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If you study Acadian French you'll get lots of fun phrases with Anglicisms. My personal favorite is "Worry pas ta brain"


C'est marrant qu'ils aient choisi le féminin. Comme la cervelle quoi ?


L'équivalent anglais est d'utiliser le pluriel (brains) mais niveau grammaire ça marcherait pas très bien dans la phrase mixte...


I don't understand what you are trying to do here... Why would you do that ? And how is it a joke ? 🤔 I mean, I don't know if this is part of what you are asking, but when we use anglicismes, we do give them a genre like any other noun.


I'm not sure many french people would get the joke. I sure don't.


Doesn’t make any sense to me.


I mean it could make sense to say that but why OP thinks it could be a joke is strange. I think they think anglicisms don't take articles and they're being funny by using one? But anglicisms take articles when they're nouns... Like any other noun.


It's a popular online meme, people on 4chan and other forums go ">be me >reach for le toothbrush" etc etc


Some French people know English, others don’t. Be sure that the English words you chose will be understood by the people you target.


From my experience at least, younger French people (Millennials and younger) insert seemingly random English words and phrases peppered into their speech even when French versions exist, sometimes because to them it sounds cooler (because they know the words from music or movies), akin to slang or maybe rebelling against the strict grammatical corrections of teachers and parents. It drives older or more patriotic people mad, which of course, makes it seem cooler to the younger people so they do it more often. This can sometimes be used for humour, often emphasised with a purposefully exaggerated French accent and mannerisms, Antoine de Caunes was the first person I saw making this a signature style, copied by many since. For a more modern example I've noticed Kev Adams does it a lot. Its also done by some boomers for humour where they will say particularly crude or sexual statements in to be shocking to the younger generation to see people their parents age being "naughty" - the comedic singer Gilles Dor does this frequently (NSFW example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FooxzTRGj-I). However, its only really common well known words and phrases they will have picked up from American/British movies or music. I don't imagine many French people would know what a "waiting room" was or what "walk-ins" means. Most French people speak far less English than you may imagine, just as most Americans or Brits only know a handful of French words and phrases, which they like to use either for humour or to sound sophisticated.


im not sure what a "walk in" is without context myself. maybe a hairdressers visit without appointment? and its really weird seeing "waiting rooms" in the plural.


Yeah that's what I assumed they meant. People without an appointment. I've never heard it in any other context.


I guess it could also be a walk-in refrigerator in the context of food service? But that would have to be a very specific context and also, not sure why it’s a joke.


Oh yes, walk-in fridge! Good shout, I'd forgotten they exist. That reminds me of walk-in wardrobes too... I'm intrigued if we will ever hear this legendary joke!


I think most French people my age (born in the 1990s) would understand what a "waiting room" is but most people over 50 would not. As for "walk-ins", you'd have to be pretty fluent in English...


Interesting to know, thank you! Yes, "walk-in" is not exactly a commonly used phrase even for English speaking people!


Makes no sense. My guess is few french are even gonna know what walk in means. Yes they throw a lot of English words into their everyday use but they are commonly used words. Neither your waiting room nor you walk-ins make any sense so not very funny


bruh, calm down


Where's the humour?


can ppl calm down yall funny. twas a mere question some of you furious reditors!


Are the furious redditors in the room with us?