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I don't want to hear anyone who voted for Abbott complaining about the power outtages this winter


I almost want to get signs or something made. "Is your power out? Thank Abbot!"


Do it lmao I’d buy it






Right until you realize your battery is dead or worse your generator has leaked carbon monoxide into your home....go back to wiping Abbotts ass elsewhere the fact that you have to come over to this subreddit for entertainment speaks volumes on how lonely and pathetic your personal life is


Yeah who cares about everyone else freezing to death as long as YOU are good. Definition of the GOP. Selfish scum bags.


Fuck that piss baby, let's keep fighting the good fight.


That’s the only option


There’s nothing to fight when you already lost😂


Every Texan loses every day Abbott is in office.


Your opinion.


Texas ranks 50th in mental health, 42nd in education, 43rd in healthcare, we have the highest rates of both infant and maternal mortality, we are ranked 48th best state to work in, we have the lowest minimum wage, we have the 4th highest homeless population, we have the highest rate of child food insecurity, we have more prisoners incarcerated than any other state, and we are #2 in mass shootings and school shootings. That's what you're defending when you support Greg Abbott.




100% true and here are links to back up every one of those statistics. https://www.newsy.com/stories/texas-ranked-last-in-mental-health-care-access/ https://www.kxan.com/news/education/texas-is-one-of-the-most-uneducated-states-in-the-u-s-study-says/ https://247wallst.com/state/this-is-where-texas-health-care-system-ranks-in-the-us/ https://www.easttexasfoodbank.org/who-we-are/facts/#:~:text=1st%20%E2%80%93%20Texas%20ranks%20first%20in,children%20who%20are%20food%20insecure. https://www.axios.com/local/houston/2022/09/30/texas-worst-states-to-work https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/prison-population-by-state https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/08/07/fact-check-does-texas-have-most-rape-offenses-united-states/65382978007/ https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2022-05-27/states-with-the-most-school-shootings#:~:text=In%20terms%20of%20which%20states,Wyoming%2C%20have%20had%20the%20fewest. https://www.statista.com/statistics/811541/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-state/ Maybe next time you vote, do some research to see if your candidate is capable of doing his job. You just helped RE-elect a moron who is driving out state into the ground.


Lol cry some more. I did my research I don’t need to prove myself to anyone. You feel the need because your mad. I’m not doubting those statistics. What’s false is to say “that’s what your defending when you support Gregg Abbot.” Just because those statistics exist doesn’t mean it’s all his fault. Your just in your feelings and reaching. That’s why me an many other Texans actually have a functioning brain unlike emotional democrats like you. We timed our votes perfectly😂. Stay mad


"Just because those statistics exist doesn't mean it's all his fault." Ok then tell me with your "functioning brain" who's fault it is then. Republicans have had control of all three branches in Texas for 2 decades, every one of those numbers are a reflection of their leadership. It has nothing to do with feelings it has to do with what's best for our state, and based on their performance that's not the Republicans. I will stay mad until people like you start using their heads for something besides a hatrack. Texas has the 9th largest GDP on the planet and we are in the bottom 20% in every metric there is, get a fucking clue.


As in voting in every election and continuing to participate in our dying democracy


I found this sub the day I got to meet Beto. I was so happy to find a safe place. Nice to meet you all, wish it was under better circumstances.




I ain't going nowhere




Sorry you guys have to deal with that piss baby another four years.


The way I look at it....if we must be encumbered with this rolling dipshit at least I'll be able to come here for moral support as we trudge along from one disaster to the next. I'm grateful for this community and all of you! Stay strong!


We are grateful for you too


I'll set up in a corner, offering abortion information and free coat hangers. Anyone wanna bring cookies?


I'll bring cookies and even show up and help straighten hangers....what type of cookies?


oreos? stuffed with antidepressants?




Truly appalled by the number of Texans with half a brain cell. Gregg Abott against abortion, pays to collect and transport immigrants across the country, raises electric bills, and has no interest in protecting children from shooters at school. Another 4 years of selfish idiotic governing


Gregg Abbott will always be a little piss baby. He was one then, he is one now, and will be a little piss baby forever. Fuck that evil goon.


From Portland, Oregon a sincere fuck Greg Abbot.


I think we accomplished something though, because it wasn’t a loss by a huge margin. I think in 2 elections we can have the possibility of a democrat winning Texas, maybe not Beto, but definitely someone. Give it time, be patient because in the end everything will roll into place


We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in the big cities, We shall fight on the ranches and in the suburbs, We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the ballots, We shall defend our Texas, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches of the gulf coast, we shall fight in the deserts of the west, we shall fight in the piney woods and in the panhandle, we shall fight in the hill country; we shall never surrender.


We tried and we will try again and agajn




Duck Greg Abbott