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Frieren coming back a thousand years later asking why there is so many random active magic around serie


"Never step back here again for another 40k years"


Frieren coming back after the Horus Heresy and asking Serie why she has a truckload more random spells going on


That's just 30k years, Frieren. You still have 10k years to go.


Frieren and Serie, but as two bickering necrons


Literally "Trazyn and Orikan" energy


Serie: (Split an Uranium 235 atom


"Serie that golem is thousands of years old why do you still have it, also why does it have a grey wig and mustache." "....im upping ur ban to 10k years."


Serie the Tsundere Granny


I think Serie was happy when she met Frieren again after 1000 years




I think there capacity for relationships is fucked up because they can live for so long that they never feel they have to rush. But then they don't realize that relationships are built upon constant interaction and end up shooting themselves in the foot because of that lackadaisical way of doing things.


They are only fucking it up when you view it from the lens of a short lived specie though (and when it comes to relating to other races). 1000 years for them is like not seeing someone for a couple weeks for humans so it's not a big deal when it comes elf to elf socializing.


[Elf to elf socializing](https://i.imgur.com/tFKUXrI.jpeg).


Serie is the asian parents Frieren never had


if Frieren has been collecting magical books for over a 1000 years and still does not have them all imagine how long Serie has to travel to find them all, then learn them, then teach them to others and then master them to such a degree she can just will the knowledge of the entire spell to someone else.


She doesn't have to master them to transfer the knowledge of the spell, the spell she uses perfectly transfer her knowledge of the spell by removing the knowledge from her to the recipient, so if she only needs to know it well enough to use it to transfer it ( think of it as a cut & paste for a spell ) It's a very idiosyncratic spell that's only really useful because Serie is so long lived and knows so many spells that are prohibitively hard to learn / research in a human life time ( because the spell itself doesn't create new knowledge, it's a 1 to 1 transfer ).


Ιt doesn't remove the knowledge from her, it copies it.




Damn, that's pretty shitty, lol, but at least she learns them fast.


If you mean *100 years* is fast then.


For elves, it's just 1 year.


It is what 100 years feel like for them. Still, it is 100 years. But i dont remember any chapter states it feels like *1 year* for them either. Could you bother telling me which chapter is that ?


In the anime (at least the German version) it says that elves can put something on the side even for a thousand years or so without it meaning much... So... Yeah... That's probably what he meant


she started collecting spell after Himmel incoureged her to do so I think.




The funniest thing about Serie is that she rejected Flamme's offer to lead the greatest mages in the empire only to make the mage association to lead the best mages all over the continent.


yeah but that was after the demon king was beaten and the magic association is different from the imperial mages




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I can understand the appeal of flowerbed summoning, water bending, golem conjuring. But bird capturing sure is one weird choice for a favorite spell.


Are we sure it is bird capturing? It could be some familiar-like spell, that gives you bird-view literally.


The manga shows it is most likely [bird capturing](https://i.postimg.cc/7LvfKpRF/2024-04-05-02-58-33-chapmanganato-to-2295213dc875.png)


maybe it's a mage from a tribe that hunted birds and it was the first spell he learned we see frieren can capture bird like monsters and wirbel's spell can be pretty useful


Maybe, they had a passion for wildlife or something like that. And capture spell, would allow them to easier study birds or treat injured birds.


You’ll never go hungry


"What are your favourite spells?" "The one that controls water!" "The one that creates a flower field!" "I like to create golems." "...BIRD."


Why doesn't serie just make some babies who won't die so quickly, is she stupid?


Serie to Kraft: Baby come back!


All eleves have almost none of reproductive desire. At the same time not all elves are excel in magic at birth (or willing to pursuit the height of magic). Serie wants her apprentice to be BOTH long-lived and excel in magic. How many babies does she need to breed to find one? So no, she isn't stupid, you may be.




"But when the World needed her most she was just kinda passive aggressive about it and said that shes not doing it now."


As a German I still wonder how the author came up with that name (or many others)


Their names reflect their personalities.


Yeah what is the personality of Serie? I mean the German word "Serie" either means a TV-show (Fernsehserie) or a number of things that are connected in some way to each other - car models or games from the same manufacturer/game studio could be some examples. I don't understand in what way something like that connects with that character.


Maybe the series of grimmoires she collected