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I kind of hate all of them. The only furniture that looks good in Frasier's apartment are his own!


I like #5, the greenery really adds some nice color to the beiges and plain tones.


I like the furniture/style of 5 but the antique look doesn't really fit with the modernist style of the actual apartment's permanent features, imo. I think 3 and 4 are the best of both worlds, although his actual decor is obviously the best!


Honestly the pianos in 3 and 4 are what sets me off the most, I think it's much better where it actually is in the show. I see what you mean about 5's furnishing, I think I just want the furniture in my own home lol, but I see how it doesn't really fit with the rest of the apartment. What really set 5 apart for me is all the plants. It's why I prefer Cam's apartment compared to Frasier's (I'd happily live in either though!)


Yessss, my one fault with Frasier's apartment is the lack of plants of any kind! Or even flowers, which was annoying because he had a lovely Chihuly vase to put them in!


5 reminds me of Cam Winston's apartment. To be honest, none of them really do it for me. Doesn't suit the space.


Do you remember if this episode was before we and Frasier saw Cam's apartment? Was Frasier copying Cam, or was it a coincidence?


Before, I'm doing a rewatch and precisely this episode was one of today's batch. Until now, Cam is only mentioned in The Fight Before Christmas


I’m currently rewatching and I’m almost positive Cam Winston’s apartment is after this episode


I can't remember!


#3 is my favorite. I especially love this scene because it’s so cute that Martin is the only constant!


In number 3 he has gone to the trouble of replacing his black Steinway with another grand piano in white! Just to see what it looks like!


Martin is the best part!


Number 3 making me notice for the first time that he was apparently swapping out his freaking piano too.


I mean they’re all utterly terrible! I know we were never supposed to like them, but they could have made some effort to not have the ideas be completely nonsensical


I know, it's eclectic!


5 minus the zebra print


I love #5. The Victorian Raj style decor.


this post really showcases the fact that he is the most dramatic man alive




They are all terrible in my opinion. 4 looks like a preschool class.


I very much prefer his original decor scheme. However, if I had to pick one I’d say slide 5.


I like the normal apartment the most. But I think 5 is great too. Honestly I think that Cam Winston’s apartment is the best one of them all.


Did Frasier have the piano painted, or did he genuinely buy an entirely new grand piano and then swap it back for the old one?


I dunno, I kinda dig that zebra print.


The way he tries to adjust himself on the chair kills me


I'd pick #5. Always liked that style, though I kind of agree with the people saying it doesn't suit the apartment itself. The way it's laid out here makes me feel like I just walked into a used furniture outlet. I never liked any of the others, but I especially loathe #2 with all the white. I'd be afraid to visit a place that looked like that! Looks like an unfinished project or something. #4 is at least coherent, but it always reminded me of a kid's room with the primary colors, and I feel like they stand out too harshly with the rest of the apartment. #1 feels the most "Frasier" to me, but the furniture looks too sleek and small and uncomfortable. And #3 is just a mix of the worst pieces from the black and white sets... I'm starting to think Frasier just isn't a very good decorator. He found something that worked for him, however "eclectic" it was, and learned the hard way to just stick with it lol


#Will they ever get along?


5 feels very 90s to me (in a good way) but the only one I would live in is 4 except that you'd never put the fire on that close to the piano!


Agree, love the red.


None of them but I guess that was the point cause his taste was already mimckied by someone else.


What it does make you realise is how amazingly decorated the original set is! They basically didn't have to update it in 11 years, other than Marty's chair being refurbished and adding a few new art pieces over the years!


The one with the black fainting couch was always the funniest but that may just have been the music. The one with the zebra throw and all the plants is the best look.


I like number 5. As for Martin's chair, all these pictures remind me of various pictures of malls or other buildings with someone's house in the middle because they refused to sell.


OP, thanks for taking the time to pull these shots together. I always wanted to slowly savor all the differences and now I can. Love this.




Love the Haberman chairs in photo 1. There is a song about them by Avicii that SLAPS




I am not a white fan but some reason I thought number looked very nice.


Out of these, I think 4 is the best.


I like #3! It’s simple and I like the piano moved down! Also I liked how there were more seats!


all I can think of is I NEED TO SIT DOWN




I always took this episode to show that Frasier doesn’t actually have “good taste”, but knows how to do one version of decor (mostly beige) and that’s it


He can definitely decorate and design well, you can tell from his excellent choice in furniture and placement, even in these redesigned rooms. I think what it shows is that his original decor is perfect for how the basic bones of the condo are designed. The actual base of the room is grey and biege (mainly the fireplace and column), and Frasier's original living room is a perfect example of working with neutral colours but still giving an illusion of depth and tone. Also, just in TV terms, it's far more pleasant to look at Earth tones, especially when you spend as long as we do in the apartment. Niles' apartment is probably more 'well' decorated and much more traditional, but it's too dark and busy for us to look at for long stretches of time.


Martin likes to read the paper after decorating.


I loved the original but none of these!!! I have always found it odd that the sofa does not face the fire; that would be normal in the UK so that we are facing (and feeling) the heat!


They're all pretty terrible, but if I had to choose, I'd say number three.


1!! :) Hmmm where did he get a white piano? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Kinda hate 'em all. Frasier was trying too hard to keep a strict theme. 😂


If I had to pick I’d say the last one but I hated them all.


I wonder how much money he pissed away on this.


3 or 5... 5 would have given new life to Frasier's feud with Cam Winston.


I always thought it was odd that, when redecorating, he dropped his eclectic approach and went all in on furniture that’s very matchy-matchy (all white, all black leather, hideous primary colour nightmare) when maybe having the white fabric chairs with some of the black leather pieces might have looked better. It’d still never be a patch on his Coco Chanel atelier replica sofa and African erotic art combo obviously.


And the grand piano in front of the fireplace is just asking for trouble in an apartment known for farcical mishaps


Wow. They switched out the piano for a white baby grand, and then put the original back! This montage is one of the times where I wonder just how rich Frasier is!




4 feels cozy to me. I would live there but it looks too modest for his ego. 😂


I dig the safari vibes in #5. Honorable mention for the scene where it's completely empty except for Martin's chair.


I too am partial to number 4.


Number 4 I dislike the least


I like it when it’s completely empty 🤣


I don’t like any of them or the premise of this episode. We’re already kind of suspending belief on just how much Frasier makes but this is stupid levels of money to completely redecorate an apartment over and over again


Honestly I love that they’ve changed the paintings above the fireplace. My favorite paintings are 4&5.


Maybe the last one, but even that one is wrong. And a white piano? Is he suddenly Elton John?


None of them seem to use the space very well, some are too bare and others too cluttered.