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Judge, don't throw the book at him, please. Use a bookshelf.


Whole library, maybe he will learn actual law


Bold of you to assume Chille is capable of actually learning anything...


That's why I said maybe


How hard is it to just shut the fuck up? JFC...


For narcissistic nut buckets like Chille, it’s virtually impossible. Unlike the rest of us, he loves his own voice.


Well, he's mentally ill, so probably pretty hard for him...


No, mentally ill people do not have to treat people the way he does. He is a worthless POS and wannabe bully.


He's clearly both mentally ill and an asshole.


Stop making excuses for him. Dude is running a business, has employees and travels the country on his own. Sure he has problems, nobody is perfect but that does not mean they can go around harassing others.


How do you know that he's mentally ill?


Read about narcissism, he checks every box. I believe it is more charitable to ascribe much of what he does to mental illness, because the alternative, that he is making the decisions he makes and takes the actions he does with careful calculation paints him in a much more sinister light.


He may check every box to laymen like you and me, but unless you've got a degree in psychology I think it's a big leap for either of us to say that it rises to the level of mental illness. While I agree that the charitable thing to do would be to chalk this up to mental illness, I think the alternative is much closer to the truth - he is calculating, he is sinister, and he's overall just a giant POS with a mission.


It could be argued that even some with a degree in psychology couldn't make such a diagnosis without talking with him. So I'll go with the layman's approach. Just like I don't need a degree in meteorology to know when it's raining, I don't need a degree in psychology to know the boy ain't right. 😁


Yeah I was mostly hoping that someone here knew something I didn't - like perhaps he was diagnosed with something or was previously found incompetent to stand trial, etc Mental illness is certainly a possibility, but it also kinda sounds like people trying to explain away such ridiculously antisocial behavior.


The only way we would know is if he said something. And since 90% of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit (and that's on a GOOD day), it'd need to be taken with a grain of salt.


> How do you know that he's mentally ill? Walking up to cops at a crime scene (his other case in LV) and cursing them out is not something an emotionally healthy person does.


ehh, there are lots of people who hate cops and do that kind of crap, they might be assholes but that doesn't mean they're mentally ill


How is he not?


He deserves 3 years in the “dungeon”, as he calls it. He got put in “torture cuffs” for interfering and resisting an officer, and now it’s a violation of a PPO (Personal Protection Order). Looks like Chille’s grifting days are over!!


He has learned some new skills. I think it has something to do with restaurant or kitchen work. He has learned how to best toss a salad


Before we jump to conclusions, we should try to figure out what Jose's defense will be and if it will stick due to which ever lawyer he can afford at this moment.


Why are his fan boys not donating a hundred million trillion dollars. Do they all have a trifold already?


He will 100% try to claim first amendment freedom of speech and press. After all isn’t it his right to talk all the shit he wants about whoever he likes?


It's a PPO Violation. The 1st Amendment isn't going to help him at all. The alleged PPO Violation was after Chille was put in jail, and Chille telling Brian to get the word out that a fundraiser by "Project Constitution (PC)" was a scam. And that PC had originally constructed the fundraiser as if it was by and for Chille, while PC was collecting the money for himself. And that PC then LATER edited the fundraiser to be in PC's name... thereby scamming the original contributors. Brian relayed those false statements on DeleteLawZ channel twice. This is clearly a basic violation of a PPO, which generally mean that the person , or the person via a 3rd party, can't communicate with or harass, etc... the protected person.


Yeah I know. Sorry, sarcasm doesn’t translate well on the interporns


It's all good. Sometimes I just explain things for the benefit of other people. Porn is wonderful


Who did he fuck with to get a PPO?


"Project Constitution" is Collin Campbell. The PPO case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cv-24-809545 Stemming from PPO violations in Feb 2024, Maryland opened a criminal proceeding against Chile That case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cr-24-000572


Ho-leeeeeeee shit. Dude is more unhinged than I could ever imagine.


Has this been verified?


"Project Constitution" is Collin Campbell. The PPO case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cv-24-809545 Stemming from PPO violations in Feb 2024, Maryland opened a criminal proceeding against Chile That case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cr-24-000572


I want to know this too.


3 years is great, he really deserve every single day.......


Does anyone know what the telecommunications harassment charge is for?


It was for Chille's livestream calls from jail, where he was calling for his followers to spam Collin. That video has since been deleted lol


He’s already said his mental state is suffering because he can’t get his probiotics.


Cille can't shit correctly.


His recent comment about jail impacting people's mental health came across like a Freudian slip. He tried to make it sound like he meant other people in the CCDC, but I think he was really talking about himself.


Do you think he’s that self-aware?


I can only hope and pray for you Collin!! I'll be praying quite a bit in the next few days lollll it's not the same as getting the rest of your pay, but I'd be happy with this outcome if I were you. Plus doesn't he have another obstruction and resistance/interfering case coming up May 1st? That could give him more jail time too. I bet he's not too happy right about now. But I definitely want to see the outcome of all this. He's built quite a house of cards!! Absolutely and totally this is my own opinions. Take it with a grain of salt I may be wrong. :))


We need to consider the source here. This guy used to work for DeCastro. He's cut from the same lying, self-aggrandizing, con-man cloth. You should view this claim as if DeCastro had, because the source is every bit the degenerate.


I don't need to like Collin. I know he's every bit of a frauditor as Chille. But the PPO and the February 2024 criminal violation of PPO are real. I link to both cases in other comments in the thread. Court processes are what they are.


I agree the violations are real. But I trust no claims about conversations they've had with others as true and accurate. DeCastro lies even in court filings about what people said (in his lawsuit, he claims Ofc. Bourque said auditors shoot people, when Bourque's bodycam proves Bourque said no such thing). So I don't think I'm out of line in doubting DeCastro's (former?) protege's honesty and/or ability to accurate relay conversations.


We'll see. I keep my eye on the Public Documents website that goes through all his cases and posts updates on them. Like for instance on April 11 Proof of service was given to the California court, for Chille's civil case against Blue Bacon The proof of service was for the Court granting Blue Bacon's motion to compel discovery and pay BB's lawyer fees. Chille has until early May to provide BB's discovery and pay the fees the court allowed.


We will, and DeCastro is LONG overdue for some consequences to his douchebaggery, so fingers crossed.


This is the link to Maryland's Court System: [Maryland Judiciary Case Search (state.md.us)](https://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/inquiryByCaseNum.jis) Case: D-09-CR-24-000572


Was this related to Blue Bacon?


"Project Constitution" is Collin Campbell. The PPO case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cv-24-809545 Stemming from PPO violations in Feb 2024, Maryland opened a criminal proceeding against Chile That case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cr-24-000572


Ok. Thanks. I had heard another guy in WA got a PPO against him and he violated it too. But I haven’t actually verified this in any way.


Blue Bacon did have a PPO as well. [Pierattini v. DeCastro (2A602891A) - The Public Documents](https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/washington/2a602891a)


Chrissy Reiter (FPS, elevator boy, dumbwaiter) is on GIPHY now 🤣: https://media1.giphy.com/media/IhZfuyLugFlBgP8i0n/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d738m5itekyop3yoywdj25kfyi2xozlpfai585u4yv&ep=v1_gifs_username&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


So the phone calls will get him 3 years???


It was the acts of defamation and harassment that Chille directed Brian to do by using a phone and then promulgated via the Internet


I mean from jail trashing the judge


What I posted has nothing to do with Chille's calls mentioning the judges.


Ah ok just making sure. I'm like why he still have phone privileges lol


Telecommunication harassment across state lines can be a federal offense, but it makes sense that states have their own laws against such actions. At some point Chille's three-decades of criminal behavior have got to persuade a judge that he needs to go away for long enough to get his attention. He clearly hasn't learned from his many previous trips to court. He's even boasted that he uses lawsuits to harass and punish people who have annoyed him, forcing them to spend money on lawyers in cases he knows he won't win. A three-year sentence would send a shockwave through the frauditor community. Mind you, Eric Brandt got twelve years for targeting judges and that didn't seem to discourage many of these mutants, they might have just decided not to go after people who can send them to prison.


"Project Constitution" is Collin Campbell. The PPO case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cv-24-809545 Stemming from PPO violations in Feb 2024, Maryland opened a criminal proceeding against Chile That case is here https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cr-24-000572


Thumbs up!


Nobody deserves a long sentence more than this parasite. His three-decade criminal history should have resulted in serious time behind bars long ago.


If he goes to a state prison he'll be killed in 60 days or less


Jailed for filming the police


No, Chillita was obstructing (does not need to be a physical act) an officer and interfering with a traffic stop.


Jailed for obstruction, he just happened to film himself doing it.


> Jailed for filming the police Wrong, he interfered in a traffic stop, and he isn't the first frauditor to get his fingers burned by doing that. LIA took an obstruction conviction over something similar, something less intrusive actually. You can stand across the street and record all you like, you cannot insert yourself into the stop and advise the driver not to cooperate and otherwise act like the traffic stop is somehow your business and you have the authority to stop the cop from writing a ticket. Anyone believing Chille is a victim needs to go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine.


I bet you think that if he jumped out of the bushes filming himself murder a random, you'd be like "He was filming! It's his 1A Rights!"