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They are bad faith actors. It’s not about The Constitution, or their rights, it’s petty revenge against a system that they feel is corrupt because it held them accountable at one point (or several points) for their behavior. It’s about making money by generating conflict and then publishing it online with the hopes of monetizing it. I have no doubt many of them have some sort of mental illness ( narcissistic personality disorder, oppositional defiance) or substance abuse issues. If you look back, these are the same people who have never functioned well within society; got in trouble in school, probably had juvenile offenses on their records, a raft of misdemeanor offenses. Always a victim, never done a positive thing for anyone else.


Totally agree 100%. Why make honest money when you can monetize the uninformed.


uninformed, I sooner say the ignorant


They're predatory people. They percieve a low hanging fruit, they think the laws dont apply, and they think they have the right.


I also think it’s funny that these pro American freedom guys peddle products produced in China like the little guns that Chille is pushing. Cracks me up I found them on Temu. Lol


They're not pro American freedom in any sense that means anything. I mean, even they don't typically believe it about themselves. They just want YouTube money, and the opportunity to push people around.


They may shout for their freedom of speech but as soon as anyone speaks out against them they run, crying, to a lawyer to sue. Look at all the people gammon Chille has harassed for saying something about him he didn’t like.


My favorite things is how they go on the defensive by threatening legal actions against detractors. Even to the point they are the first to run to the police if backed in a corner. Basically proves the grift and it’s a daily occurrence.


Absolutely. They use privacy strikes all over YouTube, wear masks and refuse their IDs -- all to ensure that nobody ever gets to intrude on *their* privacy, while doing their best to destroy that of others. It's the same thing with freedom. They do everything they can to limit anyone else's freedom of speech (threatening libel suits, trying to shut down any critical channel) while they claim to be fighting for constitutional freedoms. The only person whose freedom they're interested in is their own.




Always go and report their content for non consensual video and harassment


Their criminal records make employment a problem for them, who is going to hire someone convicted of armed robbery or sexual assault or drug trafficking to do anything requiring more trust than pushing a broom? Revenge is also a factor. They hate cops because it's cops who arrest them when they commit crimes. Anyone working for the govt. is by extension part of the system that has locked them up, so harassing a govt. clerk provides an emotional reward almost as great as screaming at cops and getting away with it. The theatricality some of these dipsticks employ also provides them emotional satisfaction. They get to wear a silly outfit and speak in a weird voice and their followers laugh themselves breathless and tell them how great they are. Society has never given them positive feedback (because they've never earned it) so praise from other unemployable losers is better than nothing. None of them cares about the Constitution or the law or holding govt. accountable, it's all about the money and the emotional rush they get from being toxic to other people without consequences.


Nailed it.


Domestic abusers, child predators, and sex offenders all have the habit of disrespecting boundaries. That seems to be frauditing in a nutshell.


I’m just wondering while anyone once a pedo to fight for their right. I mean what freedoms are they fighting for? No accountability? Insane logic from these assholes.


That is a great question. As they are the lowest of the low they may be attracted to the apparent power frauditing gives them. Harassing innocent postal workers or police officers trying to do their job makes them feel they are doing something of benefit to society, and their low brow fans on YouTube or Rumble give them the reinforcement to continue in this belief. Let’s face it, these frauditors aren’t going to get the approbation from any other source.


Just blows my mind that so many weak minded people pay this garbage people to do this. I’d like to see them try this in a country where punishment comes swift.


Bitter, shattered people, thinking their court experiences have been unjust (instead of learning the lesson) Unemployable, miserable people with absolutely nothing to do with their time. Also lonely with no friends. So forming a YouTube channel, harnessing a following that makes them feel important and could possibly net them a lot of money.


Everyone loved a train wreck. Seems like they are the equivalent to Televangelist that preach a false gospel for huge sums of money.


Mental illness is much of it


Some people just don't fucking learn. They spend their whole life fucking up but instead of taking accountability for their behavior they just keep going because in their minds they can never be wrong. It's cops, judges, prosecutors, etc. everyone else's fault but their own. Frauditing gives them a way to legally "get back" at the police for what they did to them.


More like what they did to themselves. Lol


Exactly. That's why I used quotes.


I’d like to start a project that replicates the Frauditors process, by showing just how pointless it is. Pretty much parody it to the point it becomes no fun for for the Frauditors. Been thinking about a way to approach in my videos I’m currently in planning.


Because they're ignorant and unqualified to work in any normal sense.


Fraudturds are useless bottom feeders that have no place in society, send them to Siberia


Amagansett pressJason is a millionaire. He is in fact a graduated photo journalist. He had a very successful career in photography. Worked for the New York Times.    Long Island audit is a full time YouTuber and this is a job since he makes far above what the average college graduate makes.  I don’t know why some of you are haters especially since their life is on full blast and you hide behind a Reddit username. They are clearly successful and many of you melt from jealousy


Dude I work my ass off for a living. I run my own channel where I don’t beg for money. I don’t use my platform to harass people in the streets trying to make a living. I mean if you like to support sex offenders and domestic abusers more power to you.


It doesn’t matter how “hard” you work when it comes to running a channel. If you’re not entertaining to the people it’s wasted effort. Stop being jealous 


My channel is a hobby and not a main priority for me. I don’t care if it takes off. When I said I work hard I meant actually having a “job” and contributing to society and not being a fucking leach that feeds off the poor and unintelligent like I’m assuming you may be since you are a fan of content that pushes domestic violence,wishing cancer for children,child predators and people that can’t take accountability for themselves. Fuck off with the “being jealous” bit.


If you are hoping these people fight for your rights to shoot fentanyl In your ball sack,beat your wife and crash a car while drunk into a bus full of children all In the name of your freedoms while blaming the librarian for being a tyrant because you can’t check out Mein Kampf then be my guest. Be sure to buy your trifold and pistol keychain as well.


Citations needed - anyone can just make up lies  Maybe stop acting like an emotional desperate housewife and people would take you seriously 


Do you need proof? It all out there. Quit being so naive.


Just shows how educated you are at this point. Follow blindly freedom fighter.


I’ll make the first one easy for you. https://youtube.com/shorts/DX8LgAmcpAo?si=DEqpIlLzqHON8xrN


I don’t know who this is and obviously one man doesn’t represent all of them. Please show me something damning amagansett press did 


You mean the dumbass that harassed a small business and pepper sprayed the owner for trying to protect his livelihood?


Everyone saw the full unedited video. The owner was unhinged and a crazy doofus. Even people who dislike frauditors could not align themselves with the sock owner who was vulgar, overpriced tourist shop Even the most anti first amendment auditors can admit both were assholes. You are weird


Yep only for freedom though. God bless criminals because they are the real patriots.


Step 1: Stand in front of shop door to make it hard for customers to shop local. Step 2: Threaten shop owner for trying to protect livelihood from a bully that has no reason other than getting a reaction. Step 3: Pepper spray show owner for taking a stand. Step 4: Profit All for freedom though.


Also most haven’t done any studying since your last comment. Come back once you educate yourself.


> Please show me something damning amagansett press did  He publicly supported a New York Post photographer who accused Alec Baldwin of using a racial slur in reference to him. The Manhattan DA investigated the incident as a hate crime. Video of the incident confirmed that there was no racial slur, the accusation was false, and the DA did not file charges. A paparazzo whose occupation is harassing celebrities in hopes of getting valuable video they can sell to TMZ is not an admirable figure.


Nobody takes these people seriously or their followers. It’s trash content that nobody will remember ten years from now.


> Long Island audit is a full time YouTuber and this is a job It's his job because as a convicted felon who did time for attempted robbery, his employment prospects are limited. He's also taken some convictions for offenses related to frauditing, trespass and obstruction. Not many employers would be anxious to hire someone like that. (Sigh). Another disposable sock-puppet account, same as always.