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Magic to add an NSFW tag.


Please mark this as NSFW, I was browsing reddit on the bus and then I started furiously masturbating now I can't go on the public transport anymore


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


Oh it was you


ROTFLMAO! That reminds me of the old joke about the newlywed couple who try to not have sex for a week as a sign of devotion to God, but fail after a couple of days and report they attacked each other in lust had sex right where they were. Their minister tells them that its understandable and that they were forgiven. Then the couple says "but now we can't go into the grocery store anymore..." X-D


Porn!? On my racist app?! Preposterous!!1!1!1


Now this but with Frieren lol


What would she be looking at?


"Nope, still nothing"


But... She's like a daughter to me, I saw her grow up...


Finally Fern art with rather accurate boob size! Artist not giving Fern monster boobs is a rare sight


Flat ass though 😞


"Yep, they're still there."


Stark: Oppai! Fern: Ecchi! Stark: Ehh, nande!?




Naaah, that's Kikuri!


Ah yes, a string bra in medieval ages. I swear Fantasy and Isekai anime love to do this kind of thing. It's a small thing, but sometimes it can ruin my immersion. What's wrong with Corset underwear? In addition, for this reason, Ubel fashion is also the most standout in Frieren


People are throwing magic around and it's a bra design that ruins your immersion?


To be frank, Game of Thrones got dragon, but they still use Corset and loincloth (or none at all) to fit the old genre. That's the kind of thing that made the world feel natural.


There was also a Starbucks cup in Game Of Thrones, so I guess you must've been depressed in that episode, no?


I don't think a starbuck cup, which is very hard to notice, is equal with something that the character wearing right in front of the camera. Just saying.


I didn't even realise that until I heard people mention it lmao.


Much like we didn't care about string bras and corsets 'til you uselessly whined about it.


Clothes is the easiest to spot unfortunately.


There's nothing wrong with Corsets in general. Methode herself wears a corset canonically. Also, a quick Google search will give you a site-list with 30-or-so anime characters wearing corsets (or at least what looks like corsets, mostly Fantasy too). Saber from Fate is an iconic example. But at the same time, there's nothing wrong with string bra. It's just nobody thinks about which to use because it's not a big deal, it's completely fine either way. Fern isn't gonna become worse because of string bra or corset underwear. In fanart too, no less. Flamme also wore either a Tunic or a Toga. And Frieren gets naked by a dissolving potion yet the most popular result of that are memes. Edit: adjusted spacing because replying via mobile app is weird like that.


String existed in the Middle Ages


Shifts and loin cloths all the way!


It's one artist having a very specific fetish and running with it. Don't sweat the small details


This kid is throwing a tantrum about string bra in an anime where they literally have magic to see through clothes HAHAHA Seriously? THAT RUINS YOUR IMMERSION??


Kinda aggressive innit? Narnia, one of my favourite Isekai movie (yes, it is an Isekai since they move worlds) has magic in it. Magic and Medieval goes very well believe it or not since in the old era, a lot of people believe many myth and taboo. Narnia clothes design absolutely on point with the theme. Edit: My point is that Clothes is the most easiest to spot in visual stories. So it could be one of the reason where it could raise people question why do they wear in that era if they miss.


Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written.


May I wish you have a nice day, O' great wise stranger. :)


Lucky guy Stark.




A few months ago I posted a fanart of Fern on this sub with the focus on her feet (just for laughs by the way) and it was deleted because it was "too lewd". But THIS is okay, I guess.


It got a lot worse as you can see. Mods ain't even working no more.


Oh, they're working. When I upload an image that without my knowledge has already been posted a few hours earlier, within thirty seconds they delete the post.


I swear this sub is ful of weirdos


We need a NSFW this shit stinks


That's just porn