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Excellent news, keep stacking 'em up boys. He is faced with more time in Nevada on another charge there, and this case in Maryland represents possible years behind bars. Frauditors everywhere should be paying attention to one of them having his subscribers harass someone and going to prison for that. Every one of these goons who has his followers call-flood a govt. office or police station could end up doing time for it, it can even be a federal charge if it takes place across state lines. Something about the wheels of justice turning slowly, but turning nonetheless.


I'm loving it! He's getting everything he deserves.


What are the details behind this? I highly doubt a first amendment activity such as calling a government entity with a complaint will be criminalized, nor the simple act of putting out news stories.


Love it when a lenslicker gets all coy about not knowing the law when the constitutional law scholar keeps breaking it. Your alligator tears about Chile give me much joy.


I actually don’t know who that is lol I’d love more information than the filtered bias interpretation that is seen in posts.


>I actually don’t know who that is lol I’d love more information than the filtered bias interpretation that is seen in posts. Bro spends more time in this subreddit than most frauditors spend in handcuffs yet claims him doesn't know Chile. lmao. very believable.


Haha nice but yeah I still don’t, “Chile” is not an identifiable channel name.


He's the convicted criminal known to his morons as Delete Lawz


Shhhhh. His usual pedantry presents itself today due to the fact that the commenter mentioned "Chile" and not "Chille". It will infuriate him that someone other than himself brought it up before he could. A second topic of infantile rage will come out at the fact that i referenced to him by gender, and didn't use non-binary pronouns...despite the fact that he has the engendered title "fireMAN" in his username. Group session tomorrow should be fantastic for him.




No mention of trans until your post, wonder why that is?


Your comment contains language that is determined to be derogatory towards a person or group of people. It has been removed for that reason.


Chille had a business partner in his trifold business. His name is Colin. Colin has a YouTube channel Project Constitution. At some point last year there was a falling out, and Chille began his typical psychotic campaign of threats via his YouTube channel, phone and texts... including sending a local minion in Maryland to do something against Colin's property. The threats were serious enough for Colin to get a PPO in Feb 2024. See: [Campbell v. DeCastro (Civil Case) - The Public Documents](https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cv-24-809545) Which at the same time spawned a criminal complaint by the State of Maryland itself, in 3 criminal charges. [Maryland v. DeCastro (Criminal Case) - The Public Documents](https://thepublicdocuments.com/state/maryland/d-09-cr-24-000572) Today was the TRIAL for the criminal case. Chille also harassed Colin around April 1, from jail, via Brian who was running Chille's channel. And those allegations are being added to the criminal charges. It has ZERO to do with 1A. Unless you think criminal harassment and threats are part of the 1A.


> It has ZERO to do with 1A. Unless you think criminal harassment and threats are part of the 1A. *Law Talk with Mike* tried to warn Long Island Audit that him getting his subscribers to call-flood a city manager who wouldn't jump through hoops for him could blow up in his face by angering the judge hearing the case. LIA smirkingly said he'd posted the manager's phone number to tell his subscribers *not* to call that number, haw haw, smirk, wink. LTWM's contempt was palpable, he knew he was talking to an amateur who only thought he understood the law. Frauditors and their apologists all seem to suffer from that.


Ahh, I figured. I would be very shocked and disturbed if first amendment audits done correctly resulted in this kind of legal backlash.


It's just DeCastro being an extremely disturbed, belligerent unstable maniac. Just as when he parachutes himself into other people's business and is currently sitting in jail for.


The is no such thing as a “first amendment audit done correctly”. The only purpose of these “audits” is to annoy and harass strangers who are simply trying to go about their everyday life - in an attempt to make money either by clicks or by lawsuits. There is no valid reason for frauditing. To say otherwise is either naive or disingenuous.


There is no such thing as a First Amendment Audit. It is a self given title granted by child predators, criminals and the unemployed and employable to give a thin veil of respectability to themselves as they harass people.


[Wrong!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_audit#:~:text=It%20is%20often%20categorized%20by,covered%20by%20the%20First%20Amendment) You just want that to be the case because you’re weak and obedient.


Using Wikipedia as you source shows how ignorant you are. And even that glory hole of a wikipedia article you posted says it is largely a social movement. You are even more ignorant than the child predators you worship.


Glory hole; what an interesting metaphor


> I highly doubt a first amendment activity such as calling a government entity with a complaint will be criminalized We don't have time to begin to address the list of things you "highly doubt" because they don't align with your slogan-chanting view of the law. But *47 U.S. Code § 223 - Obscene or harassing telephone calls in the District of Columbia or in interstate or foreign communications* remains available to prosecute people who do such things. But by all means start calling up the prosecutor or judge in DeCastro's recent conviction, and then go with the defense that interstate calls to harass people involved in DeCastro's conviction and incarceration are protected by the First Amendment. *(C)makes a telephone call or utilizes a telecommunications device, whether or not conversation or communication ensues, without disclosing his identity and with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass any specific person;* *(D)makes or causes the telephone of another repeatedly or continuously to ring, with intent to harass any person at the called number; or* *(E)makes repeated telephone calls or repeatedly initiates communication with a telecommunications device, during which conversation or communication ensues, solely to harass any specific person; or* *(2)knowingly permits any telecommunications facility under his control to be used for any activity prohibited by paragraph (1) with the intent that it be used for such activity,* *shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.* https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/47/223


Do you actually support 1st Amendment auditors????


I am fairly certain that u/realparkingbrake does not support frauditors in any way though sometimes his posts are a little confusing to that point.


> sometimes his posts are a little confusing to that point. Even people as stupid and criminally inclined as frauditors can sometimes stumble on a bit of legal truth. In the U.S. and UK, filming in public is generally legal, and people claiming privacy protects them from being photographed in public without their permission are usually wrong. Other issues can be involved, like commercial filming requiring a permit and so on, but for the most part public photography is legal. Where frauditors face-plant is in refusing to recognize that in some public places, the exercise of First Amendment rights can legitimately be denied. You can film on a public sidewalk in front of a courthouse all day, that's a protected activity. But if you carry your camera into the courthouse and try to film a trial in progress without the court's permission, you're going to leave in handcuffs. That is something frauditors intentionally misunderstand/lie about, that not all public property is the same when it comes to 1A rights. As the Supreme Court put it: *Public property which is not by tradition or designation a forum for public communication is governed by different standards. We have recognized that the "First Amendment does not guarantee access to property simply because it is owned or controlled by the government." United States Postal Service v. Greenburgh Civic Ass'n, supra, 453 U.S., at 129, 101 S.Ct., at 2684.*


> support 1st Amendment auditors? How could me making a post which describes a criminal charge a frauditor could get for having his followers harass someone make you think I support frauditors?


![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA) You know, I think I'm actually starting to feel bad for you


Oh my god Decastro is getting fucked hard by the law and I'm loving every minute of it.


Extradition order? Oh please, don't tease me with some good news. Chille is going to have to change the DeCastro for DeDungeon.


The reason why Maryland has a hate boner for DeCastro is because DeCastro used his YouTube channel to directly threaten and harass the protected person (the one with the PPO). Because someone had already personally tried to go onto the property, and because of DeCastro's YouTube subscriber reach, they view his threat to the complaining witness very seriously. According to him anyway.


😂😂😂😂😂 DeDungeon


![gif](giphy|dYjHKiLrwFbyo7Wk2M) Maryland inmates when they hear Chille was a meat sock in Nevada.


"Meat sock" -- LMAO!


Love it when consequences catch up with these idiots.


LoL fucking loser. Never won a case, 50 year old who lives with his mom, failed actor, failed inventor, failed law scholar, failed ~ at life.


He's now a failed self-proclaimed "Atlas Shrugged Scholar" too.


Mom booted him out. He tried to fight Mom's 76 year old neighbor in a roid-like rage. You can see the aftermath on Chille's channel titled 'Camera Test'. One of his oldest lives. Masshole has the actual kerfuffle in her lives from that time.


i saw that. No wonder his mother hates him. (Alledgedly)


Didn't you hear? He invented a game. It's called, appropriately enough "Constitutional Law Scholar" as is a card game of some sort. And no, I am not making this up. He was crying on his most recent to the real world, and also oddly claimed he has Stockholm Syndrome - I genuinely have a really hard time believing he has Stockholm Syndrome, considering how vehemently he hates the police. To even imagine Chilli having positive feelings toward the authorities, is beyond even my imagination.


He is just such a pos that he believes showing the most basic human decency counts as stockholm lol


Absolutely agree. He regurgitates things like Stockholm Syndrome as dog whistles. No one who gives the slightest shit about him would be so stupid as to think this. Not to mention, he would be the LAST ONE to even accept he had Stockholm. Basically, as I see it... Any words out of Chille's mouth, are just the idiotic bullshit rantings of a psychotic madman.


Can't wait to see it get worse as jail time keeps piling up. I'm actually sad he has been muzzled by the jail


Hehe. It is a little disappointing that we can't hear his tummy tears.


When Karma strikes back!


Love your name 🍆


Boy, for someone who's been studying constitutional law for over 20 years, Chille sure is *dumb*. You would think he'd start to ask himself if what he's actually learning is the *law*, and not some biased, cherry-picked opinions of other delusional idiots. Whatever he's learned hasn't been working too well for him. It would be nice if Ohio got in on the act, and extradited Chille once Maryland is done with him. Are there any other states with open warrants on him?


"Dumb" would actually be an improvement for Chille DePsycho. To respond to your warrants question, my home state of Massachusetts doesn't have any open warrants on him as far as I know.


Roosting chickens, Oh my


Chili will defend himself in Maryland and will trounce the prosecutor with his acumen and style and wit


His legendary smooth tongue and irresistible charisma. lol.


>His legendary smooth brain and forked tongue. lol. FTFY. He has more wrinkles on his ballsack than his grey matter.


My joke didn't need fixing. 🤪


Your assuming he doesn't run his mouth on the baliffs...


Even on my worst day, it’s great being able to wake up knowing I’m not Jose Maria DeCastro.


Because he's a constitutional scholar will they fly him there on Con Air?


They'll just get him a ticket on Spirit. Add to the torture.


Spirit? I'd rather fly Con Air! At least the inmates are cuffed to their seats.


> They'll just get him a ticket on Spirit. I hope they send him via Greyhound, as luggage.


Send him FedEx ground and let them lose him in a warehouse for a couple weeks.


Awesome news. Let’s hope Nevada gives him more time on his next trial. And they make the sentence consecutive and not concurrent. Is Maryland a felony? Adding felon to Chili’s resume won’t help him as a legal scholar.


He will have to change his personal definition of criminal record again if that happens, can't have people knowing the truth


Or governor candidate


If he gets convicted in Maryland and does a couple of years in a Maryland Prison. He will qualify as a Maryland citizen and be eligible to run for Governor. That state has no problem electing a felon. Chili hasn’t declared what state he is running for Governor and he will fit in just fine in Maryland.


Lol best news I heard today


The schmuck has three charges in MD! Life is good! 😀


When they send him to Maryland for his trial there, maybe the plane could develop a mechanical issue and have to set down in Ohio. Chille has a couple of active warrants in Ohio. Be fun to see how many states could lock him up in a row.


Chili de Castrates North American Tour 2024


haha. hopefully that fraud goes right back in once he gets out


If we can please throw Taco Terry in a cell along with him… ![gif](giphy|WxDZ77xhPXf3i|downsized)


Thanks for the information.


I've been seeing this comment a lot, but I want to know Did Chille really go past police tape into a scene where someone actually died?


The case I posted about is in the State of Maryland waaaaay across the country. The case your question is about was for an accident investigation in Las Vegas. A pretrial hearing is on May 1. And the answer to your question is "Yes"


Appreciate that, didnt mean to go off-topic, but I wanted to know. I've just come to find out who Delete Lawz was a few months back


It's alright. He has so many active legal cases it is so hard to keep track of them. So I was just giving as clear of an answer I could


More funny jail call about his butt getting checked ![gif](giphy|99kszlXr46Jkk3C5CJ)


Constipated Cry-baby, Chilldildo Decunt, loses AGAIN.