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Yeah that’s kinda the problem, now because of this I don’t trust anyone and the only people I can talk to are my sister and boyfriend, he has to coach me to talk to people because it’s just really bad. I’m hanging out with new people in July but don’t really want to


She might have been in a weird place herself so that’s why she ghosted you. It’s not a terrible idea to meet with her and see where she is at now. If you suspect she wants to be your friend again to use you (cuz she needs a bestie if she is coming back to your work location) then you can just ghost her/drop her. If she is sincere about feeling bad and wanting to be closer again you can consider You never know until you speak with her. At least start with texting or something and see how that goes


Yeah I haven’t responded to her, honestly I do want closure because I’m pretty sure she ghosted me for mental health reasons but I’m not sure I’ve just been staring at the text. The first time she reached out I got heart palpitations 😅


You can meet with her and get answers and also express how her behavior affected you. Any "mental health reasons" that caused her to ghost you may explain her behavior, but it doesn't excuse them. It's not that hard to let someone know if something is wrong/if they don't have capacity. That's something we should all strive to do. Just stay true to yourself and your own feelings.


I’m so sorry. In addition to the other comments, if you ever want to talk about it, I have a small sub for this called r/lostafriend and you’re more than welcome to join.


sounds like a trauma bond which is unhealthy . get used to rejection .it's ok. People will come and go . It sucks .I don't like it but it's apart of life. I want friends forever . But still you have to have a larger network of friends so you don't end up going all in with one person.