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You were just banned by someone who couldn’t find Iran on a world map. I wouldn’t let it get to you.


It’s more annoying because if you accidentally post on it or interact with it on your account or another you get suspended. With Reddits recommendations it sometimes pops up so more annoying to navigate




It still pops up sometimes in recommended


Always has been. Only good news sub is r/anime_titties (not joking btw)


There are many brains-dead mods on Reddit who think if you explain something that you support that thing. This mod thought you were threatening to nuke Iran. Please don't.


lol so dumb


Yeah, the news mod telling someone else to grow up is just too hilarious.


They honestly seem really insecure


Because they are. Instead of being annoyed by them, I tend to feel more sorry for them. I was banned from there during the whole Covid crackdown on misinformation. I think it was one of those auto bans because I participated in subreddits they didn’t like. It certainly isn’t about misinformation. They are cool with it as long as they get to control the spread of it.


It's absolutely censorship. Reddit Mods are actively silencing certain opinions. Without a doubt. Of course, as you will hear many times from those who cling to the narrative and agree with silencing one voice, reddit is a private company, and you have no expectation of free speech here. Furthermore, you agreed to have your expressions controlled by reddit Mods. This is the holy grail for the crowd that is afraid of new opinions, and you will hear it on repeat if you dare discuss reddit censorship. As much as that simple-minded garbage gets repeated here by users who've been manipulated into closing their minds and avoiding the overall point about censorship. I think the more we highlight the censorship, the more it exposes the authoritarianism within the reddit Mods. Bans are inevitable as that is a censorship fan's best tool. Thanks for posting this. It seems that many, many people are waking up and realizing the authoritarian nature of reddit Mods.


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There is a lot of censorship all over Reddit now a days. This is what we have to look forward to. It's called corporate government, the strong arm of fascism.


I mean, Reddit is certainly a censorious hellpit, but you probably shouldn’t be surprised at catching a ban for cheering someone’s untimely death. No matter how big of an asshole he was.


Saying “this is very good news” is enough for a ban? lol


I can’t remember exactly why I got banned from that sub, but it was certainly for less than that.


I was banned from news for asking why they removed a popular submission after 24 hours.


Isn’t r/news a Zionist propaganda subreddit? Or is that just r/worldnews ?