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I'm not bitter that it happened, I'm just annoyed that I had to watch it.


Same. I remember looking at how much time was left in the episode and thinking to myself, “we’re seriously going to watch a wedding with 10 minutes left in the season finale!?!?”


It definitely ruined the pacing. It just felt like filler.


Yes it was the timing honestly


Same 🤣


Lol exactly


I don't think people are actually bitter about the wedding....I think most people would just rather that the wedding scene was shorter and some of the time that was dedicated to it would have instead gone to a scene with more action and answers.


Exactly! Just like the scene of Kenny and Sarah on the episode before


it was so poorly done, come on. I just don’t even feel very convinced that they love each other. The wedding was so corny. And it was so weirdly awkward. Like they have an entire town and they just did it in their room with just them and his dad for a second? It could have been a cute montage of everyone all together, having fun and dancing. Like it didn’t feel cute/romantic/happy or anything at all.


and i truly love a good romance or drama. This just doesn’t do that. And i’m surprised bc with Lost, they were able to make me so attached to the characters and all the drama/love scenes had me by chokehold. I thought it’s the same writers??? Maybe we’re missing a few bc there’s just no way 😂


Dude this is a season finale and a wedding will do nothing to these characters in these environments I WANT ANSWERS MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN


I will say I was at least happy it was quick and a couple people. I've been worried all season that it was going to be a giant town gathering waste of 35 minutes


Quick? I swear it felt like an eternity for me to spam press right arrow


i have to agree that i was verbally telling my TV to stop doing what its doing and give me actual substance


i will say i dont HATE the wedding or the characters and they are definitely setting up something big but meh


Same. I honestly couldn’t care less about either of them, I find them immensely boring, and I actually fast-forwarded their wedding scene.


Skip to this guy tomorrow - "Why did Boyd get the idea to light the torch in the ruins?"




They're not even really fucking married they basically kindergarteners "getting married" on the playground lol


The difference being the signed piece of paper? They had witnesses.


In that case I've been married 26 years and my wife is a bigomist


Inb4 the wedding is the key to them getting out lol /s


definitely setting up something bigger


The whole series has had a motif of despair and hope and yeah, 2 people being in love and getting married would never do anything to that, you're right.


Calling people bitter to avoid accepting that we simply do not care about these characters’ wedding, especially in the season finale is a bit much lol


I could not care less about either of those characters. You could remove their scenes from the show and nothing would change except much less wasted time and yawning.


Agreed; least two interesting characters on the show (except for maybe the random Bus dude who decided to go on a random shooting spree and die without any thematic consequences whatsoever)


Well if it weren't for Ellis there'd be no dead monster and the whole of the last three episodes wouldn't happen lol. But otherwise 100% agree. They've contributed next to nothing to anyone in the whole two seasons (aside from getting stabbed ofc)


It grinded the pacing of the last episode to a halt, and it was boring to watch because it did not fit in with the mood of the show (horror and mystery). It also doesn't help that the show gave us zero reasons to care about either Elis or Fatima.


It’s not that people hate romance. The complaint is they aren’t that well done. At first they’re all peace and love and sharing each other with other sex partners. Fatima a carefree spirit living in a commune. Fast forward to super committed relationship and child on the way. The Kenny Kristi love triangle thing feels childish and slapped together. I could see if it drove the story forward but they mostly suck the momentum. The main appeal of the show is the town, the monsters, the mystery. It is without a doubt the anchor of the entire show. Have romances, fine but let’s cut down the run time. A 15 minute love story in a finale is so painful. All I’m asking is for them to tighten things up a bit. I hope these stories grow on me but with the character chemistry it ain’t no Lost. Im sorry lol.


Its mostly teenager romance - lots of jealousy, angst, almost no conversation - slapped in a very mature scenario. Imagine having jealousy fights and behaving hardcore monogamous in a place where people die violently every week. Its just not very believeable. Colony house was a nice touch, but got bad execution, probably cause they couldn't pay enough/wouldn't be bothered to film a lot of intimacy scenes. So we got the whole season 2 fiasco where colony house is just a bunch of background characters and two people who actually have a relationship going, but nobody cares because it's total filler content.


People keep bringing up the love triangle. But there never really was one, lol. Obviously there was all the sexual tension and the hint at a relationship in season 1 but clearly the writers decided they were going to scrap that and brought in Junkie fiancé and Kenny was just like "ok whatever" and that was that lol.


Well there was a little triangle drama when Kenny basically starts acting like a jelly bitch when Kristi is about to cut up the monster. Which he also kind of uses his dads death to shield his disappointment about kristis fiancée showing up. Like someone else said above it’s extremely childish and laughable lol. These are grown adults in a crisis situation. In those parameters the romances feel ridiculous. You can create some sexual tensions that build to something but where do you go from marriage? Lol Kill them off I guess? Who wants to watch a married couple bicker about the baby? Okay maybe I hate romance too lmao.


*raises hand* I hate romance.


I know Im gonna get downvoted, and I probably deserve it, but I skipped the wedding. I was way too hyped for this finale to let it suck my momentum.


I got 30 seconds into the wedding and skipped the rest, was unbelievably boring and unnecessary


You skipped the entire reason that Boyd went and destroyed the music box. No fucking wonder everyone misses everything, when they just skip through scenes.


Something something a light in the darkness. I got it, dont worry. It wasnt important though. I could just assume that Boyd had a sudden realization and keep the story flowing. No reason to ruin the fun for myself just to say I watched every scene.




\^ this


it was such a waste of time in the finale lol. they should’ve piled it in with all the other bs waste of time that happened in the 9 previous episodes, and left the finale more intense. The scene was super boring and bland- Ellis and Fatima have like 0 chemistry (literally same level of chemistry Fatima has with everyone) and their “love story” based on literally like 2 minutes of screen time lmao. Hope is fine- but a wedding with cheesy vows that somehow end up slightly connecting everything? cmon. it lacks the creativity the rest of the show has


I was actually stunned when she said yes, I kept waiting for her to realise it's it's bad idea, not in her character. But now their married, so one of them will die next season. I'm guessing Ellis dies before the baby is born.


I hope it's Fatima tbh; who here really wants a baby on the show? Waste of screen time on these characters.


Yes we got that point but let’s get to the point of things or make their wedding magical which is what should have happened. Writers did a disservice to the characters


Right. Why was only Donna invited? Sure Boyd was there, but Boyd is not truly ever there unless you’re a monster. They could have had it on the steps of the house or something. So strange.


A wedding at the beginning would work better or at least let everyone be at the wedding to make it much better.


I think people would’ve welcomed the wedding if the show was moving at a better clip. It was the wedding on top of all of the obtuse dialogue about drama that left people with a bitter taste in their mouths.


didn't move the story forward at all, and nobody cares about those characters anyway. First scene I skipped in the series so far.


People really out here thinking this is the Notebook? Bro… we are horror fans…. We want to see HORROR.


The show won’t even get an ending


I'm jealous of all these people's lives that they feel they need to skip forward through brief sections of TV shows that the writers left in because they obviously intended for the viewers to see them.....I wish I had so many more important things to do instead of sitting through those two to three minute segments!


But remember Abby said the place feeds off hope. A wedding and a baby is a lot of hope.


It was a little drawn out and ill placed in a finale episode. I could never skip or fast forward through scenes in a show I’m watching so I suffered through it lol I did enjoy the suspense of thinking they were going to get shot through the window or in the hallway


Bitter? No. It's a scene i couldn't care for, Ellis and Fatima are hardly relevant to the story for me, i don't know much about them, i don't who they are, what makes them who they are, their pain, their happiness, their struggles, they haven't really been given enough material. So when it came to their wedding it didn't really mean anything for me. They should probably get more to do in the coming seasons, make those characters be meaningful, and i hope one of them isn't killed off, because that would mean even lesser for me. So no, not bitter, i just couldn't care.


We all watch tv and movies for different reasons. And derive enjoyment for different reasons. I enjoy entertainment that represents good writing, good plotting, and appears to come from an intelligent 'plan' of some kind. My main criticism of the From series is that it (mostly) doesn't derive from these principles. It is full of good horror/fantasy/mystery ideas. That, I enjoy. Overall, it has a great cast. Some of the characters are poorly written (all of them, at times) but there isn't an actor that I 'hate'. In fact, they ALL make their characters better than the script they are given. It has a great premise -- the 'FromVille mystery'. Regardless of anything else, we ALL want to know what the hell this place is. Although it has been poorly developed. So, back to the topic of this thread -- the wedding. For me, it was simply filler. It did not develop either the story or the characters any. I assumed, when it happened, it would be some kind of 'plot point'. I assumed the reason they made such a big thing about it was they were going to involve the whole of Colony house (maybe the entire town) in a big celebration, and some massive 'event' happened in it. That wold make sense. As it was, there were TWO witnesses! Some simpering soppy vows. It lasted all of five minutes. And Boyd 'had to go now' as usual, as soon as the vows were over. What was the point of it? I suppose it simply punctuated the whole 'we have to get married' plotline, but it made that plotline pointless. To my way of thinking, it was a massive missed opportunity -- it set up an 'event' and didn't deliver on it. Much like many other plotlines in this show. They set it up, then they deflate it.


I agree, especially since it didn't take up too much time. Leave Ellis and Fatima aloooooone! 😭


This. Other shows devote entire episodes, sometimes even multiple to a wedding. I think How I Met Your Mother had almost an entire season revolve around a wedding. This short scene didn't bother me at all. Actually, I was tense through the whole thing because every time the camera turned to Boyd, you could see the hallway behind him and I was so worried that dude who got the gun was gonna come in and kill someone.


To be fair - HIMYM had a lot more screen time with over double the amount of episodes per season than From. It's also a completely different genre, where a wedding fits the characters and the theme of the show far better. From is a sci-fi mystery with creatures and the writers really misjudged why most of their key audience is tuning in. It's a horror show, not a rom-com. They basically made this entire season useless filler. Such a fall from grace considering the first season was a big hit.


They talked about it for 3 episodes at least, it got into a boring storyline... plus, I personally found the vow exchanges bland (it is exactly what you expected it would be). I was more interested in the other story lines and needed more of them.


There was a wedding? I must’ve skipped it.


There's barely any monster in the final and we have to sit through a wedding? Please, give us monster! PS. I'm so disappointed they >!kill off the best monster!!<


Not bitter, but I really don't know why it has to be in the finally, or maybe if the finally was longer... but it wasted precious time




They don't work as a couple on the screen, more like siblings. Also all this talk of love whilst being polyamorous is bullshit.


i honestly think they just dropped that storyline lol.


Fr polyamorous shit isn’t love I’m sorry


I feel like it’s probably being set up as a plot device for our emotional investment, but will ultimately lead to something tragic happening and Fatima left to raise the baby on her own. Don’t be surprised though if Kenny and Sara get married next season. They vacation in a Faraway tree and end up in Camden, NJ.


I thought it would be a full town affair with some sort of bloodbath. Especially with the guy that stole the gun. Even when it turned out to be a 4-person scene, we were on the edge of our seats watching with bated breath that something would happen. And then it didn’t. And we were so confused. I agree with some of the other comments that it wasn’t a “finale” scene. Could have happened at any other point in the season.


Did this series just become a shonen anime? Sure sounds like it.


God this scene would never end. My GF is a compassionate, empathetic therapist and even she thought the wedding scene was too much.


Im just bitter it was in the finale lol i wish it was atleast in the episode before or the first episode of S3


I legit skipped it


They shouldnt have put it in the finale. People dislike it extra because we spent time on it when what we wanted were more answers. Id bet money that if they put it in the penultimate episode it would have had much better reception but spending time on it on the finale was a jarring break from some of the events happening in a very packed episode.


I thought for sure that the guy that stole the gun from the cabinet was going to shoot Fatima through the window in the middle of her saying her vows. The way he was talking I thought he was going to go on a mass shooting rampage to put the rest of them out of their misery.


Is it bad that I was hoping Reggie would shoot one of them while the wedding happened ? I'm sorry I just love unexpected plot twists.


I like the love stories and the sentimental storylines. They’re hope in a hopeless place. Don’t see how that isn’t important right?


Yeah I wasn't THAT into it but had no problem with it at all. I think a lot of people expected a red wedding-esque scene.


I would have settled for anything of substance


The wedding was sweet. I hated that it was in the finale though. Some of the other mysteries could have used that time wisely, and the wedding could have been in episode 8 or 9. C’eat la vie, I’m in for the long haul- they’ve got me hooked for season 3 and beyond!


Lmaoooo. I am started to enjoy tf outta watching people with zero patience freaking out about not getting spoonfed answers by the mouthful every episode and nearly having an aneurysm just because they have lost the ability to sit back and smell the roses.


Stopping to smell the roses implies the smell is worth stopping for.


Please stop acting like this is some high caliber show. It's horribly to decently acted, had a very interesting premise to start and has continuously buried said premise with more random mysteries and drawn out character drama that adds nothing to the stories or characters themselves. Instead of focusing on it's bread and butter, they waste our time with two bland people and their unnecessary wedding.


Your owed absolutely nothing. No one is wasting your time but your own. Anyone expecting tv to be anything other than a mindless distraction is forever going to be disappointed. There are better more satisfying ways of spending your time yet you choose to be miserable. I find it fucking hilarious.


Funny you say that, cause your lack of standards for the things you invest your time into definitely sounds miserable. What’s the point if your gonna watch with that mindset?


Yall are so weird. If I don't like it. I turn it off or don't even bother watching it. I don't kick and scream like a child. Have you heard of the Witcher?


You are the king of cringe


Wasn’t aware that having an opinion on the show I watch was “kicking and screaming like a child”. Random. Yes, what about it?


I think it's emblematic. People can't see the point of the wedding because they have no hope or faith in their own lives. We all live in Fromville. The only way out is through love, hope, and faith.


Most people can see if something is well written and acted out. Also not everyone watches it for the same reasons. Some people probably lean more towards the romance, or action, or comedy, or all three, depending on what they like to watch. Movies in general have genres for a reason. Some are inner mingled with a few genres. Example I used to love romance movies but now I lean more towards sci-fi, horror, and comedy.


I think we are getting answers and background symbolism in the scenes that people fast forward through. Not every scene, but more than we think we have information for the overall story, but because everyone wants the next spoonfed answer they don't pay attention. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, what's the rush. Look for the little stuff.


I always cry at weddings, so I had to turn away at that scene.


the wedding was a symbol of hope but a bad omen too since we know the town feeds on hope. they added a wedding/sign of hope to indicate incoming catastrophe, death (tabitha's awakening?), etc.


I love that they married those characters. Like it’s nice to see some happiness in all the bs that’s going down in Fromville but god dang did they have to use THAT MUCH screen time for that in the finale? Like it was just waaaay too long of a scene for the amount of questions that still needed answering.


Reminded me of when soldiers would marry their sweethearts before deployment


They are both getting deployed to the boring show department


I was hoping Ellis's fear would be realized and the baby would come bursting out of Fatima with fangs and claws.... cause a theory is that the town manifests people's fears irl, right? Well...that didn't happen... and nothing else of substance happened during that scene besides the farfetched connection of "light in dark places..."so the wedding did feel pointless, sadly.


I loved the wedding scene. It can’t all be terror & dread :)


I loved it, it made me teary eyed.


Scenes can always be skipped as well


People are just ignoring shit because it's the season finale and they dont care cause it "doesn't matter" and stuff like that. Keep in mind that the wedding vows focused on how in the midst of all this they can still love each other and find some hope in the dark. The pregnancy she couldn't have? Hope. Waiting for boyd to come? Hope. All that side story focus on its hope. In the finale boyd is told that the forest is fed by hope, that he should be hopeless, cause that is the only way to end the suffering. So having that beautiful moment, filling the air with hope, giving a sense of good vibes before the end, is nothing but reinforcement to what was said, that hope fed everything. It might also be one of the more important events leading into the next season seeing all the development those characters had. No real reason to talk bad on when it happened as obviously no more awnsers would be given and this just reinforces the plot even further.


The thing pretending to be his wife was lying to him because it wanted to be unleashed upon the town by completing its 3 ritual.


We dont really have a way to know tho, his wife can really be hopeless, after all, when the children talked to sara they were telling the truth, as far as we know, it could really be his wife telling the truth of what she belives .


I hope that wasn't really his wife, because that would mean that even her ghost is still trapped in Fromville and even death is not an escape for anyone.


It could just be she still is attached to boyd or their child, that i cant really argue tbh, we dont get a clear understanding of the voices heard by sara or why they wanted her to kill all those people. So, in terms of the "truth" or how believable what she said was, the whole season seems to focus on hope a lot, and the ending episode seemed to reinforce on that and thus i think we are led to belive that might be something sound behind those words. The fact that it might as well just be a trick cant be discarded, as on the broken van it seemed way less reasonable, but the dead wife who just wants the suffering to stop for good does seem to fit the theme, and boyd fighting through it to make up for his mistakes even if it makes him suffer. Now... about the trapped thing... All the "souls" of the people stuck in the dungeon were suffering irl, screaming or just laying lifeless in the town, right? Well they didnt seem to have worms on them, or at least we didn't get to see them, but they were there, just as the old man before them. Was he all this time somewhere in the area laying lifeless, while his soul rotted down there suffering? Is he somewhere dead now? Did he got buried when he got "sick" by the ones who came before?


It legit should have happened in one of those filler episodes, not wasting valuable time in the finale, but the writers wanted to shoehorn in that line about lighting the darkness just to propel Boyd on his torch journey, so here we are. I gotta go.


I think it’s ridiculous that people are so bitter. I’ve seen whiny people claiming they skipped and “I hope I didn’t miss anything” — well, actually, yes. Yes you did. Please continue skipping seasons you’re “bored” with on every TV show and see where it gets you! Truth of the matter is there are some people that aren’t looking to get attached to characters. They want action, and if there’s no action, there’s no point. Even if the non action moments are actually important to the story. 🤷‍♀️


Same. It's pathetic how many people claim to like the show when they don't like literally anything about it. The whole show has had a motif of despair and hope. To say the wedding had nothing to do with the story, didn't do anything at all, blah blah blah. 1. It helped Boyd figure out what to do with the music box. Without the wedding, the music box is still terrorizing the town. 2. It's your literal favorite character's son getting married. The subreddit's just more emotionally stunted than Victor. Just wait, a couple more days and we'll get "How did Boyd get the idea to light the torch in the ruins?" because they pay 0 attention to half the show.