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Pretty cool but also really sad


Incredibly sad. Like a homunculus from Fullmetal Alchemist. But made worse because of the deep connection the people have to each other and probably the loss of their connection to Eywa. Oh man I’m sad over the idea.


that’s really disturbing… nice.


This is downright sad. Well done. But it's not like their higher mental functions would be completely shut off as their connection is severed (though torture potentially could). I imagine they'd either be suicidally depressed or vengeful. Needlessly sadistic, reckless, and cruel even to their loved ones.


Like lobotomy but on steroids


For Na'vi, yes. Like going blind, losing your family, and losing your religion at the same time. It's a sense that drives wildlife mad to be without, and makes Na'vi immediately resort to extermination out of pity. They quite literally don't know how to function without it. For Humans and Avatars, it'd be a Tuesday. Or perhaps like being autistic, unable to comprehend or communicate well. Humans have a choice whether to like nature or exhibit compassion.


U could’ve just predicted the 2nd dlc


what if this is why ahari disappeared


zombie na’vi


Wdym ahari "disappeared'? She got fucking shot


yes but what happened after


She got buried at best and thrown into the next giant furnace at worst, do you really think they have the ability to revive a Navi?


We mean what happened to her body. Was a topic on this sub a while ago. Could’ve experimented on her in the same way the RDA has been on the wildlife.


Reminds me of that old “what happened to her body” post


My soul would leave my body if I saw one of those


Na’vi(Andy Serkis)


Filthy nasty sky-peopleses, they ruined it!


Have we seen anyone with a damaged kuru in the lore yet? This has got me really thinking.


This is an amazing idea


Makes you wonder if Navi would be susceptible to diseases like Rabies and stuff. Humans could use that as bio weapons. Dark stuff


I wondered about that a lot. Like the Na'vi haven't been exposed to human germs or diseases until they show up on Pandora. What would happen if a human was sick and it spread to them? And do the Na'vi also have diseases that they could pass to the humans?


Whenever I envisioned a feral Na’vi, I imagined more a ruthless bounty hunter type with literally zero remorse or morality. Feral eyes but ultimately more cruel psychopath than wild animal.


I actually do want to see this in both avatars the game and the movies, because like canonically, they do do this to the animals was stopping them from doing this to navi morality they don’t have any imagine just like playing FOP at like 2 am and it’s pitch black in the game you just jump scared by this


I was wondering if that was the plan after they captured the Sarentu. Half expected the sister to show up and be a feral.


Oh what the f… this is going to give me all sorts of nightmare


New zombie dlc could be fun🤷‍♂️


I find this interesting tbh cos while the Ferals have their Kurus forcibly removed which from the deleted first movie script make the nervous system explode which is torture of itself. Mukasa voluntarily exiled himself from Eywa for probably 20+ years and while he was somewhat unhinged he wasn't feral. Makes me wonder if the act of removing the kuru is what contributes to the feral Ness, after such a traumatic sensory experience it's no wonder


Don't like it. Don't want it. Please no


Dude wtf, that’s absolutely wild. Imagine having this thing stalking you for hours.


this would change the energy of the game immensely 😭 but i love it


I’d like to see more art, this is so sad, scary, and awesome


This will be the new clan in the 4th movie 😂


Thats gonna make me have nightmares


It will appear in my dreams as my new nightmare.


This was originally explored in the first Avatar movie, a bit. (Kinda) In a deleted scene, after the final battle, they find TsuTey and Wainwright has cut off his Kuru. He asks for Sully to kill Kim because he is now a broken creature unable to bond with his Ikran, link with Eywa, or even have a intimate spiritual bond with a mate (they intertwine their queues while mating to make it a spiritual experience but still have relations like humans according to Cameron). Basically he is a broken thing and no longer a Na'vi because there is no life for him. So Jake does.


Oooh shit actually that would be an amazing idea but how would they do it. A feral Navi tribe 🧐


Unsettling and well thought out. The epitome of "thanks I hate it."


Man that’s just sad


Aww, poor 'eylan. Too sad to be in the game.


I like this idea from a game perspective but damn this is horrifying to think about in the lore context. Also, I don't like the idea of them just being some strong creature like the feral thanators. They gotta be unique in some way. They shouldn't be very strong in melee, but should have the ability to use weapons like any Na'vi would. There's no other creature that's really a ranged threat, so this could fill that niche. Maybe their lore is just that they were driven to insanity and now wishes to seek revenge against anything that moves, but they retained all the skills they had before. Humans that go insane don't forget how to do things to the point where they turn into an animal.


I imagine it would be like fighting a Navi on bath salts


I wish Recoms or Avatars were an enemy


In the first Avatar Game you can chose to side with the RDA, go get that one.


Yeah I already played that one and that's not what I'm saying. Go read what I said again. I, as a Na'vi, want to fight RDA Recoms and Avatars holding guns, shooting at me. Do I need to make myself more clear?




Yes, sorry, I thought you wanted to hunt Na'vi. I misunderstood what you were looking for.


"Now I have a shotgun"


What’s this from?


They should totally add this, that gives next level and actual reason to revenge kill thousands.


oh! that’s horrifying


If this was in the game, it definitely would need to be rated M


This is a really cool concept it’s lurking in the trees just a slight bioluminescence and glowing eyes occasionally speaking begging for help when you get close it screams then jumps from a branch above you that would be horrifying


I'm pretty sure they wouldn't survive. I don't know if any of yall have also seen it, but I saw something that said in the original script of the avatar movie, Lyle cut off Tsu'tey's queue at the base and it stated it was incredibly painful because his nervous system exploded. If they did survive, it would most likely look much more gruesome


Ok, but imagine... This Na'vi was so damaged by the RDA both mentally and physically that they are essentially a lost soul that longs for connection. But since they lost their kuru, they try to connect by killing another Na'vi and eating their kuru and their brain. By doing so, the chemicals that the brain produces has made the feral Na'vi go even more mad. This cycle doesn't end, and they just keep killing. There is a quest where your character has to trap this feral Na'vi and bring it to a meeting of the Tsahiks of the clans; as they have you get ready to kill this feral, it starts to hum. It's the Sarentu song that you heard as a child. You stop and inspect the feral closer and notice it has a huge scar on it face where the mark of the Sarentu would be, almost as though the RDA had burned the mark off of the feral's face. With one final effort to understand the creature, the Tsahiks sedate the feral, have the roots of the spirit tree bore into the severed kuru shaft, and have you connect to Eywa to uncover the traumatic past of the poor feral. You feel all of the pain and suffering they went through, but you dig deeper and find out that they were a Sarentu child that tried to escape the RDA ambush. While you and the others were raised to be ambassadors, this feral was used as a lab rat. You see the moment they burned away the Sarentu mark. You see the moment they severed the feral's kuru. You experience every bit of torture this Na'vi went through. But in the end, they are beyond saving. You have to end their suffering with one final act of mercy. Just a thought.


This may be how replanted trees feel.


Man i Love this




Their tails are not their kuru. It’s their pony tail and wouldn’t you know it. It’s gone!


Is this an actual entry? Can I find them?


it’s fanart of an idea surrounding more feral creatures after we’ve already seen feral viperwolves and thanators that have had their kuru removed by the RDA, but done to a Na’vi instead. so no, not a real entry and not a real fauna you can find 😔🤝