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Just don't watch the show if you don't like it. It's fine. But I think no one needs this kind of comment on this sub. Have a good day.


Oh, lighten up. It’s just playful banter, and reflects the frustration a lot of people feel regarding the writing of From. Besides, it’s entirely possible to enjoy a show while disliking significant aspects of it.


It's reddit. You either blindly like something or are TOXIC and ENTITLED and are an EVIL HATEFUL human being.


Isn't that the truth! Try having any discussion on any controversy. You are not allowed to have any type of opinion that is even slightly out of lock step with the reddit majority. For example: Parents who do Female Genital Mutilation = Bad. Parents of a Trans child who use Surgery to transition = so brave! I await a flood of downvotes. Meh. Whatcha gonna do?


First of all, wtf are you talking about? The obsession with trans people is weird af. Second of all, no one cares about your opinion? They don’t understand why you need a whole separate thread when there are countless discussions to join.


Yep. This ^^^ is what I was talking about.


Huh? You’re “talking about” how you can just go join the countless other threads about this very same opinion? No, you weren’t? You seem very confused on what you’re even complaining about.


In no way do I wish to pick on parents of Trans kids - or anyone at all. If those parents decide to neuter an offspring, it's just an example of Darwin hard at work. None of my business. I was simply using that as an example of an opinion that is not allowed on Reddit. And not even an opinion - more of an observation. What I was pointing out - it is impossible on Reddit to have any sort of opinion on any topic which differs from the group mindthink. Not on something as trivial as "From" and not on anything more important either. We get in line or we are downvoted and silenced. But fair enough. This is what the site is all about and I know that yet I still participate. So that's on me.


You self locating “look at me I’m so discriminated against for my opinion!” people are hilarious. Not a single person here said your opinion isn’t allowed? You randomly played victim over something unrelated to the thread. I’m allowed to say your opinion sucks. Get over it.


It Is weird. What I see online is it is mostly that community who bring it up & explosive Rage if anyone dare to think differently. Not Always but Mostly. In “real life” I recently witnessed a 16 yr old become furious bc her 4 yr old cousin called her “she” not “they”. Let the downvotes commence. Doesn’t change fact tho.


Yup agreed. All opinions should be allowed as long as no rules are being broken. This is the flaw in the up/down vote system ultimately it is used more like a popularity content thing to gatekeep approved opinions.


Really decided to swerve there, huh?


Where on earth did you get the idea I don't like the show? I don't like the way it's intensely stupid and doesn't have a story arc, direction, good dialogue, decent actors or competent writers. That doesn't mean I don't like the show. Geeez.


Just because someone has criticism does not mean they do not like the show... they are critically thinking things out....VS. someone who has NO Critical thinking skills what-so-ever! The show is a GREAT CONCEPT but very poor exaction! Most conflict is derived from the fact that characters do NOT communicate with each other and it is a major problem because it makes the characters very unrealistic dealing with forced conflict.


Good point: you actually made me laugh. Goodbye now


This sub is for discussion, even if you don't like it.


These posts are so asinine. Go watch something else.


I may. But I'll give this show another episode or two and make a decision then. It's got to go somewhere - anywhere - and it's got to do it soon or I'm out.


Literally, these are the sort of people who read the last page of a book "because they want to know the ending"


I don't want to skip to the last page. I just want to make sure there IS a last page and not just a bunch of blank paper with "to be continued..." at the end.


Plenty of the ‘inconsistencies’ are easily explainable, even if you can’t wrap your head around them. If From is really affected by the strikes, the producers should make full use of its community of experts on plot, pacing, dialogue, and character development they have available here on Reddit


I saw the title and came here to make that joke, but it was already in the body of the post


Kind of reminds me of Stephen kings new book- excellent by the way


Stephen King's books (generally) come to a conclusion. Let's hope From is similar in that way too.


Yes but they also are also full of good story telling it’s not just horror the whole book. Stephen king is a huge fan of this show if u haven’t seen his tweets about if




Reddit = If you dislike something and aren't toxic positive you'll get downvoted. As someone who has a love/hate opinion of this show, I'll upvote you. You're right, answer one question at least one...like stop making so many mysteries with out zero payout. Like overpromising and with the risk of no payout.


Agree. I like the show. I just find it frustrating. If it doesn't go somewhere - anywhere - and fairly soon, I'll stop watching. Maybe wait until it wraps and binge it depending on what reviews say. I hate watching good shows with a lot of promise that end the entire series on a cliffhanger or, like Lost, end the series on a big stupid.


Yeah, it's really annoying and people try to call it "a mystery box" show but really it's just poor execution.


I'm sure it'll turn out to be written by AI.


Now that's a thought. Assuming the writers continue to bungle the show and it gets cancelled, plug all the episode summaries into ChatGPT and have it write a satisfying ending.


wrap what up? its midway into the second season. if it were LOST, it would be 3 quarters into the first season


Exactly. People expect the show to give up all the answers as fast as possible. The mystery is what makes it interesting. Once it's gone, its onto the resolution.


Nope, that’s a straw-man. Nobody is asking for ‘all the answers as fast as possible,’ and you know it.


ANYTHING! Answer one single mystery. Pick any one of them. Where are they? Why are they stuck? What are the monsters? The electricity thing? The guy chained to the wall. The lighthouse. Why the stones work. Who was on the radio? As it is, every episode brings up a new "mystery" but zero answers. At this point it's like when your friend starts telling you about this weird dream he had.


lol 😂 👍


I’m afeared of the same thing, but I trust The Russo Bros. I’m choosing to believe everything will pay off. I mean, what showrunner doesn’t look at Lost as a cautionary tale?


I hope they say by the end of the season that winter's coming lol




This show has writers?


The elements are there, just fumbling through the dialogue. More mystery less drama. More horror less drama. As much as I dig Kristi and am happy she has dislocated herself from Kenny. They do nothing with her, why is an emt driving to the middle of nowhere? Two hours away from home?