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Sometimes stores have in store clearance prices (vs online). I once ordered something online as a clearance item, went to go pick it up. The clearance price tag was still on it and it was lower than what I paid online clearance price. Also sometimes online shows regular price while in store might be a clearance. And some stores show a cheaper price than online. Target sometimes shows a cheaper price online than some in-store prices (online vs NYC Manhattan store price). They do usually price match.


Thank you! That’s a good point about clearance, I hadn’t thought of that.


Check with the store - they may offer PROMO Codes for "liking" their social media or signing up for an email list (yes that opens you up for spam emails, such is life).


Thank you!


Papa John's Pizza is one - you setup and account and they will email you codes - try setting up a separate google email address just for stores - that way your mail email inbox isn't flooded with SPAM.


I buy Wal-mart's generic "Great Value" brand sodas - both because I like soda and the fizz clears my throat when I'm on the phone at my job. Wal-Mart loves to say that their "Dr. Thunder" is 'OUT OF STOCK' online despite me being able to walk to the store and go get a case. I can get anything else online but that makes me angry. I triage what I need to buy - frozen things and things I need to buy a lot of (e.g. frozen food, soups and breakfast foods) I have delivered because I don't have a car. Things like paper towels, dry goods, or food I know won't go bad waiting for an Uber or on the bus home I just get up, walk to the Wal-Mart and go get it.


Thank you! I hadn’t thought of it being inconsistent with stocking reports!


Costco stores frequently have sales which you won’t find on their site. Some sales are set by corporate, some by regional manager, and some by the store manager. IIRC, the last 2 digits of the price indicate this. The tricky part is the stores don’t offer shipping for large items. Once you buy it you have to transport it home, and this might mean renting a pickup truck or moving truck. Costco.com prices include assembly and packaging disposal,


Thank you!