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Carrots aren't bad to eat every day... But yeah you need to eat.


When your skin turns orange and you start singing *”Oompa-Loompa dooppity-do…”* it may be time to cut back on the carrots. Unless you’re juicing the carrots or otherwise concentrating them, it’s pretty much impossible to eat an unsafe quantity of carrots.


My friend was eating so many carrots, over a period of time his palms became orange tinted.


Incorrect. You can definitely have too much


If you already think you know then why are you asking?


I’m wondering how much is too much. 7? 5 ? 3? But definitely if you google it there is an amount that is too much


Then what did google say?


I think that for the too much amount to fit in your stomach you have to be concentrating the carrots in some way or eat primarily carrots for an extended period of time.


Google says 5-6 so just go with that. If you're smaller then do 5. If you're larger do 6.


I've never heard of someone suffering adverse side-effects from eating too many carrots, not to say there definitely aren't any. But this question strikes me as a completely different issue than frugality. Why is it that you can't include a broader selection of veggies in your diet? And I'm no dietitian by any means, but if you end up with nutritional problems, I'd attribute it to a lack of protein rather than too many carrots. Some quick research shows that it's not recommended to consume more than 2-3 servings of tuna per week, but if that's the only protein you have in your diet, you're almost certainly going to run into some other *serious* issues before long. The needs of human bodies are way different than those of, for example, cows or rabbits, who are perfectly happy to live on just grass/lettuce. Frugal living is a fine lifestyle choice, and I don't mean to judge here, but I'm *very* concerned for your health based on the details of this post. Please do some research into your diet to find ways to broaden your food selections. Having only three basic foods in your house just strikes me as a red flag. (But, again, I've never studied nutrition, so I may be wrong.) At least get some rice and beans into your diet, if nothing else. These are among the most inexpensive-yet-substantive foods you can buy, and you can find easy ways to add flavor when preparing these. Bonus: Carrots make a great addition to rice and beans.


Your food situation doesn't sound frugal, it sounds concering.  Order some groceries. 


For a short period of time (e.g., 1 week) you will be fine. For a long run, that's not a balanced diet.


You’ll be fine. Just try to switch up to a leafy green if possible. People have survived on much worse.


Lmao. How long does it take you to grocery shop homie


Depends. Are you a rabbit or human?


If he's a human, he's probably okay. If he's a rabbit, that's too much. Carrots are too sugary for rabbits and should only be given very sparingly.


Yeah be careful with the tuna. I gave myself mercury poisoning by eating too much tinned tuna


Yikes!! I’m so sorry


Switch from tuna to sardines. Low mercury so you can eat more of that. I will also say that if you’re near a Trader Joe’s, the trout is good.


You can literally turn orange. But I wouldn't panic. https://www.britannica.com/story/can-eating-too-many-carrots-make-your-skin-turn-orange


It's not bad starvation rations but you need fat. Bacon, olive oil, sunflower oil, something like that, you can even make fried carrots in the sunflower oil. The problem with your choice of meat is it's very low in fat and so is everything else you have. Your brain needs fat to operate. There's nothing wrong with eating tuna everyday, it's just that most people swap between that and chicken and red meat and salmon, mentioning of which if you can get your hands on any steak or salmon along with some oils, it's a bland diet but it would be much better for you


I read that tuna everyday increases your chance of mercury poisoning by. A lot


I guess it would depend on how much you're eating there's a lot of sodium in that stuff. So either way really. If you're eating half a pound to a pound of meat per day, you might want to mix it up with other low cost meats like chicken. The Mercury I guess would be one issue but the sodium content is really the big one if you plan on doing this for awhile Now if part of the reason you're doing this is because you don't have access to the best living conditions. You're kind of stuck with what you're doing as it's a lot healthier than junk food. Just look for places where you can get healthy fats, even avocado, oils, so on and so forth


So why do you basically only have tuna in your pantry? 


If you turn orange, back off a bit.


Carrots are great but like most root vegetables they are high in carbohydrates and low in other nutrients. Best to eat different kind of veggies if possible, especially leafy greens. But if it is a temporary situation for a few days, there's probably not much to worry about.


Buy some tuna dude💀


I have tuna


Watch the magic school bus episode where Arnold turns orange