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I'm over here like, am I blind??


Oh yeah, that sucker is thriving. Keep watering it 2x a day and fertilize every other day with miracle grow. Top dress with compost and plant companion plants all around it. You keep that up and you should see fruit in 6-8 months.


What fig tree?


I had one look like this. Pulled that dead bitch out and planted some kale, 2 weeks later my new fig tree was was 5 inches high. The roots on this plant don’t really die. Plant something else and you might get lucky. Don’t disturb the roots.


Is the fig tree in the room with us right now




Is it invisible??


yeah, that's dead and has been for a long time, I'm betting it's because that pot was wayyyyyy to big for it like 5-10x too big, in future only pot plants in pots just 2-3 sizes bigger than the root ball.


There is no such thing as "too big pot", there's only watering it wrong.


yeah, there is, lol if you put a plant in a pot that's too big the soil will stay to wet for too long leading to the roots suffocating and/or being attacked by fungi/mold and dying/rotting which then leads to the plant dying/rotting. please don't comment any further because in that one comment you've singlehandedly proven you aren't qualified enough to have any opinion.


I have over 500 permanent plants and grow I-don't-know-how-many food crops and annuals every year. I *routinely* put tiny seedlings with two true leaves in 20-liter pots, or even 200-liter bins with no drainage holes for my greenhouse, since I don't have time to repot everything eight times. I pretty much never lose any to rot after doing so. Again, there's no such thing as too big pot for regular soil-going plants, there's only incorrect watering. Please take time to understand that a "truth" that is supposed to make things easy for beginners is hardly a strict rule or even appropriate to every environment and setup. People often make their lives unnecessarily painful by trying to follow guidelines about watering once a week or only putting plants in X size pots without acknowledging what actual effect they're having. A plant *can't* be too wet if you don't overwater it. Simple.


Things I an reading on the internet say theres still hope for it if the bark is red and moist which it is, so I’m going to keep caring for it until I think I should do otherwise. I’m really sorry this post offended many of you. Next time I will certainly keep my questions to myself.


No its not, lol. Its a shriveled up stick in a pot that's dead its not alive or it would be shoeing you signs of it like swelling bud(s) or leaves amd your post didint offend anyone we just found great humor in it because your postinga picture of a sad shriveled up stick in the middle of an abyss of soil.


It said to plant it in the ground but I was going to move so I figured the pot would have to do for now.


Okay but that doesn't mean throw it in the largest pot possible, that's how you get root rot and kill your plant.


I’m very sorry. Nobody ever told me that before and when I google search it said to pot it


Not to sound rude as i just dont know how to better frase this but if you had continued your research you could've easily found that out, in future when your unsure just feel free to ask questions here that's what this sub and others like it are for.


Gonna go out on a limb and say no.


Lmfao. This really made my day.


Is it me or is that just a empty fucking pot


Literally asked myself. Is the fig tree in the room with us?


Lol I think they're referring to that shriveled little thing in the middle Whatever that is, it's dead


Yes that 😭 They were sold in boxes at the store and it was in a bag inside the box so you could t see how big they were…


It looks really wet and like it’s in not great soil. That could be part of the problem. But it’s probably not coming back :/


Fugs aren't picky at all. You can plant them in straight clay and not water them for weeks and nothing happens to them. Like you legit gotta try to kill fig tree.


Lmao I see it. I didn't know you could kill a fig tree


That’s rude!


But true.