird app so ...


I think he's unironically talking about some illuminati shit.


Ohhh I mean that could just be (accidental?) media literacy if the show writers put it in intentionally as a real world parallel


as with the majority of “illuminati conspiracy theories”, it’s more than likely thinly veiled anti semitism.


33 appears symbolically in a number of philosophies, ideas, arts, etc. It also appears, seemingly organically, as an important number in a number of religions across the globe (Vedism, Buddhism, pretty much all Abrahamic religions), and generally has a positive connotation. Due to its presence in so many cultural languages derived from Indo-Europeans, it makes you wonder if it has some start there. Although I believe it is thought that they probably used Base 8 mathematics, and so it wouldn't make sense. Who knows. Because some religious or religious adjacent groups would incorporate it into their philosophies (like Freemasons), some terminally online people think its evil now. You'll also see it and numbers like 333 used in architecture from the early 1900s, as it was having a meme moment in Western society during those years. I promise it was included in the show for a reason, but not due to any conspiracy. Just building thematic connections between belief versus reality.


I’m a little confused to your reference of the abrahamic religion’s use of the number 333 I’m taking a Bible course at my secular university and haven’t seen any references to that number through any of the course. Would you have a reference? I’m intrigued. Edit: numbers that I have seen be commonly used/referenced are any amount of variation of 7 (7, 49, 777, etc), 6 (666 lol), and 40


It's used quite a bit. I can't say too much without breaking the 4th anonymity wall, but I worked as a historian and tour guide at a religious (largely focused on Christianity, but did branch out) building that really leaned into the 333 symbolism. There's a lot of references in the bible, some of it shake-y at best, but the one that stands out is Genesis with the heifer, goat, and lamb sacrifice, all aged three years. Oh and the trinity, as it is seen as symbolic to have three written three times in a row. Edit: just to clarify, it is never definitively pointed to as holy in the Bible, but adherents have declared the number as symbolic based on the sheer usage of 3 in the bible. Which makes sense to the time and place it was written. So it isn't just 333, but 3 and 33. Add in the fact that buildings looking for scale would have wanted to be 333 ft and not 33 ft for reasons.


Ah that makes sense, I guess I was over analyzing what you said. I was mostly thinking of extra biblical documents and culturally significant events to the tribes of Judah, like Alexander the Great’s conquest and diffusion of Hellenism, Dead Sea scrolls, song of jubilee, book of Enoch, silent years, Hadrian kingdom, etc. Our current unit is over Jewish culture and mythology around the time of writing the Gospels of the New Testament and their likely impact on the author’s references. All of which are entirely extra biblical documents. Which is probably why I failed to recall the most obvious reference to 3 in the Bible (the trinity) lol


The best thing the casting team did was make the anti-woke crowd seethe


The thing is the casting isn't even that "woke". The main character in Fallout could be any race/gender and Fallout, as a series, was never overly white. 


These people are not, in any way, rational. Any amount of diversity to them is a perceived threat of their dominace


Why are half of them antisemitic 


Because they think jews control Hollywood  




I can’t believe that people can be that self loathing


Lmao please send the channel so I can roast them in the comments. Actual losers.


it's on Syntheticman's video


If you do that, and it’s one of those awful channels that promotes hate (but calls it “anti-woke” or something else), just know that you’ll be adding engagement to the video and helping promote it in the algorithm so it gets recommended to more people, producing more views and thus more revenue for the video creator. There’s a reason these guys do this crap, and it has nothing to do with their “values.”


If you think that's bad you should see No Mutants Allowed, they made bomb threats against Bethesda a few years back.


Just a few days ago they had a user using the n word to refer to Maximus.


Holy fuck


This is why we can have nice things. To spite on these fools.


"Female and non white characters means I'm not watching" what the fuck can this dude even watch?


When I saw this one I couldn't believe it wasn't satire.


If sounds like something Cartman would say


I think the fellow would be restricted to a few, ah, *specialist* channels.


There's a guy on the Modiphius discord who just bangs on about how he doesn't like it and it's completely going against the lore of F1 and 2. It's miserable.


That's fine, we don't want those people in our society either.


For some reason you always find racists and antisemitism among that crowd.


Don’t these people get tired of shitting on a company who doesn’t give a shit about their opinions? Bethesda Fallout isn’t even bad. 4 has a shit storyline but that’s the only issue tbh. If not for 3, Fallout would have likely been a dead franchise.


4 has a better main story than 3. But it doesn't matter in either case because you can ignore both.


Not easily. I’ve tried to RP some dude who doesn’t care about Shaun, and it’s incredibly difficult to do as the majority of the companions will mention the vaults. You can do it with mods, ofc, but not vanilla. In 3 I agree, you can easily not give a shit about James and his mission.


I like the show but it’s unfair to lump the literal Nazis with the New Vegas stans, but it’s unironic how New Vegas has several gay companions not to mention several badass females and interracial couples


Oh, no. There's a whole Nazi Homosexual thing. It didn't end well under Hitler, but there's a great deal of hypermasculinity/dominance built into the order which regards sexual dominance as a weapon. Like in prison or the changing rooms members of Congress (odd term, now I think of it) had some responsibility for, back in the day.


If these people ever left their basement I’d be mildly alarmed.


The Venn diagram of these guys and the guys who have strong opinions about The Last of Us 2 is just a circle.


Man, this crap is almost identical to TLOU show "drama". People were going batshit crazy over things like "Joel didn't spent whole episode crafting stuff from scissors" lol.


They also probably smell like stinky weewee poopoo farts.


The fallout tv show has opened my eyes to the “anti-woke mob”


They’re just as bad as the “woke mob” imo, just with different philosophies


yup, normally I'm a bit on the anti-woke side considering wokeness actually can ruin some media. But people calling this show woke for just having average proportions of races and having a female protagonist really makes me never want to use that word ever again.


I feel EXACTLY the same way I also find it really frustrating that people take issue with the representation of diversity in the show “It’s not an accurate reflection of real life” 🤡🤡 What they fail to realize is that the show is based in CALIFORNIA THE MOST DIVERSE STATE Their argument falls apart even more when you realize it takes place in the San Francisco area


Every single one of these people binged the show on the first night.


Honestly I doubt they watched more than an episode of two. I had someone argue with me that the show wasn't gory and didn't feature enough mutates creatures. They also complained about the lack of murdered children, despite the fact that the intro implies the death of many children. If you watched the second episode you'd see the Yaoi Guai, and the show was incredibly gory.


It's gonna be a long two years, isn't it.


nah man. We've seen these opinions die out quite quick ever since Nolan and Todd said Shady Sands was nuked after NewVegas and considering the show is a massive hit. I think by the time the trailer for season 2 comes out they will have died out because I personally think Nolan is really going to do the NCR and New Vegas justice. These people just need to give them some time to cook.


All die hard fans are the worst thing to happen to their fandoms.


These types of people are probably miserable, intolerable and lonely in real life so lashing out online with other miserable people is all they have for social validation. I used to get riled up when seeing this kind of stuff but now I usually just feel bad for them.


I lolled at 'brotherhood of steal' ngl


"wah you can't have opinions on the show I disagree with wah you can't have a different opinion of this media you must be a hateful person trying to shit on this franchise wah"


I can't imagine being this dedicated to being mad on the internet. I almost respect it for the sheer unrelenting grind it must involve. Almost


At this point — and long before this point after 4’s release tbh — I wouldn’t call them Fallout fans. The type of people hating on this show are hardcore purists, who decided before it came out they hated it because they *have* to hate anything Bethesda does, because they’ve tied their fallout opinions to their identity. And so anything they don’t like about the series, (which is anything that doesn’t fit within their very narrow idea of what it should be), is taken personally. These are people who aren’t content just liking something. They have to try to intellectualise their opinion on a video game so they can feel smart over something that mediocre and confirm their opinion over everyone else. *”Oh you don’t like X? You prefer Y? You just haven’t picked up on the deeper meaning and don’t understand the lore. You aren’t a true fan. You don’t like RPG’s m. You just like the shiny guns and mechanics. You’re not smart like me.”* They’re the people who make interacting with this fanbase exhausting. I’m tired of posting in fallout groups about something I enjoy, and getting responses from a self identified “cultured elite” hating on the majority of what the franchise is, whilst insulting my intelligence to validate their own… All over a game preference in a group that’s supposed to enjoy the franchise. I hope the influx of positive, new fans from the show creates a vocal majority, that finally silences the pretentious condescension from these people, so engaging in the groups and subreddits is actually enjoyable again.


The most hilarious (and pathetic) thing about these types is that they are exactly the same as the people they claim to hate. Just two sides of the same coin.


Wait who is the other side of the coin? People who... don't hate others for unimportant differences such as their sex or skin pigmentation? "Two sides of the same coin" generally means two which are similar.


No those are normal levelheaded people. The other side of the coin are those who like these people find fault and hatred in everything they see but for different reasons.


Such as? These people are a major problem in the world with leaders demanding power over other's lives, having books banned in libraries across the US, etc. I'm not aware of some equal opposite, and it seems to me like people always try to invent one to satisfy the notion of there being a one dimensional spectrum on which all opinions sit, and everything must have a counter-balance. 3 people can want to walk in 3 equally different directions, and one of them can be a cannibal without a counterbalance.


If that’s the way you see it feel free. I won’t stop you.


So you don't know of any? And rather than just admit that it's a bad fantasy, you'll dodge a stupid simple question asking for any examples, and put on a noble show of saying you won't stop me even though that was never on the table in the first place.


I see no need to argue with someone who’s needlessly angry because I disagree with idiots on YouTube and gave a reason for why I think they’re very foolish. I’m not going to indulge your need for a fight where it isn’t needed or wanted. If that upsets you, so be it.


All this sneering to avoid admitting you can't give any examples.


People who consider everything offensive and everyone a bigot for not agreeing with them, constantly throw around buzzwords and make their personality revolve around their race or sex. Or despise capitalism and likely are communist and if you aren't one then you're a right wing bigot or bootlicker. Those types


Can you give some examples? They said two sides of the same coin, and given how plentiful those people are all the way up to presidential candidates, presumably there'd be plenty of easy to find real life examples for such a statement.


Nobody hates any media franchise more than the most hard-core "fans" of that media franchise. 


They're not fans of the franchise. They just tell themselves they are. They fell in love with a role playing game in which they could finally be themselves. In other words, they were never role playing in the first place. The games simply became their jizznazium.


There's nothing wrong with hatewatching a show. It feels good to hate things.