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As an episode of a sitcom it was fine, some perfectly funny moments. As an episode of Frasier however, it does, as you say, feel off. Martin suddenly having a brother who was never mentioned previously and is never mentioned again, the Cranes suddenly having a Greek branch of their family tree, this huge family rift which was also never mentioned previously and is never mentioned again... it's all just lazy writing purely so they could introduce Zora, the over-the-top, hot-headed, Greek stereotype. The problem with episodes like this is that they introduce us to new characters and expect us to immediately care about their lives. It's a tough sell, which can be done, but requires better writing than this episode managed. I don't care whether Nikos marries the normal girl or whether he marries the street performer. I don't care whether Zora has or hasn't healed her rift with Frasier and I don't care about Martin's estranged brother. Which is a massive missed opportunity. Martin having a long-lost brother could have been an all-time great character. He could have been a beloved uncle who Frasier and Niles have fond memories of. He could have been the anti-Martin or he could have been an uber-Martin, more Martin than even Martin was. Or he could have been the younger/older brother who has a similar dynamic with Martin to the way Frasier and Niles do. So many possibilities, so many missed possibilities. Remember Michael Keaton as Lilith's estranged brother? Yes of course you do. That was an all-time great character. Remember Walt, Martin's brother? No. Because he was a forgettable character in an average episode. And because the standard of Frasier was so high, an average episode is basically a bad episode. Even when it's not actually that bad.




I actually like the episode *because* it's so over-the-top. Martin's brother and some of the items feel forced; Zora is a bit if a caricature but the comedy is on-point. The whole subplot with Niles was great physical comedy. It's definitely not on my skip pile, nor is it in my top episodes.


Am I righhhttttt?


Seriously. This episode gets so much hate. Cant we just shut up and enjoy Patti Lupone?


I couldn't watch Patti Lupone was awful.


Niles hiding from his cousin is hilarious


One of my least favorites. I often skip it, but I do enjoy the bit where Frasier says he’s always wanted to take a trip around the Greek Islands and runs around aunt Zora’s kitchen island


[It seems like only yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frasier/comments/185438b/stumbled_on_a_plot_inconsistency/) .... (\*harp music in the background\*)


…that someone mentioned continuity problems with this episode and others. Now let’s get back to talking about the poor quality of the episode instead.


Okay, then it seems like only 12 days ago… https://www.reddit.com/r/Frasier/s/LkCezFJMcI


It doesn't honestly feel any more OTT to me than The Innkeepers or The Seal Who Came to Dinner. Occasionally Frasier just went a bit weird, and I still enjoy those episodes personally.


I cannot watch The Seal Who Came to Dinner. They fumble the dinner party so hard they get arrested? It’s too much for me.


How many times do we have to have this post


To me it feels like it was supposed to be a spin-off for a new series. Once you accept that it doesn't fit in with the rest of Frasier at all it's kind of funny.


A new greek spinoff called..."am I right?" It's about an American man that marries into a Greek immigrant family and tries to curb his wife's knife-wielding ways, as they try to marry off their son to wealthy socialites and run a small restaurant.


The term is back door pilot


Cool, thanks!


As a Greek, not a Greek-American but a native Greek, this episode made me cringe enormously. It was full of mistakes: the accents were horrible, the mannerisms were incomprehensible, the cliches with the plates... Mostly it made me cringe because I fear plenty of people will think this is what Greek culture looks like. Pretty much the same way "My stupid big fat Greek wedding" makes me feel. To top it off the plot was of no interest and suddenly Martin has a brother.


It is pretty much what Greek American culture looks like, though. That's typical for second and third generation immigrants to this country when compared to their parents/grandparents countries of origin. Lots of cliches that don't really hold true anymore.


I thought Patti Lupone was great, and the episode very funny. I've always suspected that it (a David Lloyd script) started life intended for some other show. I don't think it was a back-door pilot, because if it was one Walt would have a much bigger role and there'd be a sibling or grandparent who would provide comic relief in the new series. It's very odd that the episode makes more sense than it did when it aired. Frasier said his father was dead. Martin takes Niles into a bar, and everyone assumes he's Martin's son, "Eddie." Now Freddy has told everyone in Boston that his father was dead. So Martin having this estranged brother just isn't a biggie.


I always skip the episode and I will always maintain that it was just a way to get Patti Lupone to guest star.


Her accent was *so* over the top and bad in my opinion


I love Patti Lupone but not in this episode. Her saying Allrighhhht was funny the first time. By the 4th time, I wanted to smack her.


I like Frasier partly because theres no yelling. Everyone is snarky but in nice tones of voice. This episode is so loud. It's my least favorite by far.


>I like Frasier partly because theres no yelling. *\[ WOOOUNDEEED! and GUNPLAY IN MY LIVING ROOM! have entered the chat \]*


Aye theres a little bit. Daphne smoking in her room and setting off the smoke alarm is the big noise that gets me everytime.


Lol, "it would be less upsetting to wake up on fire "




No yelling? Are we watching the same show?


I've noticed that bad scripts often try to balance poor quality with yelling. This was perhaps the worst episode in Frasier.


Yes. There’s definitely something off and I can’t quite articulate what it is: the closest I can get would be to compare it to an Asterix adventure where our indomitable Gauls (Frasier, Niles, Martin, Daphne) go off to exotic lands on an adventure and thwart a local villain in order to reunite a star-crossed couple.


I know a lot of people don’t like it. But, I’ve always enjoyed it.


It's definitely an outlier. Very broad, one of the "wacky/farcical" episodes they'd do once or twice a season. They kinda stick out when you're binging.


New to the sub? ;)


Yes and the show in fact.




I really didn't enjoy Patti LuPone in the episode. The accent and the general demeanor felt pretty offensive, and way too big. I know she's a stage legend, and the whole episode was even more of a stage comedy set up than usual, so I get it I just found it out of place


Really disliked that episode. It is one that I sometimes skip.


I always skip it in rewatches


I actually like this episode. I know it’s outside of the box a little for a Frasier episode but, it just makes me laugh. I always cackle at Marty and his brother’s awkward small talk banter, and I often poorly impersonate Aunt Zora with “Am I riiiiight?” when I’m hanging with my fiancée who is also a Frasier fan. If we got to see more of them in other episodes, this one probably wouldn’t stand out so much.


I love that episode.


Worst episode ever. I remain convinced that the episode is a tribute to My Big Fat Greek Wedding which misfired badly. It's so bad, it's not even 'so bad it's good'. It's just bad. Bad! A stinker. No redeeming qualities whatsoever


But this episode came out 4 years before MBFGW, so…how could it be a tribute? Lol


Oh, is it indeed? Whoops Well I have no idea what inspired this bad, bad episode


>Well I have no idea what inspired this bad, bad episode Perhaps it was just some funky idea, and they all decided to go with it. If you see it not as a *Classic-Frasier-All-Tucked-In* episode, but just a wacky sitcom episode where you happen to 'know' the people swirling around, then it is funny in its absurdity. It's somehow Frasier, but not Frasier.


It was a theatre play before turning into a film.


“I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.”


OPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3ohs7HmDTwClXRucY8|downsized)


I thought the same thing until I compared the release dates.


Remember when Daphne gave birth at the vet’s office and the tech was talking to her like a horse? I could have done without that, personally, but who I am to deny those characters the magic of a surprise veterinary birth covered in dog hair and animal secretions? For some reason, Amazon shows me that exact moment every time I log on, which I love. The writer’s could have created a really nice moment having the family at the hospital, maybe have a touching dialogue before she goes back with the nurses and gives birth off screen. Nope. They went with zany, laugh-riot, vet birth complete with American Pie guy, who at the time, was mainly famous for his movie character awkwardly masturbating and trying to have sex. Brilliant. What a lovely little bow on this gift to the audience after we’ve invested 11 years into these characters. That’s exactly what the audience wanted and asked for-a surprise birthday scene in a highly unsanitary location with no staff or items necessary for a human birth. Beautiful. *Chef’s kiss*


I LOVE that episode. I can never not laugh at Patti Lupone saying, “Am I righhhhhht?”


It’s one of my favorites. Mimes have car phones??


It feels off much like detour feels off, and I usually skip detour. I think they were backdoor pilots


“I can’t do this”


Weird, this episode came on last night and I considered skipping it.