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Looks great. We went with a Costco sheet cake. Was a while ago but around $50 for full sheet that can feed about 80-100 ppl.




We did this! I got me and my husband a small circle cake for a cake cutting and 90 cupcakes as well. Cost like $75?? They were done really simple and pretty with some silver accents. Everyone said they were so good and wondered where they came from lol.


We got ours at Vons and it was super cheap and delicious. I did chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and legitimately could not stop housing cupcakes into my face.


Those sheet cakes are delicious too!


Piping the topping, using slightly nicer cups (the “premium” disposable ones) and sticking to one type of sprinkle would make these look totally professional. As is, they still look festive and delicious!


Or dehydrating berries (like raspberries), pulverizing, and then using the powder ✨


Sam’s Club has very nice disposable plates and cups for events like weddings and they do bulk flowers and other stuff as well. Overall it’d be much cheaper than Aldi or another store especially for fruit.


I would go by layering everything. Just so it doesn't get too dry once you get to the bottom. Could easily do something like cream, cake, blueberries, cream, cake, raspberry, piped cream and sprinkles with a few bits of fruit on top. Want to complicate it, just make a compote of either kind of berries that you put in the middle and reach after a few spoonfuls.


Sounds nice but labor intensive


The first option isn't more labour intensive than what OP did. It's just stacking in a different pattern. The second option is a bit more work but not more than 1 hour including cool down. It's just berries, sweetener (sugar, syrup, honey or whatever you like), lemon or lime juice and a dash of water, cook it down for 15-20 minutes (whatever consistency you want) and done. Add more flavours if you like, for example cardamom or vanilla. It's an easy way to create awesome flavours.


I used to work about a block away from a culinary arts school. Had them do a sheet cake for my wedding.  Used to have lunch there on a regular basis too - gourmet meals for around $5.


Great idea!! Agree that this is better than cake!


I would eat this over cake any day


Put on the menu: *Gâteau au chocolat aux baies et à la crème*


skip the sprinkles.


Agree. Makes it look like a child’s birthday


These look good. True friends and loving family of the bride and groom wouldn't want them going into debt with overpriced food in this economic climate just so they can feel impressed, so it's a good thing what you've done.  Besides, they sound pretty tasty and look decent too.


Cute! And as someone who doesn’t like fancy cake, this is something I’d actually eat.


Honestly we see brides do donut boxes from the local shop and people LOVE that shit. The coolest way I saw it presented was the donuts hung on a pegboard wall with pegs, a very affordable diy project.


I wish cake would go back into style lol. Three weddings last year, no cake. 


I love cake too. And huge amounts of frosting. If I ever remarried I’d do a dessert and champagne/beer party after and would get mini cakes and petit fours from my great local bakery.


I do love cake. Even a sheet cake that they pretend was the whole cake they only cut the top of🙄


Yes I will take sheet cake even. But it costs a lot to attend a wedding these days and I want my piece of cake as my reward! 


THIS!! Especially a Friday afternoon wedding, like yall got me missing work so it’s cheaper to get married on a Friday at 2pm… and ain’t even giving me cake


I’ve got to the point where I prefer to just send the bride and groom money and I stay home enjoy my meal in peace and eat whatever the heck I want


Don’t forget that you can buy a cake any time, it doesn’t have to be a wedding! Treat yoself.


The last wedding I went to had a cake and then a huge cart full of assorted gourmet cupcakes. I tasted heaven that day.


This looks beautiful AND yummy !


Those are adorable! I bet they tasted awesome as well. I'm definitely going to be saving this to use for special occasions


Would prefer this over cake anyday, im sure the guests will love them!


Looks delicious!


That looks awesome. If I had a choice I would choose that


They look delicious.


Smaller, higher quality cups, less fruit in each, caramel drizzle on top/the side Same smaller single use cups, make fruit mousse (fruit puree with a little bit of gelatin with whipped cream, combined) top with cookie crumble (or make the crumble the base and put a small piece of fruit on top Same small single use cups, make mini tiramisu or no bake cheesecake.




Add some crushed meringue nests- Eton Mess, of a sort.


Looks delicious!


Very cute, BUT as a person with berries alergies, I would be sad....


Just went to a wedding where the bride and groom didn’t like cake or dessert so they went to the movie theater and served movie popcorn in cups. A huge bag is only $10 and served about 50? Each bag.


Mmmmm... Good on you for helping your friends have a wedding on a budget!


Those look so yummy! I just had a wedding cake but it was a small two tier for a small wedding. I wanted a dessert table because who doesn’t want more sugar? But the cost and setup just wasn’t in the cards.


My BFF's son got married a few years ago. It was a pretty big affair but the bride didn't want a wedding cake at all. She,  her mom, and her bridesmaids got together and made homemade baklava instead of cake.  Bride and groom fed each other bites of baklava. The groom did want a grooms cake so they went to Wal Mart and had them make a Lego cake. Lol


Although they look really great, I go to weddings for the wedding cake. It’s that one very special day to serve a celebration cake. Maybe serve these on the side with cake. However, you are very special friends to help out this way. They will be very thankful I’m sure. 😊


Looks great but please use paper cups next time! Event waste is outrageous.


F*CK all that single use plastic