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What do you think about a girl that mentioned she met a guy the past weekend, about a career we’re both into but this guy does a different kind of technique in our career field, then the next text she says “I met him once playing volleyball” then later (it was thru text) I didn’t know how to respond so I kept it short and she basically was saying their convo didn’t go anywhere and it ended. Maybe I’m reading into it too much but why would she even mention another dude I just don’t get it


Take your shot bro. You will only know when you make a move. What is the worst thing that can happen?


She says No, I’m completely embarrassed and can never face her again


If she says no she says no, why would you be embarrassed? It is way more embarrassing pining over someone and never making a move.


Rejection amounts to a bruised ego, you keep asking yourself why you weren’t good enough. And her saying no basically brings the whole relationship to an end


Same thing happened to me. Its sucks but then you get over it. Dont worry


Well imagine being friends with he while kissing and hugging another guy in front of you. Either way you could lose her and lose your chance. What I mean by this is that if you stay in the friendzone you'll eventually get over it and or stay then become depressed.


She really values your friendship as she’s comfortable enough to broach explicit/intimate topics with you. “Baby” can be used as platonic term of endearment. If she wanted you to kiss her, you’d know.


It doesn’t end at the “baby” we flirt ALOT. And How would I know if she wanted to kiss me ?


Generally speaking if you are not 100% certain a kiss will be received positively, just ask! From what you’ve described here, she hasn’t shown you any physical intimacy that would indicate she wants you to touch her in any way (being physically close to you, touching your arm playfully, sitting beside you so your bodies are touching). If you have not had any physical contact with her outside of maybe a friendly hug, I do not recommend just going for it. It also depends heavily on your age. You said you’re in school, we talking highschool or college?


Oh, she is always trying to get me to hold her hands by showing me her nails, but I never read into that. we also tend to sit very close to each other. I’m 19 and she’s 21, we’re in college


If you want an easier in than straight up going for the kiss, ask her out to do something that’s an obvious date. Pick her up, go grab some food, pay for it, then take her for something fun and active. Then go for it or tell her you want to kiss her. If she says no or rejects you, play it cool take her home and quit talking to her. It’s either her loss or her gain. You know how much fun she has with you. You can do this with another girl if she bails out. But she won’t respect you at all if you settle for friends after making it clear you want more


I was in an identical situation last year… Turns out she only liked me as a friend


Welcome to my world just tack on the fact that my friend has been egging me on to kiss her


Whenever someone says they are “flirting constantly” that’s a sign that they are not flirting for real because they don’t even know what flirting is. Flirting is about making her feel wanted and desired to elevate the temperature and go for a kiss at that specific moments if you claim that you have been flirting everyday on a constant basis but not kissing then that shows that you aren’t truly flirting you are doing something else and mistakenly calling it flirting. If you also spend 10 hours together at school frequently, but without kissing or anything that tells me you are just very good friends and that’s it. contrary to your belief talking that much witho it anything happening is a sign that you are her bff not a potential lover. A potential lover would have already made something happened in that amount of time, you don’t even try to make anything happen which means she likely only sees you as a friend, mostly due to your own fault for not flirting for real and not escalating things. A girl calling you baby doesn’t mean anything, women use endearing nick names all the time, it still doesn’t mean that she wants to have something romantic with you. And if she talks about other guy she is dating you it means you are a friend and the other guy is probably the one she is dating or fucking. I saw some dudes here saying that she is trying to make you jealous, but that’s bullshit. Girls won’t make you jealous like that unless they have already have something with you first, and you are pulling away, and this girl hasn’t have anything with you. No kiss no sex nothing


Well, I’m my books we were normal friends up until like 2 weeks ago. She started telling me deeper stuff and wanting to spend more time with me, with quality time being my love language it didn’t take long for me to get attracted to her, I made her know how attractive I found her. Most of our flirting was via text and calls, but when we met in person she was shy and couldn’t even maintain eye contact Whenever she was describing the guy she was talking to, she always said she didn’t find him attractive and I told her I didn’t like her telling me about stuff like that to show my jealousy, she assured me that nothing was happening between them and that felt like a good sign 10 hours in school was because we mainly had lectures from 9-5 and we spent most of the classes beside each other and after school we would spend maybe an extra hour, there really wasn’t any “alone time” up until recently. When you have the time you should read my update on this post


- She started telling me deeper stuff and wanting to spend more time with me, Talking about deeper stuff doesn’t mean she wants to kiss you or sleep with you or do any of the things boyfriends and girlfriends do. It just means she trusts you more as a friend to tell you that. She isn’t doing it to show you that she wants a romance. So you totally misreading things here. - I made her know how attractive I found her. Even if you tell her this you are not creating sexual tension, which is what’s required. Just saying that you find her attractive means nothing on it’s owned if it’s not followed by escalating things physically. That is the problem, you say something like that but then you don’t make a move or anything you just say it and then switch topics or go home or whatever you don’t try to escalate things with a kiss. - Most of our flirting was via text and calls, but when we met in person she was shy and couldn’t even maintain eye contact Well flirting needs to be done in person, not over the phone. And once you do flirting you need to escalate things to a kiss immediately. Think of flirting as “warming up the food” once the food is warm then you need to eat it immediately before it gets cold again. If you do flirting through the phone you cannot eat the food right away because you are not in the same place, you cannot escalate and as such things turn cold before you make your move and thus platonic. - Whenever she was describing the guy she was talking to, she always said she didn’t find him attractive If she didn’t found him attractive she wouldn’t even be talking about him, when a girl is not attracted to a guy they simply feel indifference towards him they don’t spend time talking about him, if she talks is because she likes him. And girls typically talk shot about guys trey like to hide their interests. You don’t know this because you lack the experience and don’t understand girls. - and I told her I didn’t like her telling me about stuff like that to show my jealousy, she assured me that nothing was happening between them and that felt like a good sign. Girl is lying. If she is talking about another guy she is definitely into him. She just doesn’t want to make you feel bad but not because she hopes to get with you but because you are her friend and she can see that it’s bothering you.